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Fight for the piglets
Full Oink
AEW Pig Business
Double or Piggums
Battle of the Piglets
Pigger Fest
Pig's End
Pigs at the Beach
PIGter is coming
Pigaday bash
Piggie Lee: Pigabration of Life
New Year's Pork
Hogg Break
The Hoggroads
St Pigtricks Day Ham
Pig and Guts
Pig Appreciation Night
Hogg Rager
AEW Grand Ham
Hamiversary Show
Oink by the Lake
House of the Piglet
PIGJF's Hogg Island Homecoming
Porkslop Pignasty
Maximum Hoggage
All Piglite Wrestling
Heh, BoomerChad. What we sliding today?
BoomerChad, when are you going to do something about this VOW discord that rovert is in command of? We are in need of your leadership right now ...
Rovert replied in less than a minute. This one got him bubblin
Always does because he's a fucking bitch
Rovert false flagging as BoomerGOD because he's still salty he got buried is maybe his most pathetic crusade yet. He is like if AEW was a person and just when you think he can't get any shittier and pathetic he just does.
It is pretty sad
Don’t be mean his kids are mentally disabled and Rovert was saying some awful things about them
Heh, BoomerChad here. It was all fun and games until he brought my mentally disabled children into it. Not to mention the rumors regarding my battles with cancer and aids.
can’t even repeat what he said but just because Boomerchad’s children are retarded doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to live
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Imagine being so utterly ass blasted by Boomerchad they you are still rp'ing as him almost 2 weeks later.
God bless your autistic son and Down’s syndrome daughter and RIP to your dead son. People who laugh about them will go to hell. And must suck for you having cancer and AIDS. God works in mysterious ways I guess
skinwheeler activity
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Is this week NO MILLY 100 ?

We should do something special, like pull another prank on reddit
Heh, BoomerChad here. God bless you, anon.
The big guy in the sky sure has booked me in a handicap match with this life, no pun intended.
Trevor loses his legs, i lose my hair ha. I still have one partially healthy child left and my wife's boyfriend has been there for me during this hard time.
God messed up when he made you a cripple. He should have taken your hands instead.
Samba numbers are incoming
It’s sad you have so much misery in your life and you’re very brave for bringing up children who are like that. I don’t blame you for spending a lot of money on babysitters to go to the pub, you’re a very brave man.
>If I keep replying to myself I don't have to reply to everyone making fun of me
Fuck off Trev. You’re disgusting. The things you say about this man and his children, you should be ashamed. I’m conveying my condolences and your immediate reaction is to say “respond to the people making fun of his children”. Grow up.
Just remember Rovert you can larp all you want as the boomer. Your legs will never work LMFAO!!!!
Unironically, why are you obsessed with rovert's crippled ass? I shit on the loser too, but you do it 24-7. This is your life
Rovert is crying again kek
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I've been banned several times for shitting on rovert. You're just obsessesd, bruh
Remember when he would do this when we had poster count? Weird shit, he knows we know but still does it. What a shit life lol.
I’m not Rovert, that’s you. The sad little man who makes fun of brave unfortunate children. If they could speak properly they’d tell you to grow up. I wish they could live past 21 and they’d live a fuller life than you.
Stop crying Trev.
He beat you to it>>16743586
You're mental illness is mildly entertaining. You sat here on Christmas day and argued with rovert because the two of you have no family or friends
That boomer posting his old hand really broke you huh Trev?
>everyone is trevor
The obsession continues.
you'll always get a "pop" from me, BoomerChad
>He's still crying
What made you upset today? This thread or 5.9 milly for Raw?
>He took the time to type all of that out
Obsessed and cult like, sad
I am not Trev. You’re saying I’m a guy who makes fun of mentally challenged children and one child who already passed away? Be ashamed of yourself. Those children are brave, they know life is short and it’s not very fun. Braver than you will ever be. Show some respect to the father too. He puts on a brave face and tells them everything will be ok when sickos like you say they shouldn’t be allowed to live.
>Types an essay larping as a boomer
All that dude has to do was post a picture of his hand to break you lmao
Those are the hands of a brave man. A family man. Wife and children!
Yes exactly. That's why we call him boomerchad. Keep up Trev
I’m on his side you idiot!! People like you are making fun of his children
I would never Rovert. I only make fun of you for being a cripple. I ask God for forgiveness every night.
Heh, BoomerChad here. Thanks for the support lads! We clearer have an intruder larping as one of us. It's clearly Rovert trying to tear us a part. God damn him!
Hogwheels has absolutely lost it
give it up rovert, we know it's you

KWAB. Trev wins. You can all fuck off now.
trevor racking up bigger dubs than the ones he rides on
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Poor hoggers
Never stop posting this king. No 'Flix, no dicks.
Can anyone explain the pig motif?
It was invented to describe E drones
BT stole it bc he cant get his own shit over
WWE fans were being called pigs (piggiEs, etc) because WWE was ‘slop’, some of them got so they started calling AEW fans pigs for some reason.
This board would be a thousand times better if rovert and bitchtits left
These are the same person
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Terror Risin' would be proud.
Then it would be nothing but a coomer board.
your gimmick is boring
You hate grown women?

If the other choice is "rape spam", it's a no brainer for me. Besides, who made you King /pw/? Last I checked, it's still a free board.
Sad yet true
I went for a walk today. Anyone else?
How does it feel having legs that work?
This is the opposite of the truth lmao.
Heh, BoomerChad here. Twas an epic night of bants. Gonna put the little monster to bed and go get some shut eye. It's mighty cold here at the moment. Good thing my wife's boyfriend is sharing the bed with us tonight. It finna be snug! haha the Boomster's still got it!
Goodnight to everyone except Rovert.
tapping out early tonight Boomerchad? trevor got ya shook?
Trevor you can't walk.
Who's sliding this?
Pretty sad how hard boomergod owned him. He has PTSD
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A new player has entered the scene.
So trevor and bitchtits having been feuding for 20
+ years across various platforms. Let this be a lesson to all you seething consolefags. Don't end up like them. Nobody likes them. Nobody respects them. They've driven away their friends and family. They're pathetic lolcows
Is this real?
Shut up Trevor
Trevor aka Hogwheels has been arguing with an imaginary boogeyman for 20+ years on multiple wrestling forums. We have documented proof that Hogwheels exists while there is absolutely zero proof of bitchtits actually being real.
So you’re saying Trev has a legacy as one of the most influential members of the IWC and BT doesn’t
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There is no proof Rovert posts here
But Bitchtits has posted pics of himself (the real pics not the /fit/one)
The VOW cord did NOT like this one
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