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Is Allie katch one of the role models to look up to in this business?
What did she mean by this
>>17205609 (OP)
Nice dog food
Never kdo your scardio
she is feeling a new lease on life after getting on suboxone during her time at the hospital
>>17205609 (OP)
dont tell me what to do bitch
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>>17205609 (OP)
Her fans are mostly trans and it's 50/50 on if they kill themselves each day.
>>17205609 (OP)
she's gonna kill herself lmao
What went right
>>17205609 (OP)
If that's your reason to live, you have none.
What's your reason?
Fraid so
Live for your family, and further your goals in life.
>>17205609 (OP)
her spring 2025 women's bingo card ass caption is depressing
What goals?
think i'm gonna do it just because she said not to, what now bitch?
whats the endgame?
It's very, very funny how she knows the sort of people who follow her are the sort of people who would kill themselves lmaoo
luv chelsea
>>17205609 (OP)
nuke all ugly fat white millennial women
>>17205609 (OP)
gotaa love the KATCHSTER
>>17205609 (OP)
Couldn't crop out the kitchen mould?
is it really mold?
Yes Allie. Between the tile and the connection to the back spash is mouldy. Clean your damn kitchen.
Is it too late?
Get grout cleaner, a stiff bristle brush and go to town on it.
A mouldy kitchen says lots about someone's hygiene habits.
we have been saying for months that she looks like she stinks
Allie hates Viper
That's marble, you retard.
But an ad you fat sloppy cunt.
and deodorant
Gender Change Wrestling can't afford to lose anymore of it's tranny fanbase
>But an ad
redeem the ad bitch benchod
>ywn be caught in a bad romance with her
Why live?
No, it's not. That's just filthy cheap tile counter tops.
>>17205609 (OP)
Prolly not

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