I am looking at the biggest, meatiest wrestler of all time
>>16822226He's pretty based. Definitely one of the few wrestlers that looks like someone you wouldn't want to fuck with outside of wrestling
>>16822226He's awesome. I love the Brodester,
>>16822233he looks like someone who respectfully asks other men if they'll piss in his mouth
>>16822226>reads comic books, plays magic: the gathering and listens to alternative music in your path
Many people are saying this.
>>16822226Turn on your monitor
looks like a giant queer
>>16822226I like his Russian Gangster attire with the ski mask and the camo jacket
>>16822245>>16824944nah that's you
>>16824944But enough about my brother.
>>16824944fuck off queer
>>16825041Your band sucks.
>>16822226Many are saying that he posts here.
>>16824944Turn on your monitor.
>>16822245Now how would you know what that kind of man looks like?
This looks like a guy who could tell me a thing or two about Magic the Gathering
>>16822226I like Brody. He should have been a monster. But Tony sucks at booking.
>>16824944Why are you quoting what your father said about you
>>16824944This got the queers seething!
Your band sucks fatty
>>16825150He is a monster
>>16822226He need to recruit his meat mountain brothers and kick out Buddy22
>>16822226He looks like a fat piece of shit who's never exercised in his life. His whole torso looks like a lump of dough and his arms look like tubes of dough. He's a disgrace. A big, doughy disgrace.
>>16822226I like his band and he was always booked better than Black for some reason. good for him