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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


3.16 GRAND PRINCESS '25 @ Ota Ward General Gymnasium, Tokyo (LIVE)[14:00 JST]
3.22 TJPW SPRING TOUR 2025 IN YOKOHAMA @ Yokohama Radiant Hall, Kanagawa (LIVE)[13:00 JST]
3.29 Yuki Arai's Final Two-Way Challenge ~Go for the Victory!!~ @ Chunichi Hall, Aichi (LIVE)[12:00 JST]
3.30 SKE48 Yuki Arai Graduation LIVE ~Go for the Dream!!~ @ Chunichi Hall, Aichi (VOD)[15:30 JST]

>>17185182 →
Raku's fat tits
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
They're over with me, bro.
I've had Rika's theme stuck in my head all day.
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Show, don't tell
I'm a yukicker.
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The barely concealed rage of Raku frightens me. The barely concealed tits of Raku arouse me.
bird legs
yuck. ick. her?
This picture contains Raku and Miu, the two wrestlers in wrestling history who truly activate my neurons. Thank you anon.
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just happy to be here
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21 year old retard
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you can tell that this isn't the first time miu has pinned someone down like this
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Miu sneaked into my room last night and sat on my chest.
Miu and Raku are beautiful angels that transcend humanity.
Miyu is in my favorite city again tonight :)
unironically want miu to pin me down during sex i wanna be a little afraid of her when we fuck
as opposed to wanting it ironically?
Harajuku Pom
Miu looks so muscular and yet so soft. She is made for gentle love making.
femdom is cringe
femdom is based
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sunflower saturday
I greatly admire the friendly girls and their many talents.
Maki Itoh has no discernible talent.
Pom's rosy pink nipples
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Happy International Women's Day to each of these immensely talented, beautiful, and tireless women. Thank you for making our lives brighter and more enjoyable.
based ally chad
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Her talent is sexuality.
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I dislike genki player Watanabe Miu being wasted on the Nubian gaijin.
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the graceful elegance of Toga T. Toga
The unmitigated SEXOOOOO of Yoppy and Sunflower
Who did this artwork? It looks lewd
this is almost as good as TIEO's work
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petting pom's furry little kitty
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i guess this won't be streamed or posted anywhere again
I'm going to court, date, marry, ejaculate inside of and impregnate this Pom one day but, I don't want to be vulgar about it.
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after sex selfie with a chinese male wrestler
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promos good
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The many faces of her reaction to our mandated marriage
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>Miu's face when she learns the English-language document I had her "autograph" is a marriage contract
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These are the games.
I look forward to seeing the new costume of Haru Kazashiro at Grand Princess.
You think Miu Watanabe is her shoot name? It would never hold up in court.
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These are the players.
And these are the games.
why is itô doing all these promotional appearances if she's leaving soon
The popular schizo theory is that she's getting the belt soon, so she's more motivated to promote the company she'll soon be the face of.
someone last thread said they heard she was leaving the promotion after the las vegas mania show
She is.
thank god
I think that was me, but I don't think I said she was leaving. I said she and Miyu are booked in America the week after and so they probably are going to stay local while the rest of the roster goes home.
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>Heineken!? Fuck that shit!
A couple years ago Shoko mentioned that she was the only one who used her real name. So that may or may not apply to the classes of ‘23 and ‘24, but Miu’s real name is definitely not “Miu Watanabe”
Why would she be leaving? You mean she’s going on another US excursion? Yes, she’ll be in the US for a bit after the Vegas show
I could see them using part of their real names for their ring names. Like how Hikari's actual name was surprisingly actually Hikari, but not Noa.
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7 days until Hyper Misao finally becomes a champion!
is it actually going to happen this time? will koda pull the trigger after all these years?
Misaofag and Itohschizo should get banned depending on who wins.
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They've telegraphed it so hard, I have to believe it's happening.

Also it will likely be the only title change. I don't see Rika or Arisu winning. Or even Raku.
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>will koda pull the trigger after all these years?
10/10 gal
maybe the real title change was the friends we made along the way
Haru apparently revealed that "Haru" kinda is in her shoot name. I think Arisu but not Endo is her shoot name. I also get the sense a lot of them used their real first name or a twist on it

Always assumed Yamashita and Sakazaki were also shoot names
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maybe the real title change was the heroes we made along the way
her real name is Suzume and she is a shoot bee
Isn't it Izumi?
スズメバチ is a hornet
isnt misao’s shoot name aoi kojima?
Yuka's name is a reference to Yuri Sakazaki from Art of Fighting
only Kojima was revealed when she fake retired
Neko Haruna is her shoot name
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I will never reveal my shoot name.
Mack E. Skizzo
huge pop
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Shoko Nakajima
Misao Utashiro (née Kojima)
Mizuki Kaminade
Yuki Kamifuku (上福佑季)
Reimi Ishikawa
Himawari Sato
Yoshiko Hasegawa
Fifi Mercer
no way that bitch is shoot named fifi
'fraid so
Wakana real name is Wavanka Trump
the absolute state of britbongistan
Fifi is itself often a nickname. I assume short for Fiona or something.
she looks like a fiona desu
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Maki Itoh has a true name and if you speak it she's exiled back to Hell.
>Misao Utashiro (née Kojima)
misao isnt married tho
I don't know all of these. Where did you get Utashiro? And who are Kyo and Aona? I'm assuming Kyo and Aona are the names someone was introduced as as a trainee
Wait, Utashiro would be her husband's name. Nevermind. I wasn't thinking
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Predictions form for GP25
shes not married
Kyo = Pom
Aona = Moka
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Mahiro is cheeked up.

Why aren't these matches on WU?
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Aona was Moka's trainee name yeah
Bros I just cannot see where Shino can steal a win from these days unless she's against Uta or Chika
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Isn't her one singles win and all her other wins via quick roll up? They can do whatever they want with her, really. She won't be any more or less over because of it. She's like Yano.

These are at an idol festival going on, not actually a tjpw show. They should record them but they usually don't.
Just believe in her and she'll win
Will this idol festival be attended by uncles or teenage girls?
Ririko Ishizawa
Yuuna Suzuki
Hikari Wakamiya
Mirai Itoh
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Raku trying to put Wakana into Raku mode, permanently.
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wakana mogging them at their own dance again
Maybe you should be less interested in the location of teenage girls.
I'm interested if this has the potential to generate new fans.
She has the flexibility and the high, enthusiastic kick of someone who doesn't have to perform it dozens of times a year. You're being worked.
>Ririko Ishizawa
That was a ring name. Rika is her shoot first name
worked by what exactly? she's objectively better at it than them despite performing it at most three times per year and never practicing it
Wakana Uehara is her shoot name.
>The Substance (2024)
wakana fan spamming again
spamtranny seething again
saturday night schizo melty hour
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>Which poster visual do you like?
her shoot name is haruna neko
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I like the Raku/Pom poster.
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This isn't sour grapes but the fact that Meiko Satomura gets a main event graphic and Miu Watanabe doesn't makes me sick
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Not a lot of people realize this but "neko" is Japanese for el gato.
Does seem odd that they're not giving Miu/Willow some sort of special poster.

We still have a week, though.
Those shitty celebrity summary sites claim that it's Wakana Horiuchi, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence for it
Meiko Satomura go to hell
if they're asking people what their favorite poster is they're probably done now. gone are the days of gp23 when every match got a visual and time at the press conference
Meiko Satomura go to heaven
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gp22, even. can't believe it's already been 3 years
i like how the background is a collage of pictures of the two as if they were remembering the good times together and are now feuding but its tjpw so arisu just came out and challenged suzume and she said yes and thats its. they are still friends.
uninspiring and typical big head poster
literal scribbles on a white background
word vomit
Meiko Satomura can go to the section of paradise for virtuous individuals who were not given due teaching on Christ's gift of salvation but may yet learn and attain it during the teaching of the Millennium.
That was also the one time they bothered with big entrances.

Though this year since Ittenyon, they've started doing those (fairly generic) entrance videos for the second half of the card. Maybe they'll actually do something for the first big show of the year.
>word vomit
there are barely any words on the poster, and all are relevant to the match and show
I'm Mormon and will perform baptism for the dead rites on all the players so they can come live with me as spiritual wives on the planet I oversee in the celestial kingdom.
big font vomit
Sad that Nao gave up on her Love Quest and decided to just adopt Arisu and Mizuki instead
yes, it's supposed to look like a classic wrestling poster
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This one is the best.
Maki Itoh has never heard Upper Kick nor seen it performed live
Loses points for not making the background the Thai flag
Kamiyu made some new friends
wtf this is NOT friendly
She looks genuinely uncomfortable.
sorry but your shindie belt wasnt included in that twitter post
womp womp
Those are definitely shoot women. If they had cocks she'd be loving it
That's not PG!
In the longer clip, she seems to be giggling a lot. Either out of enjoyment or nerves, I'm not sure.

I assume it's like when straight women go to strip clubs. They're just appreciative of the skill and art.
The actual way to do it would be to just give her pinning finishes ala Emi's La Magistral or Danielson's Master of the Small Package phase. An easy way to allow her to get fluke wins while letting her still play the underdog.
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I used to love Maki but I keep finding her less and less appealing when looking at her surgery altered eyes. I keep noticing it more and more. She's still hot, but come on. A huge flaw.
For a while, Haru was winning with a European Clutch. Misao also has a Gedo Clutch and Hikari had that Last Supper pin. It's not a bad idea, but Shino is fully on the lovable jobber train right now.
>I went to the special event for Upga Pro Wrestling at Toyosu PIT, but it seemed like they weren’t prepared with the special tickets. All the members were scrambling to get things ready. But what really stood out was Rakuhan, who was bending forward in her wrestling outfit… I won’t say what exactly, but it was quite the sight.
>we missed the raku tit slip
are you fucking kidding me right now
[Sad News] Shoko is having router issues
shit like that is why the busty players usually wear shirts at the meetos now
Cool it down
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>La Magistral
That move is already taken bud
Interesting that they chose Uta as the MC for the new UUG group reveal or whatever this is
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What's wrong with her face
japanese fans love using terrible ai upscaling instead of just buying a better camera
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>Shino is currently collecting donations for the Noto Peninsula disaster recovery effort near the entrance! Please help out!
Would this be considered confidence inspiring?
Raku wins
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Man... If what I'm hearing is true... poor Rakuhan...
uncles watching VERY intently
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AI upscaling Raku tits
I warned this bot
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>Namba when she sees her first 6' white Canadian man
No lie, I think it's a great achievement that TJPW has made each player distinct, and I don't forget about any of them. I never go "who's that?" and even though not all of them can be amazing at the top of the card, I still respect the work they're doing to chase their dreams.

That being said, Haru and Toga are going to take us into the 2030s.
If she ever gets new gear, 100% it will show off her pussy while she's doing this
> implying Namba isn't worldly and learned enough to not have met tall/white foreigners before.
"everybody is unique", and "no factions/storylines" is unironically why TJPW is great for casuals and new fans.

You don't need any more information than "I like the green one with the shenanigans"
It's very clear that she's the only one out of the four with no training/experience in dance or acting. All the others know how to emote with their face, exaggerate their movements, etc. Watch the first 10 seconds (and the first "dance move" after the point) and compare Yoppy, HIMAWARI or Shoko to Toga. A lot more confidence.
Unless Yoppy and Ivy get in her ear and convince her to start wearing flesh colored tights like they did.
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>"no factions/storylines"
NBG was based
The Misao storyline was based
Im certain new fans would have been captivated
Only Misao is capable of things like this
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MSM Neo Bii-gun > Misao Neo Bii-gun
maki saw raku bend over and immediately thought, " this is bad for business."
not the wrestling business. not the idol business. the sex business. if people notice raku is packing some fat tits and a nice ass they wont be buying the itoh onlyfans
She had no character arc and there was no tension or emotional build or payoff, but MSM's character work was very good.
Sums up my feelings on that NBG era
Id go with Misao > Azusa > MSM
MSM was hot garbage. The Misao stuff was a mess and as always the ending sucked but there was purpose and something different was added to the promotion. The Mei stuff added nothing
>there was no payoff
You’re talking about Misao era NBG?
The whole storyline was Rika fighting to get her friend back and when Misao turns face again Rika doesn’t give a shit and they don’t interact for a year without any explanations
This would be an untold tragedy.
Release new chekis NOW
The matches were great, the entrances were great, the mentor pupil with lesbian undertones relationship was great. You’re a pleb.
Talkin bout Mei
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So many philistines exposing themselves
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>The whole storyline was Rika
The story was mainly about Misao's dilemma in not wanting to lose anymore so she had to "kill her old self"(back then we didnt even know the undertone of that) in her own words so she got rid of her Hero persona and her love for Rika and she did get stronger and won a lot and won the tag belts. Rika played a role in bringing her back to the light but notice how in the end the story ended with Misao vs Sakisama and Misao was still grateful for what Sakisama had done for her but she needed to follow her own path as the Hero and find success in that way, and she definitely has since then and itll be the icing on the cake if/when she wins the tag belts at Grand Princess.
MSM went from a wild girl found in the woods to becoming a maid after a year of training and she now speaks japanese and is travelling time and space to have tea with Sakisama? How is that not a character arc?
how much of that actually happened on the shows?
absolute kino storytelling. wouldve been to have one final misao and sakisama reunion but she did respect her in the end so it wouldnt have made sense for them to feud again.
*wouldve been cool
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>Mei-san, who is that wild haired dusky imp following you around? I cannot understand a word it is saying. Sacre bleu, this is not utsukushii
Ok doesn’t change the fact that her supposed best friend who she turned on and feuded with the entire time didn’t celebrate and they were kept separate for a year and when they finally got in the ring together none of this was aknowledged. That booking was trash
>they were kept separate for a year
Probably cause they had like a million fuckin matches together in 2019
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>itll be the icing on the cake if/when she wins the tag belts at Grand Princess.
10 years in the making since her 10th anniversary just happened
>so it wouldnt have made sense for them to feud again.
people tried to explain this to you but you insisted for years that they were gonna have another match
I just found it funny that the story was about a woman who wanted to change her life and began winning all her matches clean, but her mediocre moe slop anime-esque friends wanted her to go back to "fighting for peace and justice" via chetaing in every single match.
So what? Because they had a lot of matches against each other means a shitty conclusion is fine?
But your issue with it happened after that main story had already concluded plus the pandemic happened and they interacted during those streams.
Everything? Sakisama was the only one allowed to speak after her matches even if she wasn’t in the main event,
At the beginning MSM was a trainee making mistakes following Martha’s orders while Sakisama was teaching her French, Japanese and History. She became a maid right after they won the tag titles I think. The time and space stuff is their last promo in a tjpw ring
>shitty conclusion
Satisfying conclusion and comprehensive ending
>plus the pandemic happened
remember when people wanted misao to continue being a heel? imagine if she had stayed with nbg when covid started. she hated how she couldnt interact with fans and be part of other tjpw activities outside of wrestling. it would have been horrible for her doing the same thing during lockdown. we got tjpw2d during that time because of her.
Yup I summed up the story here >>17208834 . I think that anon is too focused on the Rika aspect which had already done its job when Misao and Rika had their singles match. The conclusion to the Misao story ended with the Sakisama singles match.
So you were invested in the storyline but you’re fine with Rika basically shitting on everything by not giving a fuck that Misao went back to her old self? (what she wanted all along).
Btw I’m not blaming Rika I’m blaming Koda’s shitty booking
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>Rika basically shitting on everything by not giving a fuck that Misao went back to her old self
Did you even watch any of it? Why are you trying to pass off this counterfeit headcanon as legitimate?
misaofags will swallow any slop and call it kino as long as misao is in it just talk about raku’s fat tits or something instead of arguing with them in what basically is their echo chamber since most fans of other players left
I see we're reminiscing about the only time Misao was interesting again.
If you think this is headcanon you’re the one who didn’t watch the shows
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>Rika basically shitting on everything by not giving a fuck that Misao went back to her old self?
You lost me anon. Misao and Rika had their singles match and after that match, we got this cool fist bump between them which they had done previously before Misao had turned signaling that Misao was back. There was nothing left to say after that and now it was Misao handling business with Sakisama. They still do it every now and then like in this pic >>17208950. But yea the pandemic happened and while they didnt have a match til months later, they still talked and did their streams together.
You are the only person on planet earth who believes the ending to that story was "shitty".
Nah I thought it sucked too.
Anon I explained your concern right here. You initially replied to me.
>a fucking fist bump with no follow up
If you think that’s a satisfacting ending good for you.
Many people did though. I remember when they went straight to Akemi and the couple of months after people in this thread were like that’s it? where’s Rika? I hated the follow up you loved it. Fine no point in arguing forever.
>I remember when they went straight to Akemi and the couple of months after people in this thread were like that’s it? where’s Rika?
Including the misaofag trying to defend it now and spent years begging for Misao to do stuff with Sakisama again.
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>If you think that’s a satisfacting ending good for you.
Anon but the story wasnt about Rika nor was that match the ending of that story lol The story was about Misao and her weakness/strength dilemma and the story ended with the Sakisama match.
>follow up
feel free to make neo again and leave us the fuck alone you sperg
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Cumming in Suzume
So if you help a friend go through a dark period. The instant they get better you ghost them for a year? And that friend also don’t give a shit about you anymore?
Why are you so focused on Rika if she was just a part of the story and not the story? In the story, Rika brought back Misao through their fight, did the fist bump, and dipped since she was tag champ and was off to do her own thing.
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>that friend also don’t give a shit about you anymore
the only good post here fr fr
why is the rika fan sperging out tho?
Please tell me this is a false flag to make people hate Misao fans. No wonder I see posts calling people Misaoschizo
What do I name my hunter in Wilds that’s tjpw related bros
>she was just a part of the story and not the story?
Misao turned on her to start the whole thing, feuded the entire time but she’s just
>a part of the story
Jesus Christ the caps poster is obviously trolling I hope you are too
>post retarded shit
>get called out by different people
>"everyone is trolling except me"
>post facts
>hey but what about so and so
>okay but here are the facts
the rika poster is pretty sus with his posts. almost sounds like hes trolling but dont worry about those haters. they are always on here seething any time people talk about misao. you can literally put misaofag on palanq and see how at least 2 of those guys obsessively hate on her.
>>17203903 (OP)
I suspect that this player has a pleasant vaginal aroma and a brown butthole.
You always say people hate Misao but you’re wrong people hate the annoying Misao fan(s?)
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oh and heres a picture for proof
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Amazing how active this thread gets when something show-related gives everyone something to talk about (it happened 5 years ago)
one retard spamming usually does that
Mahiro should do a Steiner screwdriver
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That doesn't work for us
You mean the Violet Screwdriver?
How do I not fap to this
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We got over Nodoka, we can get over Namba
well duh that applies to everyone that graduates but every now and then you get someone that brings them up like that hikari fag thats still here
How do I mute you
you lost
namba is replaceable. shes just an announcer. we had two other announcers before. nodoka was close with the entire roster from top to bottom but more importantly she was a great wrestler. koda unironically destroyed her love for wrestling. she changed her gimmick and this dude still didnt push her so she let herself go.
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>We got over Nodoka
You're unfortunately wrong
>Maho was a Marvel stacey
Everyone is replaceable if you want to be obtuse about it. Even the wrestlers or the booker.

It's not that they won't find another announcer, it's that Namba was the first good one they had. The best one, the longest tenured, etc.
>namba is replaceable
me when i'm a retarded faggot
Don't think I've ever hated a TJPW roster member as much as I hated Marika in her final run
>Even the wrestlers or the booker.
uuuuhhh no theyre not. an announcer only has to speak words that are on the paper. wrestlers have to wrestle and be good at it and if you are great and you lose them, well then the matches dip in quality. if the booker is good and they leave, then you better hope the next one doesnt suck.
You post more about Hikari than Hikari fans do
>koda unironically destroyed her love for wrestling
more headcanon from misaoschizo
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It's up!
https://youtu.be/DHWlkTptBNE [Embed]
>40 min
Please clip the controversial no selling please
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It did not snow that day
Them releasing the previous match surely means the result will be different this time.

Like when they released Yuka vs Mizuki for the title right before Mizuki finally won.

Her being in that pool match is a weird trivia thing now, considering how little she was really doing around then.
they only released it because the gp match is the only match with a story
>Them releasing the previous match surely means the result will be different this time.
Kyokyofags and your headcanon. You never learn your lesson it will be funny if it backfires on you once again
nta but who do you think is winning that match?
I'm less of a Kyokyo fag and more of a 121M-anti, as well as someone who likes seeing stories be completed.

I'm also going to be at the show so I'd like at least the one title change that seems the most realistic in terms of chance of happening.

If I see Rika or Arisu win the title I'm going to buy a lottery ticket too.
>I'd like at least the one title change
well itll definitely be the tag match since we already had the pop and ip titles change hands at ittenyon
Cooming on Arisu's rainbow hair, Chika's retarded face, Haruna Neko's tail, HIMAWARI's hair, Hyper Misao's mask, Kaya's cloaca, Kira's mommy milkers, Mahiro's OL body, Maki's hard forehead, Miu's back, Miyu's Mongolian face, Mizuki's knees, Moka's smile, Pom's poms, Raku's fat tits, Rika's diamond ass, Shino's bellybutton, Shoko's feet, Suzume's stinger, Toga's togas, Wakana's daikon thighs, Yoppy's yoppys, Aino's ainos, Arai's thighs, Kamiyu's bogged face and Namba's perfect teeth
I enjoy the wrestling performances displayed in Tojo.
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The new UUGs group has been introduced. The new girls are all cute, but I'm not sure what this new group's gimmick is supposed to be
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EhwD_AyO4k&list=TLPQMDkwMzIwMjXJWx2ATG8aww&index=2 [Embed]
Something about a more modern presentation? So they'll be allowed to be sexy and do hip hop dancing.
No Shino, no watch
>second from the left girl already has 3 times as many followers as the others
crazy how quickly the michaels is determined
>The one not wearing high waisted pants is the Michaels
I'm shocked
I want to marry a Japanese woman
anon... they're all wearing the same high waisted pants. her top is cropped more than the others.
Who is that in the back with the blonde hair?
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Yurika Furuya. She's in the main group
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that's what I said when I opened the stream
Looks fresh to me

At least is not called Yuki that's always confusing
Ivy Steele should be an Up Up Girl
more like an up down girl
>no new thread
Meina Suzuki mogs everyone
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Doesn’t Miyu use her real name too, she fought under it during her brief Shootboxing stint
>>17210464 →

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