>Corbin said on CVV that when he was released, Randy Orton called him and offered to talk to Hunter about it>he told Corbin "Somebody doesn't like you, dude.">Corbin thinks he knows who it is, and when he told Randy, he said "Yeah, you're probably right."Who got Corbin fired?
>>16812229>Who got Corbin fired?
randy cause baron was taller than him
>>16812236>>16812242>>16812245Randy would never do it to his friend
>>16812236based rib
That's "The Nomad" Bishop Dyer for you
>>16812229CM Punk maybe? But he was on Smackdown so who? Maybe he rubbed Cody or Roman the wrong way
Who are the top guys besides Triple H
>>16812229Was it one final burial from big match John, bros?
Randy is a cool guy. I think he did the same for Riddle.
>>16812272Pritchard, Road Dogg, Michael Hayes, probably some writers that we don't really know.
>>16812271He said Punk also reached out to him after he got cut. He mentioned Seth and KO also did that.
>>16812236LMAO. Classic Randal
>>16812271Yes, Punk has the power in WWE to get people fired now. Jesus Christ.
>>16812236My guess is Pritchard. At the start of the interview he talks about how it was his idea to send him to NXT to “learn new moves and lose weight”. He sounded annoyed about having to deal with him.
>>16812317It honestly does suck that he went down to NXT and completely succeeded in reinventing himself and getting over. He gets back to the main roster and is still over, but it didn't reflect in the creative they gave him at all. He was still a jobber to them, like his amazing NXT run and his great crowd reactions didn't matter.
>>16812229so triple h doesnt even have control of the roster? fucking kwab
Corbin is the apotheosis of late-stage Vince "just need a tallish guy who played football" booking
>>16812236Bruce or Hayes
>>16812328Are you saying Paul wanted to keep Corbin?
>>16812320Both Corbin and Dijak (yes I’m aware he kwabed himself) had great, well received NXT runs but they couldn’t find a spot for them. Meanwhile, DIY is on television every week.
>>16812291Hi, faggot. I know you don't know how workplace drama works because you're a faggot loser worthless NEET but getting in higher ups ears are a thing. Grow up, dipshit. Stupid fuck. Fucking die, worthless insignificant waste of human resources. The world would not notice your disappearance. Not even your own family would give a fuck. Kill yourself. Useless trash. Eradicate your atoms from this universe. Compromise yourself to a permanent end, faggot.
>>16812368jeet hands typed this
>>16812381>still replying Kill yourself
Corbin could have been a great booker and coach, plus they should have had him on commentaryWhy dont they let him manage a stable of up and coming stars and make them a rival to the bloodline
>>16812229Lee Fitting or Heyman
>>16812362Firing those two was a mistake. Even if they're not on the main roster, just keep them in NXT. They need more men down there. Corbin even said that he'd be fine to retire in NXT since he liked it so much. They should've just let him.
>>16812236based Vipermeister
>>16812394Corbin I agree, Dijak was a rat that was talking to dirtsheets and kept trying to shoot angles over twitter with the top guys in the company
>>16812362Both had their contracts expire cause HHH didn't wanna use them. Dijak was a gossipping little bitch and Corbin was on a high salary that was way above his current status or his place on the card so it wasnt worth renewing him.
>>16812410I don't care if Dijak is embarrassing on twitter, the show was better when he was on it.
>>16812410Dijak only started doing that when his expiration date was drawing near and they weren’t negotiating with him. Misguided attempt to create a buzz for himself, I guess. Still rather have him around than Pete Dunn or Tyler Bate.
>>16812442Dijak failed several shit testsIf you're a needy entitled bitch when you're low on the card then it's just going to get worse and become a huge headache when he moves upAnd I agree, I really like Dijak, but it is what it is
>>16812394Why keep paying a guy main roster money to be in NXT? They could bring in an indy guy for a fraction of the cost who would be a better hand in the ring. This is why guys like him get cut. There's no return on investment.
>>16812532They literally gave Corbin a huge paycut when he went to NXT.
>>16812368Fine speech, but Corbin and Punk are buddies.
>>16812362>DIY is on television every week.it doesnt matter how over you are but who's dick you suck
>>16812614Chyna said that Paul does like little boys
Von Wagner and Corbin didn't deserve to get fired.
Corbin always delivered, always made his opponent look good, always over, never made a fuss, was a total professional. He'd be worth keeping just for his attitude and teaching the young guys how to do business.
>>16812229The fans
>>16812698Vince is picking them up. He's pulling string with his allies in the back
>>16812229Rhea should steal the End Of Days tbqh. It suits her.
>>16812768This. Even when he was given the worst shit, you could tell he was a top performer. Always safe in the ring without being boring. The company never wanted him to be over, even as a heel. He has a ton of potential.
>>16812804Bum Ass Corbin was fucking dimes. Happy Corbin was funny in theory but it stopped working. Not Corbin's fault though. Not Madcap Moss's fault either.
>>16812388probably wants to work matches stillnothing preventing him from coming back further down the line
>>16812521Do you REALLY think he knows who fucking Baron Corbin is?
How did no one mention Rock yet? He’s the only guy that came into power in the last 2 years
I actually agree that letting him go was a mistake. He was in a weird spot like sheamus to me where you can kinda stick him in the mid card not attached to anything but still gets himself over. That being said since he was randomly giga pushed years ago maybe his contract was just too big.
He said in the same interview that he makes six figures with a coffee company, saved well during his run and that his wife is loaded so he has the luxury of only taking shows he wants to do. Wouldn’t want to go to AEW as just “a former WWE guy”. Also said he wants to work in NJPW which I would be interested in seeing as long as it’s actually in Japan and not on Strong or some shit. Open to returning to WWE once he gets the “guy who gets other guys ready for the main events” stink off.
>>16812284Wasn’t Prichard taking a break for his health? Or is he back now?
>>16812368I did not like this promo, too try hard. Send this anon to developmental.
He was around long enough. You can't stay there forever. Especially a guy like him who was never over.
>>16812236>>16812309kek immediately where my mind went toohttps://youtu.be/-AIH28G2YRo?si=xq3QdiqUqqL2klyG
>>16812458100% agree.This is a guy who was told directly from his boss what was expected of him, and somehow took it personally. I want to see Dijak get a clue and return, but I can't complain that a guy with that mentality got cut.
>>16812229>tall football player, only known for his WWE persona, trained from the ground upDefinitely a Vince guy.
>>16812389I heard their longest serving director Kay Fabe wasn't too high on him
>>16813779>Anita Mannkek
>>16813562He’s talking about a match with Priest in front of a dead crowd. They got the crowd into it through their work and Dijak took a chokeslam off the apron through a table. He gets to the back and Vince and his ball licking stooge Bruce dressed him down because they didn’t like how he grabbed Priest during a part of the match the TV audience didn’t see. I’d be pissed too if I busted my ass and that senile old fuck was fixated on something so stupid.
>>16813840>no it's okay to not work the live crowd because we did the heckin furniture spot later>management just personally hated dijakWhatever, Manny.
>>16813840Jumping through a table doesn't make you a good wrestler or you'd have super humman in the hall of fame. Learn the basics first.
>>16812229Triple H obviously
>>16812368you need help, friendo.
>>16812632i think she meant that hhh himself is a little boy because roids made his junk shrink or something
>>16812291Kamala lostBiden lostUkraine lostPalestine lostYou lost
>>16813971It's mostly jilted trannies who hate Punk now, seething that he won't wear trans shirts in WWE and got into fights with their parasocial wrestling buddies.
>>16812236Bases Double Agent Randall
>>16813867Done fuck all since he's been released.
>>16812236DTA babyespecially the Viper
>>16812236Based Viper.
>>16812271based punker really drove these aewfags to insanity
>>16812236Well Orton IS the Legend Killer so it would make sense...
>>16812320>succeeded in reinventing himself and getting over>He gets back to the main roster and is still overwhat? this dude goes through gimmicks almost as much as jeribloat. they all suck and the dude has never been over. nobody is buying a ticket to see him. he is generic as fuck. the only thing going for him is that he has a bit of height
>>16812229He kind of hinted that Pritchard didn't like him in the same interview.
>>168122362009 never ended for randy
>>16812229"Nah bro Paul actually loved me, we would talk all the time about our kids and he helped me with my entrance in 2013 we were actually super tight it was some stooge who got me fired"Do these niggas not know who makes the final call? It's the same shit as the people who would go on and on about how much Vince loved them and it was a mystery to them how they got released. Bewildering shit.
>>16812229It was the wellness Doctor, who Corbin called out in front of the locker room for trying to downplay concussions in the NFL.
>>16812340Hayes isn't completely allergic to dimes. It's Bruce.
>>16815023>they all suck and the dude has never been overWatch the product
>>16812368PDS is real
If anyone cares, the person that didn't like Corbin was Roman.
>>16812793>Bishop Dyer>Rhea Ripley>Dyer Rhea
>>16812236A viper is a snake
>>16812368you got em seethin with this one brother
>>16812236Can't blame him, it was the voices in his head, they counsel him, they understand.
>>16812229Rhea and Zelina ganged up and got him fired for being a right-wing chud
>>16817477That wouldn't work because management are all right wing chuds
>>16812532Nick doesn't. That's why when NK found out how much he was paying BC he fired his ass.
>>16812362Paul hates current NXT so anyone who made or remade themselves in it got on his shitlist if they weren't already Vince guys.
>wrestles in GCW under the name Tom PestockWhy doesn't he come up with a better name, bros? It's like "Adam Copeland" in AEW. Or even Matt Cardona, that's another awful ring name.
>>16818076he's Bishop Dyer now
>>16818079Barry Corbo
>>16812336It's unfair to Corbin he's a respectable guy and extremely safe in the ring (reason why he was Kurt's final opponent)
>>16818082that would've been better. Especially if he went with his Happy Corbin or down on his luck Corbin gimmick
>>16818079That's a little better, but still sounds like a NXT random name generator. I still like Tom as a ring name though, I can't think of any other Toms in wrestling. He could be like Tom Vile or something like that. Gruesome Tom Pane.
>>16818089WWE does want safe anymore. The E ounder Paul will look like 2010's NJPW
>>16818101Fuck me. *doesn't
>>16818101>>16818109I haven't seen a change in the movesets towards the strong style. They want the stories to feel more "cinematic" but that's it.
>that gigantic pop he received in France
>dimless shitter and WOAT contender gets sacked>acts all high and mighty about it
>>16813971>Biden lostNope, biden beat trump and no amount of shitting in the lobby of the capital building changed that fact.
>>16812328He's the guy who books the shows. Nothing more
>>16813971suck that jew cock boy
>>16812229I really liked Corbin in NXT despite only watching the end of his Wolfdogs runThere just seems to be this weird miscommunication between the main roster and NXT where they keep calling people up without having any plans to even feature them on TV while they still would have a role in NXTNo reason why someone like Corbin or Dijak (even if he revealed himself as a geek) couldn't still be signed with a minimum contract just to put young people over and help the rookies, the NXT man's division is in dire shape because of call ups and firings like this and there's no hope in sight other than signing even more AEW rejects or having to rely on TNA to have decent challengers for Oba Femi
>>16818099>I can't think of any other Toms in wrestlingDynamite Kid Tom BillingtonTom LawlorTom Prichard
>>16812421CM Punk leaks to a zesty twitter nog who reveals backstage drama on $5 discord calls. still no evidence dijak ever leaked anything
>>16813867Other than the Keith match all those matches are better than anything NXT put on in the last year. Ridge Holland main evented a PLE. They desperately need him back, Manny’s right. I don’t care how gay Dijak is on twitter
>>16812923>That being said since he was randomly giga pushed years ago maybe his contract was just too big.That's my guess too. Once you get a bigger spot you really have to maintain it otherwise later on the higher ups will just look at you and see someone with a paycheck much higher than their spot on the card.
>>16812236>Somebody doesn't like you, dude>*hangs up>*smirks>*chuckles
>>16818381Very true. Sometimes it works fine. They had plans for Bron. Melo is regularly featured, and while he's not a champion like he was in NXT, he's having good matches and on TV all the time. Lyra's doing really well for herself. But it did seem like when they brought Corbin back, it's like the writers didn't even watch him in NXT and didn't know what he'd been up to.
>>16813867It was not “working the crowd”. He quite literally threw a fit because he didn’t like how Dijak rolled Priest into the ring. I understand you’re just being a contrarian faggot at this point but stop licking Vince’s balls.
>>16818724I agree that some of those matches were really, really good, but NXT has had some really, really good matches since. And Ridge has had some himself.
>>16818812There's nothing contrarian about saying that if your boss expects you to work a certain way, that you should perhaps take that into consideration without taking it personally. It sounds like Vince wanted to iron-out details in his work, and going "well it's just the ad-break," or "well we did a table spot later" means that the lesson still hasn't set in.
>>16812236Randy still hasn't forgiven Maven for pinching his asshole during a match
>>16818812>what? you don't act like a victim whenever your boss tells you what they want?>you're just a contrarian!
>>16818771This is the actual reason behind the layoffs. They were all guys on contracts bigger than their role on the card. Jinder was on a world champion-tier contract and was on NXT for a while then not used so much. Clearly booking still had plans for most if not all of these guys as Dijak was used heavily on NXT, Jinder was just in a segment with Rock, etc. It was the financial departments call and people like Hunter still have to play the game and choose their battles.
>>16812291Back in the Gabe days Punk was referred to as the "HHH of the ROH Locker Room" im honestly not surprised at his current career trajectory at all.He's probably in tight with TKO as well from UFC cuz hes such a goddamn charmer
>>16818812No one's licking Vince's balls, retard. Vince has given guys shit gimmicks and whatnot for years. The contention is the shitter mentality of acting like it's a vendetta from management.
>>16818917You say "actual reason" like there aren't other factors. As you even pointed out, HHH has to pick his battles.At any given point, there are few actual draws and significant merch movers in the company, but you need a roster. So truthfully, most of the roster is likely "overpaid." So when chaff needs to be cut, as seen by the guys running the books, you still have several other considerations. Because realistically, they could cut Bayley, just to pick on someone, and free up a shitton of money and likely have little-to-no impact on the overall product. But they don't just do that because management probably sees other value in her, whatever that may be: a loyal worker, a name who can be used to put over others, a great team-player backstage, etc.So even if you had guys that were still being used on some level, they were still cut for other reasons. Yeah, Jinder may have been in a segment with the Rock, but what was his trajectory? Did they have plans for him? How bullish were they on those plans? Sometimes they may still want him, but it's just been too long and he needs to go away for a while.
>>16812229It was Take. Only room for one set of pure strikes in the World Wrestling Entertainment, brother.
>>16813903>somebody doesn't like you, dude>let me talk to the guy that doesn't like you and try to make him hire you backcome on, anon
>>16812229Corbin was more dimes than any of the shitters that Hunter is pushing.
>>16812236He's a snake! Never trust a snakeHahahaha....