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>Art: Dan Mora
>Alt-Text: Comic cover of The Riddler in the foreground. In the background, cut out newspaper letters spell “Riddle Me This” while Superman and Batman leap into action in front of a maze.

Batman: Superman! You have to fight it!
Ivy: The sun doesn’t fight. It feeds.

Clark starts glowing as a field of flowers spawns in a ring around him. The parks shudder and flexes, the ground itself pulsating.

Batman: You are stronger than this! Stronger than most people! You landed on a world of hate and violence and chose to make it better. It doesn’t matter if she’s sapping your energy. Your real power is your will!

Your ally grits his teeth, Failsafe buzzes in your ear about magnetic waves but it doesn't have to bother. You can taste electricity in the air. Leaves rustle, but this is no wind.


Clark bursts from the vines into the sky, the shockwave knocking you free from the lichen that was trapping you.

Ivy: No!

Ivy summons a swarm of vines. You ready your defenses-

And Clark lands, knocking the thorny vines aside.

Superman: If you use your plants on us again, Doctor. I will burn them.

His eyes glow, and Ivy'd vines sprout thorns.

Ivy: Insolent flesh!
Batman: Something’s wrong. Ivy isn’t herself
Ivy: We are better than ever.
Batman: Doctor! You’re too brilliant to try to force us to do something we’d do willingly. Whoever’s in there with you clearly doesn't know us. Or know you.
Ivy: The mammal lies! The mammal lies!
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>Pencils & Inks: Marcio Takara. Colors: Arif Prianto
>Alt-Text: Comic art of Poison Ivy covered in thorns and fungus. Her hair floats in the air in front of the sun and a psychedelic background.

Thoughts race through your head, so in the depths of your mind, you retreat to commune with the highest minds on the planet.
The Parliament of Trees, spiritual echoes of past heroes of the natural order.
They named you your champion, when you pass on, you shall join them.
Their passion is loud. Trillions of lives dance through your soul.
You are awash in chaos and chlorophyll but even when lost in the weeds, you know who you are.
You will save the world. Your way.

Bog Venus:

The Parliament sits in silence and screams with anger. Their knowledge says you belong to The Green.That you are their champion.
You are their weapon. You are THEM.
Ivy: I-

The vines break from Ivy’s control and lunge at her.

Ivy: Am-

She raises her hand, stopping them in midair.


The vines launch into the air, and the trees around you follow. Massive pillars of wood forming a tower in the sky.
It breaches the horizon and explodes into a cornucopia of fruits and flowers.
Petals rain like water and as the clouds part, sunrise bathes you all.

Ivy: Well, turns out there’s a sentient plant-based collective unconsciousness. Might as well have skipped the doctorate and just dropped peyote.
Superman: And I’m sure you’d be brilliant regardless. Good morning, Doctor. I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Superman.

They shake hands, Ivy’s palms sprouting leaves at Clark’s touch.

Ivy: That’s something to get used to.
Batman: We’ll have plenty of time for that later. Right now we still need to find Riddler. He’ll be in another supervision-proof base by now, we’ll need to investigate-
Superman: No need.

He soars into the sky, stays there a moment, and drops down.

Superman: The secret is to look for what I can’t see. I can view, hear, or smell most things on this planet. I’ve already visited one of his bases, so I can recognize its blend of shadow and silence that sticks out like-

He turns to you.

Superman: You in the daytime.
Ivy: Hah! I like this guy. And not just because he’s a floating greenhouse.
Superman: I can fly there now, but at max speed, I’d tear either of you to pieces.

>Phantom Riddles, Part Two
>Vote Title: Mark Waid
Have Superman take you to The Riddler at a slower pace.

>Mental Blocked
>Vote Title: Martin Lancaster, Philip Huxley, Craig Owens
Let Superman fly ahead and follow after him in your new vehicle.
>Mental Blocked
Let's catch up and make sure Ivy's okay for action.
Give her the rundown on events that happened since she almost died. Patch in Nightwing if he's available so he can tell his end.
>The vines launch into the air, and the trees around you follow. Massive pillars of wood forming a tower in the sky.
>It breaches the horizon and explodes into a cornucopia of fruits and flowers.
>Petals rain like water and as the clouds part, sunrise bathes you all.
Breaking news! Giant tree sprouts in Gotham's Robinson Park in wake of mass riots! A surprise olive branch for Gotham's people?!
>Phantom Riddles, Part Two
The visuals of this sound fun
Locking for Mental Blocked. Update this week.
Out of curoosity, why not leave the vote open until you're rwady to write? Or have you already begun?
I have begun. I thought of leaving it open for longer but I wasn't seeing any new votes.
Still adjusting to the weekly schedule myself.
>Art: Rocksteady Studios ( https://www.igdb.com/games/batman-arkham-city/credits )
>Alt-Text: The Riddler standing in front of a wall of computer screens. He wears a jacket with many question marks on it.
>Dialogue Samples: David S. Goyer & Justin Marks. Tom King.

Batman: Whatever we’re facing, we’ll face it together. Riddler won't be able to take the three of us no matter how much prep time he has.
Superman: I love the chutzpah, but unless you have another one of your batsatchels, how will we bring Ivy?

She raises her hands and a network of vines crisscross forming a massive basket.

Ivy: Will this do?

Clark flashes a smile that could bring sunrise at midnight.

Superman: Team, let’s solve this Riddle.
Abattoir: So you see Mr Riddler, because the coca plant was magically created from human flesh, nasal absorption of its extract gives you access to supernatural abilities. Therefore, it's only logical to conclude…
Riddler(sarcastically): Eating people gives you superpowers! Of course. It's so obvious. How didn't I see it before? Next you’ll tell me the world is flat.
Abbatoir: Oh, It's actually hollow! Twenty years ago, Professor Rival’s polar expedition…

The bunker doors burst open. The woman who imagines herself your boss bursts in with a horde of familiar goons.

Waller: EDWARD!
Riddler: Oh thank Nigma you came. Another minute of his ridiculous speeches and I would have asked him to eat my brain.
Abbatoir: Awww.

You step toward the government stooge and offer an obviously sarcastic handshake. Not that she could figure that out.

Riddler: I must say, you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for Task Force X recruits. Isn’t there a fire-breathing mushroom man or something you could-

Agent Carpenter aims their firearm at you. With shockingly poor form you may add. For that caliber, the optimal-

Waller: You nuked the planet!
Riddler: Oh no, no, no.

You click your remote, and your computer screen lights up with newscasts from the peabrains in the media.

Riddler: Superman nuked the planet. And Gotham is currently the post-apocalyptic hellhole it was always meant to be. The alien is Earth’s biggest villain and your teacher’s pet is buried under fallout both legal and nuclear. Your two biggest problems. Answered. You’re welcome.
Waller: And you don’t think people are gonna wonder how Superman dropped those bombs? Why a machine that could launch all the world’s nukes existed in the first place? If the Diehard Device becomes public knowledge, the President…
Riddler: Will do nothing. I’ve hacked so much dirt on him he’d do the State of the Union in a tutu if I asked. I could even have your job if I wanted, but I like you handling the paperwork for me.
Waller: You can talk all the smack you want in Supermax. Take him away.
Riddler: Fatima Haby Li. Lori Jane Krupcheck. Tanya Hope Carpenter.
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>Pencil Layouts: Giuseppe Camuncol.Final Pencils & Inks: Francesco Mattina. Colors: Hi-Fi Design
>Alt-Text: Amanda Waller, a plus-sized Black woman, holds a gun
>Content Warning: Graphic Gun Violence

The armored jocks turn their weapons away from you and onto their so-called “boss.”

Riddler: Did you think The President was the only head I peaked into? You of all people should know how quickly people fold when family’s on the line.
Carpenter: I’m sorry, Director. My daughter…
Waller: You’ll all hang for this.
Riddler: BZZZ! Wrong answer! Washington was the only state that gave prisoners the choice of execution by gallows and they banned the death penalty in 2018.
Waller: It’s a figure of speech you self-absorbed pretentious-
C.O.M.P.U.T.O. Kryptonian lifeform detected en route.
Riddler: And now we have company on the way. Underlings, escort Ms Waller to a cell while I slip into something more…comfortable. C.O.M.P.U.T.O. ready my thinking cap!

The guards escort your would-be obstacle from the room so you prepare for your masterstroke.
Ah, it’s good being the smartest man in the room.

LI: I hate that it’s come to this Director Waller. You were the best there was.
Waller: Kill Code- Legends 1.

Electric pulse from smart-weapons successful in temporarily neutralizing rouge assets. Execute permement measures.

Carpenter: Fir-aaaarrghh!

Rouge Agent Carpenter left hand status: Broken. Firearm status: Acquired.


Rouge assets: Neutralized.

Carpenter: Ughhh. God, please…
Waller: I AM the best. There IS.

Rouge asset codename Riddler assesed current threat. Political channels potentially compromised.
Consider potential solutions to threat.

>Waller vs Wildstorm
>Vote Title: Spencer Ackerman& Evan Narcisse
Retrieve mothballed metahuman assets codenamed DV8 from cold storage. Advantages: Advanced power resources. Risks: Unreliable personalities

>Panic in the Sky
>Vote Title: Panic in the Sky
Contact rouge asset codename Batman and negotiate temporary truce to deal with common threat. Advantages: Advanced intellect, metahuman allies. Risks: Lack of loyalty. Obsessive dedication to moral code.
>Waller vs Wildstorm
Working with Waller will compromise Batman.
This running gag man is hilarious. Somebody should suggest him to eat himself and become a god via syncing up with the sacred Ouroboros, and see what happens
>fire-breathing mushroom man
>Rouge assets: Neutralized.
Damn, they were forced into it by Riddler and Waller just caps them cold

>Waller vs Wildstorm
Our Batman would refuse
That IS The Wall for you.
>Waller vs Wildstorm
Damn, Riddler is insane in this continuity, as expected from the quintessential Batman villain
>Waller vs Wildstorm
>Waller vs wildstorm

Damn waller, you chunky bitch. Still the most dangerious woman in the room, eh?
Locking for Waller vs Wildstorm. Update on or before 4/27/2024.

How is the new weekly schedule working out for you folks?
Bothersome, but I know real life is a pain and so you do what needs to be done.
Fine by me, the updates are still good
Update today. It's a bigger one. Hope that makes the relative lateness go down smoother .

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