Mil Mascaras
>>16755964Will Ospreay
>>16755964probably Danielson
>>16755964seth rollins
>>16755964Shawn Michaels or Terry Funk
>>16755980 came here to say this
>>16756029My favorite matches are austin vs rock, hogan vs rock, and mankind vs rock. Therefore rock is the best wrestler of all time
>>16756029besides Texas they have literally nothing in common
>>16756042why would they need a thing in common
>>16756042they're both gay too
>>16755986/thread....Maybe angle
>>16755964mike "speedball" bailey
>>16755964la parka
roman has his own star rating that is his segments lmfaooo
>>16755964Antonio Inoki
ive legitimately never been disappointed by an eddie guerrero or brock lesnar match
>>16756709brock does his thing perfectly, but his matches are no 5-star matches, more like entertaining spectacles
>>16755964Kenny Omega or HBK
>>16755964Ole Anderson
>>16756725So what's your criteria for a 5 star match if being entertaining isn't enough? Being as fake and gay and as drawn out as possible?
>>16756877Technique, athleticism, accuracy, and pacing.Bonus for innovation.
>>16755964AJ Styles.
>>16756890so the less like pro wrestling the betterless wrestling holds and more unnecessary cartwheels because wow what an athlete! keep that pace up! aerobics are bad ass!
>>16756896Where did you get cartwheels from that, Rakesh?
>>16755964I'm not gay so I don't rate wrestlers or matches with stars.I remember if a match was a good, if I had fun and who wrestlers give me the biggest pop. That's all.
>>16756902Damn dude you hella different and original
>>16756901anyone who says "athleticism" is an important part of good wrestling is just looking for an excuse to say backyard trampoline shitters like ospreay and the bucks are good and not completely embarrassing
>>16756877i like my matches to be believable, but i also appreciate technique, athletisism and storytelling. for brock usually all those 3 categories revolve around half-shoot squashes
>>16756890Holy fuck what a smark. The only value a wrestling match has is entertainment value. If it's entertaining then it's good, and if it isn't entertaining then it's bad. Case in point, The Great Antonio vs Antonio Inoki was extremely entertaining for all the wrong reasons but it was still extremely entertaining, which makes it better than any Will Ospreay match. >but muh technique! muh athleticism!None of that matters.
>>16756912Absolutely retarded dumbfuck take Jesus fuck. Definitely a pajeet.Just say you want to see guys pace, pose and promo during their matches and that’s what you jizz yourself to.
>>16756923You don't even know what pro wrestling is I'm afraid
>>16756920have you considered that for those people "good matches" are more entertaining that brock hitting shoot germans on people? and i'm not defending aew gymnastics, but there is a middle ground between the 2
>>16755964funnily enough, probably kurt anglemaybe brock lesnar
>>16755964ironically, kurt angle
Kenta Kobashi
>>16756920This is actually an example of a terrible match because it just became a shoot.It’s not a pro wrestling match, it’s just a fight.Be entertained, shit’s not a match and wouldn’t get rated. That is an example of shit going off the rails which IS fun to watch but already has the distinction of “train wreck”You enjoyed a train wreckThat’s fine. It’s not a good match though.
>>16755964Jerry Lawler
>>16755964Ric Flair
>>16756949>It’s not a pro wrestling matchExcept it is. A pro wrestling match where the guys start shooting on each other is still a pro wrestling match. And if it put asses in seats and entertained people then it did its job. Inoki vs Great Antonio was so entertaining that it's still a meme 48 years later, meanwhile, 99.99% of "good" matches are forgotten after a week.
>>16755964Stone Cold
>>16755964Lou Thesz
>>16757001>Except it is.It’s not.It is a match that devolved into a fight and forced to stop.It doesn’t even get to complete BEING a match because of sheer unprofessionalism of one of the participants.Enjoy it, sure.It’s crazy to call it an actual match, let alone a good one, let alone a 5 star one.
>>16755964Misawa. It's not a meme.1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58x8VgWCdYo2. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7res2g3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpw7uZPVad04, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuyyzlqsfW05. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdAVWuR7x5w6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaSaKMxTnV87. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2OLvGT5ROU8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1Wa7Z87iIA9. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7r4etx10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlfV1bGq_ns11. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tnw3n12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwjoIYFeZuA13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP2MSQ0omPA14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjs_ssjkeI15. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkx3fe
Invisible Man vs Invisible Stanhttps://youtu.be/Cslu7zFmPjM?si=VLFtsW1HDUgRF9HQ
>>16755964Kurt Angle
>>16755964Perc Angle
>>16756896Excuse me sir, did you mean acrobatics?
>>16756912>I want my wrestlers to be barely mobile washed bodybuilders that just taunt for 10 minutes between closelines and chinlocks. Ultimate Warrior, now that's a wrestler!The best wrestlers are athletes. Angle, Omega, Rock, Austin, Brock, Inoki
>>16758773*ClotheslinesI guess I'm the Jeet :(
>>16755964The Inoki-meister
>>16755964BenoitIncapable of having a bad match
>>16755964Kenny Omega