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KWAM (kek what a mark)
Kek what fulfilled feeling player!
You could've felt alive 5 years ago by joining AEW, Chad, but you chose the money instead.
Actually, Gable chose pro wrestling over money which is why he didn't go to AEW.
Weak bait
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love me some gable
he must make a TON of money constantly putting over other talent
that wyatt6 shit was cringe, but he managed to work with what they gave him
re-signing was obviously the wrong decision but he should have gone to japan
chud gayble is a dimeless shitter
They really should do more with Gable, hell of a talent. Unfortunately he’s been boxed as “another Kurt Angle” when I think he can do more
you will never be a woman
>Reignites a man's passion for professional wrestling

Kek, how the fuck did Tony fumble this guy?
Will be remembered longer than any Canadian destroyer from aew.
Gable rules
Gotta love the Gabler, you just gotta
LA knight is just a rock clone and he got a push (eventually)
kurt angle is literally the greatest professional wrestler of all time, if gable can be 1/10th of him then he should have a high place in the roster carved out for him
Gable is angle without the neck surgeries and needs the IC title yesterday
he is definitely getting that 350k minimum and not a cent more
Remember when the Wyatt Six murdered Gable and Gunther?
Their booking needs to be studied. Good build up, great debut, big response from the fans, the right amount of spoopy without being silly and then nothing really.
Gable is such a Chad
Unfortunately sincs Gable only won silver and not gold, he's been denoted to being a gag heel stable leader who gets thrown in subpar storylines. Just a reminder than even Kurt had a drawing line when Vince tried to force him to go to ECW as the "big star" and Vince had to convince him by promising him to keep him on the same pay through backdoor means.
>the 40th best guy in AEW is good enough to reignite the passion of the slop drones
Yappari, it's where the best wrestle.
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>invigorates your love for wrestling with one match
Kek what based taco
>kurt angle is literally the greatest professional wrestler of all time
How many 5* matches does he have?
What stars are you talking about? From what wrestling community?
He still wants people to watch I'm afraid
Less than Johnny Gargano and Atom apparently.
chad is in the ziggler zone
such an amazing seller that he is forced to be enhancement talent
>I loved working a slow match full of botches while a Mexican pretended his leg hurt so he could go slower
>pro wrestling
You’d think they’d sent them against the New Day or the Judgement Day given all their promos about breaking up families and shit but instead we’ve got this slow burn fire against Kross
Chad Gable is an S-Tier bumper.
chad could sell a pen to Jordan Belfort
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>I felt so alive.
What does Will Assplay, record holder of most five star matches, think about that question?
It's called selling kid, sniff the ring tarp for a few more months and maybe you'll understand how the business works.
>It's n-n-not a p-p-p-p-p-p-piledriver!!!!
Retard dronies were legitimately trying to argue this last night
Nothing gets you nowhere faster in wrestling than being really good at making other wrestlers that the company actually wants to push look good. Thanks based Good Hand Gable
>It's called selling kid
It's called not protecting your opponent kid
It's not, it's a canadian destroyer
Chad was awesome last year, WWE put faith in him and he delivered, everyone was talking about him and Sami as the main rivalry on RAW, to the point that no one even remembers what Priest, who was World champion during that period was up to. He is well liked in WWE, and he is constantly on TV, I'm sure they will make him champion eventually.
Now, why would he throw all of that, and go to AEW to work flippy bangers when that was never what he was about?
They were arguing that a destroyer isn't a flipping piledriver
>What does Will Assplay, record holder of most five star matches, think about that question?
Ospreay says he is flattered that he has so many 5 star matches, as they "raised his marker value" (this was before he left NJPW), but surprisingly, he understands that they mean nothing. He totally understand he is not on Kurt's level, and that Meltzer stars are just Meltzer's opinion, and they do not contribute to financial gains. Only trannies take them as gospel.
>they do not contribute to financial gains
on one hand, as a mark you shouldn't care about whatever meltzer says
on the other hand, as a mark you shouldn't care about how much money the company or wrestler is making
>they do not contribute to financial gains
Those were Ospreay's words, not my opinion, he said having 5 star matches, doesn't make him any more money, it only makes him sound like a reliable wrestler you would want to have on your roster (again, this interview was conducted when he was still under NJPW contract)
I really hope this guy gets his long-deserved push soon, either cheating an IC title or getting a MITB contract, he's a good ring worker and gets proper heel heat
Yeah, he should have left being a top featured talent on the biggest show to go get sawdusted in a dead fed with 1300 average attendance because the 100 Western fans still watching would have said his match with Dick Togo was kino.
They're teasing moving him to Smackdown, and him getting the US title would be perfect for his character. But that would be kino and Paul won't let us have that
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
How can you even think to compare a bum like Kurt Angle to Omega, Osprey, and Mone? His 1 olympic gold medal against their how many? That's what I thought.
This is some poor bait.
at least ziggler was a 2x world champion, 6x intercontinental, 2x us champ, won mitb. gable is way better of a wrestler than he ever was and has won tag titles.
>a top featured talent
is this what they're calling jobbers now?
Sadly some obese subhuman smarks do believe that
okay but consider this
he's short
[BREAKING] gable's sneed match vs regal jr

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