Does anyone still play EWR?
>>16739054TK probably
I play every now and then.
>>16739054>he signed Nick Mondo
I play tew
>>16739054I pretty much stick with 2016 at this point. 2020 and beyond just didnt do it for me with its worse ui and catagories to restrict things a bit and just overall not so good direction it went. 2024 was worse. So I just keep the most recent update to 2016 (april 2021 I think) and than import the entire default database and some of its companies and just usually run a merged super world. I run older mods also but for the most its a merged 2021/default world and companies which makes for some interesting things to happen. also gives you alot more good female wrestlers to pick from having all the default females also.
I downloaded a 1998 database a long time ago and once or twice a year I’ll jump in to book a month. It’s fun to revisit but the options are so limited that once you book past a month it starts getting stale.
>>16741403I like IX. For a stats autist like me, the real world calendar alone is enough to justify the price tag.
>>16741549I wish I could enjoy the later versions but 2020 and its changed just didnt work for my stat autism. I like the freedom to make stuff how I want and having catagory was one of the things I was strongly again. I sometimes book pantybutt hardcore feds and catagory dont really cover it. and catagory kinda punishes you harder for going outside of each catagorys box and thats a no no to my stat autism. cant punish me for having fun and doing things different. I have heard the real world calender is a cool feature but havent seen much of it past a couple screenshots. (havent looked up vids of the latest version). glad it hits your stat autism how you want anon thats great. sadly for me its still 2016 and my merged worlds.
>>16739054It's how Tony writes out the cards for Dynamite.
There's a new booking sim called Ring Executive releasing its early early super buggy alpha build next week that I'm looking forward to. The developer seems a bit of a sperg though so whether it ever gets finished, who knows
>>16743382what the fuck is a ring executive
>>16739054Used to love that game so much.After AEW came onto the scene, however, I realized exactly how unrealistic it is and just can't anymore.
decided to load 2016 up and load a less worked on save and put some time into it for a bit. got a few hours to tab over to tew2016 off and on and move time forward or book a show. gonna merge the 2021 real world database with the default database and set it to start earlier than the database in 2016. should be aight. gonna add about 80-150 feds to the world (mostly local and small sized) and add a ton of imported broadcasting stations. should be interesting enough with thousands of characters and up to 150 feds all at play. only downside is the turns will take quite some time initially as the world processes 80-150 feds and thousands of characters and only later will it speed up a tiny bit onces there's alot less noise overall going on.
Its going ok so far. Decided to hire some muscle mommys for fun from the 2 databases merged. there's quite a few that didnt really go on to do anything in life. but hey building a whole fed with them in it now. good times.
I used to sign Lizzy Borden and make her my top star and put her in every segment and then jerk off imagining her fucking me for TV time.
>>16739054I did play a bit recently. Took over the worst rated fed (I think it's that canadian one C4). Had a 4 stars match with Trey Miguel and forgot who the other one was, and that was just workrate since I don't have any staff for angles. One thing that I don't like is how you have to always fiddle around with the money and budged, adjusting the production value and advertisement money so you don't end up with -500K in the bank after like just 3 shows, even though you don't pay any worker more than 10K
>>16739054pro wrestling sim is the best booking sim
>>16739054I haven't in a couple of months, but I run a hardcore womens' fed. I'm currently in a war with WWE. AEW lost all of their shows because whoever made the scenario made them too risky for the networks they were on.
>>16746789I actually reached a point that I tend to just give myself the money I need to just focus on booking and not be all worried if I have enough. lame maybe but I want to book shows not playing financial sim. so I just give myself 50 million and focus on my local tier fed and maybe if im feeling frisky I make a small broadcaster station and burng all my money up cept a few million and than broadcast but thats more of a cheat game thing and so its rare I do that. I think alot of it comes down to I just want to book and do whatever for fun and so I tend to do that and edit things when I need to for some fed or whatnot. ive routinely edited people out of retirement and made them active due to them not having a good career and wanting to give them more time or to push someone that could of should of would of and other dumb shit you need to edit and play around with the settings on. when I play a serious game sure I do all that money shit but normally I just wanna book and do whatever. plus sometimes its funny making a fresh local fed and having it broadcast its first show to a world audience of enormous viewing. hilarious how fast your wrestlers popularity skyrockets. lock at local and have fun with it. but alot of this comes down to dumb autism and having stupid fun
>>16746937fine speech
>>16747641Thank you kind anon
>>16739054what's the best of these sims anons, I play EWR TEW but I hate booking the matches and angles coz it takes forever it would be better if there was a quick option for them, I like everything else management of the company, hiring people etc.
>>16743382The dev is not "a bit of a sperg" lol, he's a complete fucking turbo autist. Just look at this shit he wrote:>>16749451Play TEW and just use the auto booker then.
>>16749721maybe the thing in tew I didn't like was setting up the storylines coz it took forever you had to pick like abcdefgh for a feud for everyone you wanted to set up, was it ewr where you just pick who's in the feud for how long who's gonna win and what it for? I can't remember I played it like 20 years ago
>>16746937>playing on TK mode
>>16749920I think you can disable mandatory storylines in TEW, so the penalties for not setting them up disappear.
>>16749920With EWR you only needed to pick the people involved and click a button. Then you’d book 15 segments between the workers and designate a match as the blow off.
oh wow this thread is still going. Either way my fed I started last night is still going. Im a few months in and booking shitty shows now. funds are ok and im doing ok. >>16750080it can be fun sometimes honestly just having unlimited money to do whatever you want and even make a broadcaster of low to max power. its not a serious game by any means when I do that and just me wanting to mostly just book and have the money to afford to keep running shows. the whole broadcaster stuff is a bit silly and tk mode for sure.
Im going to make some of the females run comic book heroine gimmicks. not sure how its going to go but i'll need comic book villains also. should be fun. hope everyones having a fun night and for those playing these autism simulators hope you're having fun booking your shows.