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>>17244090 (OP)
i only used cagematch as a source for tew mods. only smelly obese subhuman smarks care about the ratings.
>>17244090 (OP)
these 'people' deserve this sorrow
>>17244090 (OP)
>n-noo muh super seekrit smark hugbox!
>>17244090 (OP)
>still unable to even reach 100 votes
kek what a flop tranny website
>>17244090 (OP)
They have nobody to blame but Tiny for drawing so much attention to it
>>17244090 (OP)
Remember when WWE spammed cagematch it with bots that gave every single episode and match a 10/10? Was during the fake Dynamite colorsplash NXT phase
Most of them even said the same thing when they commented kek
>>17244090 (OP)
I fir one like this outcome. It's full of turovirgin weeaboos jerking themselves off over "purowesul" when it is fucking terrible.
No I don't, sounds like some tranny headcanon
>>17244090 (OP)
AEW trannies finna cry?
i use wrestlingdata.com
Honestly, these are even worse the trAnEW fans. They whine that it isn't "Japanese" enough.
Cagematch isn't even Japanese. It's German.
Its true though unfortunately.
Cagematch even added the limit or whatever because of it. I think thats when they changed it so you have to wait 24 hours before posting a review or something like that
>we're the only ones that can artificially inflate scores here
do aew trooneys really?
>>17244090 (OP)
Smelly Smarks crying. LOVE to see it.
Nah they added a rule last year that you need to be a user for more than a year before leaving a rating because they were so made Ospreay vs MJF only had a 7/10 rating and were insisting it was due to "review bombing"
WWE still gets high ratings because the long term users (not the aew trannies who discovered it in the last three years) all love Giulia and Iyo
>WWE still gets high ratings because the long term users (not the aew trannies who discovered it in the last three years) all love Giulia and Iyo

>because AEW fans don't review bomb shows
They used to but get banned for it now
Part of the reason why wwe consistently gets better ratings than aew on cagematch lately
Cagematch is just a database
>>17244090 (OP)
>Study Cagematch!
>NOOO don’t go to Cagematch!
He’s upset people liked a show
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>>because AEW fans don't review bomb shows
about that...
That's not review bombing ya numb cunt. That's one guy.
>>17244090 (OP)
obese trannies thinking their pedestrian movezslop is any good is hilarious
the wrestling equivalent of rymtrannies thinking kendrick lamar is worthwhile music
>>17244090 (OP)
the downfall of this board needs to be studied
Unironically most of the accounts giving the show a rating lower than 8 are dudes that spam 8s and 9s in AEW shows, you can check it for yourself
>>17244090 (OP)
>go study cagematch and get back at me
>>17244090 (OP)
>njpw fans rate njpw shows highly
that's fine.
>joshi fans rate joshi shows highly
that's fine.
>aew fans rate aew shows highly
that's fine.
>wwe fans rate wwe shows highly
suddenly, we have a problem.
Because we rate objectively. If ospraey gives us a 10/10 match, we give it a 10/10. If liv morgan has a 6/10 match, dronies give it a 10/10. That's the difference
>>17244090 (OP)
>The downfall of cagematch needs to be studied
There is nothing to study, the only conclusion anyone sane will arrive to is that cagematch is tranny smark central.
I think that the Punk/Rollins match was severely overrated before the ratings dropped, but this is no different than Stardom/TJPW overrating their matches and events, tbqhwy
just like how some comedy matches have higher ratings than some workrate stuff, or how death matches (japanese ones specifically) also get overrated
>>17244090 (OP)
kek they are crying
Ospreay has had like two or three impressive matches since AEW, the one with Kenny in NJPW and the one with Okada and the one with Daniel Bryan, the rest is unwatchable tranny garbage that shouldn't be anything above 4 stars.
I dont agree, but thats the point. aew isnt at the top because it isnt flawless so it doesnt get flawless ratings. meanwhile drones give everything wwe does a 10/10
Japanese wrestling is extremely overrated, there was a time in the 90s where it was unironically the best, and a period in the mid-late 2010s where WWE was unwatchable cancer, NJPW was producing great matches, that's when most smarks discovered Japanese wrestling, and they have been rating it highly ever since, even if it's pure shite.
smarks are just weird, TJPW is a company that always get high ratings for their events, and they have a lot of silly comedy stuff, but you don't see people giving their shows low ratings and commenting "well, akshually, it wasn't that good! you should be watching Mitsubishi Honda vs Subaru Toyota if you think that this is good!" there
Why do they call it "the fed" just fucking call it WWE
It's supposed to be a derogatory term, but it has no real meaning, I don't know its history, but it might come from old WCW fans who quit watching wrestling after WCW went under, and WWF (the world wrestling federation) treated all their wrestlers like shit. If anyone knows how it actually started, I would love to hear the real story.
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Jim Crockett Promotions, which is not all the difficult to watch, at least the big shows, is the most important and influential American territories. It has 25 votes. A four way lucha match from Flair's retirement show is in their top 30 matches.
You cannot convince me the cagematch userbase was ever educated enough to curate wrestling.
It does be like that
>people that watch shows outside the slopshop have better taste

no slop

Am*ricans having an inferiority complex over the Japanese since the 1980s KWAB

>Daniel Bryan

hogpinion discarded
>>17244090 (OP)
I believe it was a T. Khan
Sobriquetbro is in the house, what up dog
>we rate objectively and fairly and we never ever reviewbomb but evil dronies do

That Bryan match was so fucking overrated it's insane, shit nearly put me to sleep
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idk bro this looks slightly overrated but mostly reasonable
I see far more superfluous overratings on AEW matches
>acting like cagematch was ever a sekrit club
Are AEWtists shoot retarded? That site often shows up under the top 5 results on google if you simply type in "[wrestler] vs [wrestler]"
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Meanwhile AEW fans on cagematch think a 12 minute womens match and ospreay/fletcher doing choreographed bullshit during a blood feud is near-perfect, and a match involving Swerve, who is one of the sloppiest and clumsiest workers getting a push today, is a shade above a 7/10 ceiling just on the basis of how uncoordinated he is
Those ratings are more egregious than anything on EC but at least they have the ability to identify stinkers like the main

>speak another language

>shit nearly put me to sleep

He said after watching nearly 4 years of ROMAN WINS LOL after his cousin interferes


Yeah it's almost like the internet wasn't prevalent in the 80s.
>He said after watching nearly 4 years of ROMAN WINS LOL after his cousin interferes
I stopped watching WWE regularly when Romanetty got a push in 2015 lmfao
Ospreay vs Danielson was mid as hell I fear
Why did bro turn his monitor off
So you're just slopbrained without even consooming it? Grim.
The Internet has nothing to do with it you gay bitch. It illustrates how uninterested these alleged smart fans are when it comes to the history of this great sport.
You are a fag if you believe the best shows of all time are the tribute shows to that dead Japanese girl. Rip to her but those shows stunk more than your musty bussy you fucking homo.
Someone needs to close their database and only let experts vote.
I said I DIDN'T like Midspreay vs Midielson, lil bro.
>>17244090 (OP)
that's why they call him The Game
>Ospreay vs Danielson was mid as hell I fear
unironically agreed
zero replay value, ospreay post-njpw is a big downgrade, his sequences always go one step too far into "look what i can do for the sake of it" territory and danielson moves in slowmo
just a garbage match of pure self-indulgence between possibly the two most overrated workers of all time
Be real man, Sami KO was nothing special compared to their past matches.
Be honest. If Ospreay has a 1/10 match, as he often does, you give it 10/10.
Sorry bro, I don't like washed, half-speed versions of both Ospreay and Danielson plodding around for like 35 minutes.

I don't think Sami/KO have ever had a particularly great match despite their history, and yes I agree. I think it was more of an 8 than a 9 and it was massively elevated by the crowd.
100%, I went back and watched some Okada prime mains since it was clearly structured like a modern NJPW main event and the difference was night/day. It was like watching two amateurs running back greatness.
this nigga is writing reviews for wwe speed matches LMAO
cagematch needs to stop letting the retarded public vote and just verify 100 wrestling centrists (non mentally ill wrestling fans) to vote on the matches.
nigger just read pwo
sorry i don’t want porn
t. slopwit

>You are a fag if you believe the best shows of all time are the tribute shows to that dead Japanese girl.

cool strawman pseud

let me know when it applies to me

Pussy World Order?
>cripple absolutely seething because Cagematch tried to purge all WWE fans and rig votes for AEW but WWE still wins half the time
kek he is legless
Lmao it will never cease to amuse me that wrestling fans desperately want to gatekeep the hobby but are incapable of actually doing it.
>>17244090 (OP)
Cagematch needs to add country flags for every review. I'm not taking the wrestling opinion of a Canadian seriously.
Are you doing alright? You sound a little extra bothered today, not your usual jovial self
You need serious psychiatric help.

You shouldn't read posts out loud.
Or India.
kek Americans still getting BULLied by based Leafs
>>speak another language
This isn't how normal human conversation sounds
Tell it to pseud-int

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