>mfw I see a wwe fan near me
>>16756130You get shot at? Sorry for your death.
>>16756130KEKAEW fans do be getting shit a lot by EGods
>>16756130I’d fuck the mom in that video
QRD? I'm not a normie faggot
>>16756203Me neither brother
>>16756171we don't sign our posts here
>>16756203The guy with a gun shot his girlfriends son. The police had a 2 hour standoff and the Gunner deleted himself. The son lived and got away
>>16756214Thanks man. What a KWABola
>>16756130>Another AEWtroon sent to hell
>>16756214I see, so the oppetty is double KWABOTY.
Are you guys retarded? The >mfw refers to the face on camera, the person off camera (the wwe fan) is being shot.
>>16756244nah u r
>>16756244https://x.com/salumc/status/1747166518247342106?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1747166518247342106%7Ctwgr%5Ecb148d833a66c5c1e6a1c561fa08527e3e7704ea%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-2875590524418497125.ampproject.net%2F2410292120000%2Fframe.htmlSurprising no one the "AEWtist" is dead while the WWEchad was shot in his right ear, ironic!
>>16756278Nice link
>>16756278Nice link you retarded pill head
>>16756278great link bro
>>16756278Wtf I followed that link and my pc bricked. What a retard.
>>16756214>and the Gunner deleted himself.So, the video is accurate considering OP is a AEW Tranny
>>16756130The shooter killed himself when the cops came. So sounds about right for you.