Real niggas remember when the NBA turned into the WWE in 2004
I was 17 years old.
Malice in the Palace. I was getting drunk that night and caught the fight on Sportscenter at like 3 in the morning
>>16743199The go to work Pistons drew so many dimes in the D that the whole city went broke
>>16743199Black folks are always working an angle
Is this why Detroit isn't a favorable city?
Artest was giga based
>Go back and watch the original broadcast>ESPN commentary correctly held the fans responsible in real time>David Stern hears this and rings up Bristol ranting and raving>Early next morning the entire narrative had changed and ESPN put all blame on Artest
>>16743199They broke the initial scuffle up, and Ron calmed down. Ben Wallace was the guy continuing to escalate the issue
>>16743312Ron got suspended for the entire season for defending himself against drunk retards from Detroit
>>16743352>defending himselfyea that cup was gonna kill him. Literally just point the guy out and get him kicked. Like all well adjusted athletes would do
>>16743363If you threw something at me I'd heem you too
>make awful call>*get pelted with beer bottles*>THE GAME IS OVER >*get pelted with even more beer bottles*nfl jannies get nuclear heat compared to any other promotion
>>16743411They call it refball for a reason dipshit
>>16743411>big dimes tagliabue forced them to go out and finish the game anywayACKNOWLEDGE ME
>ARTEST IS IN THE STANDS!Still the wildest shit I've ever seen in a game.
>>16743363The worst part is that he didn’t even punch the right guy kek
>>16743230>being over 21 in 2004goddamn unc
>>16743890This isn't your website Kayden
My fav artist play is when he pulls down Paul Pierce’s pants then Pierce pulls them up and drains a 3
>>16743230I was 19 and definitely already drinking
>>16743334Ron charged into the stands.
>>16743869no, that was the best part
Why did he change his gimmick to Meta Worldpeace
>>16745694Veteran comedy acts are over, can't assault people forever
>>16743199Boomers who can't hoop and have no skills that resort to chiming out. Modern players would run around them in circles and break their ankles
>>16743890>waiting until 21 to drink
>>16743199Most kino sports moment of the last 25 years.
Any other oldfags here lay in bed and just burst into treats because you know you'll never be able to go back and relive 1997 and 2007?
>>16745312Oh I know but before that, it didn’t even have to get to Artest laying on the desk for that long because Wallace was still chimping out and doing the hold me back shit like 3 minutes after the initial scuffle
>>16746814prime example of why modern nba fans are the worst major sports fans. The only fanbase that shits on the past. Every other sport respects the history except for basketball. I think it’s a fatherless thing
>>16747000Modern NBA fans are zoomers and chimp out when you tell them that nobody watches because the game is largely soft pussy shit with memechucking and people let them get away with it because they're scared of some bitch boy calling them unc.>AYO UNC IT SO MUCH BETTER NOW CUH BENCH RIDERS NOW BE BETTER THEN THE BEST OLD NIGGAS UCE