Why are fans in the comments seething about Lyra winning? Wasn't she a babyface? lmaohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cFk_XGFbx8
>Another Lyra threadBan this mf for spamming shit. Stop clogging up the catalog.
>>16743887Joshipedos are crybabies.
why are you seething
>>16743887Their are no heels and babyfaces to smarks. Now let the wrestlers have FUN
>>16743887For some unknown reason Dakota has a large following of social media retards that revere her as if she was the biggest female star, I think Liv is the only other one with that same kpop-like retarded loud fanbase
>>16744035AEW fans get a lot of flack but they don't have any of this shit thankfully
>>16743887Stop spamming this shit Hogwheels, nobody cares about your made up war
>>16744035I don’t get it. There has to be some explanation as to why they’ve latched into someone so mediocre.
>>16743887No one cares about your boring waifu. Not here. Not in the crowd last night. No one
>>16744114She cried on twitch.
>>16744035>>16744114she's a streamer for the lonely male demographic
i don't think it's about dakota lyra's push feels so forced and inorganic she literally gets 0 reaction the crowd don't even do the woos in her song
>>16744139We know. You’ve said this already.
lyra just popped outta nowhere unlike tiffany
>>16744181They both had some pretty forced pushes though. Lyra's was definitely worse but Tiffany's rise has been far from anything organic. Have fun with that wording
>>16744139Seething joshipedo.
>>16744283i'm a gigigod
>>16743887post the humping webm
>>16743904shut up bitch
>>16743887There’s like 3 Lyra fans in the world and all of them are here on /pw/. She’s hated on every other social media and in the arenas
>>16743904>>16743913you are one seething tranny
>>16743887no one likes lyra. she has never been over, not even on nxt, she was always someone else's janettey
>>16744114bisexual and looks like she smells
>>16744126you say this, like it isn't a problem israel intentionally caused, faggot
>>16747208giga dimes
>>16747887Damn, the Lyrachad Triumvirate is powerful enough to get her a title?