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>Simple History
>Infographics Show
>Infinite Comparison
>korean food channels
>60% keebs
>liquid cooling
>solid state drives
>subversive tropes
>lost media
>end of an era
>failed reboot
>___: a retrospective
>>old good new bad

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Who are you quoting though

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If she spends 10 years in the wardrobe is she legal when she comes out?

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I just want to live alone in a mansion, drive a few luxury and sports cars, and go to Thailand to have sex with ladyboys. Is that really too much to fucking ask?
yeah, kinda
Don’t worry even if you don’t “make it” you’ll have enough to do the ladder every couple of years

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>En Marana Domus Nava Cronatus

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Anime website.
didnt read, saged and hidden
also built for bee bee sea
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Rei website though

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ITT: Uninteresting and usual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit (occasionally aka as the blog thread)
Real happenings go on >>>/qa/happenings
Previous thread: >>5311106

Happy Halloween!
177 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
>I… got all the pokemon I could get without trading
I want to believe you but this claim is highly suspect. A couple of the safari Pokémon are a pain because they’ll run away no matter what you do, and you will actually MISS when you throw balls at Chanse. But then again the key word in your post is “all”, so maybe you didn’t mean that you caught every Pokémon minus version exclusives.
I duped the master ball as soon as I could and used a guide to just grind finding pokemon. Even got a number that way. I've always been an iconoclast.
oh, well if you used glitches then yeah it’s possible.
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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
It's getting harder and harder to follow their descent into insanity
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>Dog whistle racism
Their mistake is assuming americans are smart enough to get dog-whistles.
election fraud

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>söydueling isn't legitimate a sport
yet another fucking catalog soiduel?

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>söydueling isn't legitimate a sport

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>I made you in My image. No, don't question the fact that there are animals that look like hairy human relatives, or the fact that black people look halfway between those animals and you.
sigh... another racist post... so boring and unoriginal... don't you have homework to do child?
another racist post brought to you by team atheism
Not OP but I'm an adult and have homework from college

my wife chino
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stop skipping your meds
that's chika tho
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die liar

If i was a girl, i'd dress like this everyday.
18 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
not a grammatical error
i dress like that
Made for scarring with a car key.
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If i was a girl, i'd dress like this everyday.

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>The rest of 4chan when a /pol/chad shows his power level outside of /pol/
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
/pol/ website
/qa/ runs /pol/ from the shadows, though
Not everyone wants to hear your retarded takes about your retarded american politics, polbrony
they're enemies again?

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Why are more & more black males adopting this look?
jodeme es un tipo?
in order to lure in the BWC

/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/
/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/

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