My gimmick is comedy jobber except im not funny
>>16724583my gimmick is athlete but im obese to the point my manager, CPAP Patterson, has to wheel me to the ring in an iron lung shaped like a doritos locos taco
>>16724619What is your finisher
>>16724583That's endearing and you'd probably get ironically over if you embraced how unfunny you are
I draw absolutely no dimes and have nuclear go away heat. My promos are just me making excuses for my weight and lifestyle, and telling the fans to have a heart and try to understand while they pelt me with rocks and iron bolts. All my matches end in a count out because I can never get in the ring, also have doordash deliver while mid promo and start eating
>>16724648That sounds like it could shoot hurt someone brother, may I suggest the Polio Shot where you drive-by lariat as you wheel past them
>>16724662hmmm that could work. also I'll need a gimmick grabber arm so I can lean over and grab the babyface's legs to thwart them, and maybe a halloween bucket I use to blind people with by throwing it at them (its filled with mayonnaise)
>>16724583All of your losses should be by disqualification when you're about to lose clean