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"In the myth, God is Force. In the parable, God is Motion. In the faith, God is the Spark, that which moves all life."
-22nd Hymn of the Omnissiah, Collected M34

A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. Once you arrive, though, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on what's literally before you.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

A note: It's time. Now don't I look silly for thinking we'd get to that stuff last thread.
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“The auto-needle can help you pinch the fabric back."

Fabric seamed together, and you drag your finger across the inside of the sleeve, mending the two pieces of cloth together.

"Don't fight the machinery, focus on directing it."

Given that it was a loose sleeve with no pockets, your gown was the easier thing to mend first. The burning had gone all the way down to your bodyglove, almost burning away one of the synthleather gloves. It left one of your hands almost uncovered, but at Trisa-Cant-8's suggestion, you had started with the easier to mend gown.

“Good. Don't try to feed it the cloth, the needle will pull it in naturally as you work it.”

Trisa-Cant-8's teaching style had largely proven to be standing behind you and commenting as you worked. It was surprisingly difficult to keep up with her words- as you redirected your attention to the seams, the ream of black cloth she had provided began to slump back, pulling on the section you were attempting to work with. Trying to correct your posture and control the cloth more lead to your seams starting to grow sloppy.

You couldn't help but frown slightly as you worked. Multitasking was something your model was supposed to excel at, but you were finding your focus surprisingly split trying to manage so many physical variables. Your limbs just didn't feel precise enough for the work you were doing, versus how effortlessly you could juggle the numbers in your head.

It was just reattaching a simple sleeve, why did this have to be so difficult?

>[Logic] Rephrase the problem in terms you can understand. Imagine the dimensions and geometry of the cloth you're working with, how the stitches affect the fabric...
>[Manipulation] Calm down, just focus on the technique you're trying to learn.
>[Genolysis] Forcibly steady your hands and sharpen your mind.
>>[Logic] Rephrase the problem in terms you can understand. Imagine the dimensions and geometry of the cloth you're working with, how the stitches affect the fabric...
>[Logic] Rephrase the problem in terms you can understand. Imagine the dimensions and geometry of the cloth you're working with, how the stitches affect the fabric...
>[Manipulation] Calm down, just focus on the technique you're trying to learn.

>captcha: 4RAG
>>[Logic] Rephrase the problem in terms you can understand. Imagine the dimensions and geometry of the cloth you're working with, how the stitches affect the fabric...
>[Genolysis] Forcibly steady your hands and sharpen your mind.
I'm hoping this is good practice for other dexterity tasks too.
>[Manipulation] Calm down, just focus on the technique you're trying to learn.
>>[Genolysis] Forcibly steady your hands and sharpen your mind.
>>[Logic] Rephrase the problem in terms you can understand. Imagine the dimensions and geometry of the cloth you're working with, how the stitches affect the fabric...
>[Logic] Rephrase the problem in terms you can understand. Imagine the dimensions and geometry of the cloth you're working with, how the stitches affect the fabric...
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The sleeve was just a piece of fabric, a flat shape that you were manipulating into part of a tube. Every stitch pulled a certain amount on the fabric, cinched it inward the slightest amount. The slack of the cloth when it settled would create wrinkles and folds that in turn change the shape of the sleeves themselves. You didn't need to have a flawless sewing technique if you knew exactly what the parameters of the fabric were, and how it would change in turn. It was almost like manipulating a datasheet.

Pinching the pieces of fabric together, you focus on the fabric as a whole, instead of where Trisa-Cant-8 was guiding you to sew. For an ordinary person, it might have been difficult to keep the position of every individual stitch and flap of fabric correct in their mind. You were not an ordinary person. Trisa-Cant-8 seems to have forgotten that.

“You're getting... off course?” Trisa-Cant-8 tilted her head, then make a humming noise. “Nevermind, you're getting it. That's good.” She shoots you a look. “And you said you'd fail.”

You glance at her for a moment. “Perhaps not fail, but merely... be frustrated.”

“We'll be thanking the spirit of the sacred auto-needle for your skill, then.” Trisa-Cant-8's voice was dry.

“Of course.” You hesitate for a moment, then put the needle to the cloth again. The adepts - no, their apprentices - were chanting something in the background. It was a halting binary chorus, nothing more than a erratic series of beeps that was given emphasis and depth by the chorus of vox units creating it. You suppose that was the point, in a way. “May I ask a question?” You glance at Trisa-Cant-8.

“I have never implied that you were restricted from doing so.” She inclined her head.

“...what is the Omnissiah?”

“...now why would you ask something like that?” Trisa-Cant-8 mused under her breath, seemingly staring into space before turning her gaze to you. “The Omnissiah is the mortal extension of the Machine God. The Emperor. Surely you know this?”

“I do.” You admit, then press your lips together. “...but what is it? Or he?”

“A fair question.” Trisa-Cant-8 nodded. “...tell me, what do you know of the Machine God?”

>"It... animates machinery and machine spirits serve it."
>"The Mechanicus seeks to become closer to it by emulating the Omnissiah."
>"Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred..."
>"It's a... man?"
>>"Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred..."
>>"It's a... man?"

part knowledge and part man
>>"It's a... man?"
>"Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred..."
>"Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred..."
>"It's a... man?"
>"The Mechanicus seeks to become closer to it by emulating the Omnissiah."
>"It... animates machinery and machine spirits serve it."
>"Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred..."
>"Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred..."
>"It's a... man?"
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“Parts of it are knowledge, and that's why knowledge is sacred...” You begin. “All knowledge and technology derives from the Omnissiah.”

“Except for the work of the alien.”

“Except for the work of the alien?” You frown. “...wouldn't the operating principles be the same?”

“They are not.” Trisa-Cant-8 shook her head. “The principles are distorted and corrupted, then made a mockery of. That is why we suffer not the alien mechanism to exist. It is a corruption of the Omnissiah's laws.”

If the Omnissiah's laws can be corrupted, doesn't that mean they aren't absolute?

Fire burns all that it touches without judgement, too.

“What else?” Trisa-Cant-8 inclined her head.

You dismiss the errant thought. “It's a... man?”

“The Omnissiah is a man. The Emperor- although some outside this forge would... disagree with you on that." Trisa-Cant-8 winced a little. “Make no mistake, however, the Omnissiah is a mortal man, just like the rest of us. He is simply the extant manifestation of the Machine God's will.”

“So what's the Machine God, then?”

You suspect Trisa-Cant-8 is smirking behind her respirator. “Perhaps I should introduce you to some lectors? They could dictate to you for hours.” You must have made an expression for once, because the artisan snickered to herself before pausing to gather her thoughts. “The Machine God is... everywhere. Not just in the cogitator, or the engine. In the floors, the bricks beneath our feet, the wires in the wall, the detailing on our armor. Not just in this-” She reached out and gently lifted the auto-needle wrapped around your hand. “-but in the stitches itself. The Machine God reveals Himself to us through knowledge- our intelligence and our wisdom. The pistons in the engine, the stitches in your clothing, the construction of the clothes themselves... did those simply spring fully-formed into being? No! Someone made all of those things. The height of the stairs in the hab- that was chosen. The designs we etch on our murals- those were chosen. The intent is what gives it the... spark of the Omnissiah."

>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
>"What function do engravings serve?"
>"So why the obsession with machines, then?"
>Silently keep working.
>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
>>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
>"What function do engravings serve?"
>>"What function do engravings serve?"
>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
Biomachinery if you will.
I bet there's some lex-mechanic shouting at the initiates for the fleshbags operating in meatspace to get back to work.
>"What function do engravings serve?"
>>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
>>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
Next time we picking Genolysis cause I feel like both are too good not to use
>[Machine Covenant] “...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”
“...and it's the spirit that is the spark of life.”

Trisa-Cant-8 inclined her head. “Then you do know something of the mysteries."

“I do?” You'd spoken without realizing. The words had just sort of... slipped out. They'd just seemed obvious. Where had that thought come from?

“The Second Mystery?” Trisa-Cant-8 raised her hand. “The spirit is the spark of life. And before that, the First Mystery: ‘life is directed motion’, like I was talking about."

“What does that mean?”

“...I might not be the best person to ask that.” Trisa-Cant-8 folded her arms, seemingly thinking. “Theology is dear to me, but I'm no lector. I'd hate to give you the wrong idea and get reamed out by our old Forge Master later..."

“If life is directed motion...” Your eyes close briefly. “Then organic life and machinery is not so different, on a fundamental level. We're all directed motion. And the spirit is... the spirit of the machine, then? If that is true, then humanity must surely possess it's own spirit, yes?” You frown a little at that thought. Did that include you, then? Or were you a perversion?

Trisa-Cant-8 gave you a more considered look, but still smiled. “That's an advanced reading for someone who couldn't tell me who the Omnissiah was a minute ago. Where'd you hear that, anyway? I didn't think tankborn were given any spiritual knowledge.” She glances down at your work. “Left a bit.”

>"It felt obvious."
>"I must have been partially indoctrinated with it."
>"I've been exploring the temple a bit, I likely overheard it."
>"I don't know. The thought... sprang forth."
>"I don't know. The thought... sprang forth."
>>"I must have been partially indoctrinated with it."
>"I must have been partially indoctrinated with it."
>"I must have been partially indoctrinated with it."
>"I must have been partially indoctrinated with it."
You search your memories, first your recent memories of the past week and nine days, then the memories that formed the shape of your personality and function, the information that had been written so deeply into your mind it may as well have been burned onto your soul. The needle slows to a stop as you pause, thinking. Nothing.

“I must have been partially indoctrinated with it.”

A lie.

“Wonder why they felt it was important...” Trisa-Cant-8 pulled slightly on her respirator, almost as if she was rubbing her chin. “My data stores are bare on this subject. Were you created to serve the Cult?"

This made you tense slightly, far more than the lie had. Why it would escaped you. Were you going to follow one lie with another?

Trisa-Cant-8 glanced at you. “Have I said something rude? Apologies, I'm not familiar with the ways of tankborn.”

“We do not have a ‘way’ as far as I'm aware.” The sleeve took shape on your lap, and you compare it with the intact one dangling on your left. Almost perfectly. Subtly off, but you had a feeling your previous gown's sleeves had been that way, and so it was no object to you.

“...I am sure that is true.” Trisa-Cant-8's voice had an odd tone to it, like she was smiling despite the lack of anything amusing.

>Lie. “I served as a Magos' assistant at one point.”
>Lie. “My creator is of the Mechanicus. Perhaps he wanted me to know it?”
>"I was created to be an agent of the Customs Houses."
>"My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed."
>"Apologies, but I would prefer not to answer that."
>"My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed."

I was rejected
>"My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed."
>"I was created to be an agent of the Customs Houses."
My model is from a clerical and technical series, but more and more it becomes clear to me that I am not an ordinary model. The way I have been constructed, my very biology is... unusual to say the least. My indoctrination is atypical as well, it is dark and lacks clarity in many areas, and sometimes there are... strange thoughts, strange flashes of knowing about things nothing to do with clerical work or technical specifications.
As for if I was intended to be owned by the Mechanicus, I cannot say. Truthfully, I do not fully well know who or what created me only to abort me near completion, what they intended deviating my mind and body in such a way, but I suppose it could have been the Mechanicus.
That is a nice thought, better than many alternatives. That would explain the unusual connection to the Machine God, but it doesn't seem right, there's always been something... shameful, some awful past that I am running from, surviving until here by chance I am discovered, and disposed of for a final time.


I have been having dreams.
>>"My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed."
>"My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed."
>"My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed."

>I have been having dreams.
“My... ‘true function’ is difficult to say, since I was never completed.” You say. “I believe I was intended for shipping inspection, but given my incomplete indoctrination...”

“Never completed? They just sold you without finishing you all the way? I thought tankborn were all custom-engineered, not sold on bargain."

“We aren't.” Your voice grows slightly embittered without you meaning. “I didn't meet the manufacturing standards.”

Imperfect rang in your mind.

“In... what way?” You could tell Trisa-Cant-8 was clearly frowning behind her respirator, such was the way the lines on her face deepened.

“I don't know.” You glance away. “My expertise is centered around shipping, customs declarations, inspections...” You make a vague gesture. “My series are assistants that are adapted to clerical or technical positions. I have those capabilities. I would know more if my indoctrination wasn't ended early.”

“The minds of ordinary humans can react badly to hypno-indoctrination. Perhaps your mind rejected the indoctrination in some way?”

“Maybe.” You concede, although your stomach twists strangely at the thought. Wouldn't that indicate an imperfection of your brain? Or your extended grey matter?

...could it even be because of your extended grey matter?

“It could be linked to my biology, as well.”

“The flesh is weak...” Trisa-Cant-8 sounded slightly worried. “If there is something wrong, we could have a Biologis or Genetor check your body later. There are some within Odrev that study such things. Would you like that?”


>[Optional] "I'm loathe to take more resources, but..."
>[Optional] “I wasn't just incomplete. My creator tried to dispose of me.”
>[Optional] “I wasn't just incomplete. My creator tried to dispose of me.”
>[Optional] “I wasn't just incomplete. My creator tried to dispose of me.”
I'm conflicted about the yes/no choice here. Yes means all the biological details being inspected such as the brain tissue being identified outside of her skull, but No means that Lebesnati's body still remains a mystery box for any surprises later. Further, I suspect the Machine Covenant may be linked to an implant or augment that could be the subject of greater interest.

with conditions that the results of this study are for the Forge Master's eyes and the single Biologis/Genetor only. It will be at the Forge Master's decision on whether the results get wiped afterward, and Lebesnati will remain conscious and intact during and after the inspection.

>[Optional] "I'm loathe to take more resources, but..."
>[Optional] “I wasn't just incomplete. My creator tried to dispose of me.”

We need answers. I doubt any Biologis will have enough authority to interfere with titan work.
Oh shit, late pop-in, but I will allow for a 'Yes, BUT' answer if people want to.

I'm running very late today so there's a non-zero chance the vote'll be extended into tomorrow if people want to change their votes in light of that.
I'm just paranoid about what might get revealed in the inspection and this is 40K where nothing goes well, even with best intentions.
Well, we've missed death several times now. What's one more?
Well I was about to say it was a split vote and roll it off, but then my power went out while I was writing the post. It's my day off today so I'll be back in a bit instead of pushing it to tomorrow. In the meanwhile I'll, uh... do something.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Well, that was annoying. Alright, we're back. Roll time, 1 for Yes, 2 for No. No matter what the result is, we're also doing:
>[Optional] “I wasn't just incomplete. My creator tried to dispose of me.”

...don't point out things that were obvious I could do in hindsight, that makes me feel very silly and goofy.
Checking something real fast, since I can't load any new pages on 4chan all of a sudden. Test?
“...no.” You finally say.

“No?” Trisa-Cant-8 tilted her head, her expression concerned. “If it's concern about your biology, I assure you that Genetors are very accustomed to dealing with non-standard-"

“I wasn't just incomplete.” You interrupt her. “I wasn't just low-quality product. My creator declared me ‘imperfect’, and had me disposed of."

Trisa-Cant-8's brow furrowed. “What, pawning you off to recoup their losses?”

“No. He disconnected me and threw me into a corpse disposal chute. That is my first memory.” You felt a little less tense now that you had admitted it, working quickly as you pulled the needle back from the cloth. ”I awoke among the corpses and managed to crawl my way out before I was pulled into the grinder. I think he probably expected me to die on impact, but the grinder was poorly maintained. The other bodies cushioned my fall."

You lift up your gown, turning it back and forth and looking at the sleeves. The new one was slightly mismatched in color, but not in length or shape- Trisa-Cant-8 had assured you that the next step would be to dye it to the appropriate color.

When you realize she hadn't spoken, you turn your head. “Artisan?”

The look on Trisa-Cant-8's face was one of horror- her eyes wide, her eyebrows disappearing into her hair and her mouth twisted to the point that the augmetic clasps that normally held her respirator tight to her face without adjustment had relaxed slightly, exposing some of the area of her mouth.

You tilt your head. “...is something wrong?”

“That's... what kind of-" Trisa-Cant-8 restrained herself with effort. “Apologies. Sometimes I speak before I think.”

“I don't understand.”

“I'm having trouble comprehending how someone could do that to another human being. A thinking person!”

You can't help but stare for a moment. “I didn't think the Mechanicus would think much of the lives of tankborn. We are close to vatgrown humans, after all.”

“Humans vatgrown without minds, or even brains, criminals hoping to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Omnissiah. Not... people.”

>"I didn't think the Mechanicus would consider me a person."
>"I don't understand. Am I so different?"
>"That doesn't apply to me."
>Don't bother trying to correct her.
>Stay silent.

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