I think Jade Cargill will win the Royal Rumble.
>>16760941me too
>>16760941Ain't no nigger winning the Royal Rumble this year
>>16760941No way. It'll be either IYO, Charlotte, or Becky
>>16762219iyo has no chance wtf. she was just champ and the reign sucked
>>16760941She'll win my 20 inch sized cock instead
>>16762234They're doing IYO vs Rhea at Mania. They teased it a month ago
>>16762278they teased goldberg vs gunther a few months back, guess goldie's winning the rumble?
>>16762211We don't use that word here.
>>16760941'fraid not motherfucker
>>16762435I'm afraid we do
>>16760941Nope. She'll probably eliminate Bianca tho