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LOLAEW thread
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>>17240797 (OP)
lolthread hidden
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>>17240797 (OP)
Still better than Punk vs Rollins
lol no
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theres nothing wrong with any of this go fuck yourself
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>>17240797 (OP)
He fucking hates this type of threads lol
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AEW: where the faggots wrestle
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that's kinda gay
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definintely concussed each other there lmao
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Was this the first bad omen? Or was it the tranny winning the women's title?
Dark Order beatdown was the first
>pathetic unloved morbidly obese subhuman pEdrone E-dophile piggiEs containment thread
It was Dreamer selling for sonny kiss for me
what actually happened? i never bothered to watch old AEW content
a bunch of dudes in cheap masks delivering the worst gang beatdown of all time to the Elite, they were literal wrestling school trainees if I remember correctly. One of them that is right in front of the hardcam is wiffing his punches by six inches or so
And goldust had to go on twitter and bury them
has omega ever done that move without botching it
>pre-Brodie dark order still being booked as a heel stable
>do a beat down on Dustin and i think a couple other wrestlers
>the guy giving worked shots to Dustin has a camera right on him
>He's giving the worst worked punches maybe ever shown front and center
>looks like a monkey knocking on a coconut
>He's giving the worst worked punches maybe ever shown front and center

worse than the Fenix punches webm?
I'm not familiar with it but this guy definitely threw some awful ones
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>>17240797 (OP)
What went wrong here?
Nigga hittin his own bicep lmao
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You pimps remember when AEW made a videogame that was so shitty that aewtists still haven't stopped crying about it?

We warned those trannies: if u listen to liars, you're gonna get lied to
if you couldn't tell the game was gonna be shit from the gameplay reveals and demos they did you're ngmi.
Very comparable, it's Fenix swinging into his own arm versus a masked jabroni who isn't even hitting Dustin he was like knocking on the ring when he should have been raining down worked punches
It was after this move that I turned off the pre show. Jesus Christ.
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did that happen last sunday?
fug i watched it and i dont' even remember it. kek
kek i love laughing at aew (absolutely excretable wrestling)
I think wrestling might be fake.
Played a match on someone else's account my god the gameplay was fucking awful
very gay
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hes trying to hit the other guy's head with his balls? what the actual fuck is that garbage?
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>>17240797 (OP)
Lol why do they lock up?
i popped for this one
>where the best wrestle
someone should do a supercut of all the face humping in AEW
I was about to say someone post the other two
this ladder got in the way but we planned this spot so just do it anyway lol
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that is the supercut
Anyone have the one of Kenny and Jericho windmill punching?
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this one gets me every single time
the lazy stunner, the overreaction from Aubrey, the dead crowd, the look afterwards
>>17240797 (OP)
People really shit on Hogan for the Halloween havok Hogan vs Warrior match......when THIS happened.
At least we had some wrestling from warriors match
That's my go to match for what wrestling obviously hasn't improved. If Adam Page accidently blinded himself he would try to go through the spots like everything was going according to plan. Hogan and even that fucking jabrone warrior knew enough to improvise.
lmfao who even is this? what an awful look
need the one of Fenix doing a move on an invisible man
it was near the start of AEW when people still used to watch it
that ref is a fucking retard
Im vanilla baby
god i hate aubrey so fucking much

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