Jamie Hayter has been back for like 6 and she hasn't done fuck all.
AEW is the prison
>>16784141She’s a Punk mark and that puts you on an instant black list at AEW
>>16784141Mercedes MoNeigh said that doesn't work for me Sista
>>16784141She's not the same after the back injury but that's no excuse for burying her
>Mariah stalled out reign so they could do the Toni match in Austrailia>Mercedes never ending reignmight be fucked
>>16784141Tony isn't a fan. She's a jobber now. I loved watching her. Not now.
>>16784141Well what would she do at the expense of thers? There aren't enough legit female heels to feud with outside of putting her in a program with Mariah and Mercedes. She started dressing like she's from the 70s. Did no favors for herself.
>>16784141Double negative, retard.
>>16784194>back injuryI thought it was an arm injury?
>>16784141Tony won't invest in her because he's scared she'll injure herself and be out for a long ass time again. She basically has to prove that she's not injury prone before he'll put her in the title picture again. That's what Statlander is doing now.
>>16785079mercedes first match back from injury was winning a title. dont cope please
Making up headcanon to explain bad booking. She came back during a pre show, not at all meant to look like a big deal
>>16784141she is back? damn I guess I have to watch aew again.
>>16785106she's from WWE. She gets unlimited chances
>>16785005Arm /shoulder was the worked injury. Multiple herniated discs in back was the shoot injury
>>16784141>charisma vacuum>doesn't wrestle as good as she used to>her current look is shitI wonder why
She’s been bouncing on my Canadian cock
>>16784223May is for sure dropping the belt in Australia. So that's a month left for her. Toni as a face champion doesn't help Hayter's case though. Of course if she challenges Mercedes she isn't winning anyway because Mo-Neigh lays down for absolutely nobody. Doesn't help that Jamie came back with a new look that's put off a decent portion of people and has been rather lackluster in the ring either. She's not a lost cause like Britt but where's the fire at? She's gottta find that again
>>16788099>How it startedHow it's going