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Select a role: Place Role and Name in 'Name' slot alongside Level (Choose a number in the 'Base Lvl' range).

Elven Mage/or Wizard (Man) (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-50) (No base faction affiliation)

Elven Soldier (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-25) (Faction affiliation: Great Elven Military)

Goblin Soldier [Corrupted elf] (Infinite Slots) (Faction Affiliation: The Dark Lord's Military) (Base Lvl: 6-25)

Goblin Rogue (Infinite Slots) (No base faction affiliation) (Base Lvl: 10-15)

Demigod/Deity 1 {Name: Ithyg} (1 Slot) (Giant: Height: 6 meters) (Gender: Male/Androgynous) (Base Lvl: 600)

{ Level simply reveals the general power. Health and Magicka is determined but not measured by Level. Numbers and extreme statistical linearity are not prioritized in this quest, creativity and fun is. Level progression is determined and expressed by QM.

The overarching plot theme is Tyranny and dark forces corrupting the land. This is governed by QM and expressed in story as being facilitated by an opposing demigod/'Dark Lord'. It's just a story progression device.

The goal is to establish and enact a plan that will topple/destroy the dark empire and its assets, including its Ruler. This can only be done through means of cooperation and The primary domain of this force is called the Blacklands. It is a militarized, tightly guarded part of the overall continent, the continent that is primarily populated by elves and other traditional fantasy creatures. The GEM (Great Elven Military) aims for this goal, however other factions can be pitched to QM and established. Ideas and recommendations are welcomed.}
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From the heights of his dark tower, the Dark Lord Malek commands all with a disposition towards evil to serve under him through means of dark magick. 5 dark wraiths [Lvl 35 each. Can only be killed through means of condensed light magick.] are sent out to kill any elven soldiers that can be found out on missions beyond the Blacklands.

These dark wraiths are sighted by mortal men in one of their villages and so the Great Elven Military is contacted by the shaman chief of the village to be wary of their presence during travel.
Objective: Do whatever you want. It's a free world, for now. Remember, there are consequences to your actions. THE DARK LORD HAS EYES EVERYWHERE. Perhaps pick a side, join a military. Then you'll get a +10 + Level Up.
I don't quite get it. So we each play our own separate character, and maybe run a faction?
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Roll 1d100. If you hit anything between 50 and 70, your character can be blessed with divine heritage, thus increasing your Level by 30 Points , [thus allowing you to receive greater prompts from QM, an increased health and magicka boost, etc.]
[Yes, you can do anything you come up with based upon the Level of your character. Join a faction, go hunting, whatever. You'll receive prompts like:

"You've found an enchanted sword on the side of the road. Will you pick it up? "
And then you might be given some extra benefits on the side.

The greater story is unravelling in the background, and I will make clear what the general situation is through occasional updates. It's up to you to insert yourself into the "main story" by picking a side. For example, you could enter into the Blacklands as a rogue goblin and ask to join their ranks. Then I'll put you into some more situations that align with that path."

Here's one path here you could entertain and see where it goes: >>5960446
I exist to maintain the overarching plot and the levelling system.

( You could try this out too: >>5960515 )]
Not quite m kind of thing, and a bit unusual for a quest around these parts, but good luck.
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Rolled 48 (1d100)

If the dice rolls below 50, the first person to reply to this post gains the power to teleport out of any dangerous situation (ONCE).

If it's 50 or over, the first person to reply to this post gains the ability to instakill anyone under Level 15 (ONCE) .
>Elven Soldier
Cloris Strifis
The tegaki are mono block of colors for me, anyone can see anything?
Also, what is my level?
That's normal, it's just to draw attention to the posts.

You decide, the 'Base Lvl' range is shown in the OP.
Elven Soldier (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-25) (Faction affiliation: Great Elven Military)

So, somewhere between 7-25. Wanna roll for it?
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You are currently located in the GEM barracks, you're being deployed to a dark enchanted forest in 15 minutes to retrieve an elven lady who has reportedly been abducted by Vampire-Goblins (Level 25 each) affiliated with the Blacklands. It is currently unknown how many there are,

What skill will you train before deployment?

Melee (Increased melee/close combat skills by +10)
Archery (Increased archery skills by +10)

Regardless, you will have both a bow and a sword on your Mission. You will also have one health potion.
(Health Potion heals +50 out of 100 HP.)

You have 100 HP . Your armor grants +40 Defence.
Rolled 22 (1d25)

rolling level
>Training Archery
You head out with your small platoon (of 6) to the specified location and you follow the footprints, suddenly you are ambushed by a Vampire-Goblin (LVL. 25) . A poisoned blade is thrown towards you:

Roll 1d100 to attempt to dodge. If you roll 50+ you dodge safely, if you roll between 30 and 49 it will hit you in the arm (-15 HP) . If you roll less than 30 it will hit you in the chest (-80 HP).
[ Also: Increased archery skills by +10 ]
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OPEN PATH: >>5960446

You were out exploring when you spot 5 Dark Wraiths [Lvl. 35 each] heading towards your village.

What will you do? You could warn them to evacuate, risking your life in the process...

Rolled 25 (1d100)


>You've been stunned.

>4 of your platoon members are fighting off the others. Your nearby comrade shoots the [Lvl. 25] Vampire-Goblin that attacked you and kills it.

[You can drink your health potion at any time to increase your health (HP: 20) by +50 points ]

The other 4 of your platoon are fighting off the remaining 2 Vampire-Goblins.

You can search the corpse of the slain Vampire-Goblin by rolling 1d10. If you roll 5 or under, you get a "Cool but useless Ruby Necklace" . If you roll 6-10, you find a Bottle of Poison which you can use to imbue an arrow or melee weapon with +10 Damage (THREE USAGES)

(Note; if you do this, you risk the lives of the members of your platoon. With less of them at your side, you risk dying on your mission.)
If you choose not to loot the corpse, you can fight against the remaining Vampire-Goblins.

[Lvl. 25] Vampire-Goblin 1: HP: 50/100 DP: 21/30

[Lvl. 25] Vampire-Goblin 2: HP: 25/100 DP: 29/30

What's your decision?
Rolled 80 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>Shoot at the other Goblin (50 HP)
[1d10, not 1d100 + 10]

Rolled 8 (1d10)

What is the +10 archery skill relevance?
>Gunna Probably die
Like to live dangerously
[Better odds at hitting your target. Basically, you won't have to rely on the RNG as much if I'd ever consider bringing it into the equation (regarding archery kills)]

You obtained a Bottle of Poison.

>One of your platoon members have been injured (HP: 31/100) . They healed by 50+. .
>The rest of the Vampire-Goblins have been killed.

Your health is currently: HP: 20/100.

You can loot 1 Bottle of Poison if you roll higher than 7 (1d10).

You may decide with your platoon what to do next to find the missing woman:

> Search the large goblin cart (might be rigged with a bomb or some sort of trap, common for goblins.)

> Search the Vampire-Goblin corpses for anything that might provide insight as-to the woman's location.

>Your own input.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Drink Health Potion
>Search the cart
>You find the missing lady tied up next to a few dead bodies and under some sort of paralysis poison.

What will you do?

>Untie her, tie her to your horse and ride to headquarters with your platoon.

>Kill her and then yourself.

>Carefully steal her mysterious shiny necklace, then ride out to headquarters (+5 Thievery) .

>Get your platoon buddies to do the work for you.
>>Untie her, tie her to your horse and ride to headquarters with your platoon.
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Please select a skill/trait to increase:

• Magicka + Mage Abilities

• Health + Healing magick abilities (A healing spell that heals you by 15+ every second)

• Stealth +Archery Abilities (+10 to archery and stealth skills)

•Your own input [Not guaranteed to be accepted]

[Display your Name as Cloris Strifis, Elven Soldier: Level 23]
[Story Progression Is currently halted. More will come later.]
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Goblin Soldier
Level last number on my post plus 10

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