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The women of AEW & ROH

Revolution Mar 9th
>'Timeless' Toni Storm (c) def. Mariah May in 'The Hollywood Ending' match to retain the AEW Women's World Championship
>Mercedes Moné (c) def. Momo Watanabe to retain the TBS Championship - Billie Starkz was shown watching the match and taking notes.
>Zero Hour Preshow: Harley Cameron prevented Taya Valkyrie from interfering in Johnny TV's match where he partnered with MxM Collection losing to Big Boom AJ, Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy.

Collision Mar 8th
>Momo Watanabe def. Serena Deeb - Mercedes Moné was on commentary. After the match, Moné and Watanabe had an altercation which left Moné laid out.
>Harley Cameron def. Tatevik Hunanyan

Previous: >>17203323 →

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Punished Toni
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>One final bosom
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>Debuted a new look last night at #AEWRevolution. I can’t wait for you to see what we filmed. Officially in my blonde and tanned era.
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>AEW Revolution
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>>17223029 (OP)
>Mercedes Moné (c) def. Momo Watanabe to retain the TBS Championship
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Luther's bump
>final girl kills the monster
like the end of a horror movie
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>Luther's bump
Based. He was such a great part of this whole story
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>Holding up a sign
>With 3 words on it
We all know what's coming
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Why does the text look ai?
Lmfao right
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>>17223029 (OP)
>look g-guys i was h-hardcore t-t-too!
kek what a small bruise. also what does she expect wanting to work joshi? shit gets stiff. and then to show that for attention while toni and mariah are pouring buckets of blood
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Harley covering up while there's kids around is very wholesome
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toni so based and kino
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What break-ups do to bitches

>We need a name for our gaggle of baddies. Help us out!
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Somebody was inspired
Was this Torri Wilson? Or?
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Trish showing up to Kane and Lita’s wedding
Squish loves Trish
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Squishy entrance
Sasha vibes last night
Would. Right there.
Britt seething
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how it started
how it ended
Based and same
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one little thing, wish she'd have beaten her chest towards the end sequences, would have been kino and got a big reaction
The crowd reaction when they saw the blood pour out at 10 seconds in on this was kino
>>17223029 (OP)
>Zero Hour Preshow: Harley Cameron prevented Taya Valkyrie from interfering in Johnny TV's match where he partnered with MxM Collection losing to Big Boom AJ, Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy.
https://youtu.be/Dhm1pZnea9A?si=ELHqzWrmAhvRFHp- [Embed]
I saw this. I'm bummed out because I loved the match and wanted to get something like it, but the poster itself is shit. Would've been better off just picking one photo
LOVE that caramel tushy
fuckin kek xD
I couldn’t believe this was only around 13 minutes when I checked after the show. Felt longer, they really went full throttle from start to finish, amazing stuff.
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Everything they've done with Toni recently is underwhelming apart from the Grand Slam poster. She should have a single iconic design shirt by now (they used to make good shit like red n black DMD or the HOLY SHIDA) that's recognizable by all. They don't even sell ANY of her shirts at live events. If they got a clue, they'd get all my money and others too. Im deflated already mourning the loss of Toni & Mariah, but it's even more depressing knowing they didn't fully capitalize on kino merch for the storyline/ending. I might be surprised in the coming days. We'll see.
I'm convinced they don't have anyone on their merch staff that actually understands "fashion" beyond what they think "sports fans would feel cool." Leveraging community artists recently is a good step, but it still means that "the people making the decisions are admitting they don't actually know what looks current, special, 'cool', or fashionable."

The shirt you posted isn't really a design: it's an "idea" of much cooler shirts that they thought "Yeah, okay, we want that vibe, and what that more successful shirt accomplishes" without understanding what makes it good. They just recreate the design of a coat-of-arms and it comes off lame because they don't exercise restraint - all the space is just used to shove more catchphrases in.
(Because I just noticed:) AEW also loves doing this thing where they put in the "I was there [date]" or something like this, where it says "[#]-time champion." Having your shirt be outdated is DIFFERENT than having a shirt that you got "before it was cool."

I would much rather buy the NJPW US-flag lionmark t-shirt than the "first NJPW US event" shirt.
The performance of a lifetime red shirt was a really good one. I liked the one that had both Toni and Mariah on it in black and white too. There was a heel turn one with the bloody face that was dimes too
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They rocked up to Revolution with this snazzy selection
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Imagine the slob who would buy and wear that trash.
>I couldn’t believe this was only around 13 minutes when I checked after the show
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Agree on what you're saying about that blue one. It's shit. You could swap in anyone's name and catchphrases and it'd be the same shirt. There's nothing about it that makes it specific to Toni Storm. I feel like these are strong designs she's had
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The art prints are kind of their own thing (which I'm not really in the market for live shots), I'd keep a look out for something in the next couple weeks or so, whether it be a Matchup Monday poster or one of their artists putting something together.
I've got nothing to back this up other than just my eyes picking them out in the crowd, but I feel like nobody moved beyond the original Chin Up Tits Out shirt. As goofy as it what at the time, it's clearly got some staying power.
I'm not disparaging any of those. I liked them too, the shirts that captured moments of the story. But that aside, Toni (with her stature within the company) deserves to have a strong branding/logo of her own that isn't related to a moment, that can be sold en masse on multiple items (shirts, flags, hats etc). I see the same stuff standing out at shows, be it at the merch stands or in the crowd: MJF - BRUV - AEW - (and more recently) WHOSE HOUSE. Toni should be on that level. And no once can blame Moné, her merch is invisible.
I get what you're saying now. I fully agree with that. Now that you mention it I feel like a lot of people don't really have that one defining logo or branding like you're saying. Even Mercedes. Mariah May has one but I know she had that before AEW so even that she brought to the table herself
Or maybe I'm missing the whole point and her stuff was supposed to be niche and not for mass consumption (then how do they explain the latest shirt?). Overall, I just want her to be making BANK.
All of those suck ass for reasons I've mentioned. I've done work where people have those "jerseys" and the quality is always god-awful and they rarely survive multiple washes. No texturing and generally a shit-feeling quality.

The LA Strong shirt is a rip-off of the Cyberpunk 2077 shirt. Why is LA Strong? What are they trying to accomplish?

AEW "brings the boom" shirt doesn't have the logo centered on someone's check (more like their ab region) which is shit. It looks like they just grabbed a logo in Canva and threw their logo in black on it.

The only thing I'd maybe buy is the Cowboy Shit hat (if I was vaguely redneck) or the "Whose House" hat.

I realize there's irony when I'm saying "I want wrestling merch that doesn't reference the wrestler" but there's a reason the Austin 3:16 and NWO shirts worked. Imagine if the first Austin 3:16 shirt had "I just whipped your ass" on the back, or underneath. Imagine if the NWO shirt had "We're taking over" under it.

I'd rather have merch that fans want to wear outside of my events; hell, I have an Ultramantis Black shirt that's a parody of Black Flag's logo, and it isn't obnoxious on its own.
In retrospect, these are perfect as collectables for their timeline. But they're on shirts! If they had made prints of these alongside the shirts, I'd buy all of them.
In fairness, the LA Strong shirt was charity shirt for the wildfires so...kinda limited with what you can do there (it still sucks though). I mean I would have had a PSA with Hangman and Smokey the Bear what do I know. :P
Ah, this makes sense now. Didn't make the connection. They still ripped off the "Boston Strong" and used the Cyberpunk font for no reason?
>Cowboy Shit
It's actually Cowboy Sh!t - definitely not redneck
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that's what they think of toni
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Speaking of merch...
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>I know that, I'm the one who's most frustrated and the one who's most angry at myself
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Preordering as soon as it’s available
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>Pierrot, a stock character of pantomime and commedia dell'arte, has his origins in the late 17th-century Italian troupe of players performing in Paris and known as the Comédie-Italienne.
>His character in contemporary popular culture—in poetry, fiction, and the visual arts, as well as works for the stage, screen, and concert hall—is that of the sad clown, often pining for love of Columbine (who usually breaks his heart and leaves him for Harlequin).
>Pierrot's character developed from that of a buffoon to become an avatar of the disenfranchised. Many cultural movements found him amenable to their respective causes: Decadents turned him into a disillusioned foe of idealism; Symbolists saw him as a lonely fellow-sufferer; Modernists made him into a silent, alienated observer of the mysteries of the human condition.
I get the impression that losing every singles match is somehow her gimmick
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love this big thiccc bitch
imagine showing up to a taipei death match like this
>Or maybe I'm missing the whole point and her stuff was supposed to be niche and not for mass consumption
I mean it's all print on demand stuff. It doesn't actually exist until someone orders it. WWE's is just like that now. So they can get super niche and topical with designs and if they're irrelevant in a month and even if they didn't sell a single one the only loss is on whatever they paid the designer for it. Also wrestling shirts don't just start out iconic. It's the wrestler or the moment that makes them become it. When you get someone like Toni whose gimmick kind of handcuffs her from wearing her own merch on tv ever then it's always going to exist outside of what happens on tv if that makes sense
Holy dimesola
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None of these really appeal to me as shirts. I think it says a lot about the AEW merch team that the only Toni shirt I own wasn't actually made by them lol
oiled up shiny big natural squishies. i love this woman
shit was so based
These two Amazon exclusives are the type of shirt they should be selling at live events.
one of the last few Rampages had her vs Shida and they worked it like an 90s AJPW heavyweights match and it fucking ruled. Big beefy bitches smashing into each other and potatoing each other. Great shit.
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The crate exclusive, maybe plain and uninspiring to some, is one I'd happily wear
This kind of just popped into my head because I know people were joking about Jimmy Havok when this was all going down, but I really want to know if and how much Luther was involved with putting this together because I think pretty much all the CZW deathmatch junkies they had in creative or as agents are gone.
If they just used the bottle like normal or even just did spots into the broken glass, I probably would've thought nothing of it. If someone came out with it at the begining, I would've thought TK was looking at sicko shit the night before for ideas. But to just stop all the action, tell your opponent to tape up and stick your hands in that shit mid match so we can kill each other? Only a vet is coming up with that kind of detail.
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She needs to have a hardcore match and finally blade
Does Momo ever not look like she'd rather be dead
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>maybe plain and uninspiring to some
Nah that's a really solid design
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>and finally blade
How do you slice along your hairline when your hairline is like 5 inches back and under a wig?
>ywn bang toni's clussy and have her make post sex balloon animals out of the used condoms
why live
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>>17223029 (OP)
Next thumb right there
Squish should have tasered his butler balls. Maybe it wasn't gimmicked?
>Maybe it wasn't gimmicked?
This is my guess considering you could see and hear the goddamn electrical current kek. AEW doesn't have the audio and visual skills to edit that in live
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I’m sure Toni could give her some pointers
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That shit was deep
Wonder if there were two cuts, the way it streams down in two places
Megan Bayne starting to look like Aliyah
you'd look like you'd rather be dead if you were booked to lose your next 500 singles matches
Oh, this is Atout. Then this >>17223314
>>17223326 must be Arkady? I get confused.
Actually a 5* hardcore match. It was every fast paced with little breaks in between moments.

Oh no a small bruise better post this to social media
You can tell she bladed a lot deeper than expected and was like "FUCK"
That tan line
Just watched it back. She first says "for fuck's sake" right after the blade job next to the steps when it's flowing into her eyes.
Lol she did an Eddie Guerrero.
She legit bladed the other bitches head in the glass spot too right? This was good shit.

The butlers backwards bump over the table was great too lol
Need to get bandido to sell his mask
The thick makeup >>17226752
mixing with the blood and running into her eyes made it worse. At one point Aubrey was talking with her and I thought she was gonna gonna need some water to rinse out with.
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>It’s been a long time since I’ve wrestled 3 matches in 3 days. I’m still tired & I’m still sore… but as I begin my 13th year of wrestling, I’m still as hungry as I was year 1.

>And I refuse to sit back and feel as though my peers are passing me by.

>I AM the standard. Always have been and I’m coming to reclaim MY crown.
Colton Gunn is a lucky SOB
>Jannetty of his tag team
>Jannetty of his relationship
Yet he's WINNING
No one cares
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Shit that's a cool concept with the red

Since when? Proof?
Since last summer it seems. Recently she did an indie booking with her Gun family in Florida. Then he went to Australia with her when he wasn't booked and was seen in pics, vids and they were together in the background of other people's Aus content - that sealed it proof wise.
with the Gunn family*
>Available for ONE WEEK ONLY (until 3/18) at ShopAEW.com!
No matter how much you continue to "beg" me, I simply will not watch your show AEWtroons.
No means no.
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Mayu gave her a bump on her forehead with a stiff kick, Shida potatoed her with the katana, just imagine if Mercedes were to face Saree or Syuri.
Anywhere I can watch the full Toni match?
is the video of her fucking that dog dropping on the 25th?
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>so worked that he's saying that in a simp thread
>Saree or Syuri
I want to see these now because of exactly what you're getting at kek
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morning cex with 'cedes
Poor Big Justice looked a bit uncomfortable next to Harley
alright we need the joshi back in the mix now. time for shida, riho, and yuka to do something.
bayne/penelop/rosa/kris are busy with each other
plenty of directions to go from here
Let her be the killer on tv
Id love to tonguepunch her anushole
Is Mercedes Mone black or latina??
>Let her be the killer on tv
she doesnt have the gimmick for that. before jamie went 70s she was the killer.
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She still cant get cleared, I assume they were expecting her to be ready for Revolution but since she couldnt they replaced her with Momo.
fucking christ. why is she so desperate for validation?
They should have RJ work on the Billie Athena CEO deal. It'll be by the numbers stuff if left solely to Pepperman.
>if left solely to Pepperman
You know what I'm going to say without me even saying it

Should just work together and let Athena pitch ideas how the feud should go, the Billie feud in ROH despite being very long was entertaining for the most part.
>how the feud should go
The feud is going to be written by Pepperman and Athena's whole entire run she's been on is going to result in her getting buried by Mercedes
That's why it's on my mind. There's genuine potential there to weave a great story and they have a good few months to tell it. Won't happen of course.
well momo was always going to challenge since she won at wrestledynasty
rj isnt that great. he did wonders with toni since he knows that time period very well. this guy worked on the death riders storyline.
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Based Wangman
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My favorite part. Fuck she's gorgeous.
It's only based in that it's the ideal system for the internet.
Is it safe to call Toni a top 5 signing for AEW?
It's more than safe. The question should be is Mariah?
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This has grown on me
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>20 mins to sail!!! I’m so excited
youtube.com/watch?v=vmIq_sZv0p4 [Embed]
>The question should be is Mariah?
I can't see any reason to argue against it. To go from having zero tv experience to doing what she did in just her first year no less the entire 18 months has got to put her in some very limited company. The booking wasn't always the greatest. Especially while Toni was away. But the level of performance was always there and she was the perfect villain to Toni. It takes two and her and Toni absolutely made each other across this story. Even if neither did nothing else beyond it, it's a hell of a rivalry they can both hang their hats on
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>Gosh I love these two women @NikkiAndBrie
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They teased her facing Athena so if Riho was cleared then Mercedes/Riho was going to happen at Revolution and Momo/Athena for ROH/Supercard
Mariah's reluctance to tape up and throw down was a nice little touch. She had no choice not to.
Riho needs to add some muscle if reports were she lost weight during her time off. Like that is very concerning
Still would
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I liked this a lot too. It made it feel like less of a set up thing. Toni clearly knew. But Mariah had no choice. Her screams while she pushed her fist into the glass was a great touch
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Pity the commentary team can't narrate what's happening
Fucking christ. I mean no shit. We saw the way she was bleeding but jesus
Yeah I hear you. I do appreciate the fact that they had JR call it though. That added some extra significance. He sounded like he gave a shit too which is rare kek
>What matches would you want to see?
None. She's fucking shit
>No Mariah
>No Jamie
>No Mercedes
>No Stat
>No Willow
>No Athena
Having Nigel instead of Taz was a good decision tbf, even JR was putting over the match
JR really put them over at the start. His voice gave it a big time feel. Imagine how he'd have called the gruesome spots in his prime though.
almost 3 years since millie was released from wwe and bitch still has it on her handle.
I was hoping for a crimson mask reference that never came kek. But I agree. He did great with it
Hard to imagine it not having Nigel. Not only because of his whole infatuation with Mariah but also because he was there to call the heel turn, the All In match, as well as the Grand Slam main event. He needed to be there for that
she doesnt want to seem like shes begging to get signed by aew thats why she snuck toni in there since she doesnt have twitter.
>No Mariah
britwres hates her. please understand
Wide gash. The double stream makes sense now >>17227162
Qrd? I don't know anything about her start in the biz but I can see she doesn't have that indie stink on her.
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>33rd Annual Media, Internet & Telecom Conference
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She's becoming the puppet
Thats in Florida, which means she wont be on Dynamite tomorrow.
been following her for a while. i'll try and keep it short but it's a lot
>speaking out happens
>she calls out sid scala with a detailed account of how he was abusive towards her and tried to control her personal and professional life
>he goes after her legally. essentially tries to make her pull the statement and apologize and say it was a lie. otherwise he'll sue her for defamation
>she holds her ground
>ends with her racking up legal debt having to go back and forth between lawyers
>turns out one of mariah's friends recorded a phone call between them that was apparently damning enough that once sid found out he backed off entirely and never pursued it further
>she set up a gofundme and fans helped make up the legal costs
>only then there's the fallout
>sid scala was a trainer at a prominent school there. he's friends with a ton of promoters in the uk. he had a backstage job at nxt uk and even an onscreen one
>as you'd guess all of his buddies side with him like gabe kidd who outright called her a liar and accused her of ruining his life
>she gets blacklisted from anywhere big in the uk. like nxtuk and progress
>pretty sure even revpro eventually caved because mariah had been racking up wins and having some impressive matches for where she was at that point. then they stopped using her too
>there's a whole lot of wrestlers and buddies of his that to this day speak badly of her and spread lies. like they accused her of taking the gofundme money and buying a whole house with it when it was only like $10k kek
>at one point a group of girls. just no-name wrestlers, came out claiming they were going to expose her. then they posted their 'proof' and it was just a bunch of catty texts between themselves saying they'll never work with her or let her get booked
>there were a few wrestlers she was friends with in that scene still. like zoe lucas. but for the most part a lot of them see sid as a their meal ticket and gateway to wwe so they sided with him
Where are these from?
Her instagram
Kek of course she wouldn't be
>>17223029 (OP)
It was a good match but overrated cause of all the blading desu.
No Jamie is telling
>cause of all the blading
How would they not though when it was part of the story? None of it was done just because. At All In Toni hit Mariah with the Storm Zero on the steps which busted her open. At Revolution Mariah hit the same move in the same spot on Toni which split her open. Then the ending was a callback to Mariah's heel turn where she bashed a bloodied Toni with the shoe back last July. That's what they recreated with Toni finally being the one to attack a bloodied Mariah with the same shoe. If they had bled just because I'd get you. But none of it was without purpose and reason
What should be next for Mariah? Just have a different heel character since she was just Evil Toni Storm until Revolution?
I don't think it's one of the GOAT matches cause of some story beats. Not enough ring skill.
>Not enough ring skill.
webmrel >>17224986
did you expect them to open with a collar and elbow? it was the finale of a fucking blood feud
>since she was just Evil Toni Storm
We've seen heel Toni Storm though. Even while doing this Timeless character. The two are very different. May carved out a lot of her own character traits since they split up. As for what's next for her who knows. She teased stuff with Jamie Hayter. There was that segment with Harley that had legs to it. I'm not even sure who Toni moves onto next and she's champion
Ospreay/Fletcher the same night proved you can do bloodfeud conclusions and be technically crazy.
luv getting shoot heat from the jabronis.
Keep >(you)ing me mark kek
that match was a meltzer star chaser though and had a needless number of false finishes. it was overkill. that could have been two whole matches worth of moments. more isn't always better. also the toni and mariah story wasn't about that kind of shit at all
>overrated cause of all the blading desu.
also didn't you just say this? as if will and kyle didn't blade as well only in their case there was zero backstory or significance to them blading
Rev Pro really needs to do away with the Southside belt. It's an abomination.
But then the belt mark would have one less belt to carry around
Ospreay and Flethcher balding was just an accompaniment to a brutal match. Storm and May doing it was a prime focal point and, basically as you're admitting with the narrative beats involved, a prime of the reason it's being rated so highly (on top of the novelty of women bleeding buckets in a western wrestling match).
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Of course she will be. She'll be there even if Tony has absolutely nothing for her to do except probably something with Billie Starkz.
So...who do we think is working tomorrow?
If you want to take the crew of women from the PPV that didn't work, we know that Harley, Billie, and Taya are there. I think Bayne is supposed to be flying in too. Don't remember if anyone from the Red Carpet fight is there too.
our beautiful ceo is so dedicated
You're just talking out of your ass now. You're saying yourself now that Ospreay and Fletcher didn't even need to blade then because it wasn't a key part of the match. Which was the very thing I explained here >>17237622 as to why Toni and Mariah DID need the blood in theirs. Their story dictated it. It wasn't gratuitous. It was part of the storytelling. Unlike the cage match by your own admission where it was just extra that they did for shits and giggles
Not to mention >>17238153 nailed it by calling out your double standard saying the women's was overrated because of the blading but going on to praise the cage match for its blading
Based. I was wrong
She's wrestling on Saturday in NYC, but Amazing Red is a terrible promoter and hasn't even announced her opponent yet.
I can't imagine either Toni or Mariah will be. Nor should be after that match. I think a lot of the names you listed have a shot. They're trying to build something with the Megan and Penelope stuff. So likely them. Mercedes is apparently going to be there so that'd be useless not to put her on tv
You're misunderstanding me. I just don't think the women's match did enough. It's overpraised cause of the blading point. I don't care that much for specific story drama beats as a GOAT evaluator.
That's all good then brother. If you just don't like it that's cool. It's wrestling. That shit is all subjective. Your reasoning just wasn't lining up and I was explaining why the parts you were talking down on were necessary. Ultimately if it wasn't for you then that's that. You never had to justify it. No one can force you to like something kek and I'm certainly not out to try to

I didnt expect her to be an AEW soldier after she called WWE the fed on X yesterday.
the standard of boredom zzzzzzzzzzzz
In TNA Deonna worked because they booked her like a killer from the start and she was in much better shape there than in AEW
standard of'a the pasta!
If the Vendetta had leaned more into the italian mob family type of stuff it would've gotten over. But she tried too hard to be all fancy and cool about it
I think it's safe to say that after revolution Toni Storm has cemented herself as the greatest women's wrestler ever, great in ring worker, can do hardcore matches with the best of them, brilliant on the mic, great character work, no other women's wrestler is as complete a package as Toni is
And she is turning 29 this year, with THE Timeless character if she wants to she can easily go until she reaches her 40s
>if she wants to she can easily go until she reaches her 40s
The thing with the character is it only works even better the older she gets too. As far as calling her the best ever, I think that's a bit much to say just yet. At least you can never fully judge in that regard while something's still going. She'll for sure be in the running when it's all said and done, and it'd be hard to argue against anyone doing it better at the moment. Especially with what you're saiyng here
>no other women's wrestler is as complete a package as Toni is
She's such a full and complete gimmick. I'm curious to see what's next. As much as we've never seen Mariah in AEW do anything that hasn't been tethered to Toni and their story, everything that we've seen with the Timeless character so far has just as equally been linked to Mariah as well. Even if it wasn't evident at points like before she debuted or while she was paired with her, that end goal was always present. So it'll be interesting to see what the next big story arc for her is that isn't just a monthly challenger
I think her next major feud should be with Bayne, can't think of any other heel at the moment that would look like a threat to Toni and Mina is still gonna be out for awhile, maybe if they bring Tessa in that could be good too
The thing there is though do you end Toni's reign that soon? You only get once chance to run with Megan as some big unstoppable force. If she loses her first big title match then it leaves her pretty much like her Stardom run with her middling around in the upper half of names but never quite someone to be feared as much as she could be
>immediately turns camera around to film herself
Such an attention whore
Well I think wait a few months before the Bayne feud so Toni has some filler challengers and Bayne can be built up abit more but then you can always have Toni drop the belt again and have her win it back again down the track, I just have a hard time picturing any other heel currently on the roster being a good challenge for Toni at this point in time
>so Toni has some filler challengers
Yeah whatever she does next I'd be surprised if it ends up being any major story. It'll likely be a monthly sort of feud like she and Mariah had outside of each other that whole time
Yeah and that's fine to do for a few months after such a big feud but after that I can't really see much else to do, either someone has to turn heel, they have to bring someone in or build up to Bayne which I think is the best option at the moment, there's abit of a lack of heels in the women's division at the moment, atleast ones that Toni hasn't already done stuff with
>that's fine to do for a few months after such a big feud
This is exactly why I expect that. Especially after how back to back the matches with Mariah were. They have to cool that down at least a little somehow and let it breath before jumping into the next real thing. Not unlike Mariah going through Nyly and Yuka etc after All In
> there's abit of a lack of heels in the women's division at the moment, atleast ones that Toni hasn't already done stuff with
I've thought this too. Even Deonna she had already went through only they were flipped. Maybe Penelope? She could take the loss and it has Bayne involved but not needing to be pinned. Not sure how riveting the promo material would be from her but it's a new option. Turning someone else might not be a bad move. Could always revisit Anna Jay. Since the story there was that she couldn't challenge for the world title again as long as Mariah had it after she beat her. Now that Toni's champion there's open to her. Who knows
Yeah but anything with Penelope would just be a lead up to Bayne anyway since they are teamed up, could bring Athena in, if they had kept statlander heel could have had a feud with her but can't really do that now, Britt's still out, maybe Julia? Maybe if they turn shida or Hayter heel? But the only option I can really see is Bayne or bring in someone new like Tessa or slamavich
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Maybe Mimi
whats with kris and getting with jobbers?
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I didn't know she had broken up with Kaleb with a K
Oh look another generic idol Joshi
That's one hell of a gig mark.
>Hey everyone look how proud I am to be ignorant!
Probably gives her notoriety
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Two of our most beloved players will be on this show.
is that guy supposed to be the new hayabusa?
Satanico and Negro Navarro fan, I see
No idea, I'm watching for Willow & Shida only.
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Same time as Grand Queendom
Cool that Tabata will be in Japan for a while
R. Mika better slap her butt
>Julia marries Lee Johnson
>mariah dates Colten Gunn
>tay marries Sammy

Why do they always go for the jannetys bros? At least with Anna I can understand joining the Perry family.
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Gonna be honest, none of the gunns seem like they could be a breakout singles star. Maybe Colton since he got Billy's height.
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>does his first job in the company to Sting
Sounds like the Michaels to me
That would explain why she missed Revolution
Skye and Kyle?
https://youtu.be/oHGF9zmnejs?si=yh-T3spZemgeiBpa [Embed]
Who is he
If Stat never turned back face then she wouldve had to beat Toni to cement her as the "ace" of the women division
No one outside of 40 year old shut-in weebs give a shit about grandma Tam though
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Poor Yuka asking to get booked
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youtube.com/watch?v=_rwMXzUwtwE [Embed]
Not my CEO
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>Golden Girly! Watch #AEWDynamite @AEW tonight at 8/7c
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