What was your favorite Lynchian pw moment?
>>16760133literally fucking who
>>16760142Huge pop!
>>16760133Will Becky take even more time off now that she's grieving?
This thread has now been visited by the hart angels. what was once will never be again. the same.
>>16760136is there a theory behind this acting and cinematography?
>>16760133Fuck lynchI waited twenty years for new twin peaks kino and he spent the first 10 episodes making Kyle act like a retard in Vegas alone for no reason and gave us 30 seconds of goodness at the very endHe deserved to die just for that
>>16760424it's essentially soap opera shooting, pro wrestling has leaned this into as evidenced by the close-up shots, drawn out dramatic sequences and infinite serious of ass-pulls. imo even now it doesnt not lean into this enough
>>16760574You didn't like Dougie?
>>16760133Vince's golden egg.Senile Vince was Lynchian kino.
>>16761251I liked most of the shit that actually happened in twin peaks with the old characters and even the new ones. didn't really care about any of the suburban desert shit or the casino. just felt very lazy like bro the suburbs are actually like dark yeah we get it. Total frost slop.
None of these clips are Lynchian. Maybe the word has morphed to just mean surreal or darkly funny or some other thing like that but then there’s no need to use that phrase. Lynchian was coined to describe a very specific juxtaposition and it’s the only word that exists to describe it, it’s without any other synonymous terms. That being said here is an actual Lynchian WWE moment https://youtu.be/ULCtOv63_ko>>16760574I agree that maybe there was too much retarded Dougie but it’s hard to complain about 12-15 hours of Lynch getting to do whatever he wanted with a goodly sized budget. The plot required that Cooper be taken off the table because as soon as he’s out he initiates the end. I’m not sure what else could have been done. Dougie I could do without so much of but I loved Dopplecoop and his trip to and fro.