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Post her fattest moments
>>17225020 (OP)
hot honestly
>>17225020 (OP)
Please do, I’m in a gooning mood
She should be force fed. Same with Momo.
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This bitch is getting the other bitches fat
i want to dump my cum in her bellybutton
What do her fat rolls smell like?
Me, Maika and Himeka living that throuple lifestyle in remote, rural Japan.
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You don't have to force Maika to eat.
Me, you, Maika, Himeka and BIG HANK in a polycule
Imagine the Maika swamp ass after a match....
true, unadulterated hnnngggggg!!
i love sniffing sweaty women's swamp ass and licking the sweat from the taint, through the buns and hawk tuah on the clit before shoving my ramrod in
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This but unironically. I'm a scent freak.
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>>17225020 (OP)
I want to plow her up the ass while holding her gut since she doesn't have any tits to really hold onto.
Why don't joshis wear skimpier outfits? It's japan. They're based pervs. This fat whore needs to be wearing very small booty shorts.
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why is everyone in stardom so FUCKING FAT?
>>17225020 (OP)
Mike was THAT big? Good god almighty
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So they can get you to pay for the overpriced coom books
The older ones were more based. These new-ish ones are way too tame.
where can i find these???
Imagine if she moved to the US. It would be game over.
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Bob Evans Mac n Cheese - 1,050
Velveeta Family Size - 2,220 calories
Rana Italian Sausage Ravioli's Family Size - 1,300
Vegetable Medley - 100
All Butter Croissants - 1,140 for 6 [190 per]
Haribo - 100 calories per ounce, looks like she has the 8oz bag but Walmart also sells a 3lb version. I'll go with 800.
Hershey Kisses 4.8oz bag - 720
Bowtie Great Value Pasta [12oz] - 1,200 calories
Penne Great Value [32 oz] - 3,200 calories
Brioche Chocolate Rolls 130 calories per roll, 1,040 total
Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs - 500 per can 1,000 total.
Coca Cola Can - 120 calories

The bacon is hard to tell what it is. I think the top package is turkey bacon and the bottom applewood? If yes, then 540 for the turkey and 1,260 for applewood.

Total: 15,690 calories
Approximate price: $54.70
Lucky toilet
They don't do them anymore since Tonikan poisoned Stardom
>huge dark brown logs stretching her butthole to its limits from all the slop
Don’t forget the beer farts echoing in the bowl
She needs to be more fat desu. Make her a sexy gross kaiju joshi.
Thats what natsuko and momo are for
glad she got the bag of vegetables to balance out the 10 lbs of pasta and bread
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There is a mega im sure someone has a link to
that's where i got them
I seriously need this PAAG in the US.
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>>17225020 (OP)
https://youtu.be/JvRC_5xfLA0 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/YtOVXLP5FNc?t=442 [Embed]
It's like 90s All Japan
Mina is the one who clogged the shitter on that trip, must've been all the rice krispies treats
Would love to bully this sexy fat hog
>>17225020 (OP)
Fridge players that also smell like fridge
best Stardom roster right there
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giulia has been getting fatter too. and my dick loves it
Imagine smelling the underside of her gut...
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Thick Asians do it for me brother
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>>17225020 (OP)
The Stardom Slampig
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Architect approved!
Is that Wendy choo
are there any videos of her just going to town on a whole table full of food? asking for a friend (my dick)
Which bangbus episode?
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Id love to smell that loincloth after a match...
how do you cook raw pasta in a hotel?
>family size ravioli
she's a family size ravioli
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>When McDonalds opens
These threads should be put in a museum of mental illness.
One anon posts something about a wrestler nobody knows or cares about and then spams and responds to themselves.

Japaneae of cf couse, but who even is this chick?
100% this loser anon is in other threads calling posters incels
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dis nigga fuckin large
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fat mike is fat
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this thumbnail looks very lewd
That is clearly a kitchen

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