Why are you breathing so hard you fat little shit.... look at you you're a little whale. And look at the bags under your slanty eyes. R u kidding me or whut? Hit the fucking gym you fat sawdusted cunt.
>>16723639Turn on your monitor
She just needs bigger tits and thats a perfect little pig right there.
>this is a 6/10 in America
>>16723639>bagsthis is makeup
>>16723867popped me, good work
>>16723639Suzu was here...
>>16723639watch what you say or ari will tweet something really passive aggressive about you!!
>>16723872She's a flatso which never works when you're a chick
i just know she takes massive, runny shits. I want to sit on my back, legs in the air, and have it flood down my gullet while I get the rich creamy after taste.
>>16725292... you okay dawg?
a little pre-match snack
>>16723639Fucking grim.
>>16725318I don't want my players to be fat
Yjk she is an absolute animal in bed
>>16726180I doubt she has any energy at all.
>>16723639I'd piston fuck her until I pass out.