Captain's Log, Stardate 2417. It appears I've stumbled onto a communication network where inhabitants of this planet watch unathletic men and women attempt to theatrically fight each other.
>>16725654Quick Kirk is the lizard men
>Captain. The inhabitants refer to their planet as... Retard
>>16725654Wait isn't that just the original series itself though?
>"Lt. Isabella Moreno, reporting for duty, sir!"Who are the enemies in /pw/ Space Wars? Are AEW the Klingons?
>The Orion slaver has made it inside our hull, sir!
>>16725654Damn it, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a flippy shitter!
>Captain's Log...>The /tv/ thread known as /trek/ has been entirely overrun by Nu-Trek faggots shilling their gay Pickle Trek cartoon...>Also, there seems to be some sort of entity or energy being that censors all criticism of moderation. >Oddly, this creature appears to render such services without expectation of pay.
Reminder that William Shatner is a Hall or Famer thus making all of Star Trek /pw/
>>16725979big whoop!
as a fan of the double axe handle, i appreciate wrestling and star trek
>>16725884Gurl! Uh uh! You don't even go here.
>>16726019Whoa! Jade was a Star War? She needs rape like goat.
>>16726075I wanna see her black hole, hee hee
>>16725654>unathletic men and women attempt to theatrically fight each other.Hes watching WWE
>>16725884WWF is the federation>because the fedWCW were the romulans>you know how their planet got blown upNJPW is the klingons>Because their a bunch of weirdo foreigners with a bunch of sawdusting ritualsTNA is the Cardasians>Started a war they couldn't winAEW is the borg>a bunch of automatons hive thinking that seemed like a threat the first two years but got turned into constant jobbers by not being able to think independently Tony is the borg queen
>>16725654Cpt. Picards Jannetty
>>16727632Which promotion represents the Pakleds?
Captain's Log, Stardate 2419The crew has begun to explore this strange planet known as /pw/ - Professional Wrestling, in search of the dilithium crystals we need to regain power on the Enterprise.The inhabitants of this planet seem to fall into two camps. One, larger and of darker complexion, are known as the E-Drones. They're brutish and violent, not very sophisticated, but their war-like culture lends itself well to the domination of this world.The others, known as AEWtists or 'trannies', are spindly limbed creatures, flighty and high-strung, mostly bearded and dressed like ladies. They're the more intelligent of the two species but lack the numbers to challenge the martial prowess and headcount of the E-Drones. Will report back with further observations.Kirk out.
>>16726075Good Morning saar please redeem the street for shitting
>>16725796>>16725972>>16727632>>16727669kek'd good stuff
Captain's Log, Stardate 2421The inhabitants of Planet /pw/, swear that there is a so-called mirror-world on the opposite side of this system's star which is known as an analogue called "Planet Retard."I ordered Scotty to take the Enterprise in to investigate this local legend.Still struggling to find dilithium crystals as the denizens of this world seem entirely obsessed with ancient media metrics and numerals. The number 1992 seems to be of special significance.Will investigate further.Kirk out.
Attitude Era wrestler in public compared to new wrestlers
>>16729139Based Big Jeff Combs
Tony, when the ratings dropped
>>16725972absolute gold
Jack Perry and Drew McIntyre
>>16729588That's Bron and Atom Cole
Captain's Log Stardate 12501.13The crew of the Enterprise is exploring the Class M Planet of /pw/. We found a great group of inhabitants that resemble humans but they keep repeating a queer phrase that our universal translator is not able to translate. When asked, Lt Uhura stated that no matter what she tried to do it was hard to fully understand the meaning of the phrase. All she could hear is a guttural sound that when written in the our native parlance spell as KWAB. What that means is a mystery in itself. My Science Office Commander Spock theorized that it could be some form of ancient mating ritual but more information would need to be gathered before we could be sure. Until then it feels the mystery of what KWAB will ellude us.
>>16727632Tony is the borg queen, I need some ai of this
>cucks Riker
>>16732221>cuts a heel promo on you
>>16725654turn your monitor on, shatner
>>16732221Nobody got as much space pussy as Riker though, he smashed the all-time record for sure
>>16732301viewscreen, ensign
>>16732312my quarters, now
>>16733149Tony Khan ruined wrestling just like the Borg Queen ruined the Borg
>>16725654Lyra as an alien on star Trek would work me into a goon
Best bread in ages.
>Captain, they're attacking our away team with steel folding chairs and kendo sticks!>Uhura, get me their government on the line! Get me Carter! Get me anyone! Tell them to stand down!>Captain, they've responded, text only.>Read it, Uhura.>Captain, it just says, "nah u are."
>Captain, it's there! Off the port bow! >It's him! bitchtits! He's taking off his shirt!>Onscreen!
>>16727669And this fascination with a Man named Nash and the Summer of 1992….
TNG > TOS > DS9 >>> Voyager >>>>>>>>>> everything else
>Captain, the secondary federation known as All Elite Wrestling wants me to be their women's champion. I don't understand the logic. I'm not a woman and I can't wrestle. I have to assume that All Elite Wrestling is a money laundering operation.
>>16737354Sulu's not a fag, Takei is a fag>>16737254
>>16737760When did this meme of pretending Deep Space Nine was good come from? It was better than the garbage that followed but was still sub par
>>16737772Sounds like it's time for a rewatch.
>>16737760Bizzarro Sulu was straight
>>16737793regular Sulu was straight too, he has a daughter that's in one of the TOS movies. 5 I think, or 6.
>>16725654>I've encountered this strange but cute creature who apparently is the queen of this planet>She talks to cows and they appear to understand what she's saying >Ive tried to have LT Ohura join in these conversations to see what they are talking about>But keeps sticking her tongue out at her and calling her a "Stinky Nigeru" I'm not sure exactly what that is but she stares at her with extreme distain so it cant be good>She seems to have developed these followers who say she is the savior of the white race>I will continue to investigate and report more of my findings
>>16725654>Captain's Log,.. 24..17.It appears.. I've.. stumbled onto a.. communication.. network.. where.. inhabitants of this planet.. watch.. unathletic men.. and women.. attempt to.. theatrically.. fight.. each other.Gotta have the dramatic pauses.
botching shitter
We are the Trannies. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your Flippy Wrestling and Indy Shitters to our own. Your Wrestling will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
>>16737812He was very straight and I think George Takei got offended at first with someone suggesting Sulu was gay and said that his Sulu was in fact very straight and that just because he is Gay doesn't make the character gay.
>>16739858Yeah because they made the character Sulu gay in the third JJ Gaybrams movie and he was offended by it, and rightfully so.It's a good example of left wing Hollywood being more bigoted than people recognized as actual bigots.
>>16737760If you think SNW, LD & Prodigy aren't trek, then you aren't a real trek fan.
>>16739983Ut oh, the Pickle Trek faggot from /tv/ found the thread!RED ALERT!Tranny off the port bow!
>>16739983KWABYou're in the wrong neighborhood nigga, the gay Trek thread is two doors down
>>16729139Big Dimes Weyoun
Never watched Star Trek, how does it hold up today and which seasons are worth watching?
>>16740261TOS is great but if you're autistic and can't watch anything old or with shitty special effects, it'll filter you hard. It's only 3 seasons, the first two are really good largely.TNG gets good in season 3, which is pretty standard for DS9 and VOY also, but the first two seasons are also worth watching to get a feel for the characters. TNG improves a lot in season 2 and by 3, it's cooking, which is kind of the Star Trek formula post TOS.DS9 season 3-season 6 is probably the most quality run of any of the shows but TNG is a close second through a similar part of its existence.VOY is more divisive but gets better in season 3, gets booba with Seven of Nine in season 4, and then has a decent little ride. I personally think ENT fucking sucks but some people like it.
>>16740261If you're interested in Star Trek then personally you MUST watch TOS. Kirk is just the man. Also you'll understand lots of references and sequels to stories that continue in TNG and further series. Plus you'll watch to watch the TOS movies which are great. It's from the 60s so yeah obviously the effects are cheesy but you'll grow to love the characters and stories, and even just how well everyone talked back then. Also if you watch on any streaming platforms, it will be the remastered version. They did a really good job with and didn't take away from any of the cheesy effects imo.
>>16733149Thanks brother
>>16725796>OP uses faggot Spock over GOAT NimoyYou are a confirmed cocksucking faggot and need to go back
>>16740286>>16741490If the content is good that's all that matters, I couldn't care less about special effects as long as the show itself is not a blurry 480p mess. I'll give it a go, cheers anons.
>>16740261There's roughly 3 "types" of trek. TOS is very 60s TV, good and bad. It's goofy, it's not particularly intricate, and it feels like there are no greater stakes. But it's still fairly well written and fun. 90s Trek is TNG, everything but season 1 is at least watchable, DS9, everything but season 7 is at least watchable, Voyager, a complete trainwreck, and then Enterprise is just a classic example of TV execs ruining an interesting premise. After that is NuTrek which is universally garbage or, at best, way too referential. If you're gonna watch any of it, either go find a TNG watch guide or just start straight from TOS.
>>16742266Voyager isn't a complete trainwreck, it just becomes TNG-lite but still delivers good one-off episodes with around the same frequency of DS9 and TNG from season 4-7The worst thing about VOY is the Borg Queen and it was First Contract that thrust that evil upon us, obviously they were going to follow the same story and try to promote both things at once.
Tell me, captain, if your Federation is so great, where is your Star Trek themed indie wrestler?
>>16727589HBK Summerslam 05 level of selling
>>16725952>>16742484HEY WALL
>>16742402Voyager is a fucking trainwreck. Janeway in particular is never the same character twice in a row.
>>16742498Huge trainwreck. it might be possible to fanedit de-Janeway it into a sci-fi sitcom though.
Enterprise is the most underrated performer now, DS9 is rated fairly/overrated due to flippy shit (space battlez omg war)
VOY > ENT and it ain't even closeTuvok > the entire cast of ENT actuallyhell Ensign Kim > the entire cast of ENT
>>16742759ENT is becoming so underrated it's overrated. There's a lot to like in ENT but it's not particularly good. It's jumbled and they couldn't keep any consistency of where they wanted to go. And then there was that garbage ending. Fuck UPN.
>>16742484that was oddly hot
>>16742957that's pretty much how I feel about it.It's alright but it's way overrated by certain posters
*glass shatters*
>>16725654Who was the Kevin R. Nash of Star Trek?
>>16744294It would be someone from the shitty Nu Trek that's unwatchable
>>16744294Yar was brutally gaped by rape gangs
>>16744294Tasha R for sureWhat do you think she's named Tasha R for?
>>16742266I like you anon, you got great taste and correct opinions
>>16729249Trevor squealing, his legs unmoving
>the final boss