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Genre(s): Mystery/Supernatural
FCC Rating: [TV-MA(LV)]

Reina Tamura, a troubled Japanese college dropout living at a Shinto shrine run by her grandmother, once considered herself an empty person. Now she finds her mind swimming with impulses calling themselves “Kami.” Alongside aspiring detective Mayumi Ishbel, Reina begins a path of study and solution of the surreal and mystical. But is she truly strong enough to withstand the forces manifesting within Tokyo, or herself…?

Episode #01 - “Reina Tamura and The Blade of Izanagi”
Episode Description: Following a strange dream, Reina Tamura begins to hear her thoughts speak as if separate from her, as she is called upon to perform a cleansing rite for an apartment that has recently suffered a suicide…
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You can only barely see out of the seams in the fabric pressed against your face. The shroud is black, nontraditional from the white initiation veils you’ve seen, of which you have seen one: your grandmother’s. Aside from the color, you know it is hers, you can still make out the faint stains of spilled coffee along the left sleeve. A mistake you made a year ago when you first arrived at her shrine, one she hasn’t caught onto for the simple reason that she hasn’t had to perform a Miko’s initiation rite since she had validated your mother when she was at an age younger than yours, a fact your grandmother never lets you forget, oh how she would have loved to attend your initiation, if only you hadn’t avoided this path.

Yet, here you sit facing away from a shrine’s altar, veiled and observed by the elder Miko and Kannushi. It’s a far larger shrine, though you do not recognize its location. It’s too dark to make out any details, and you wonder if this is truly a place from your memories or one cobbled from media perception and your resentment for the traditions of your mother’s family branch.

You feel vile. After every failure, you still hold their grace.

You open your mouth to protest, but fall silent as one of the elders begins to sing. Her ancient dialect so thick, you can’t make out the lyrics. It begins to get cold as the elder’s haunting song transitions slowly but surely to an unhinged chant.

You shudder, it starts in your shoulders barely noticeable under the veil. Then it progresses to your forearms, and you stop it at your elbows. It finds a different path, your knees wobble slightly, and the faint pain that came with holding your seiza/i] on the rough wood is intensified by the motion. You give in and let your hands begin to tremble…

Your whole body quakes, and then you feel yourself in the warmth of summer…

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You open your eyes.

You see a man. A rugged and unkempt man in olden garb. You can make out his gender from the scraggly beard adorning his chin, but the rest of his face is blurred as if too horrible to air on TV in full but too sensational not to completely censor. Like one of those caught serial killers that internet freaks might lust over.

By his stance, and the naginata he holds, he seems just as wary of you.

You’re still sitting properly on your knees…

>Bow to him and await his greeting. You honor any Kami, no matter how undignified. To redeem the path...

>Scowl and greet him. This beast of a man, you’re offended to attract him as a Kami. He belongs beneath your heel…
(Brief apologies for the fucked formatting, I’ll figure it out as we go. -QM)
>Bow to him and await his greeting. You honor any Kami, no matter how undignified. To redeem the path...
>Bow to him and await his greeting. You honor any Kami, no matter how undignified. To redeem the path...
>Bow to him and await his greeting. You honor any Kami, no matter how undignified. To redeem the path...

Don't sweat it. Growing pains.

>Bow to him and await his greeting. You honor any Kami, no matter how undignified. To redeem the path...

Instinct drives your arms from their resting place upon your knees, forwards, your body leans alongside their motion until you’ve planted both of your palms in the soil and sakura leaves, and nearly plant your face in it as well. You feel overwhelmed by this Kami’s presence. That any would grace a pitiful girl such as yourself is a high honor. You lack the training and focus required of a Miko. A thought arises. Does your lack of understanding make you more or less desirable of a possession for Kami?

You await a command to rise, but all that comes is a frustrated ”Hmph.”

“She lost her life… to bring a damned whelp like you into our dominion…” He steps forward in an awkward rhythm, as if drunk on his own growing rage. You can hear it in his voice. “You entirely lack divinity… You have no beauty, no aim in life, a horrible accident of a mortal being.” He all but spits the word: mortal.

And you feel so very mortal. Your dignified bow feels more like cowering by this point.

“Ah, but you have her spark…” Another step, you see his sandal. “She too could lack aim, but she found no pride in aimlessness. You want to change, and your avenue for change is to align yourself with something. A movement, an aesthetic, and now a minor god…” He laughed. “You’re still worthless to me in this form. But with Nami’s spark, I may mold you. Yes, you are no child of mine, but a subject of I, the first man, the first mortal father, and now the first king…”

“Who… Are you?” You finally speak.

“You may refer to me as master, but you shall know me as Izanagi-no-Mikoto...”

You open your mouth to speak again, but his foot raises, and finds itself resting on your shoulder, silencing you.

“It is unfortunate. You’re no thief, though you lack divinity you are pure in this birth, you did not knowingly take her from me… Yet, I sense her within you… I must know what beauty she found in your worthless body…”

You tense up feeling cold steel along the back of your neck.

“My bride would not make the mistake of imbuing her spirit in weakness. What would you say is your strongest attribute?” He presses the blade of the Naginata down harder, ever so slightly. “Don’t. Lie to me.”

>”My heart. It has, against all odds, kept me alive.” [AMATERASU]

>”My brain, perhaps I know more than I know.” [OMOIKANE]

>”My sword-arm, it’s the one on your left.” [HACHIMAN]

>”My drinking-arm, it’s the one on your right.” [INARI]

>”Would a tongue not suffice as strongest of all? What is strength if you cannot tell of it in language?” [TENJIN]

>You press against the blade and smile impishly. “You can’t kill me.” [EBISU]

>”I’m more curious as to your own guess at my strongest attribute, master…” [TSUKUYOMI]

Kami effectively act as your “skills”, though they are sentient manifestations…

>Without art, the world has no origin. If the world can’t represent itself beyond action, does this world even exist? You must contextualize the world. Even if your context is nonsense to others…
>This Kami improves rolls regarding creative pursuits or artistic thinking.

>There is a direct cause and effect to all things. Trace the effects to their causes, and then you will understand. And if something breaks those rules, you’ll fit it in somehow…
>Bonding with this Kami improves the success value of rolls corresponding to deduction via raw knowledge and study.

>The history of the world is predicated on conflict and theatres of strife. Comraderie in skepticism and violence, unleash the blades of your soul…
>Bonding with this Kami increases your success value for any rolls regarding combat or general aggression.

>The physics of reality are not rigged. If you fling yourself at something, it may eventually be done regardless of your skill or effort…
>Ebisu does not manifest as a skill per se. Whenever you critically succeed or fail, you gain a point of bonding with this Kami that you may later spend to make any other rolls safer, or reroll failures.

>The simplest of empathies: all mortals must cling to the fields and the streams to survive. Communion is easiest with a meal of rice and a bottle of the best sake…
>Improves rolls related to empathetic action and nature (particularly, skill at cooking.)

>The ever-noble pursuit of total control over oneself and surroundings. Whatever the sun’s light reveals to you is what you shall thrive upon…
>Tune into yourself, and unlock spiritual power within your hallowed bloodline…

>The ever-desired pursuit of knowing what’s beyond one’s vision. Every step takes you closer to around the corner, knowing more than before…
>Tune into Tokyo, and see it from all manner of other perspectives…

More Kami may make themselves known to you over time, and some Kami may change with your perspective under special conditions…
>You press against the blade and smile impishly. “You can’t kill me.” [EBISU]
>You press against the blade and smile impishly. “You can’t kill me.” [EBISU]
This man is freaky.
>”My drinking-arm, it’s the one on your right.” [INARI]
>>You press against the blade and smile impishly. “You can’t kill me.” [EBISU]
fuck you
try me bitch
(Locking in vote for the Ebisu point. -QM)
>”My drinking-arm, it’s the one on your right.” [INARI]

A drunk miko, where have I seen this before?

Anyways, if this is a detective story then it'd be wise to be knowledgeable in the intellectual or social realms.

>”My heart. It has, against all odds, kept me alive.” [AMATERASU]

Well at least Kagutsuchi isn't listed here. That would be... interesting.
>You press against the blade and smile impishly. “You can’t kill me.” [EBISU]

“You’ve got some guts, and you’re REALLY making me want to see them. In detail.” He sneers. You can’t see it, but somehow you can hear it, and that only makes you gladder. Being a medium was supposed to be a fair transaction, wasn’t it? If he won’t be fair, you won’t be kind.

He doesn’t chop a limb, he just straight up impales you in your lower back. The pain is so great you can’t even scream, just ever so slightly writhe before losing all body function… But you’re not dead, yet! So you did win this bet, right?

[You have gained 1 EBISU COIN]

“You actually fucking did it!!!” A childish voice booms in your head as the rest of your thoughts fade. “You’re like that idiot off that American show, the one where they defy death on a regular basis? Jackass, yeah that’s it!” He doesn’t laugh, he is uproarious but there IS respect in the tone despite the words. “Oh wow… It must have just barely missed a vital… Never known Nagi-sama to fuck up like this! How many coin flips is that…? You wanna flip some coins, call me, my number is 1-800-GET-LUKY, you got one of those new phones that can save the numbers? They’re gonna release in a few weeks but I’m lucky enough to have one right here. Found it in a dumpster. Hey, is being impaled painful? What’s the odds I just don’t feel it?”

Immense pain. But somehow, the experience feels ventured. You tried to defy this freaky guy, at least when he accused you of a crime you didn’t commit…

You feel more impacts, but no pain, perhaps he’s impaled your spine and completely fucked your nervous system beyond repair.

“I’m amazed.” He speaks, somehow still perfectly audible in your Schrödingered state. “With each incision, it’s like your body can change, manipulate itself to survive unattached, and this survival mechanism forms the dead tissue into more Kami… If I can trade your powerless hide for such divine essence, perhaps I can bring her back. So, you can repay me…” He laughs. “Very well! Then our bond is sealed.” He hacks another limb, and then brings the spear down to your neck with a speed perhaps too fas-

You open your eyes and the pain is gone. But back in the shrine, all the Elders have left.

You sit up and realize you’re no longer wearing the veil, but a traditional wedding dress, painted black once again instead of the expected white.

Perhaps you were not wed to this Kami, but rather killed by him. Instead of divine vows, perhaps you have made unholy contracts of vengeance. A strange funeral.

You feel yourself fading again. There’s a faint noise, repetitive and ringing. And you see someone in the distance, walking away from the shrine. An utterly beautiful woman, only a few years older but certainly in her prime, practically glowing. She turns to you, and before you can make out her features…


The alarm is going off.

You slam your left arm to your high side and swiftly hiss at the pain, the back of your hand did not make contact with the snooze button but rather the hardwood floor. Your eyes widen.

You slept on the floor.

You believed it would be a good investment to obtain an alarm clock with volume that rises gently over time. Not a problem when the access is as simple as flicking your arm in its general direction, but from the floor you’re going to have to stand up to disable it.

You get to one foot and immediately feel like a newborn lamb, how do you walk, again?

You careen off balance into your closet door and nearly take it off its hinges. You dive back to the floor for safety more than anything.

“Reina-chaaaaaan?” An old voice calls from beyond your bedroom door. “Are you okay?”

You feel as if you’ve forgotten how to speak.

You feel as if you’ve forgotten how to think.

You have a thought, a simple one usually: you have to stand up.

But the thought swims through your mind, as if being carried by many tiny hands, each feeling the thought’s grooves for any data they can parse, and then they start fighting for your attention.

>Try to stand up regularly once again. Your prior failure was naught but training. The lamb falls countless times before it stands, as does the warhorse as a foal, as does any champion! [HACHIMAN - SV:30/ST:3]

>Sit and listen to the alarm just a little longer. There’s a rhythm to it, perhaps it’s not so annoying. You need a moment to breathe anyhow… [TENJIN]

>This isn’t right. You’ve walked before. You’re nineteen years old. You couldn’t possibly have survived without knowing how to stand and walk. If you just think about what kinematics made it possible you could reverse them perhaps… [OMOIKANE]

>You should respond to your grandmother, learning how to speak again is the most important. You should…
>>Tell her the truth, that you can’t get up. It’s doubtful she can help you but maybe she can call for help? [INARI]
>>Tell her you’re fine. She gets near-literally sick with worry. For her safety and your peace, you should lie. [INARI + HACHIMAN - SV:50/ST:1]
>>Stay silent, maybe she’ll remind you how to walk…? [TSUKUYOMI]
Rolls have two values:
Success Value and Success Target.
Success Value is the value you need to roll at or below to succeed.
Success Target is the amount of rolls at or under the SV to have complete success. Partial success is possible, but typically only comes with partial rewards. These outcomes are listed in the ROLL CALL after an action vote.
Increasing your bond with certain Kami or acquiring traits can influence your SV and ST depending on the scenario.
Succeeding a Kami roll will increase its bond exp by however many of the Success Targets were hit. (Still working on the character sheet formatting but I am keeping track of these values)
Bonds with Kami can be broken. Through detrimental disagreement, intense revelation, or other factors. Typically, when this happens it will be warned of. Sometimes though, a change in psyche happens that may entirely eradicate or replace a given Kami. Mortal beings are strange and infinitely vast, it’s not worth it to fear new possibility…
>Sit and listen to the alarm just a little longer. There’s a rhythm to it, perhaps it’s not so annoying. You need a moment to breathe anyhow… [TENJIN]
>Sit and listen to the alarm just a little longer. There’s a rhythm to it, perhaps it’s not so annoying. You need a moment to breathe anyhow… [TENJIN]
>This isn’t right. You’ve walked before. You’re nineteen years old. You couldn’t possibly have survived without knowing how to stand and walk. If you just think about what kinematics made it possible you could reverse them perhaps… [OMOIKANE]
>Tell her you’re fine. She gets near-literally sick with worry. For her safety and your peace, you should lie. [INARI + HACHIMAN - SV:50/ST:1]
>This isn’t right. You’ve walked before. You’re nineteen years old. You couldn’t possibly have survived without knowing how to stand and walk. If you just think about what kinematics made it possible you could reverse them perhaps… [OMOIKANE]
We have a tie between which Kami we’d like to devote our action towards. In this case, we are going to hold a secondary vote between these two options. Should another tie exist by the end of an hour, I’m flipping a coin to decide.

So, vote is between:
>Sit and listen to the alarm just a little longer. There’s a rhythm to it, perhaps it’s not so annoying. You need a moment to breathe anyhow… [TENJIN]
>This isn’t right. You’ve walked before. You’re nineteen years old. You couldn’t possibly have survived without knowing how to stand and walk. If you just think about what kinematics made it possible you could reverse them perhaps… [OMOIKANE]
>Sit and listen to the alarm just a little longer. There’s a rhythm to it, perhaps it’s not so annoying. You need a moment to breathe anyhow… [TENJIN]
Okay. That’s an hour.
So, by tiebreaker, we deign to rest on the floor and see the beauty in the blare of the alarm.
>Sit and listen to the alarm just a little longer. There’s a rhythm to it, perhaps it’s not so annoying. You need a moment to breathe anyhow… [TENJIN]

You begin to parse the head-splitting sound slowly. Your mind creates tranquil drums to fill in the space between beeps, and soon the horrible cacophony is somehow tolerable.

“Isn’t it nice?” A softer voice ponders in your mind. It’s not your voice, which you find strange, you’ve never had your thoughts feeling this separate before. Now you’re really wondering if you’re okay. But he continues. “Anything can be musical, isn’t that fascinating? From the coded beauty of the European classics to the random sound of an alarm clock. It takes human will to shape sound into music, and it doesn’t require instruments. When you arise, we should bang on the walls and see what sounds might complement this alarm…”

“Reina-chan… Your alarm, you’re not sleeping through it, are you?” Your grandmother calls again, this time knocking on the door.

You still need to get up. But the time spent relaxing with the music of your mind’s order mixed with the chaos of the world has given you some strength…

>Now, attempt to rise. [HACHIMAN - SV:60/ST:3]

>Continue to wait. Try to collect your thoughts until they sound like you again.



You can write-in any action you desire, but the QM has the final say in whether a write-in is considered or not. Furthermore, a QM may ask for a roll to go along with a write-in action.
>>Now, attempt to rise. [HACHIMAN - SV:60/ST:3]
>Now, attempt to rise. [HACHIMAN - SV:60/ST:3]

I’ll need three rolls of 1d100.

>>CRITICAL FAILURE: You spectacularly fail to stand, and your oba-san’s old home is the one that will first pay for this failure. A casualty of the war on physics…
>>0 Success: You try to muster the strength, but end up sitting still. You can hear your grandmother fumbling for the key to your locked door. Not good.
>1 Success: You don’t stand per se, but you get a grip on the handle of your closet door and kind of prop yourself on your knees. You can begin to shuffle like this. If your nanna walks in, you can just say you were practicing your seizo or something.
>2 Success: You manage to get to your feet, but you’re still feeling dizzy. Your strength is thankfully building.
>3 Success: Your body finally finds its balance. You don’t quite feel back to normal, but you don’t look like a paraplegic any longer either.
>CRITICAL SUCCESS: The warrior’s call brings a sudden spring to your step. You shut off the alarm quickly and greet your grandmother at the door, dispelling any distress she might have with a motivated smile to start an early day…

“Rise, rise! This is no place to die or to live!”
Oop. Forgot:


Roll at or under 60 for your roll to count as a success. 100 is a critfail and 1 is a crit success.
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)

we're going to have to start charging rent for all these fucking ghosts

>1 success

>1 success

You struggle, gripping your closet door handle and pulling yourself to your knees. You can feel that burst of strength fading, and so you assume a position much like you did during the strange ceremony in your dream, shuffling on your knees to your alarm.

You briefly hear your grandmother fiddling with something beyond the door, a set of keys by the sound of it, but luckily she stops when she hears the alarm go off.

“Finally, none of that awful alarm. What use is that thing if you’re going to take so long to wake up anyhow…?” Oba-san chuckles. “Breakfast is ready when you are, dear. But not for much longer, so please don’t fall asleep again…”

Footsteps trail off, and you’re finally alone…

For maybe five seconds.

“You’ve almost made it to your feet. Impressive… But you’re not done yet. There’s no honor in taking a task slowly.”

“There’s food downstairs. You feel as if truly reborn in that dream. There’s no better way to get to know someone than over a homemade breakfast… Your grandmother is truly a skilled Miko.”

“Silence, too, is a beautiful sound. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like you can tune us out…”

One of the voices sounds so much clearer to you all of a sudden. The other voices are vaguely familiar, but this one feels strange, computerized even…

“…and the scholar at the reading café down the street pondered, was there any remaining need for shrines to a god of war anymore? Air travel was more accessible than ever, and the flow of knowledge was unrestricted and vast. People could no longer be fooled into warring, could they? The year was no Space Odyssey but the postwar technology that had propagated all that time was finally trickling down to benefit people at large rather than mere military interest. Yes, 2001, the first in a century of technological peace…”

You glance at your calendar.

The current date: [2001/04/15]

Your eyes dart to the mirror just below…

You slept in a very nice outfit. On the floor.

“The average floor has a little over 700 bacterial organisms per square inch, according to your third year biology professor in middle school…”

>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…

>Attempt to ignore the thought of hundreds of unseeable slimy organisms crawling around your clothes. It’s a Sunday, and this is all you have to wear… [AMATERASU - SV:50/ST:1]
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(Image somehow got eaten in the post process… Here’s what our protagonist looks like. -QM)
>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
Nice, what model is this?
Honestly? No clue. It was from a site two nights ago that was free with no signup so I’m guessing dalle or something.

>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
What site then?
>>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
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I'm wondering how supernatural this setting is, if we're actually going to be solving ghost murder and hunting monsters or it's going to be mostly mundane but we have funny voices in our head
>“The average floor has a little over 700 bacterial organisms per square inch, according to your third year biology professor in middle school…”
okay, NERD
>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
I suppose while I’m dallying on the update, I’ll shed some light on that. They are just voices… for now. Their power is growing, and so is the power of other spiritual forces in Tokyo. I like to depict supernatural power as surreal and subtle, it has always been there, but people take it for granted. As for the voices generated by Izanagi’s blade, there will be more, some may even rise to become malevolent should we resent them on poor terms. But that will come later.
>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…
Is it just me or are the eyes a bit strange?
They are, it's AI-generated.
>You really should change before you go to breakfast. Your grandma’s memory is keen despite her age. She’s likely to scold you over it anyway…

You’re able to stand now, slowly rising from your seated kneel, and manage to keep your balance. Something is definitely wrong. From the voices in your head that don’t sound like you, to your strange compulsion to listen to them. Furthermore, by instinct, you feel you already know the names of these voices. You don’t think you’ve ever had a more odd dream, and clearly it’s affecting you. You’ve gotta find a way to move on from it.

You undress and open your closet. You’ve got smallclothes for the day, but the only thing left for you to wear as far as an outfit goes is one of the white-with-red-skirt hakama. You feel a pang of embarrassment, sure, it is technically yours, but it’s likely a dead giveaway that you’ve still failed to do your laundry all week, and when you finally wore something nice you decided to do nothing with your Saturday evening and fell asleep on the floor somehow.

That said, there are likely to be visitors to the shrine today. So maybe it’s better that you look the part in case your grandmother asks for some help around the place…

The voices have been quiet for a few minutes now, at least they seem to respect your privacy…


You emerge from upstairs still tying back your hair in a ponytail.

Your grandmother, the de-facto head of the Tamura line of Miko in the absence of your mother (and likely its final head), gives you a humble smile seeing you in the hakama. Your brow furrows slightly. You expect her to say something cliché like “you look just like your mother…” but she just smiles and returns to eating and watching the morning news broadcast.

And with all these supposed Kami swimming in your headspace, maybe you’ll go mad and murder someone just like mom did!

You kneel at the chabudai in wordless greeting, and begin to eat. You’ve had this breakfast time and again, miso shiru, but taking your first sip of the soup nearly makes you vomit. It doesn’t taste bad, but suddenly the flavor is overpowering, you can make out each note as if your tastebuds have been enhanced, and it’s quite jarring…

“This isn’t like what you might find at a restaurant, tourists won’t ever taste a hint of this recipe. White miso paste for a sweeter and homelier flavor, the stock is storebought but it’s the thought that counts, especially since you can taste the dashi’s base parts, homemade, no processing there, even though by now the ingredients you buy to make a homemade meal are mostly processed anyways. It’s the thought that counts. Love. There’s love in this dish, truly its finest ingredient, one that can only be procured from inherent trust a family brings.”

>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…

>Your grandmother is all you have left, and you’re all she has left. You don’t think you can live up to her dreams of saving your family name, but you can at least smile and thank her for a good meal…
>Your grandmother is all you have left, and you’re all she has left. You don’t think you can live up to her dreams of saving your family name, but you can at least smile and thank her for a good meal…
>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live
>Your grandmother is all you have left, and you’re all she has left. You don’t think you can live up to her dreams of saving your family name, but you can at least smile and thank her for a good meal…
>Your grandmother is all you have left, and you’re all she has left. You don’t think you can live up to her dreams of saving your family name, but you can at least smile and thank her for a good meal…
>Your grandmother is all you have left, and you’re all she has left. You don’t think you can live up to her dreams of saving your family name, but you can at least smile and thank her for a good meal…
imagine making grandma sad
>Your grandmother is all you have left, and you’re all she has left. You don’t think you can live up to her dreams of saving your family name, but you can at least smile and thank her for a good meal…
>>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
So we do have SOME honor for our bloodline, if not complete pride.
Sorry for the lack of updates last night. Something came up. All good now though.
I still hold out hope. Was liking this so far!

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