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Post examples of maximizing pro wrestling's aesthetic qualities and lifting them up to a higher plane of existence. I don't know why every single company is lacking on this crucial aspect of the show, whether it's visually, sonically, spiritually, etc..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64si-rMSd6g [Embed]
Smackdown intros in particular used to tap into that otherworldly force quite often.
>>17188036 (OP)
>Rey Mysterio drops in on The Un-Americans during his SmackDown debut

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9imA5Qj80g [Embed]
Great thread idea.

It's kinda from what you're proposing I know because I guess you're looking more at things used for promo videos an stuff. But Kevin Dunn's camera shots don't get enough love. Like this of Reigns after beating Taker. It's just such a great shot. Also Austin bleeding with blood on his teeth at Mania.
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Might help if I remember picture
I commend you for having a positive post about Kevin Dunn, and I'm all for talking about great camerawork and production in general when it comes to pro wrestling shows. It's been said a million times, but NJPW's camera guys really are top of the line, always managing to squeeze the best out of seemingly lackluster performances. Same with Peak TNA and their overhead shots. Lucha Underground is another obvious example of how to do it right. Things like this really do go a long way into making your show more valuable to watch. For all the talk of ''CINEMA'' these days, there's really not much to marvel at as far putting it all together on a screen.
As far as Kevin Dunn goes, I have a great webm from a match between Flair and Vince somewhere. I'll post it if i can find it.
Ace level shit.
>>17188036 (OP)
Rey Mysterio is in my walls
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c83rE5oo-FA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L62C2JCJcMA [Embed]
Hogan in between Sting's entrance
>>17188036 (OP)
The shot at the end where Undertaker is standing while JBL is laid out and the title is on the ground with the nameplate facing the camera

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1rIuFMNrPk [Embed]
>>17188036 (OP)
HBK standing over Undertaker at Elimination Chamber

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz_WuPD8hoQ [Embed]
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Found it. The intergration of the replay within the action on the fly is some masterful stuff. Thanks to webmchad for supplying me with this gem the other day, he's a real one, brother.
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This fucking shot of Kane and Undertaker.
>We're already so far gone that people are using revisionist history on fucking KEVIN DUNN
Grim. Levels of grim that were once unimaginable.
Lucha Underground nailed its presentation so often.
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Kevin Dunn overall sucks a fat donkey dong, but I will give him credit for Goldust's entrance and making the camera roll at 24fps to be movie-like. Legitimately cool.
https://youtu.be/odBvTaUsqas?si=gNmsZkbU4AvAXO3f [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr8Rwf5RAMU [Embed]
The new production guy has good ideas and has done great so far, but he's constantly fucking up. If you can't appreciate Kevin Dunn's work and artistry in providing some of the most iconic wrestling visuals of all time, then there's no point even addressing anything else you have to say.
they don't make promo packages like they used to, man. even fanmade ones are better than whatever we're getting these days
kevin dunn was a lot like vince himself. an insane retard most of the time with the potential for extremely high level kino at the most random of times. i think the new guy is on average better than dunn but you're right that he doesn't reach those same high points and does fuck up a fair bit. i think in a few years he will be very good though. kevin dunn worked for like 30 years
He's the most broken clock mf to ever exist, any cool shot he may have had was almost certainly luck or thanks only to somebody else and was probably on screen for no more than 2 seconds before cutting to something else.
He's terrible. Next.
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This, pretty much. When he would screw up, it would be super frustrating. I still remember how bad the fuck-up was for AJ's debut at the Rumble. Like, how do you focus on Roman's confused face for so fucking long when it's a brand new star entering?
Could you explain what is it exactly that he's so bad at in his job excluding the much maligned zoom-ins? He did work on the show during most people's favorite era of wrestling, and from what I recall the show looked pretty cool on a consistent basis. It's the passage to HD and subsequent PG rating that really turned his work to shit. The lighting was just too bright.
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The new guy is good with making everything flow really well. Stuff happens backstage, wrestler angry storms through curtain whilst theme hits, camera pans around to the front as he walks all in one shot. That's good shit.

Kevin Dunn is responsible for beautiful wrestling moments. He wasn't perfect by any means but some of his work is incredible.
>>17188036 (OP)
I miss the Y2K era
https://youtu.be/_z2MHF6bQ5I [Embed]
Kurt's TNA titantron is easily one of the greatest ones ever. Gorgeous imagery all over it. Really sells you the concepts of both ''professional'' and ''wrestling''.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYG85KMLV9M [Embed]
>>17188036 (OP)
Not sure how many people still care about FMW but those exploding ring matches are the peak of insane carny spectacle. The Terry Funk/Onita match is a cult classic for a reason. There's also that exploding swimming pool match with the nasty scythe spot. There's something so bizarre about all of this being booked in front of these massive crowds. We'll never see anything like this again honestly.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWVV1oyocXI [Embed]
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>>17188036 (OP)
>>17188036 (OP)
>Goldust makes an entrance worthy of Hollywood

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZLv_dBRhZw [Embed]
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>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ08fE1QQ0Q [Embed]
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>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hncz7wfY4PE [Embed]
>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrig9raB-cY [Embed]
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>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OfSR68tEzs [Embed]
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>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lISe0zimuQ4 [Embed]
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i miss this theme
Dexter Lumis was dimes. I don't get why they abandoned him that quickly.
He wouldn't stop doing baby crawls in the ring and Vince didn't like it
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I miss when Titantrons were like music videos instead of just [NAME GOES HERE] bullshit.

I miss motion graphics for "here's our upcoming matches" bits during the show.
The other angle is where it really looks next level
>Stuff happens backstage, wrestler angry storms through curtain whilst theme hits, camera pans around to the front as he walks all in one shot.
I'd be fine with that shot if they didn't do it on EVERY FUCKING SHOW. It cheapens how cool it looks when it's done every week.

When the Wyatt Sicks debuted and we got that oner showing Gorilla Position all fucked up and Chad Gable with a fucking bullet in his head (he got better), THAT was fucking awesome. The first time WWE did that oner shot for an entrance, it was awesome. But now you know when it's coming because you see someone walking towards Gorilla Position backstage and it happens every week and I wish they'd give it a break.
The throne was fucking kino. I eagerly await for the day we get anything close to this
Christ, those first two seasons of LU were fucking incredible.
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>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxD3rpVsO9Q [Embed]
>>17188036 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiQRT-Voj70 [Embed]

all the shots in his titantron are pretty cool
THIS is what entrance videos should be
When they held that nitro at that nightclub in Panama City
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>>17188036 (OP)
I want a music video opening instead of the match clips. I guess match clips are easier to swap out when someone gets fired.
Stardust was fine, but he overdid it and came out yelling like a retard after masturbating with Icy Hot
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Hell yeah I see exactly what you mean. I did find this cool FMW match recently with Kendo Nagasaki of all people
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0jVkpshNqc [Embed]
As far as embodying the pro wrestling heroic babyface archetype, there really aren't many better examples than Hayabusa. FMW did a very good job at establishing him as the rightful ace, and man did he ooze coolness. When combined with his theme music, he came across as this mystical force of pure will and determination.
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>I don't care about your stupid Sabu pants

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