Can a company be any more alienating to their fans? 2 years prior to this they had the raunchiest Spike TV shit on tv with bra and panties, pillow fights, etc. Then 2008 rolls in and it’s now “JBL is poopy”
>He doesn't remember when JBL shoot murdered Cena
>>16758908This was 2005
>>16758908Yeah this happened before that and benoit shouldn't have killed his kid and most of this had to do with shilling wrestling toys with mattel. Any other criticisms from the W Bush era we need to rehash?
>>16758908My mommy didn't let me start watching WWE until it went fully PG right around this time(2008). I was 43 at the time.
wwe had no fans from 2004-2007. look at the ticket sales. it was brutal
jbl do be poopy doe
>>16759025We know your tragic backstory rovert
>>16759025Fucking kek. That last sentence shouldn’t have been as funny as it was
>>16758908I don't know why you're on a posting spree, retard. But can you at least use proper pictures and not upload thumbnails like a fucking third world subhuman dysgenic turbo autist please?
>>16759065Please dont tell me this "Rovert vs Bitchtits" shit goes back since 20 years ago?!!What the actual fuck...
>>16759105The rovert vs bitchtits feud explained>/pw/ forms>it's an outlaw mudshow>anything goes>Rovert, banned from every place on the IWC for rampant faggotry tries to get over>He's running mild all over the board>gets called out as obvious samfag (back when we had the IP counter)>furiously he runs to /fit/ and finds a Pic of a dude with mastitis>comes back to /pw/ and claims everyone making fun of him is bitchtits>but we had the IP counter>vert claims it's all one guy on multiple devices with a VPN>which is actually roverts set up, but he's often too lazy to switch devices or reset his IP>so he gets called out again because of the IP counter>bitchtits posting dies down >the around Easter of 22 the IP counter gets removed sitewide while Moot is trying to gin up investment>now rovert goes turbo sperg mode and samefags all over the board while calling everyone bitchtitsThere you go
>>16758995No it wasn't.
>>16759154Rovert & bitchtits feud started in 2003 on wrestlezone. You have no idea what you're talking about.
What kind of mental illness you have to develop to keep a 20 year feud with some retard over half naked men fake fighting on tv?This is legit sad, this is untreated mental illness...
>>16759305What are going on about? You sound like the sperg here, lmao
>>16759101Holy shit. The sperg seethe is real with this one. Poor bastard. Kek.