Bloodsport Tribal Chief ain't it bro
>>16746318GO BACK TO ROMAN
What's the actual story? What is the main objective of the Death Ratings?
he thinks hes him
>>16746352This is the big part that's missing to me. I haven't minded them but it's been months now and he's already got the belt. Let's get the objective out there
There's no way he thinks this story is any good.
>>16746438He unironically does. Him and RJ City watched a Nazi movie and they shoot think they're replicating cinema
>>16746352No one knows, not even the commentators
>>16746352I'm still waiting for them to explain what exactly Moxley's problem with Bryan was too. You'd think they would've explained that more thoroughly given it was Bryan's retirement from full time wrestling
>AEW needs to do more long term stories>Noooo not like thatYou might not like the story, but it only really started in October/November. It's a bit soon to be writing it off and completely abandoning it. If nothing has changed by the next PPV then fair enough, it's probably never going anywhere and it might be time to change direction, but if you're going to drop stuff every time fans online start complaining then things will never improve.
>>16746458Pretty sure they used one line from Romper Stomper (good film btw) and the Nazi gets his comeuppance at the end anyway, so why dweebs like you keep calling it a 'Nazi film' or thinking the story borrows massively from the film I do not know.
>>16746318This is Mox praising the story because TK controls it. Theres no way TK gives him total control.
>>16746508Probably this
>>16746584Damn, now it all makes sense
>>16746536>one line>Hando: I want you to listen to me now, OK? This... is... not... your... country.
>>16746607Yeah? That's the line. What's your point?
this is one of the least over main event/world title angles I've ever seen
>>16746644But enough about the Bloodline until they added Sami Zayn.
>>16746654This is not even true because Roman started off his reign by saving everyone from that awful Stroman/Wyatt stuff
You think Tony is ever going to tell Moxley his ideas suck?
>>16746654I don't know what you even get out of pretending that Mox isn't coming out to silence and cutting promos to a crowd where you can hear individual hecklers
>>16746673I said things aren't going well but it's too early to write off. Or are we pretending every Bloodline segment was cinema from day 1? Because it really wasn't and took a fucking lifetime to heat up.
At what point did this site become a secondary comment section for other platforms?
Jon Moxely has decided to quote not one but two Fascist in this latest promo.The first from Mussolini, "Blood alone turns the wheels of history"Then Adolf Hitler "When diplomacy ends, War begins"
>>16746715the best heels are the ones that are right
>>16746697How low do the ratings need to go before it’s acceptable to write it off as a failure? Under 500k?
>>16746715Kino lines. Wasted on moronic wrestling fans.
>>16746733They’re stupid lines. A shitload of bloodless things moved the wheels of history. The invention of the printing press comes to mind. Also elections. The Industrial Revolution. It’s a retarded thing to say.
>>16746742>mass produced media has never caused any bloodshedholy retard
>>16746730I don't know, but dropping a storyline because people online aren't digging it is dumb. Almost as dumb as 'Just put the belt on Kenny! He just had a 5 star match!' Nobody knows where they're going with this, so why not let it play out a little and see what they can cook? I already said to see what happens at the next PPV. That's a while away. If we're still having the same complaints, then sure, drop it I guess.
>>16746458If he were still in wwe and vince booked this we would never heard the end of it.>HAHA THEN HE PUTS A BAG OVER THEIR HEAD THATS SUCH GOOD SHIT
>>16746458Guys, Jon is a legit cinematic star. See :
>>16746747>blood alone >aloneIf midwits like you would stop speaking so confidently about things you clearly don’t understand this website might become useable again
>>16746318Gotta love the Moxster.
>>16746772What was wrong with it? It's not something I recall seeing before
>>16746654>But enough about the Bloodlinecould have stopped there
>>16746747>mass produced media has never caused any bloodshedthis but totally unironically, you pearl-clutching faggot
>>16746782The fact he is trying to kill people and there isn't mass panic and arrests is already stupid
>>16746760Kek why don't they call this guy to deal with the death riders
That quote just goes to show you how fucking stupid Moxley is.Storylines and angles are a sign of failure in wrestling, not the hook.Fans will pay to see faces beat heels, the second you have feed someone their dog, or put a plastic bag over someone's head it's a concession that your talent has failed to connect with the audience and you're trying to shock them into giving a shit.
>>16746786Anon it's wrestling. How many sentences would HHH be serving right now after nailing people with a sledgehammer. How many home invasions have we seen over the years? You don't like it because it happened in AEW. It's ok to admit that btw.
>>16746753>"Nobody knows where they're going with this"We're literally going to get the same shit they've been doing for weeks drawn out until The Elite reunite and there's some gimmick match at a PPV where Kenny gets the belt, then we go back to week after week of "I'm the best wrestler" and "we're not friends anymore" angles
>>16746776wtf is that, spaghetti?
>>16746817that's restoring the feeling, bruv
>>16746817Well hopefully you're wrong. I like to think Tony, Mox and Kenny know now this would be a disaster and nobody wants to see Elite slop anymore, but I can understand why you think this might happen because we have seen it before
>>16746318How long is he going store AEW Champion inside the briefcase? He could've just make his own custom AEW World Champion belt instead of whatever this is
>>16746825yeah they dumped some hot water on him and he ate it out of his forehead
>>16746840im waiting for the inevitable reveal that the belt is not even in the briefcase and it was just a red herring
>>16746318It's funny how they all feel like they have to say cinema because the word kino has "right wing connotations" whatever that means to the evil blood-cursed retards
>>16747106I've been feeling this lately too. Maybe the suitcase is actually a bomb.
>>16747123>the word kino has "right wing connotations"all my shitposting is finally paying dividends
>>16747148>AEW ends like OzBased