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Bryan Alvarez said today that in addition to being injured that Giulia has visa issues too. Trump is going to deport her.
Why trump evil?
>>17239833 (OP)
She's so bad
>>17239833 (OP)
What the hell is she doing throwing herself out the ring like that?
>>17239833 (OP)
You guys believing this without any actual proof of him ever saying this is not surprising to say the least lol
>>17239833 (OP)
Thank God AEW didn't even bother signing her.
Fuck the Ugly Sadness Ghoulia.
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Learn to go with the flow smark
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we tried to warn you
>>17239833 (OP)
"Alvarez says" is not a source
>>17239833 (OP)
She should rename to Jewlia and Trump himself will give her a passport
The force
>>17239833 (OP)
So glad Tony didn't even wanna talk to her because she fucking sucks
>>17239833 (OP)
>Visa issues
>Appears on Raw and wrestles on NXT

Is he talking about her credit card having issues?

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