>this is what they're teaching at NXT
They'd get bullied out of the industry in the 80's and 90's for this
>>16828389kek that looked fucking terrible
>>16828389Nathan Frazer, Axiom, this Jevon nigga, a couple of others constantly put on the worst matches and performances every weekHow can HBK cook such good shit in PortNXT and then have a handful of shitters doing this tripe?
>>16828389why are u using this as mocking? it a great demonstration of speed and athleticism
>>16828389antismarks please explain with this is okay and also the guy dressed in the pikachu onesie
>>16828389NXT and AEW are a joke
>>16828389You can't teach that
>>16829769They don't understand why people make fun of AEW
>>16828389this is too much but I actually really like the diagonal rope runningbut I guess it opens one of those kayfabe "why irish whip work" type deals where it would be best ot not touch on it in such a way
>>16829769It certainly makes more sense than the jumping beans webm.
>>16828389This is still more believable and looks more improvised than the overly choreographed flips, thigh slaps, and constant no selling in your average AEW match.
>>16828389This is Nathan Frazer, the shoot fastest man in wrestling, and Axiom, arguably one of the best if not the best indy style tag team working, working with two shitters. I'm not into the indy style but a better representation would be their recent NXT Tag Team title defense against the Rascalz on TNA Impact.
>>16829769Because OP is a old slow fatass
>>16828673Can you believe there are NXTroons here who defend the dimeless shitters you just listed?
>>16831949there's one lonely fag that spams Fraxiom on here, as if they are the best tag team. they fucking suck.
>>16828389Why dis white nigga cant run in a straight line?
>>16828389You can put the Michaels in the booking, but you can't take the Janettty out of the agents and talent.
I mean it wasn't great but really I don't see a big problem. They weren't obviously helping each other and didn't bumble their way through anything. It was pretty smoothly done all things considered.