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>MARIGOLD Spring Victory Series

3/21 Evolution @ Shinkiba 1st Ring (7:00pm)
>Nanae Takahashi vs ZONES

3/23 Mito City Gymnasium (1:00pm) (VOD 3/25 @ 6:00pm)
3/30 Korakuen (Live @ 11:30am)
4/5 Kyoto KBS Hall (1:00pm)
4/6 Kobe Sambo Hall (1:00pm)
4/12 Shinkiba 1st Ring (Live @ 12:00pm)
4/14 Nanae Takahashi "All's Well That Ends Well, Everything is PASSION!!!" @ Shinjuku FACE (6:30pm)
4/25 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm)
4/26 Osaka 176BOX (4:00pm)
4/27 Nagoya Chuunichi Hall (2:00pm)
4/29 Yokohama Radiant Hall (5:00pm)

5/24 MARIGOLD Shine Forever 1st Anniversary Event @ Yoyogi 2nd National Gymnasium (PPV @ 2:30pm)


Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)

>Entrance music

Previous >>17212835 →
How many matches will Kizuna last before her back kills her again?
>>17231446 (OP)
mirai not included in this segment since she will heem someone again
shes literally bottom right...
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That will put butts in seats
she was there but no shooting on people this time. Don't want to kill the angle by having MIRAI mog everyone again.
Lyin' Tam
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>Post-show comments from President Rossy Ogawa.
>Regarding the rivalry with Marvelous:
>"This isn’t just about loaning and borrowing wrestlers. It’s a true interpromotional battle, like in the old days. We want to shake up the industry."

>Takumi Iroha adds:
>"This is also a battle between Chigusa Nagayo and Rossy Ogawa."

>We want to shake up the industry.
lol, lmao even
Chigusa Nagayo vs Rossy Ogawa in Hell in a Cell, brother
Chigusa will make Rossy TAP TAP TAP in the middle of the Korakuen ring
Lady Mai talks to EZIGEN
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>Marigold at Shinjuku FACE—Kizuna Tanaka’s comeback match.
>Returning to the venue where she debuted, she faces Nagisa Nozaki, someone she holds dear enough to say, "If she hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have continued wrestling."
>Tears were flowing even backstage before the match...


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>Marigold Shinjuku Show—Victoria Yuzuki goes to war with Nanae Takahashi in the main event.
>She also steps up as a challenger for Nanamomo at the Passion event, declaring, "I want to bring a carefully chosen partner."


Wave lore
>"I want to bring a carefully chosen partner."
hmm, who could it be?
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>A rivalry between promotions?
>Man, that gets me itching for a fight.
>For now, let’s just watch from above.

>From above.


Where the worst wrestle
but enough about AEW
rossy ogawa say something without being snide and petty just one time I'm begging you
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
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Chika Goto just CANNOT stop showing her ass.
and that's a good thing
>like in the old days
He really has no other selling point huh
I believe him because his reasoning for the interpromotional battle is to shake up the industry and sell tickets. That is how real rivalries form.
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Of the two interesting Marvelous players, one is injured and the other one is wrestling at Oz on the 30th. So we getting leftovers.
> But seriously…

> What the heck?

> At least sometimes, let me know beforehand.

> Or better yet, come talk to me!!!

> And of course… another after-the-fact report.

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> I’m always ready.

> On 3/30 at Marigold, I’ll be teaming with Takumi-san to take on Nanae Takahashi.

> I’m not afraid of anything.
> Because Marvelous is the best.

> #マーベラスプロレス

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bro looking defeated
Shake up the industry to get a Korakuen 8 hundy
No designer labels anywhere, wrinkled pants, and a $2 screen printed wrestling t-shirt
SENKA reminds me of Seri before she retired from professional wrestling due to an injury.
yuki mashiro
Cody Rhodes
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I prayed for this and now its happening
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You can watch them in Oz at the same time as the Marigold show.
>a coal burning bitch and a lesbian
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>Do we need to make gravure books as part of this interpromotional war?
Noooooooooooooooo :(
"Basically we're closed off. However, if there's a big match that we haven't had a chance to do yet, we'll accept it, and if there's some kind of connection, we'll accept it, but basically we want to do it on our own. However, I think there may be times when we appear in other matches, but I don't want to have exchanges between organizations. If we did that, the brand power of the organization would be diluted."

Diluting the brand power to sell Korakuen tickets. What is Rossy doing??
>posting year old quotes
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I must have missed the next sentence where he said after a year we no longer want to do it on our own and it won't dilute the brand power. Do you have a link to that?
kiitan is the key
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Was she crying because Rossy forced her to work even though her back is clearly not healed? What a monster.
They've established themselves as the number 2 joshi promotion, the quote isn't relevant anymore. Try to keep up
No, overcome by emotion at returning to the golden fields
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>anti spazzing out
yup guess today's was a success
happens every time kek
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just chillin
so glad her tits are back
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misa two-tones
Smart of Rossy to do this today to take the heat off of Gigaton existing.
Hope Kizuna collapses in the ring again so she can quickly retire to a full-time gravure career
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Why is Marigold going to war with a bunch of dykes?
If they're #2 (they're not), then why are they diluting their brand power by feuding with a fed that runs 2 shows a month in front of 80 people?
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OZ Academy just did this same angle last year with Marvelous.
Chuds were fuming that Chigusa booked Ozaki to steamroll Mio and stomped their title.
Marvelous tag belts are still in OZ and Magenta is challenging for them next OZ show.
> The Marvelous crew has finally arrived!
> Things are about to get even more exciting.

> The young ones were charging in full force in the ring,
> but there’s always someone above them, waiting in the wings.

> I’ve got a feeling something big is going to happen at Korakuen.
> Keeping an eye on it…
> And staying ready to jump in at any moment.

> #pw_mg

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annpan exposing the business
>Marigold has announced an attendance of 305 people for today's show at Shinjuku FACE, down from the last time they ran the venue (356 people on February 7th) however no title match was held today.

Do they do the chair bowling spot in every match now? It's worse than HATE at this point
learning Kawahata was not only a lesbian but a total cunt in real life was a saddening experience
there is a lot of buzz around senka akatsuki in the industry
> We may be outnumbered,
> but when it comes to individual strength, Marvelous is undeniable.

> We’re going to defeat Nanae-san,
> defeat Marigold,
> and defeat Rossy Ogawa.

will wrestle universe have to mute takumas macho man theme due to copyright
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broken ring
Sometimes they care about licensed music and sometimes they don't, in the end I guess we'll just have to wait to find out
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Seriously its like watching oz academy, every fuckin match does it
>learning Kawahata was not only a lesbian but a total cunt in real life
what did she do
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The only one seething was translax and he's as liberal as it gets without cutting off your dick
I love Takumi, she reminds me of ALF
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are they intentionally leaning in to the "Marigold is a botchfest" now because Misa is one of their better hands
kek she does look like Alf
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It wasn't just him/her or whatever. Ozaki makes most joshi newfags seethe just by existing.
ozcel has yet to comprehend that people would rather watch dsfm fumble around than oldz kwabademy
it's true, I'd rather watch someone fail embarrassingly than be forgetfully average
hummer and tach stepping up to marvelous popped me
I wish Io would stop fucking around in the fed and come home already.
How the fuck can you guys unironically watch this shit?
misa is as ugly as she is untalented
Would love to see her back in Stardom.
They don't. No one here actually watches this crap. It's all clip based.
Rossy tweeting at 2am. He must have gotten up to pee and can't go back to sleep. Been there buddy.
i watch dsfm to own the maga chuds
lea soto is becoming a sick technical wrestler
nao is feeding generations rn with that aura
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The only one who watches it is the guy who clips the botches. The rest of twitter pretends to. Even liceban got exposed for pretending to watch.
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Wow. Sareee doing what the grifting indie wrestlers do.
whatever you say, tranny
gotta fund those MMA lessons that'll result in an embarrassing loss
Will she be able to go to the UFC now that it's owned by the same company as WWE?
she has been doing those forever and she is an indy wrestler btw
she does birthday events, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.
kizuna tears were awesome, she's just too good at playing her emo character
>Ozaki makes most joshi newfags seethe just by existing.
on schedule this lonely fag proves him right lol
>grifting indie wrestlers
that's the entire game frfr
The Mio Momono/Ozaki feud from last year was one of the more entertaining things in joshi wrestling. "Forgetfully average" should be Stardom's tagline.
ozcel victory lapping because they let mio momono run wild for a couple of shows is pretty pathetic
Can some kind Marvelouschad get a marigod up to speed on the promotion? I'm really only familiar with Takumi and MARIA.
nothing. as usual, nutcases with headcanon
if kizuna can stay healthy we might have a shot at this
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>It's an all-out war between groups! Marvelous, led by Takumi Iroha, makes a surprise incursion into Marigold! Announcing all-out war at Korakuen Hall on March 30th! | The Korakuen Hall event on March 30th will be broadcasted exclusively live on Wrestle Universe!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vi7mdmTAq0 [Embed]
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the lore of the marvelous roster having to pay for their tickets
Don't Marvelous and Marigold already fight during Noah Magic Monday?
Stardom's tagline would be sloppy gymnastics
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This is really what you want to go with?
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Oz tagline would be Sloppy Geriatrics
Ok and I could post three dozen saya botches
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I just wanted to ask how the others in here think about it. I really enjoyed Megaton so far and thought she is really funny. But on the last 2 shows, she started to touch the breasts of the other wrestlers during the match. And in the backstage comments she interrupts and touches their breasts again, then revealing their cup sizes. I found this very hard to watch. Sexual harassment is not something to joke about in my opinion. It's not funny, especially when there are women in the audience. And on the last show where she did that, there were 30+ children in the audience and she still did it. After watching that match, I had a hard time enjoying the rest of the show.
Source on either of those claims?
Is this why Yuzuki ended Seri's career by slamming her onto her head?
I love Megaton but I love Nao more than Gigaton. Gigaton should just be once in a while.
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>YWN rock out to Jeff Beck and then have sweaty strong style sex with Sareee (hopefully people will get this reference)
Life is pain
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> [Marvelous] Takumi Iroha Issues Warning: "We're Going to Crush Marigold and Rossy Ogawa"

> Marvelous ace Takumi Iroha (32) has declared war on Marigold, vowing to annihilate the promotion.

> Iroha attended Marigold’s March 11 Shinjuku FACE event alongside six of her Marvelous juniors, watching from ringside. After Nanae Takahashi secured a dominant victory over Victoria Yuzuki in the main event, Iroha stepped into the ring and directly challenged Takahashi to an inter-promotional showdown. Takahashi accepted, setting the stage for an all-out war at Marigold’s March 30 Korakuen Hall event. Chaos erupted as the rosters of Marigold and Marvelous engaged in a heated brawl.

> Speaking to the press after the show, Iroha made her intentions clear:
> "For Marvelous to rise to the top, we're going to crush Marigold before they even reach their first anniversary. And that means crushing Rossy Ogawa, too."

> Iroha, who has previously squared off against Marigold talent on NOAH’s Monday Magic, didn’t hold back in her assessment:
> "The ones I faced in Monday Magic were the better wrestlers in Marigold. Sure, I think they have some good talent, but their rookies aren’t developing at all. Our Marvelous rookies are on another level—their thigh size, their muscle mass, it's completely different. Honestly, if they were in Marvelous, they wouldn’t even be making their debut yet."

> She concluded with a bold warning:
> "This isn’t just some friendly inter-promotional match. Our pride is on the line. We have no intention of losing. We're coming to destroy them, so they better be ready."

> The stage is set for a full-scale war between Marigold and Marvelous.

the fat chinese fuck is always writring those long nonsensical posts to sell his headcanon
Iroha is a rough 32 years old
that's how they age on ALF planet
>all-out war
its one tag match lol
i think we can hit a shoot 6 with marvelous talent on the card
Requesting webm of her removing her clothes
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>Victoria Yuzuki's momentum and growth are unstoppable. Her wrestling skills are already top class. In the Showa era, it was not uncommon for a wrestler to be at the top at twenty years old... but in the Reiwa era, the age range of wrestlers is so wide that it is difficult to emerge. That's why I want her to break down the hierarchy and career.
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Bro is losing his marbles
there is a lot of buzz around senka akatsuki
many people are saying this
be hilarious if she forgot her singlet
I don't think it is a fair fight, after all the Marvelous players have a dojo where they can hone their craft while Marigold is green girls playing salt games with no training
Marvelous players have to beg on stream for grocery money and eat 5 cups of rice a day. Just need to wear them out.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihgc5LQbjg8 [Embed]
what the hell is going on over there
She was just sneaking out to hook up with her boyfriend (me).
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Komomo is one year older and one year wiser.
i will never forget marvelous for what they did to miki tanaka
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why didnt bea namedrop anyone from marigold? i thought papa rossy was going to make the call?
io and giulia were both at msg
Miku's wide, sturdy frame
>The amount of practice that is said to be something, confront it and face reality. If this doesn't inspire you, Marigold is over.

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please stop
the gigaton character is ishikawa's punishment for losing the fantasy league
I think it's because she had that shit match with Nanae where she cried mid match. After that Rossy seemed to give up on her even though the fans like her.
i smoke a gigaton of weed and watch a megaton of wrestling
our former Ace Giulia lost :(
giulia had black skin and blue hair
nah they had bad lighting there. Everything looked dark. She did have blue hair, though.
the dsfm crowd adore the victoria yuzuki character
Gigaton was fun for a one-off joke match with Megafat. It's gone too far now. Nao no sells too much as Gigaton and it fucks up the rookie matches.
hope this Marvelous feud keeps the promotion steady until the NXT cuts. Giulia will save us.
they are moving giulia up to friday night smackdown
My cock got hard because it looked for a second like she was stripping down to just her panties.
Why am I like this?
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I thought she was stripping down to her panties, too. It just means you're attracted to a woman and want to see her with as little clothing as possible. That's perfectly normal.
In response to this situation, Rossy Ogawa said, "Since he stepped into the ring with such confidence, I have no choice but to accept it. I have no intention of interacting with him at all. It's just an old-fashioned inter-group match, and it doesn't end after one or two rounds; I want to make it a fight that will stir up the industry itself. What I hate most is simple borrowing and lending. It's common for them to borrow one fighter because they don't have enough, or to briefly participate because someone is absent. That won't happen at all, and we'll go over there as well. But in terms of the number of matches we have more, so I think they'll come over here more often," he said, with his usual somewhat condescending tone as he spoke of his enthusiasm for the match.
senka akatsuki had the biggest moment of her career in dsfm
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the flora is selene
surely they meant Serene, right?
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03-09 clips
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you tell me
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Selene Dion
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Good night, gents.
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Based Ai no selling the Passion Granny
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hummingbird and tachibana ganging up on ai houzan
Seri not on the 3/23 card. Is it Seriover?
does she still throw fits or was that the blue swimsuit girl from the same promotion?
i have to watch her because of that haircut
>on ALF planet
>not knowing his home planet's name
Don't do the meme if you don't know the name of his planet is Melmac.
The chick in the red swimsuit has some nice thighs. The should get nicer as her career progresses. At least one would hope that would be the case.
> The thing I hate the most is just loans and borrowing. It's common to borrow one player because you don't have enough players. Or to play a little because someone is absent.

Flying Penguin
Ice Ribbon Chick who looks like Poi

all BTFO
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Yeah chink, you dont even need to convert from webm
You try way too hard just to make a fool of yourself.
I met her in real life at Shinjuku FACE
are they the ones that live in a dog kennel?
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any anon got the clip of this?
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>Naho Yamada gave an update on her current condition. She revealed that she injured her knee at the February 7th show and the result was a tear of her right ACL and damage to the lateral ligament.

>She will undergo surgery tomorrow and begin her rehabilitation.

damn, we don't be seeing until the end of the year
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I could believe seira mei was raised in dog kennel
Hummingbird and Tachibana being part of the big brawl at the end probably means they're coming back soon
>Seri not on the 3/23 card. Is it Seriover?
the Korakuen show match with Yuzuki is more important, can't risk her getting hurt again just before that
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thanks webmbro
> Current Status Update

> On February 7, I injured my knee during a match and have been out for about a month now. I know many of you have been worried, and honestly, it’s been a “Yamada, what the hell are you doing?” kind of situation.

> Diagnosis:
> - Complete ACL tear in my right knee
> - Collateral ligament damage

> I’ve been going to rehab while receiving treatment, and I’ve finally regained the ability to walk. Tomorrow, I will undergo surgery, marking the beginning of my full rehabilitation process.

> I’m going all out in rehab. I’ll come back stronger, with more muscle, and in better condition than before. I’m going to make sure I recover properly, so I can return to the ring stronger and more durable than ever.

> Just hang in there for a bit—I’ll be back soon!

> I can’t take a picture of my current condition to upload right now, but this is where Yamada Nao stands!

promo's good, making the best of a bad situation
Kokawa the ripper, putting half the roster on the shelf
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ability unlocked
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> I was able to make my return at yesterday’s Shinjuku FACE event.

> Thank you all so much for your support.

> Honestly, the only word that comes to mind is frustration.

> But there’s no time to look down…
> I’ll keep moving forward, stay dedicated, and keep working hard.

> I will get stronger. I won’t cry anymore.
> #pw_mg

get it tittyfucked and bukkaked
I think that was Ai Houzan who threw a fit in the ring after she got shoot pinned by red swimsuit rookie (Senka Akatsuki) on the12/01 Marvelous show
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Dead Thread
Lyin' Tam
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the tach snatched this
why doesn't Komomo give us an update on her injury?
ozcel is still crashing out
Rossy is looking ahead 10 years, so after his match with Marvelous, I wonder if he'll face off against WWE, with whom he has a business partnership.

The spectacle of Rhea Ripley and Megaton glaring at each other in the ring will be a shock to wrestling fans all over the world.
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lucky Kizuna
13 days until the next Marigold VOD
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> I created Tanaka Kizuna's new costume!

> The design was made by Kizuna herself.

> It’s a cute design that combines denim and frills from her debut costume.

> Congratulations on your return match!

Gravure Musketeers are shaking things up: Tachibana interview in Number, Ryoko and Yuuki interviews on the way.

>Minami Yuki, Ryoko Sakimura, and Nagisa Tachibana, who belong to the women's professional wrestling group Marigold, were good friends even before they joined professional wrestling. Yuki and Sakimura are members of the idol group CLIP CLIP, although they are from different agencies.

>Tachibana is a member of an idol duo called Kurokami Emotion, and is in the same agency as Sakimura. All three of them are also active as gravure models. They are the so-called "gravure three musketeers."

I'd like to see them have sex with each other
6 3 1
WOL is reporting Giulia is getting deported. We got her Marichads!
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hope Miyu doesn't find out Shooter went to a Marigold show
what about her mother and boyfriend?
Giulia-ism 1 in June
>>17231446 (OP)
>Kawahata jostling with MIRAI in the corner and definitely behaving herself this time kek
>has partnerships with half a dozen shindies
>doesnt do any appearances at them to push the story
Kek what a lying scam
she's called Lyin' Tam for a reason
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Hope he dies in a car accident
I still wont catch up on the 5 shows I'm behind on
bit harsh, scotty just spouts toxic positivity hyperbolic drivel, he's not really a clout chasing grifter as much as peps
His toxic positivity is like liberal's suicidal empathy for all the illegal criminals
except on his podcasts where he hates on stardom and makes up lies that mayu is coming to Marigold getting the fans hopes up that Marigold will be getting someone good.
You couldnt pay me to listen to that whale talk into a mic
kizuna emo wrestling is just too good
jojo pose
you're a bigger loser for listening to his podcast
you're a bigger loser for replying to my post

Sign her Rossy
Theres enough botchy shitters on the roster
we don't want her
got his ass
the biggest loser here is the guy who reads my posts every day and seethe without ever responding
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Mai has lovely chompers.
Yuka Sakazaki has never done a jojo pose in her life.
im afraid that rossy already retcon dream chaser seri yamaoka
do you think rea seto fucks black guys
imagine the toothy blowjobs
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Rossy Ogawa has finally gone too far.
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Heeming The Great Sakuya out of nowhere was kinda funny
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Nooooo not a shindie shitter that reddit loves as a joke but gets autistically upset when you mention she sucks
don't fuck with the ACE
I wish MIRAI would slam me down and straddle me
I have a good feeling for a three gravure musketeers OP
nice try The Great Sayuka, if that is your real name, Riko Kawahata
rossy ogawa made senka akatsuki a star
who told her to strip
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they have a struggle before it looks like MIRAI forces her into the corner (camera cuts to Naenae too fast desu)
NEW >>17243469 →
About what time in the show is this fight?
Wow, these are three classy professional women!

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