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Seth didn't mind that Punk used his wife's name in a promo. Seth was upset that Punk didn't clear it with him beforehand. The two men reportedly got into a heated argument backstage in front of Triple H. Triple H told them to take it somewhere else and work it out. They did work things out, but then Punk saw Becky Lynch's tweet about Punk and Roxanne Perez. Punk was said to be livid as Becky's tweet may have damaged the reputations of himself, his wife, and Roxanne. Punk met with Triple H and threatened to quit if something wasn't done. Triple H assured Punk that everything would be taken care of. Becky deleted her tweet shortly after this. Roxanne is embarrassed by the situation and fears backlash from male wrestling fans. She reportedly said quote, "I'm going to get Britt Baker'd."
>>17183697 (OP)
Brad Shepard is saying this via The Podcast
Punk’s Sunny days moment
>>17183697 (OP)
cm punk isnt more important than evil jahn and the codeman
why is there only drama in these companies around Phil?
>>17183697 (OP)
Imagine being Triple H. You work nonstop 24/7 thinking about the next never ending show, because even after Wrestle fucking Mania the very next day is another RAW, all while having to baby sit a circus of drama queens trying to one up each other
are you retarded?
Thus is the life of a ringleader
>ll while having to baby sit a circus of drama queens trying to one up each other
Why do you think most wrestling bookers / promoters are sociopathic carnies?
Hunter should fire Seth already. Everyone fucking hates him and his shit and his wife too. Send them to Tony and let them be another nail in AEW's coffin.
>>17183697 (OP)
>I'm going to get Britt Baker'd
I believed you until this part. No one in WWE knows who that is.
>>17183697 (OP)
>>17183697 (OP)
Thank you insider anon
>>17183697 (OP)
WWE is a fucking preschool full of boomer brats
>>17183697 (OP)
A "leak" accompanied by that stupid ass pepe image has never been true.
Seth is the son Paul will never have. Dude's got a job for life
Great. ANOTHER PDS thread.

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