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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting belong on >>>/qa/nah.

Previous thread: >>5347685
First for tomgoirls.
No, more like a rough personality, something that kinda contradicts what's normal behavior on girls without going full dyke
After all they still like boys
Anime butt website
What about fat tomboys?
love tomgirls
love tomboys
hate troons
simple as
there are tomboys in yuri though
But are troons: futas, femboys, transwomen, traps, drag queens, tomgirls, tomboys, twinks, transmen, bulldykes, musclegirls, or bara?
troon: mentally ill individual who thinks they're the opposite gender and mutilates their own body to appear as such
We've done all this work to figure this out like were scientists of 1840s Germany or some shit and you go, "No! No! No! Hegel actually makes sense." and I just have to laugh in response.
tomboyfags are fucking obnoxious, second only to yuriniggers in annoyingness
Playing coy my darling?
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off to a good start already
off to a napoleonic start already
I don't know what any of that means.
I'm so sorry. lol
>1840s Germany
table of elements?
That was Russia idiot
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Women(female) who have a set of male genitalia (dick and balls) on top of their female genitalia (pussy and uterus). They don't exist in real life.
Homosexual men(male) with natural feminine features (like wide hips and big ass) and some masculine ones (like a flat chest).
Men(male) who identify as the opposite gender (female) and may undergo hormonal treatment and surgery (breast implants, SRS) to alter their bodies and make them resemble the opposite gender's more.
Young men(male) with an appearance so feminine (even more than femboys) that can fool others and make them believe they are female.
>drag queens
Men who dress and imitate women in an exaggerated way, either as a form of expression or as part of a performance.
What happens when you mix femboys and traps. They are practically indistinguishable from flat-chested girls(female) aside from their male genitalia, and are almost always gay.
Girls(female) who enjoy typically "male" activities (sports, video games) and sometimes dislike "female" ones (cooking, shopping). The "brown shorthaired tomboy" trope comes from the idea that a tomboy would be tanned for spending a lot of time playing outside, have short hair because it's easier to maintain than long hair, and wear "male" clothes because she doesn't like "girly things" like dresses.
Men between 16 and 25 with little to no body hair and relatively undeveloped muscle mass, making them look a bit younger than usual.
The female equivalent of "transwoman". They're woman(female) who identify as male.
Muscular homosexual women(female) who are notably masculine in appearance or manner
Muscular women(female), not necessarily homosexual.
Japanese genre of gay pornography that features very masculine men(male). Said men usually are muscular, although in the west traits like a high amount of body hair and fatness are included in the definition of "bara type".
I buy spare Sim cards. It is good to have some extra in hand just in case the Moddy Woddy and the useless Janny range bans me for my fun posting. I still remember when I kept spamming the same posts in the same /jp/ thread. I got deleted, range banned, but I kept reposting and posting. At the 50th deletion the janny just gave up and let my shitpost stink. I outlasted him.
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When are mods going to add a korean culture board?
When "Korean culture" becomes something bigger than dumping images of shit k-pop stars, idol worshiping that makes /jp/ and /vt/ look normal, unfinished webcomics (manwha) with incomplete translations, and shit live action adaptations of said webcomics that only last one season.
At least "nip culture" includes stuff like manganime that sometimes is compared with Disney, games with music that is played in the olympic games, cool art with paper, trains, /pol/tard nationalism, weird porn, giant monsters and robots, more weird porn, cosplay, collecting useless figurines, cool warrior classes like ninjas and samurai, etc. Meanwhile, nobody gives a fuck about Korea beyond k-pop (gayer western porn), manwha (gayer western comics) and jokes about North Korea.
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kpop is a psyop. Won't be long before Korea has their own "miley cyrus".
Does this apply to you guys?
troon thread
saged and hidden
Reminder that /tv/ has always been a good board and if you disagree you're wrong.
right on
based and saved
Nobody gives a shit about anything related to K*rea besides idolshit and fotm netflix series.
soiteen spam thread that's been up for almost 3 days.
Isekai general is in full politics mode and mods don't give a shit
speaking of /a/
the fastest thread on /v/ is >>>/v/576722062

Think we can reach 500 posts?
A post on /v/ got hundreds of replies for absolutely BTFO-ing zoomers
gaming really has stagnated
almost 600.
based staff :)
Someone has a database of the most popualar images on 4chan with the number times they've been used on each board

It's objectively much harder to invent new graphics now than back then
yeah you can see this on every archive......
>3 bl*ck*d threads on /vee/
Board is not even that fast.
check /qa/
i suppose the /lgbt/ raid is straight up done by glowies
Janny woke up and /lgbt/ lost three pages
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Blacked is raiding /v/... when will mods get rid of these subhumans?
Proof that mods browse /qa/.
Isn't spam allowed on /trash/? Why don't you /v/ermin retaliate against them until they abandon the site?
>Moved to /bant/
Good job plenty of discussion in there
you report bestiality as illegal dumdums, instead of reeee'ing about it on /v/ or /qa/. also remind the OP's that bestiality is not only highly illegal but exceedingly immoral. as well as misogynistic and highly abusive towards women(not that /v/ or most of you care) AIDS,hep a-z and etc viral/bacteria infections aint no laughing matter. Its also normally a career ender but then again who cares about a literal whores employment the amount of money they make is retarded.
They already took over /gif/. They should post their shit in the DoA or XIV generals that are up 24/7 since the mod/janny sits in those.
Isekai general continues to be an off-topic shithole that the jannies and mods refuse to touch
>Proof that mods browse /qa/.
literally 1-3 mods have this thread open refreshing almost 24/7 and have for ages as stated on irc
Keep up the good work mods if you're reading this.
I did, i'm sure many anons did it as well. It just didn't got deleted, instead, they autosaged the thread after 3 hours.
I'm not a lifeless faggot, sorry.
You telling me this horse girl got AIDS from riding her horse?
Not even close to as garbage as some of the other generals shitting up the board.
They're all shit and need to go, but I guess there are more important priorities like shitposting on Discord instead of cleaning up the site
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>he doesn't know
Bro horses are the very manifestation of evil. Horses also harbor shadow people, acting as hosts in the material realm.
Have you ever been to /an/. You think Lee does it for free for no reason, you think moot only b& mlp because of shitposters. Oh you poor poor gullible fool get over here you need a hug ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ.
You know what I do need a hug. In fact I'm good enough that I fucking deserve a hug. Cmere you big lug.
/trash/ creates an echo-chamber for these niggers and strenghtening them. All of these cancerous fetish-bait threads come from there. And on top of it, 0 moderation.
Careful anon its a trick oxytocin is a hellva drug. Lolis&shotas that get lots of hugs and headpats as a child become fiends. With huge chemical dependencies and immbalences without even realizing why or what can cure the cravings.

First its hugs then its headpats afterwords you start becoming degenerate demanding to hold hands.BOOM next thing you know you're injecting someones sweat in desperate hopes of getting a rush. Oxytocin not even once.
Why is it so hard for those jannoids/mods to delete OP's bait pic
They actually want things to be this way, aren't they?
My parents weren't very caring. Is it dangerous to jump straight into full on hugging or do I need to build a tolerance with smaller forms of affection?
we've known for a while that jannies are shittedfags
thats me kek

thanks for making me immortal
Why are you shitting up /v/?
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>do I need to build a tolerance

inject sweat while holding a grills hand and getting headpats
die of a orgasm induced heart failure stroke bust a nut so epic you shotgun blast out a literal cup of semen before bursting so many veins in your head/brain that all the pressure goes straight to your heart popping that shit like a pinata

Die like every man should(peacefully too) with a tungsten hard on and orgasm of death
Wouldn't that give me an embolism?
>gloating about your bestiality obsession on a french horticulture fruit tree grafting specialty forum

Meds please take them anon
think of your family, (imaginary) friends and most important of all think of us /hap/
because I need to shit somewhere
does this count
I've been NTRing you with /nah/.
Only if >>>/g/84127777 has the same theme, lets see.
check'd cunnycucks BTFO
Big titty amazon mommy wins again
Did you start taking your meds again?
early morning to tad after lunch is when they work best
The conspicuously vocal faux lolicons that are more akin to culture warriors than fetishists is one of the more annoying developments of recent imageboard culture. What a headache.
First for Marina Datillo, the most beautiful lgl ever. I'm getting pregnancy art of her soon and I can't wait!!!!
On one hand a necessary evil to combat the influx of religious fanatics crucifying people for lusting after cartoons.
On the other hand a precedent for the real life normalization of pedophilia through cultural warfare. Like jacking off to traps and dickgirls has led to irl trannies.The same academic writers that paved the way for the normalization of transsexualism also wrote in support for the normalization of pedophilia.
hiroyuki's pfp seems like it's back when he did the shoe on head stunt for twitter. not really special but gives a timeframe of these pfps
MrVacBob's pfp is quite cool tbdesu. Cute and vidya combined
swaglord's pfp is a picture of himself
>swaglord's pfp is a picture of himself
When you're a lord of swag why not put yourself front and center?
>When you're a lord of swag why not put yourself front and center?
such a chad he doxes himself and doesnt afraid of anything

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