MY WAYMY LIFE*buttrock riffs*
>>16768969>no finnerits shit
>>16768969That packaging is horrible, can't even see the jacket
>>16768969Shit's going to rot on shelves so long CM Punk will cut a promo on it
>>16769077Welcome to all the new eco friendly packaging companies are being dick twisted into bowing to. Meanwhile the actual product is still a chunk of plastic anyway. But we can't have a thin sheet of it on the packaging for a larger window anymore. No no. THAT would be too much kek
>buttrockI hate gen X faggots so goddamn much. Grunge was buttrock. 2000s rock was kino.
>>16769108also, its a fucking toy grow the fuck up if youre getting bitchy about it.
>>16769160Who do you think those are marketed to these days? Kids only give a shit about ipads and phones. I don't think 7 year old little Timmy is begging his parents for the $35 Lexus King doll
>>16769226you underestimate the star of all television
>>16769148Post grunge radio rock has always been referred to as buttrock. You should know this, grandpa.
>>16769148Ya seethe, zoomie?
>>16768969Kek, I love this guy