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When will smarks turn on him?
>>17240521 (OP)
I would love to tag team brandi with him, feel his sack nestle up against mine as we simultaneously stuff his wife's holes
You're dumb
Any year now...
Just a few more years of him succeeding beyond anyone's wildest expectations and being in some of the biggest moments in wrestling history, THEN smarks will finally turn on him and we can be happy that someone that chased their dream had some kind of misfortune.
>When the fans are the ones that made the company change their plans and put the belt on him

You retard smarks really don't know the meaning of words anymore
>>17240521 (OP)
do "smarks" as we know them even exist still? I thought they all fucked off to their containment territory in jacksonville and the world moved on
I think face Cody is boring as hell, a shame he refused going heel (on both companies) because it'd be way more entertaining.
Yeah, forget the all-time moments he has had and how he has carried so many storylines that led to guys turning around their careers... Imagine if he came out and was like
And was a heckin yummy heel and did heel things!
Then we would never get Final Boss Rock and it would be the epic
>Now this side chants peepee, and this side will chant poopoo, in 3...2...1...
And face Owens against him! I love him as a face! And forget Orton turning on him, Orton could be like
>Cody, this isn't you man..
and Cody would be like
>No, I want to be... LE BAD for my middle-aged smark fans
and his main rival could be face of the company Jey Uso.
Cody is basically their new Cena who can wrestle better, has a better look, has better lore, is more edgy/less corny, and is way more willing to physically torture himself for the fans entertainment. He's fine with me. He's way better than roman who just shows up once a month to aura farm and then wrestle an okay match that was carried by heymans agenting
that was in 6 years ago. in 2025 WWE is the smart fed. Look at how the e-dophiles are unironically praising the Bianca / Naomi segment and that children's cage match on Monday as if they were complex storytelling masterpieces.
it's such morbidly obese behavior.
nah they are all cheering for jey uso
So who's AEW for in 2025? Nobody?
It's for trannies
it's not for retards
alternative/counterculture young adults and hot girls
>alternative/counterculture young adults
But that's us...
so you should be watching AEW. don't tell me you've slurping the e-slop!?
There's nothing "counterculture" about spreading your legs for strangers online, shitwheels.
cant even imagine the type of creature who would type that up and be like: yup, thats funny as shit - post
>>17240521 (OP)
I already did.
I legitimately stopped watching when he beat Roman for the title.
I barely even come here now.

I show up.
Say Nash is a nigger lover that sucks cock
read what happened the night before
leave for the day

rinse and repeat
been this way since Mania 40
cant be due to your quality standards because that roman reign sucked as well
Wanting everyone to turn is so fucking gay and why nobody takes smarks seriously
it most certainly is due to quality.
Go defend your zionist filler programming to someone that wants to hear it.
i’m out.
>>17240521 (OP)
when they don't book him against an opponent who can carry the feud and it falls on him to do the work
this makes the pEdrones seethe for some reason
>>17240521 (OP)
Cody has all the tools. He just needs some good feuds besides bloodline shit
>zionist filler programming
so any wwe since super cena?
It's been 3 years and this board still tells me that the fans are going to get tired of Cody, but every time he comes out to the ring the fans greet him with cheers and applause, singing his song
>>17240521 (OP)
Its been extremely forgettable
It's an objectively bad business decision to have your biggest face and merch seller turn heel to "make it entertaining" it was a bad idea to turn Cena heel when Rock-Cena 1 happened and its a bad idea now, because both times the problem was who do you now put in that top guy position? Jey? I hope not. We just recently saw the end of heel top guy's reign of terror and we're still suffering from its after effects and I hope that never happens again. You guys have to understand Cody isn't getting any younger and wasting his prime years doing a heel run when it would just make more sense to wait out his storyline's culmination of the crown getting heavier would make a much better starting point for a heel turn a few years down the line when other face alternatives are hopefully present. If you want a good heel run out of Cody, pray we don't witness another big dog situation because I'm pretty sure Vince would've turned Cena heel earlier if Roman got over, if that happens again Cody would turn around 50.

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