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People are pissed because they assumed it was just like peacock/wwe PLE deal
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fraid' so
ricochet is a retard
>be a yuropoor
>pay for netflix
>have ppvs from wwe for free
that's how it ding-dong diddly works
>>17179518 (OP)
Um no sweetie these are Prime Premium Live Pay Per View Events you don't get those as part of your subscription.
To be fair, AEW should be paying Amazon subscribers to watch their PPVs.
>>17179518 (OP)
So are the PPVs free or not if I already have Prime
You couldn't pay me to watch AEW, never have, never will

I've also put 3 aewtists in the hospital but that's a story 4 another time
>>17179518 (OP)
kek ricoshit now does PR for AEW?
Wouldn5 watch if it were free
In Prime you can rent shit from other streaming services, so you will have to pay for the PPV through Prime
>>17179518 (OP)
>pay a monthly subscription to have the privilege of paying extra for a PPV that streams on the same streaming service

Damn does Ricoshit really love bootlicking amazon?
>>17179518 (OP)
What the actual fuck. So I am signed up to amazon prime for nothing?
>>17179518 (OP)
Everyone in AEW is so whiny.
>>17179518 (OP)
Tony can't afford to give away PPVs like WWE does with Peacock. It's never happening
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If that’s PR that’s awful. Ricochet is calling your paying audience stupid and Dave has to do damage control in a tweet.

It’s going to be funny when the aew audience show up on Sunday and are prompted to purchase it
>>17179518 (OP)
yarr harr, anons.
>pay for a ticket to watch a live show
>show up at the entrance and get told you have to pay another fee to actually watch it

>AEW PPV is £20 in the UK on top of your Prime subscription
>All WWE PPVs, episodes of Raw and Smackdown, and the entire back catalogue are included with Netflix from £5.99 in the UK. Max price is £17.99.
If AEW want to increase viewership, they should adopt a similar model.
I haven't rented anything for 20 years, where the fuck can you even rent things from anymore?
>calling your audience dumb for not understanding a change in your streaming service

Good job Tony!
I buy my AEW PPVs through Triller and will continue to do so until they say I can't.
Amazon Prime. That's the whole point
Why the fuck would you pay for a rental service when you can just get netflix or peacock or anything else
Not everything is available on a singular platform. Prime Video has various streaming partners that let you rent videos from other platforms even if you aren't subscribed.
you do know Ricochet is a heel Tweeting in character.
you fuckin mark
clearly it was from terminal cringe reading your posts
If Ricoheel makes his gimmick shooting on retarded twitter fans he'll end up getting over with me
Free shipping?
am I renting prime for the PPV or buying prime and then renting the PPV? I just want the PPV. for free if possible.
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>>17179518 (OP)
>AEW wrestlers calling their last few remaining fans idiots
I agree, Rick.
>>17179518 (OP)
>The Amazon prime deal ain’t what you think it is
Yes it is. The release stated exactly what it meant. That you can purchase their ppvs on there as well
>People are pissed because they assumed
No one's fault they're retarded but their own
>are the PPVs free
Speaking of retards
I think it's the "I'll be dicks to people as part of my help character even though I fight with people that don't watch my product and thus don't draw money" mentality that everyone seems to have these days.
PLE is more their speed kek
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>>17179518 (OP)
Because it’s not 1998 anymore. PPV in 2025 lol, enjoy bankruptcy. Adapt or die.
This is true. AEW will have a dedicated base willing to buy their PPVs, but they will never grow with that strategy. Streaming is the expectation today. AEW should either have their own app, or go all in (heh) on Max, after upping the Max deal to include their PPVs.
I'll be watching free on the secret /pw/ Discord
makes me laugh knowing people try and watch the shit on Baked so it can cut off and buffer constantly
>>17179518 (OP)
This and Dave's tweets are both monumentally out of touch. I might grab a 50 dollar ticket and go if the show is in town, but they're insane if they think I'm paying that to watch a stream of bullshit. It'll draw a milly on watch-wrestling though
New adminstration made bootlicking corporations & billionaires a matter of national pride
Time to put Amazon PPVs to the top of my favourite IPTV Channels.
>>17179518 (OP)
Would watch free oh i wait i already does that not gonna give this dimeless company Money RAHRAH
>>17179518 (OP)
>Prime is $16/month
How is that free? Stupid fuck
AEW PPVs are the only thing that clears wwe's bastardized version of PLEs, piggy. Cope all you want about it
>>17179518 (OP)
Amazon will keep a larger percentage than Bleacher Report ever did. Plus way less people buy GAYEW PPVs now than they did 3 years ago.

AEW prints losing money lol
>>17179518 (OP)
piggiEs truly are poor as fuck, aren't they? the idea of paying for a quality PPV is just beyond them now. we used to do it for WWF too, before it became slop for kids and retards.
You are a pedophile.
poor AND mad as fuck lmao
No, I don’t watch AEW. I have no idea if Ricochet is a face or a heel, because to a normal person, this looks fucking stupid. You are fucking stupid. That’s why you watch AEW.
Why do you molest kids?
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>amazon adds prime vision to AEW matches
>next gen stat tracking that shows percentages and personal stats for each wrestler
>rico has a 87% during his ring entrance
>steps inside a ring and picks up a mic
>immediately drops to 12%
your dad certainly molested you, which is why you watch e-slop lmao
>>17179518 (OP)
That'll make people pay for your product the could find on the internet for free or just not at all cause it's faggy trash
Nonces like you deserve the rope.
keep squealin piggiE, it's fun when you tell on yourselves
Kill yourself pedo.
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>AEW Prime users pay extra for Prime Membership
>Prime Video has ads
>AEW to Amazon prime
>Not price cut for Prime users
>Full $50 please
>because to a normal person,
which you are not
I'll only accept dinner in the form or asslanders ass or I go back to only Jericho clips
Wealthy people don't waste money nor are desperate to give it to a corporation.
Your simping gives you away. And you're on disability benefits, that makes you one of the poorest people on here. McJobs pay more than that
Oh here Trev is, defending the billionaire again. Don't worry buddy, I'm sure he'll pay for your legs any day now.
>>17179518 (OP)
prime fucking sucks. 90% of the stuff i want to watch is behind dozens of other subscriptions you need to pay and it's so badly organized. see some horror movie that looks cool, sorry you need shudder for that. mgm, paramount etc.
>>17179518 (OP)
what a jackass. Hes dropping acronyms and nonsense statements and calling people stupiud for not 'getting it'. Man fuck that guy.

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