>here's the future of your business, lil bro
>>16821965Trick and Pillman are already in their 30s
>>16821965>bronBased. Best in ring worker out them and he’s got autistic charisma.>lexisDoubt. >trickBoring. Carmelo is funnier. >dom Slow and needs to get on the gas and learn to not get attached to girls.
>>16821965You forgot Dante chen
>>16821965none of those are the future except domthe only person in your pic to sell out meet and greats or toilet paper
>>16822119Domfag has arrived.
>>16822066bron is a midget
>>16821965>BronYes. literally going to be in Romans spot in a few years>LexisNo.>TrickYes>DomFuck No.>>16822052that doesnt matter, people wrestle in their 50s now, Trick is only like 31, plenty of time to give the belt
>>16822128i accept youre concession
>>16822131So are you.
>>16822052>le 30s!!!!>everyone should be successful and hit their biggest milestones at 18!!!!>im a retarded transvestite with no future so nobody else should have one either!!!!!!!!!fries. bag.
>>16822145>>16822136>>16822131>>16822119Jesus Christ look at Jose go.
>>16821965Only Bron is worth a shit
>>16822145weird cope but okay
>>16822150no one cares about brons current reign. it's over for bronletty
Jej Domfag is seething.
>>16821965no one has ever called lexis the future of the business
bron cannot draw a penny
>>16822207Not while being a manlet, that's for sure
>>16822194i just did
>>16821965left to right; top to bottom>Pulls off legit midget madman. Give him a decade of CTE to really let those Benoit vibes ferment.>Ya gotta love the Lexx Offender, ya just gotta>Mushmouthed botching entrance merchant. Oba betta>Has the height, has the charisma, knows how to bait the smarks. Get him on the gas and coke and lets see how far Eddie's genetics can carry him.
>a quarter of WWE's "future" is a flopped AEW undercarder
>>16822131>>16822173>>16822214In the world of midgets the 5'10" man is king.
>>16821965>Dom Holy dimes
Bron and Dom are dimes
>>16826710If Bron is 5'10" Cole is 6'2"
>>16821965>le 5'3 ""hoss"">charisma black hole>potential dimes but Oba is better>only gets reactions because of women/stable, never got tested aloneDom > Trick > "Big" Bron Breakker > Brian Pillman's son