(the quoted tweet got cut off but the source was WON)
>>17206097Meltzer would never make shit up. No way
We got Brian Gewirtz breaking kayfabe before GTA VI
>>17206097two lying jews fighting, don't know what to believe on this one
>>17206564i'm not picking a side
>>17206097>plant a seed>make a story out of itMeltzer then, now, Forever
>>17208036Why does Meltzer always call him "Dwayne" like he's some close personal friend?
>>17206097wrestlemania ticket sales are massively down this year. woudnt be surprised if this was moved up to build some buzz for a show that was seriously lacking hype
>>17206097its objectively hilarious how angry makes WWE
>>17206097Well, it would have made more sense to do a babyface match and the turn at Mania. They've already shot their wad.
>>17208115They used to talk regularly. He was on a first-name basis with him.
>>17208115He used to call him Rock but then Rock denied some claim he made and that hurt his ego. Kek
>>17208036Dave spent the whole year leading to Hogan vs Andre telling everyone it wasn't gonna happen, life time hack.
I don't think dave has any sources left in WWE that aren't people purposefully fucking with him. The Alexa return being another reason to dunk on him and his associates was hilarious.
Dave has gotten it wrong every week for 40 years and is still a very wealthy man so he must be doing something right. kind of reminds me of a televangelist in that regard
>>17208115You fucking E tranny newfags make me sick. Dave and Rock are good friends.
>>17209113Dave doesn't care about Diarrhea Dwayne