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>licensed music
>unscripted promos
>simple storylines
>unpredictable matches
>commentary isn’t annoying as fuck

This shit is literally kino why did i wait so long to actually give it a chance
>>17248623 (OP)
>>commentary isn't annoying as fuck
Excalibur is awful
>unpredictable matches
yes the flip sequences in every single match is surely unpredictable
Yes- it is- and I love it
No he’s not- tbf tho I don’t even know which one is Excalibur lol him and the other guy blend in but Tazz is still great
>>17248623 (OP)
>unpredictable matches
Yeah bro I had no clue who would win Okada Vs Brody King and Mone vs Momo
>>17248623 (OP)
>>licensed music
Isn't it amazing what daddy's money can buy?
>>unscripted promos
Too bad no one can actually promo.
>>simple storylines
Because there are none beyond "I'm the best wrestler!"
>>unpredictable matches
>>commentary isn’t annoying as fuck
By far the worst commentary team in any promotion barring a Pat McAfee show.
>>17248623 (OP)
you didnt start taking HRT until now
>>17248623 (OP)
>licensed music
except for speedball not getting brass monkey. fuck tony khan
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trannies pretending to be new fans "discovering" AEW for the first time never stops being funny
I don't really like licensed music in wrestling, especially if it's some recognizable dadrock song. Punk is probably the only exception who has managed to make their song feel like they own it
I wouldn’t know.
I legitimately stopped watching when Cody Rhodes beat Roman for the title.

There's one dipshit who has posted this dozens of times. And they wonder why they get called bots or paid agents, because the alternative is that they're really that mentally ill. I don't even like to say the same joke multiple times, to completely different people, in completely different locations, and these people will say the same comment 10x in a day for weeks at a time.
honestly, it really is a cheap option but in my opinion, it really can depend if the original music turns out to be shit like what's happening with WWE.
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>>17248623 (OP)
>unpredictable matches
>commentary isn’t annoying as fuck
Taz sucks too
>>17248623 (OP)
Why don't they buy Jim Johnson
Rovert is begging people to watch this gay tranny slop again

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