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File: Containment Quest.png (1.73 MB, 1302x920)
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1.73 MB PNG
It is the dawn of the 24th Century.

A hundred years ago, mankind believe his destiny lay among the stars. But when he reached his hands beyond the heliopause with his first colony ship, he invited calamity into his world. Titans fell from beyond the stars and scored the surface of the Earth. With them came a terrible plague that scientists named the White Chlorination Syndrome, a near certain death sentence spread by salt that fell like snow. Those who fell ill became salt themselves, or else twisted into red-eyed demons that joined into rapacious hordes of marauders ravaging the lands.

Oh, and a fraction of a percent recovered completely, gaining all the powers of those demons but none of the madness that came with the transformation. Those folk received the name Nephilim for the strength of will that it took to resist the Red-Eyes' call.

You are not a Nephilim.

Every kid dreams themself a Nephilim at one point or another in their youth, but times are not so exciting any longer. Baldr Inhibitors keep the sickness in check well enough that outside of the containment zones - areas of a one mile radius surrounding each fallen Titan - no one needs to worry about joining the Red-Eyed Horde. Oh sure, the world lost some of its greatest cities, but the last fifty years have been a time of rebuilding. Things are almost as nice as they were in the late 20th Century now.

Well, except for the army of Red Eyes occupying the entire continent of Africa and the region once known as the Holy Land. Worrying about those places is not your job, so you don't worry about them most days of the year. No way would they send a rookie like you to the Jerusalem front, no.

You work for the YGGDRASIL Organization, the last remnant of the Old United Nations. That means even though you never caught WCS, you get to fight alongside the Nephilim to protect humanity from the monsters that emerge within the containment zones. Specifically, your job is..
>Staff Officer. You assist with relaying orders and managing Nephilim and soldiers on the ground.
>Logistics Officer. You keep the Nephilim who are fighting the good fight supplied with all the bullets they need.
>Medical Officer. You treat wounded Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field camps.
>Intelligence Officer. You collate reports from Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel and provide actionable intelligence.
>Mech Pilot. You support the Nephilim in the field by piloting a five meter tall mechanized battle suit, suitable for the rough terrain of the containment zones.
>VTOL Pilot. You support Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field by providing transportation in and out of hot zones.

Which containment zone have you been assigned to?
>Washington DC
So if there’s nephlims where are the angels lol
>>Mech Pilot. You support the Nephilim in the field by piloting a five meter tall mechanized battle suit, suitable for the rough terrain of the containment zones.
Bri'ish kaiju fighting

Supporting, but I'd prefer if we weren't ethnically-British but instead something else unexpected. South American?
>Mech Pilot. You support the Nephilim in the field by piloting a five meter tall mechanized battle suit, suitable for the rough terrain of the containment zones.
>Medical Officer. You treat wounded Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field camps.
>VTOL Pilot
Daredevil flying bus driver is my calling. Maybe we even get to drop some bombs if we're lucky.
>VTOL Pilot. You support Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field by providing transportation in and out of hot zones.

I personally would have gone for logistics officer. It would be nice to do something off the beaten path for once.
>Mech Pilot.
Put me in coach
>Staff Officer. You assist with relaying orders and managing Nephilim and soldiers on the ground.
>>Mech Pilot. You support the Nephilim in the field by piloting a five meter tall mechanized battle suit, suitable for the rough terrain of the containment zones.
>VTOL Pilot. You support Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field by providing transportation in and out of hot zones.

Intriguing setting premise, hopefully it doesn't get too weeby.

>VTOL Pilot
Would love to read a take on the DPRK joining the world they cut themselves off from due to military necessity.
>Logistics Officer. You keep the Nephilim who are fighting the good fight supplied with all the bullets they need.
>VTOL Pilot. You support Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field by providing transportation in and out of hot zones.
>VTOL Pilot. You support Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel in the field by providing transportation in and out of hot zones.
The Emirates are accomodating to their protectors and the gas is cheap. Means we get to fly alot.
>Intelligence Officer. You collate reports from Nephilim and YGGDRASIL personnel and provide actionable intelligence

>Washington DC
YGGDRASIL Facility 419: Berlin Command

[Air Marshal Lerghen to Hangar 7. Repeat. Air Marshal Lerghen to Hangar 7...]

The procedurally generated voice of HERTHA echoes through the halls as you make your way to Hangar 7. She - as much as any general intelligence system can have a gender - has a voice that speaks volumes of the Colonel Riker's preferences. Light and soft, a mature lady who hasn't forgotten her maiden's heart even though she's been around the block a few times. Or at least that's how the dirty old man describes it.

The base halls are Spartan and metallic, coated with a special paint that lends the metal resistance to high concentrations of salt. This close to Containment Zone 194, the walls need the protection. People outside have a nasty habit of turning to pillars of salt, you see. Even with them readily available to the general populace, Baldr Inhibitors can only do so much to protect you from WCS. That's why they pay you the big bucks to fly into the hottest of hot zones and pick up the lads and lasses who have the good fortune of being immune to that shit.

Hangar 7's not far from where you were hanging with the lads. Five minutes and you're in, another ten and you're suited up for delivery.

"Lerghen!" A voice you didn't expect to hear pipes up. Your face goes a little pale, because that's the big boss, the dirty old man himself: Colonel Riker. Where you're tall, a bit lanky, square faced, and youthful, Riker's as squat as they come, weathered with experience, and broad as the barn he grew up in. You can hear the countryside in his voice, it never gets old. "There you are! We don't have much time, so I'll be brief. Unit 9 needs pick up one mile into the Exclusion Zone. I need you running silent and low. Tech boys will be running EM interference to keep you off radar, but we can't take any chances."

You give the admiral a strange look. You pilot a Valkyrie-232, a bird that can run close to silent with sonic dampening, but... "Colonel, shouldn't we be sending a Sparrowhawk in? Valks aren't built for stealth exfils."

The old colonel cracks a smile, "When you get as old as I am, you'll learn that however quiet a Sparrowhawk might be, it's also quite loud in other ways. You're the best Valk pilot we got, so I'm sending you in. The coords are already in your ship. HERTHA will help with navigation. Get in, keep the engines on, and bring our lads back, got it?"

You nod slowly and salute, "Yes, sir."

Technicians help you get into an extra layer of protection for the Exclusion Zone. Once you're in, HERTHA appears in the form of a little chibi avatar on the holodash.

[Hello Air Marshall Lerghen. I have plotted multiple viable routes to our target coordinates.]
>Follow the Spree as far as you can
>Follow the old thoroughfare
>Follow the back roads
>Take to the radar shadows of old skyscrapers
>Follow the path of the old wall that divided east and west
>"No, I have a better route" (Write In)
>>Follow the old thoroughfare
>Follow the old thoroughfare
>Follow the old thoroughfare
>Take to the radar shadows of old skyscrapers
>>Take to the radar shadows of old skyscrapers

Sounds like it's gonna be a hot exfil.
>Take to the radar shadows of old skyscrapers
I like the idea of flying through a dead city.
>>Take to the radar shadows of old skyscrapers
>Follow the Spree as far as you can
Riverbed approach is a classic because it's effective

>Take to the radar shadows of old skyscrapers

Quiet or not, the cityscape is probsbly the most cautious route to take and shouldn’t be a problem to navigate for a hotshot like us
File: Ritter 1.png (24 KB, 263x309)
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You keep to the radar shadows of old buildings.

The Exclusion Cone used to be a city, you see. In fact, a handful of people still live there, though they're not the sorts that get along with civilized folk. Without Baldr Inhibitors, nine out of ten people turn into pillars of salt when they come down with the chlorination. Of every thousand who survive, nine hundred and ninety nine of those guys become the sort of people whose shadow you can see among the ruins. Savage and mutated, cannibal beasts with red eyes who serve the three eyed bastard who rules over Jerusalem. The last one becomes a Nephilim.

The crumbling old titans of stone and steel, striding over paths of tar and concrete provide a good shadow for you. OpCam's up, VoxDamp's up, you're as silent as they come and even radar won't tell you from a sparrow unless you open up your doors right now. You don't know why the Colonel needs you quiet for Exfil. Frankly, you don't think you want to know.

[We are coming up on coordinates now...] HERTHA warns you. [Warning, multiple Pascal-3 signatures detected at landi-]

"Yeah, I see 'em," you interrupt.

You don't know what the lab boys mean when they talk about Pascal signatures and metaphysical density. What you do know is that there are three big mother hubbards made of alien steel and an intense hatred for humanity standing where you need to land. Titans of twisted blue steel and sickly oozing flesh: Jotuns. They're what happen when those one of those red-eyed cannibal bastards gets smart enough to start tinkering with the machinery at the heart of each exclusion zone.

Now Valks aren't Sparrowhawks. Your bird can take a few hits from most man-portable surface to air weaponry. Three Jotuns would tear you apart the moment they see you.

[Proceeding is inadvisable.] HERTHA says the obvious. [Calculating course of action that will result in mission completion...]

Before the little GI can finish her calculations - before you can even pull out - three roars of thunder crack through the air and slam into the Jotuns' eye. Your personal comm-line buzzes with a message that makes you wince.

Ritter-1: Hey there taxi driver~
Ritter-1: Didn't see wreckage with the Jotun, so you better not be dead
Ritter-1: Your LZ's clear, bring the puppy home safe will you?
Ritter-1: And later I got a reward for you~
Ritter-1 attached [Meet Me at the Heartland at 8.png]
Ritter-1: Gotta run <3

Right at the bottom, in a message that you KNOW security's tech boys have to read by procedure, is a rather delightfully compromising picture of what Ritter-1 wears beneath her uniform.

[Air Marshal...] HERTHA sounds annoyed at you for some reason. [All inter unit fraternization must be documented with form-]

"Not now, HERTHA," you say, scoping your options.
>By the old subway entrance
>By the entrance to a ruined museum
>By the shoreline
>At the main thoroughfare
>Center of the LZ

>Land and open the ramp
>Hover and let down a ladder
>Center of the LZ
>Hover and let down a ladder
>Center of the LZ
>Hover and let down a ladder
>>By the old subway entrance
>Land and open the ramp
>>By the old subway entrance
>Land and open the ramp
>By the shoreline
>Hover and let down a ladder
>Center of the LZ
>Hover and let down a ladder
>Center of the LZ
>Hover and let down a ladder

LZ is cleared and we need the air time to move if there are more hidden enemies.
>>By the entrance to a ruined museum
>Hover and let down a ladder
anons, OP probably flaked
>>Center of the LZ
>>Hover and let down a ladder


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