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Dave said on WOR Cody got legit hurt by Travis Scott. Apparently has a busted eardrum and a black eye.
>>17169743 (OP)
From a slap??? No fuckin' way dog
>>17169743 (OP)
this shit was so weird. what was he even doing? grabbing his neck?
>>17169743 (OP)
Good. Cody shouldn't come out on Friday looking like nothing happened, and after the pec tear we know he isn't gonna back out of the match or some shit
WWE had a perfect moment on their hands and they fucked it up by having this monkey spazzing out in the corner. He added absolutely nothing to the show. WWE is so cringe when they shoehorn celebrities into the story to try and resonate with the mainstream. Some real substitute teacher energy.
>>17169743 (OP)
>>17169743 (OP)
I guess two wrongs sometimes make a right
>>17169743 (OP)
Kek what a straight shooter
>>17169743 (OP)
If Cody didn't have tinnitus from all his pyro he's gonna have it now.
Dude, he could barely even stand up. Go back and watch it. He was completely wasted.
>>17169743 (OP)
Hope they sue him
Watch the footage back. Cody immediately grabs his ear in pain.
>>17169743 (OP)
How could WWE have known this two-digit-IQ autotune rapper -- infamous for the Houston Astrodome debacle where people actually died -- could do something thoughtless?
it'll forever taint replays of the segment. vince would have never done it.
Yeah there's no way Vince would have paid a dumb violent rapist recently released from prison to be a major part of a storyline, and the referee / finish spot for Wrestlemania 14.
cactus jack don’t play! FAFO
Mike Tyson is one of the greatest athletes of all time. Travis Scott is just a random rapper.
It would be like if Vince had had Master P in the ring.
>>17169743 (OP)
Why the fuck was he there anyway? Did Netflix insist there has to be a black on screen and Rock doesn't count?
>>17169743 (OP)
Why the fuck did Rock tell a guy who was high to hit Cody. Not really a professional way to work. The guy ends up shoot hitting him and fucks up his ear drum.
>Travis Scott is just a random rapper.
dont understand wrestling having rappers randomly wrestling. this goes back over 20yrs now. icp and master p in wcw. recently bad bunny and now this dude. i read he is supposedly training for a match. they had that one dude that was married to britney spears wrestle cena
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>>17169743 (OP)
Question is, if the negro knows he did it, will he be too afraid to come back and get crippled by the boys which I am hoping he does. Like someone shoot ganso bombs him off the top rope to the steps
Bryan added he was high as fuck too
Cody is a bitch for not fucking him up for this. He basically got reverse David Schultz'd
Dwayne is leading a celebrity prick stable, he was there to get more heat, congrats on getting worked ya mark
Did you really need Bryan to tell you that he was high? I thought it was pretty noticeable
this. fuck rappers
yes I don't watch WWE, just the webms posted here
Mike did nothing wrong. the bitch lied
Mike fell asleep at AEW and embarrassed us. Took all of Tony's money and bounced. He should go to jail for that.
based Iron mike.
and with all due respect. anal bleeding
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>>17169743 (OP)
there will never be a more ultimate whom'std've than this one right now
based ya just gotta
Yeah, Cody should have chimped out and ruined the biggest moment in decades because some retard not trained to work couldn't work. Cody probably knew he couldn't work a punch or slap and just told him to lay it in so it didn't look like shit.
backstage, you tard
>>17169743 (OP)
Travis Barker is a shoot basdass
Him coming out to the Rock's music was one of the most wtf wwe moments i've ever seen
>>17169743 (OP)
I agree. There was no reason for him to be there at all.
The entire thing could’ve just been Cena and Rock killing Cody and it would’ve had far more impact:
So is a different celebrity is gonna kick Cody’s ass each week?
Sounds like guest host era shit.
Cody loves blacks. He deserves it. Toll paid
Kamala lost ya fat fuckin' piece a shit
It's heat that makes me go away.
He either told him to lay it in, or the guy apologized backstage, if not then yes, he should give him a receipt. In any case, if it gets to backstage it is the company's job to smooth it out before things go to shit.
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Why did Paul gave him Hardcore title?
>>17169743 (OP)
Based. And the brown zoomers here defend it.
lmao if you think the nigger didn't leave immediately after this segment, slap or no
>>17169743 (OP)
Don't these nigger rappers usually die young? Why has no one killed this nigger in a drive by in his nigger city?
Celebrity involvement in wrestling has always been stupid.
so he can be shoot (work) heemed at a concert for the title
Mine the coal, pay the toll
stupid nigger
killed the pop too
literally 15 seconds of silence as he was standing there alone until rock came out
>>17169743 (OP)
Cody loves lying to Dave and working the smarks
No lies detected
>>17169743 (OP)
yeah wtf was that thing where scott was trying to pick cody up and then cena pressed his head back down. too much weed mr travis? don't know wtf you're supposed to be doing?
It would’ve been fine if Travis didn’t spazz around like a retard. I don’t know if he thinks he looks cool, but he just looked awkward and retarded. His presence detracted from it.
lol that was funny
>music hits
>yeaaah it's the Ro oh wait what
>music hits
>oh ok now he's coming out
I think he felt awkward, Rock was so big he looked like a kid. He's just there thinking how am I gonna look like a cool superstar out here when these guys make me look like a teenager in his dad's jorts
>>17169743 (OP)
>Dave said
Celebrities at WrestleMania 1 helped it get noticed and made it seem like a big deal and not just rasslin for the hillbillies. Mixed results overall with celebrities though, especially if they work or take bumps.
He was supposed to hold Cody's arms and Cody told Travis to hit him for real
>>17169743 (OP)
>>17169743 (OP)
based strong style connoisseur
go watch Bash At The Beach 96 again and get back to me you cocksucking always online zoomer
Why are they letting blacks high on drugs in the ring with their top guys? Mud show shit
ITT Smarks cry about WWE effectively using celebrities to draw casuals
He's burning sage! Travis Scott burning sage in the corner!
triple nose desperately wanting to be hip with zoomers I guess, even tiny con didn't fuck up this bad when action bronson and rock ross were on aew
>>17169743 (OP)
It was the ritual. Rock went full-on middle eastern demon worship / african animist mode. When he was talking to CAWdy he mentioned Dusty dying again, meaning if CAWdy didn't offer himself up then they would be sacrificing and killing the soul of Dusty himself instead.
turn that monitor on
>>17169743 (OP)
>someone told dave
xavier said he heard cody got his eardrum ruptured by travis in a kayfabe twitter video yesterday
would be hilarious is dave watched it and reported based on that
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>>17169743 (OP)
>Dave said on WOR
>Celebrity involvement in wrestling has always been stupid.
>Celebrities at WrestleMania 1 helped it get noticed
ok but i think its stupid to have random rappers get physically involved and actually wrestle competitive matches
>>17169743 (OP)
come on. A single punch can do all that? fuck that shit
>>17169743 (OP)
This was Cody’s public initiation ceremony
cause he calls himself cactus jack
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This was backstage after Chamber ended. I'm surprised he can even talk. I always thought he just sounded like he was blasted out of his mind on cough syrup and pot or some shit.
ICP are trained wrestlers though.
I don't blame Travis cuz he's a dumbass. I blame Cody himself for even letting said dumbass ever touching me. The whole lot of them
this is not even that schizo at this point. thats most likely what it was
Even though I'm not a racist like you and most of the anons replying to this post are I agree. He's only there to get a few more twitter likes. Have him come out with the Miz or some other random midcarder. Let the real important storylines be solely about the wrestlers.
We’ll see if it’s real soon since Cody is a notorious liar that loves to work the audience
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remember the last time Cody was for sure injured and dropping the title
this is just so he can come out on Friday and sell an injury since John won't show up for weeks
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>ICP are trained wrestlers though
but they were still just random rappers that showed up to wrestle for no real reason. like the misfits in wcw
Lmao no they aren't, they yard tarded and then lied about going to a wrestling school.
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>Celebrities at WrestleMania 1 helped it get noticed
yeah Liberace was a huge draw in 1984
Looks like Scott's palm connected straight with Cody's ear which is damn near like a punch. Plus Cody wasn't prepared so he couldn't roll with the strike to reduce the impact since it seems like Scott just did it on his own.
True, sick of browns and black 'celebrities' I've never heard of getting promos and matches ashy
That's not the last time, they just tried to claim this for the ladder match
Right, you're acting like the Cyndi Lauper and Mr. T stuff didn't help create the rock n' wrestling era which led to the 80s boom.
a Chicago ridgehand to the ear can be lethal
>you're acting like the Cyndi Lauper and Mr. T stuff didn't help create the rock n' wrestling era
im sure cyndi laupers fanbase of mostly 10yr old girls all tuned in to see he do nothing the few times she appeared. mr t was so popular the a team was canceled only a year after the first wrestlemania never to work in hollywood again
They should have him appear all the time doing retarded shit like this because he is the only one getting actual heat
So basically either Metlzer is bullshitting or the E is trying to hide that Cody's ears and eyes are destroyed
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