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You are Lorinda de Lindan, princess, weapon autist, and inquisitor-in-training. The last few days have been a whirlwind of violence and revelations after joining the neverending hunt for Strangers. Deadly beings from another dimension, each armed with a personal Cheat Skill that left unattended can cause catastrophic damage to both your kingdom and the world itself. If only you never stepped out of line at the Royal Mageknight Academy then you’d never have to enter under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition.

Currently, you’re on the hunt for a kidnapper in the northern city of Ivern along with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, previously known as Midori Suzuki, by masquerading as helpless maidens. Both so you can help prevent more tragedy from befalling your loyal subjects and so you can acquire more information on the strange Metal Castle that appeared nearby not long ago.

Only time will tell if this endeavor proves fruitful.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
At least it’s not raining this time, is the only thing you can think as you stand alone in an unfamiliar ally and wait for trouble. Though a brisk chill reminds you that even during the middle of summer the night isn’t particularly pleasant this far up north. Even more unpleasant is that you’ve been up Goddess knows how long and you’ve yet to see neither hide nor tale of this elusive villain. You thought you might have when you and Marie were accosted by some “ruffians” a few hours ago who you thought might have been the kidnappers, but you know what they did? They asked you if you were lost and pointed you in the direction of a local inn! Your night has been entirely uneventful.

You bet the inquisitor went to bed. Sure he said he’d be watching you from the rooftops but you haven’t seen him in what seems like forever. He probably thinks he’s so slick that he can steal one of the beds tonight before you get back or worse die of boredom out here! In novels, stakeouts are always so interesting and cool, not mind-numbing tedium as you want someone to try and kidnap you! You didn’t even bring any of your big weapons, only ones you can hide to attract the kidnapper! Oh, what good that did you!

What is it? Do you still look too important? Of course, you’re royalty and stand out wherever you are but this is getting ridiculous! You even had the other two pick out commoner clothes and everything! You suppose at the very least you have a jacket and gloves and that whistle too. From the other side of the ally, you see a shadow approach and get momentarily excited- Only to curse as Marie shows up at the other side and shrugs in a “what can you do?” manner.

“The last pub in the area closed and I saw everyone go home,” She says once she’s close enough to discuss in a hushed whisper.

“Let me guess, no one looked suspicious?” You make your frustrations clear.

“Just drunk.”

“Amazing, just amazing. Do you suppose we turn in and consider this night a bust?” You ask while doing anything but yawning. You don’t do that.

“Maybe we should do one last loop around the area?” She says but it’s with a reluctant tone. She definitely yawns though, “There’s hardly anyone out anymore. Shouldn’t this be the most opportune time for the kidnapper to strike?”

“Fine, but only one more site,” You declare.

“More than works with me, Ina,”

That nickname… Where have you heard it-

Never mind.

>You should go check the docks… again…

>Maybe circle back to where those pubs were? Maybe Marie missed something?

>Keeping watch of the back alleys is your best bet right now.

>Oh, screw this! You’re heading to bed.



>Would you like to split up to possibly cover more ground?
>Keeping watch of the back alleys is your best bet right now.

As much as I'd like to cover more ground, all my D&D experience tells me that's a bad idea.
Also, glad to see you running, StrangeQM.
>Maybe circle back to where those pubs were? Maybe Marie missed something?
Marie can watch the back alleys
>>You should go check the docks… again…
>You should go check the docks… again…
>>You should go check the docks… again…
Split up
Welcome back, StrangeQM!

Well, this outcome wasn't unexpected, but...

>You should go check the docks… again…
>>You should go check the docks… again…
its very possible that the kidnapper already has someone kidnapped and is loading them on their boat right now
>Keeping watch of the back alleys is your best bet right now.

Sorry messed up a bit there.
>You should go check the docks… again…
2 for back alleys

1 for the pubs

6 for the docks

2 to split

2 for together.

I'm going to go get dinner and if there isn't a deciding vote to split up or not when I get back I'll flip a 1d2.
Alright, writing.
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The docks are just as they were last time you checked. Empty, wet, and smelly. It’s strange seeing a place that’s usually so busy so devoid of life past the middle of the night. A few hours ago there were hundreds here, now there’s just you and Marie with a few others possibly milling about. Out of all your rounds here, there’s only been one small lead, that was summarily disproved. That being the clipper that left about an hour or so ago but you checked it and it was all clear of any less than legal human cargo. If it wasn’t for that woman’s testimony about her twins or the missing stable boy you’d be sure there were no disappearances by now. Maybe the kidnapper isn’t going to come out tonight? Or maybe there’s another reason for the disappearances? Freak coincidences of people getting lost in the wilds outside the city?

Whatever. After all, it should be about now, when you’ve let your guard down, that the kidnapper makes a surprise appearance and catches you, well, off-guard. Any moment now, just you wait. Then you’re going to have a cool battle when you use all your training to thoroughly defeat the kidnapper and learn everything about the Stranger. Like right NOW!

You spin around to face the alleyway you had your back to only to see a stray cat cross it as a light in an upper floor goes out in one of the buildings. Marie gives you a weird look as you sigh and deflate before finding a bench near the water and just sitting down. You should be asleep right now. What type of princess is forced to stay up to the early hours of the morning to perform guard work? Lorina de Lindan that’s who! You’re sure tales of your inquisital adventurers will reach far and wide someday. But that day isn’t today. Today you’re combating sleep and nothing else as you wait for someone to try and abduct you. You’re so bored.

“Hey, Earth to Lorina?” Marie says as she waves a hand near your face.

Dammit, she probably noticed you were about to fall asleep, “What is it?” You say in your most alert and attentive voice.

“Do you hear that?” You wonder for just a second what she means before you indeed hear something. It’s a rather strange noise but similar to the train in a way you can’t quite place. It’s not quite loud, but the fact that there’s no chatter or commotion to mask the noise means you can hear it quite well. Then it all ceases.

“Look, over there!” Marie excitedly says while pointing towards the docks. The docks that now has a dark silhouette tossing rope on from their little skiff. “You think that-”

You shush her before she can reveal your position. Seeing as the figure is very quickly tying his boat to the docks you recond you don’t have much time left to formulate a plan. That is given this is the kidnapper at all and not some random fellow back from fishing. Hopefully, they aren’t. Is that a bad thing to hope for? Well, speak of the Demon Lord and you shall receive and all that.
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor

>You decide to approach the sailor and inquire about what he’s doing

>You simply remain where you’re seated and act as if you don’t see the man

>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
Knowing our luck, we'll stumble upon him with his pants down with a lady of negotiable affection. Or he'll mistake us for one, if we're REALLY unlucky.
>>You decide to approach the sailor and inquire about what he’s doing
>Approach and inquire
Why not go and check out the boat and see if there's anything suspicious on it?
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>You decide to approach the sailor and inquire about what he’s doing
5 to try and hide.

1 to check his boat. I assume this means waiting for him to leave it and circle around.

3 to approach.

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Without a word you motion for Marie to be quiet as you stand from your position. You do your best to appear like you don’t see the sailor as the two of you retreat into the closest alleyway while they’re distracted. There aren’t many places to exactly hide in here other than behind an empty stall but you pray that the darkness of night does most of the work obscuring the two of you. At the very least it allows you access to side-eye the fellow from your position even though you put a good deal of distance between the two of you.

With ease, the figure steps from their boat to the docks and appears dazed for only a single moment. Before their head snaps in the direction of Marie and yourself, you don’t startle at the suddenness, the unnaturalness, of the gesture. Neither of you are sure what to do as the figure marches in your direction, other than hover your hand over where your concealed dagger is.

It’s not long before you can make out the sailor more clearly, and what a strange sight they are. They appear to be in some kind of strange suit, similar to the make of Lindan gentlemanly fashion but different and all black. The figure has a rather large masculine build but you can’t see any skin, not even on their face as they tip their hat down and allow the darkness to conceal themselves. For a moment you consider playing dumb and acting as if you’re an idle passerby but with the precision that the man tracks you down you find yourself unable. It’s like he calculated the path that would have the least obstacles and the quickest time to reach you.

[HELLO] When he’s finally close enough to speak it with a deep, uncanny voice that doesn’t sound exactly human. It also reminds you a bit of a frog, somehow.

“H-hi?” Marie says.

[I AM LOST. I NEED DIRECTIONS. CAN YOU STEP INTO THE LIGHT AND GIVE THEM TO ME?] The “gentleman” stands outside of the alleyway but ironically he doesn’t stand under a street light himself. [PLEASE]

“Where do you need directions to?” You decide to ask while remaining behind the stall.


“Yes but where to?”

For a moment the man seems to ask the question to himself and only responds when he figures out the answer. [I NEED DIRECTIONS TO THE MARKET. CAN YOU HELP ME?]

“It’s just that way!” Marie says with a noticeable shake in her voice as she points past the alley. Noticeably the figure does not move a muscle.

[I CANNOT SEE QUOTE: THAT WAY. PLEASE STEP INTO THE LIGHT] The light that is closer to him.


>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)

>Blow your whistle and run (DC 10)

>Just attack the bastard already (DC 14)

>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
Do we know any light spells? If we do...
>"No need. I can provide my own." (light spell)
>Circle around the bastard and push him into the light
Actually a flashbang spell would do nicely here.
>>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
backing the magic flex
Light up the bot
Ah, so they are linked then, huh? Looks like the kidnapper is from the island-- unless of course, this is just a random robot accosting girls and looking for directions in the middle of the night.

I would've voted to comply, but knowing that Lorina was cautious enough *not* to fall into the mind-controlling Stranger's trap in the first thread, I don't think she'd do the same here, either.

Thus, if it's possible, I'll back this instead.
Whoops, my bad, looks like I kept my voting trip for another thread on by accident. Sorry about that.
>>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
>"No need. I can provide my own." (light spell)
>Circle around the bastard and push him into the light
I’m actually kinda confused on these votes. He’s standing near, but not under, a street lamp near the entrance of the alley while you’re in the dark alleyway, he’s asking for you to step out into the light so he can see you better. Should you go around to push him the two of you will already be close enough you’ll both be able to see each other more clearly. Is that what you mean?
Ah my bad i miss read that situation. Can i switch my vote to.
>>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
No worries, I hope I was clear enough. Please tell me if I'm not.

4 to step forward.

4 to flex your magical abilities

1 to light up the bot

1 to walk up to the bot and push him.

Leaving the vote open for a little bit more.
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Missed one, OP >>5987303.

Just out of curiosity, I tried looking up "anime girls with kriegsmesser" on Google. I've now increased my "D&D NPCs I cannot use in public" folder with quite a bit of women in landsknecht clothing.
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I may be stupid. Nvm can I please get 3d20 (DC 12)?

>"D&D NPCs I cannot use in public" folder
Rolled 9 (1d20)

It's hard to explain to my group that I like anime girls with bigger codpieces then mine, okay?!
Rolled 15 (1d20)

No you can get 1 d20 and it'll be a natty.
Wanna make a post in the /qtg/ asking for a roll? Couple of players might be hanging there.
I'll be honest I've been playing Limbus Company and occasionally checking the thread. But yeah it's getting pretty late and I want to update so I will.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Alright, that's a 15 so a success though rather close to a crit fail. Writing.
For some reason, my formatting keeps breaking. Please stand by.
“There’s no need for that, I can provide my own light,” You say as you step out from behind the side of the stall, though only a bit. You swirl the magic inside of you as you concentrate it to course through your arm and to the pal of your hand. There a small yet bright light is formed as you make a fist before bringing your arm upwards and unleashing the small sphere of magic into the air above you, enough to illuminate you and Marie but not to cause a complaint from the neighbors.


The mysterious man doesn’t do much of anything for a while as he seems content to simply stare at the two of you. You’re unsure of what to do at the moment as you unconsciously shift your weight from one foot to the other and back again. Then he looks over to Marie repeats himself and starts “analyzing” again. His behavior is certainly a bit strange but is he really the- OH, SHIT!

Like a bullet the large man shoots towards you with a fist raised, you barely manage to dodge in time as his fist flies through the stall with such force debris is sent flying behind you in the alleyway. [CONFRIMED PRESENCE: PRINCESS LORINA DE LINDAN. CONFIRMED PRESENCE: ISEKAI’D INDIVIDUAL. STATUS: VALUABLE HOSTAGE/ASSET DETECTED. MISSION PARAMETER’S CHANGED. COLLATERAL IS NOW SET TO ACCEPTABLE. FORCE IS DEEMED NECESSARY. YOU WILL ACCOMPANY ME]

With each word the man utters comes a fist or lunge met by dodge. Your light is sufficient enough so that his attacks aren’t hidden by the cover of night, but even when choreographed they’re fast enough to put you on the back foot. “Like Hell!” you scream as you’re finally able to pull your dagger from its hidden position and wield it in front of you. A man so built shouldn’t be able to move that fast without the help of powerful magics, it simply doesn’t make sense.

From the corner of your eye, you can see Marie stand in shock at the display in front of her, visibly shaking, she looks terrified. Then her face morphs from the edge of panic to one of tranquility as a radiant glow accompanies the summoning of her sword, and she lunges at the man.

You take the momentary distraction of the gentleman being put on guard to press your attack. Yet as your stiletto slashed into the suit you find it bouncing off the man's skin, his metallic(?) skin, with a spark and ding. What? Is he wearing some kind of armor under his suit? Or is it some kind of strange magic?
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Unluckily, your momentary distraction is enough for the man to process Marie’s attack and dodge accordingly while sending a forceful attack your way. You’re able to enhance your speed enough to dodge thoroughly dodge the blow but you find yourself again out of the man’s space and out of your dagger's range. Perhaps if you were to piece a vital component with your dagger you’d be able to take him out, but should you kill the man you’ll lose a valuable source of information. At least Marie’s sword seems to leave some minor lasting marks. No better than yours of course and it’s because she's fighting with an unfair advantage compared to you, but the man clearly isn’t invincible. The radiant glow of her sword-inflicted wounds is rather strange though.

The man seeing that he’s now surrounded by two women who have and know how to use very sharp objects is forced to make a split-second decision, who will he pursue first? It would seem the Mageknight holding a dagger is calculated as less threatening than the Stranger with a strange sword so again the man charges at you. You wonder how much this kidnapper is concerned with kidnapping you when his fist punches directly through the stone wall you were standing in front of. He doesn’t even recoil in pain. He quickly pulls his fist from the wall and looks to be about to perform another charge before a deafening crack comes from the rooftops and a bullet finds itself passing through the gentleman's head, knocking off his hat and revealing the metallic mask(?) he’s wearing.

You look up and see a silhouette duck under a rooftop wall with a rifle. It would seem the inquisitor did not abandon you after all. The man you’re fighting’s face is glued directly on the spot the inquisitor vanished from. [ANALYSING… ANALYSING] And seems stunned for a moment. With him distracted

>You charge again with your dagger and Cinder [DC 14]

>Wait for him to finish his analysis [DC 17]

>Grab a discarded pipe left in the wake of the gentleman's attack [DC 12]

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>Throw your cloak over his head and beat him with a pipe and Marie's sword.
Would that be around a DC 14-15?
Probably a bit lower in all honesty.
>Grab a discarded pipe left in the wake of the gentleman's attack [DC 12]
Blind him by shoving a pipe through his eyes
Just for clarification, I don't mean we grab Marie's sword again, I mean we just beat the shit out of the robot with Marie.

Let's go with throw cloak over head to blind and beat with a pipe
kek, hell yeah, the ol' shirt-over-face beatdown. +1

But golly gee I hope that this bot in particular is special and not every single one of the hunks of junk on the island is as tough as this guy. I don't know if we could take down this mad machinist fellow if they are. Without doing some big magic and just smashing the island with a giant ice ball or sinking it or something of course.
>I don't know if we could take down this mad machinist fellow if they are.
I'm pretty sure Lorina's got some lightning or water spells in her arsenal, could try either one if someone tells her what robots are weak to. Just have to yell at them if this is more of that "Sci-fi" shit Asher was talking about earlier. Plus, advanced electronics do really badly when submerged in water, so...
I would hope the designer of these bots is smart enough to put a friggin o-ring on any points of potential water ingress. That would be the biggest blunder. Sure it wouldn't help them walk along the lake bed but it would stop rain from blowing them up. Lord help them if the guy in charge of these things isn't actually techie himself and these are just prebuilts. Big oof.

I would say they might just eat lightning, but since they are sci-fi instead of magisci-fi, yeah it'll probably hurt them real bad. Hope he splurged for surge protection kek
>Use our magic.
Hit him with lightning, glue his feet to the ground, encase his joints with ice, cover his eyes with dirt, I don't know what spells we have

Backing this. Though now I do wonder if we'll be bringing back this pipe for our collection, or if we'll stick to the pipe we've got back at the house.
>Cast Lightning
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>Lorina decides to head over to a blacksmith or jeweler specializing in engraving metal
>"I'd like you to engrave a large pipe for me. Are you able to do it?"
>"Of course, your majesty. What sort of design would you like to make for your father."
>"Oh, it's not for my father. It's for me."
>"F-for you, your majesty? Alright, but... I wasn't aware you smoked."
>"Indeed, I don't."
>"Then why would you request an engraving on a smoking pipe you won't use, your majesty?"
>pipe dropping sfx
>"Because I don't intend to use it for smoking."
Honestly having a comically large smoking pipe as a weapon is classic wizard shit. It'd be great if someone misinterpreted an order for "One large, very sturdy pipe, enough to crush plate armor with".
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Just gonna put this guy out here to show it ain't just wizards using them as weapons.
Hell yeah, backing
Wombo combo the robot
I guess Lorina would think of it as a very complex golem?
>Puff Puff Puff
lmao. Fantastic.
>Grab a discarded pipe left in the wake of the gentleman's attack [DC 12]
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Hell yeah, smoking pipes for combat are sick as hell-- even if I do think Lorina wouldn't smoke herself.

pic rel, since Strange mentioned Limbus as well.
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Now taking applications for battlemaids. Must have:

>experience with battle and combat
>experience working as a bodyguard
>a tolerance for bloodshed
>knowledge of maintaining, repairing and girding arms and armor
>familiarity in brewing tea and coffee
>cooking and serving food
>helping others with fancy dress, hair and makeup
>cleaning filthy houses
>a willingness to hunt down and fight Strangers, either for capture or execution

Please list additional pertinent skills you may have below.

Got bored, figured we should post possible war maids for hire while we wait for update.
Sorry for the wait I once again got pretty busy, and rather drunk last night but that's neither here nor there. I'm going to combine the votes since they all seem rather close so can I get a 3d20 DC 7?

I'm taking note of this...

Smoke and Singleton carried me through LoR
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

No worries-- welcome back, QM! Real life comes first, and that includes breaks when necessary, too.

I do enjoy the idea of a maid around to serve as the shadowy left hand, instead of the right hand, as well. Never know when there's dirty work to be done, and all that.

It's a pretty solid gimmick, heh. I ended up putting at least one designated Smoker on every floor, just for the damage bonus. Singleton having the strongest page draw gimmick in the game helped too.
...Hoo boy. Do crits override?
Rolled 13 (1d20)

We're getting disrobed aren't we
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Alright, that looks like a crit fail. Writing! :)
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At least it'll be lewd :P
Congratulations. We are now going to see the island up close. This is truly the most cunning infiltration to ever occur. Yes. Mastermind.
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I deeply apologize.
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You dash over and grab a piece of a house's piping that was left behind in the gentleman’s rampage, its weight feels familiar in your hand. You allow yourself to smirk as you remember the beatdown you inflicted on the poor poor student as you hear Marie interrupt the kidnapper's analysis with an attack of her own. Getting in the way of their duel is probably a bad idea with the intensity of both combatants so you look around for anything that could give you an advantage. You see it in the cloth that once covered the stall.

As you run over to retrieve the tattered rag you have to duck as Marie is sent flying in your direction, with enough force her body ragdolls as it skids on the cobble beneath you. “I’m okay!” You hear her, probably forced, cry as you look towards the gentleman. Another bullet stops his charge. Then a thought betrays you. You wonder how powerful he must be to survive two bullets with barely a flinch? No, it doesn’t matter, you are Lorina de Lindan and this simpleton is nothing compared to you!

You think of all the ways that you could figuratively disarm this man and flex your magical prowess. You could send out a glue-like substance to slow him, send frost to immobile his joins, but you settle on a more stylish manner, you electrify your pipe-baton. It is well known that metal is a great conductor of electricity, or at least it has been for the last few years or so, decade maybe? Anyways, you’re up against a man covered in metal, and hitting him with a metal pipe will electrify him, perhaps char him a bit, but it should be overall nonlethal, you think. And since you’re using your own magic the frequency of the electric charge should bring no harm to you. It would be rather disastrous if mages got burned by their own spells, wouldn’t it?

The suited man lunges at you, first raised. You take the opportunity to throw the rag over his head and succeed at disorienting him. He continues his blind charge as you gracefully dance around him and- CLANG- hit -CLANG- him -CLANG- again -CLANG- and -CLANG- again! CLANG!

Each hit adds more and more electric charge to the man's armor but you don’t let up your assault, his suit should dampen your magically enhanced blow enough so you continue your assault. CLANG! You head no mind to his nonsense. [ERRORERRORERRORERRORERROR] And you dodge each and every one of his fumbling throws. You do wonder a bit how he’s still standing, even if his every move is jerky and more random.
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But it doesn’t matter, you are Lorina de Lindan, expert duelist, and magical master. Look, the plebian is already falling to his knees in defeat! You walk a bit closer to gloat about your well-earned victory over the kidnapper only to be confused as some weird, and loud, whirling sound comes from him, and then-

A deafening explosion. The force of which sends you flying.

You hear screaming, but it doesn’t sound like Asher or Marie, is it your own? There are very sharp pains all over your body. You can’t even think straight but you can swear you hear Marie’s voice shout, “Lorina!” But you feel oh so tired. Maybe you should just take a small nap. Yes, that is what you’ll do, just… a…. small… nap…

>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]


>Something else? But really what else is there to do?
>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]
Isekai rewind ability?
...not going to lie, I did not see that one coming at all. I expected to be on the backfoot, or to be a little roughed up / humiliated, but this is an interesting turn of events.

>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]

Alright, I want to see Asher use his cheat skill. That'll be something.
>Something else? But really what else is there to do?
Sacrifice something
I'm my notes I've always had it as pretty easy to "die" in this quest. While your rolls usually only just barely pass you guys have actually been really good at choosing options that won't lead to Lorina's demise or making write-in plans around those situations. But a 1 is a 1.
If ones are overriding and immediately lethal then d20s are not your friend.
Fair enough! I normally wouldn't expect a Nat 1 to be instant death, but at the same time, I suppose so long as we pick options that don't put ourselves at risk, it should be fine. Plus we've got a time-traveling Stranger on standby anyway, so it works out.

That does make me wonder how many situations we've been in that would've resulted in a death and forced Asher to restart, though.
Lethal here is not quest ending. Although I support switching to d100 for possible 69s.
It's not automatically instant death, depends on the situation and enemy. But generally, I find best of 3d20 to be relatively forgiving so this balances it out in my opinion.

Off the top of my head failing Keiji's mind control could lead to a fatal encounter with Asher. Investigating the stairs could have led to a mental corruption stunlock leading to death. Antagonising Midori on the train would have her perform a fighting retreat that could have proven fatal to Lorina. Lorina isn't that threatened by small fry like the bandits and rookie adventuer's though.
This is also true, actually. By nature of the dice system, Bo3 with crits overriding actually encourages people to stop rolling once a crit or a pass is met, to avoid instant death at a 5% chance.

If you want to keep critfails a possibility, consider only allowing them if no successes are reached. That way, a stray Nat 1 will not stop people from rolling-- only if there's a Nat 1 and some bad luck will it truly happen.

Alternatively, I suppose you could have crits 'affect' the final outcome of the roll. In this case, if we rolled a 1 and a 19, we would have passed, but at a cost or some other penalty.

Could also have a 'crit bank' system, where people can store excess crits and critfails, which negate each other as necessary. This would encourage everyone to roll, even if the Bo3 limit is reached. Giving priority to crits, or making them negate each other is definitely something to consider.

Swapping to d100s, and then adding a crit/critfail range as required (or assigning special lucky/unlucky numbers as results) could work too. d100s are swingier than d20s, but would also make sense to use, I'd say.
Asher must be happy that the first mission didn't force him to 'reset' due to our actions. A coworker that doesn't do crazy actions that will likely get them killed must be a blessing for him.

Heck, even our present course of action at first glance didn't seem like it was going to be deadly.

>Something else? But really what else is there to do?
We have some minor healing powers? Slam our remaining mana into repairing the most major damage we have and fall unconscious... we'll probably still die but maybe we'll survive crippled and badly injured! In that situation, our hated enemy the otome isekai healer girl comes and heals us! That means we owe the thieving bitch a massive favor despite her being the author of our humiliation!
The way I rule it is that a nat20 always succeeds and overrules any 1s even two 1s. So every roll always has a 5% chance to fail or 5% chance to pass the entire check to keep it simple, because I'm kinda stupid and lazy, and so dice statistically favor the player even if only slightly more. I'm also evil and want to write my character's getting fucked up because of unlucky rolls.

What are you planning to sacrifice? Like a memory or attribute? Or something physically?
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>TFW your write in ended up killing the main character of the quest...

>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]
Jeez, the worst case scenario going through my head was a kidnapping and being molested by a gonk faced otaku...

I dunno, QM... Risking death with ones would seem to disincentivize fighting to me, at least with d20s.
Pretty interesting! Getting mind controlled and having to fight Asher definitely would've been something.

I suppose that's fair, and there's something to be said about the simplicity of the dice system. This doesn't address the problem of players stopping rolls once the limit is reached, but I suppose when even death doesn't stop the quest thanks to time travel shenaniganry, you can get away with it.

>TFW your write in ended up killing the main character of the quest...

It was a good write-in, if the DC 7 was any indicator. If it helps, it was my roll that got is into this-- though I naturally have no control over it, heh
It was actually a really good write-in, everyone that pitched an idea had a good one for this vote, and Lorina did win the fight and only "died" (she isn't technically dead yet) due to a mix of the roll making her pride and haughtiness act up along with information about the bot's nature she has no logical way of knowing (none of you know about it either).
3 to rewind.

1 to sacrifice something.

1 to grasp onto life, no matter what.

I had a burst of inspiration so time between updates is shorter. Would you guys like a system it's 3d100's and I assign DC's for success, crit success, and crit fails each time? Because I genuinely don't know anything other than Bo3. Writing.
>What are you planning to sacrifice? Like a memory or attribute? Or something physically?
Clothing or pride

Whatever makes the quest fun
Sounds good to me.
If anything, you can just try it out, and if it's not working then reverting is always on the table.
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You are inquisitor Asher and your charge is dead. She made a good attempt at reviving herself though? You almost she was going to do something with that healing magic that circled her. For a second you even thought there might have been a deus ex machina, but then it just looked like she gave up. Goddammit. Midori is fussing over the corpse of the woman you were supposed to protect and you didn’t. the lifeless corpse of this nation's princess. You thought she could handle herself but- no there’s no excuse, it’s your fault. If you were anyone else you’d probably be panicking like the woman in the alleyway. But you’re not, you only feel tired. This is why you work alone, after all. You’re not good at the whole “teamwork” thing, maybe you were in another life but not after the shit you’ve been through in this one. You need a drink. There’s only one option you can take now, the only one you’re allowed. It’s fine though, you’d have taken it regardless of what your Orders are. You’re not some heartless bastard, not like the other’s from Earth.

Midori’s sobs reach a higher pitch below you. Most of those from Earth at any rate. Midori isn’t the first Stranger you’ve met who's been a decent person, probably won’t be the last either. It’s just- it’s just- yeah whatever. Oh, great, people are coming out of their houses to check what happened, only to be met with a crater, rubble, and a corpse. A corpse you were meant to- Dammit!

You rub your eyes and sit down on the rooftop, there really is only one option for you now. And you really need to stop repeating yourself and just take the dagger out already. Its hilt is cold. You allow yourself to wonder how far back you should go, maybe just before the fight so you can actually do your job and protect the kid like the adult, the inquisitor, you are. Or maybe you’ll let her win her fight again, she did handle it well, then tackle her before the explosion. Or you could always just go to the middle of the fight and assist instead of sitting on your ass and doing nothing because that worked out so well last time.

You can hear Midori try, and fail, to explain the situation to the civilians down before through her tears. You wonder if anyone would cry for you if you were gone though not like you will be anytime soon. You bring the dagger to your neck, its sharp steel already causing blood to fall. For a moment you hesitate as a shallow breath passes through your neck and burning memories come straight to the front of your thoughts.
The scorching heat of the Demon Wastes. The endless battles against the horde of lost and confused Strangers and monsters horrifically corrupted by tainted land. The only “friendly” face being that of the bastard Beneger for half a decade. The Demon Lord herself and Doroth- her half-formed and rotting vessel. And that damned yellow brick road. Dying over and over again like you’re some save scumming prick, your mind getting more feral and bloodthirsty each time.

They aren’t good memories, but they made you the man you are today. They’re the reason why you have the courage to slice the knife through your throat and fall to the floor, dead.


Would you like to rewind time to

>Just before the fight

>During the fight

>After the fight is over

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>Just before the fight
>Specifically, when we were arming ourselves from the armory, grab a mace or two and give one to Lorina. It'd be a more dignified way to go than with a pipe in hand. Maybe a net as well, rigged to tangle that robot's feet and drag it into the water. Would be a pain pulling him out, though. And make sure you're on the ground this time so they can hear you tell them to get away.

Also, goddamn, OP, I thought I'd feel better with the update, stop making me want to hug these protagonists to make them feel better.
>Just before the fight

Poor Asher, I suppose the requirement to activate your savescum ability is death, then you'd naturally hate using it, huh?
>>During the fight
Just so you know, the probability of rolling at least one 1 on 3d20 is 14.25%. We will be swimming in critfails.
>Just before the fight
Yeah. Maybe a balance with "1 and no success" or "1 and nothing above 18" can be reached?
+1 to this
>Just before the fight
6 to before the fight.

1 for during the fight.

Due to the write in I'm going to change the time before the fight a little bit. Writing.
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“Hello there, Miss Alice, I didn’t expect to see you so soon,” In Front of you, at the other side of the exquisitely set table sits a hare, “Tea, Miss Alice?”

“I don’t suppose she shall, how is a Lory to have tea when they have no hands? Quite the mad prospect, I do say!” Says a man who you can’t make out with your blurry vision, “Though I suppose if it’s on the mouse it will have to suffice.”

A teacup and poured and pushed towards you, using a sleeping mouse as a cupholder. Only for the hare’s hand, the hare’s hand? To swoop in and remove both from your vision, “Do settle down, Mister Hatter, it seems she is quite confused.”

“Wha- Where am I, who are you?” You ask.

“See? I am proven correct, mark down another tally for me,” The hare says, the hare wearing a gentleman’s suit and hat. “Now Miss Alice, while you may be a Lory I do hope you haven’t forgotten us fully?”

>Mental Corruption is not high enough

You bring your hands in front of you only to find the wings of a bird have replaced them, you try to scream but only find a bird’s cry to leave your beak.

“Ah, do settle down Miss Alice, or I suppose you’re her sister at present, no? Though thankfully not the Red Queen this time, that is rather delightful news I must say, Miss Lory.”

“Please, what is going on?!”

“You are as a doornail, My Lady! Dead!” The unseen man declares. “It is quite insane, to be a part of a door, but fret not, as all doors must eventually be opened!”

The hare coughs, “Ahem, though that is not for us to decide, My Lady, for it seems our time is being cut short by another, how dreadful. Mister Hatter, could you check on Mister Time?”

Your vision starts to clear, finally adjusting to the eyes of a bird, and you see another gentleman, though human this time, pull a pocket watch from the brim of his top hat, “I do believe we have the same amount of time as it takes for a Mayfly to die!”

“Ah, so none at all?”

You don’t hear the man’s response as you feel a great sinking feeling. You close your eyes and find yourself taken, taken to a land far away, back to the port where last you died. Though now with a mace in your hand.

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“You see that boat in the distance? Keep a careful eye on it.” Asher says to you and Marie from behind the bench you’re sitting on. He’s been with you most of the night, though always at a great distance. You’ve taken a moment of respite after your last round around the docks and now may have just found your target. Or at least that is what the inquisitor seems to be implying.

“Is that an actual motorboat?” Marie asks.

“Probably,” The inquisitor replies.

“A what?” You ask.

“Don’t worry about it,” He says as he quickly starts moving away towards the docks. Confused you follow with Marie though he moves faster and before you know it a bundle of rope is being thrown at your feet from the “motorboat” whatever that is. A suited gentleman ties his metal skiff to the docks and rises between yourself and the shadows the inquisitor disappeared to. What follows is quite the short tussle as the suited man completes an “analysis” on you and Marie, and instantly figures out who you are and raises a fist to attack. All for naught as he is roughly shoved to the ground by a net the inquisitor must have somehow placed earlier. Two maces and one sword quickly subdue the kidnapper.

“So mister robot, I happen to have a lot of questions,” The inquisitor says to the subdued man tangled in the net.


“I think I will actually. Tell me everything about your master.”


The inquisitor looks to be restraining himself from hitting the armored man, “I don’t believe you’re in a position to make demands, bot.” Again with that “bot” word, what does it mean?


For some reason, the inquisitor looks a mix of furious and regretful? Perhaps it might be best for you, the woman with the best diplomacy tutoring money and privilege could buy to take charge.

You step forward and ask

>Again about the Stranger

>Just how he was able to deduce who and Marie are

>Ask what he is

>Kick him, pettily

>(swift kick to gain his attention) "Stop infuriating my senior."
>"Explain what you are and reason for existing. Are you what could be defined as "Sci-Fi Shit"?"
>"Tell me who this "King" is..."
>"Is kidnapping allowed from where your creator comes from?"
>"And what exactly happens to the victims you've taken?"
What a dumb robot. No one has given his dweeb master the legal status of king, his unrecognized claim is both illegal and laughable. As if any rotten tinkerer off of the streets could be a king. Peasants, I swear.
Oh, shit, completely forgot to ask what his boss planned to do with Marie, Asher and Lorina if his bot succeeded in kidnapping us.

>"So, since you are aware of other Isekaied people, what exactly would you have done with them if you caught any?
>"And, for that matter, with me?"
"What's the name of this King and where is he from? Japan?"
>>Ask what he is
>>Kick him, pettily
Hm... I wonder if it's worth asking Asher or Marie about Alice in Wonderland, since that seems to be a recurring theme. "Alice" seems to be Lorina's (nonexistent) sister, and the Red Queen... maybe the actual queen? Is this a family curse?

I suppose it's hard to say, for now.

>Just how he was able to deduce who and Marie are
>Ask what he is
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“As if any peasant can declare himself a king and have that claim mean anything, now cease your mindless chattering and answer me!” You state to the kidnapper, giving him a nice kick to get his attention and for no other reason.

You really shouldn’t have done that. The pain is terrible and unexpected has you holding onto said food as you hop up and down. How dare this suited peasant attack you like that, utterly humiliating you!


Strange, you weren’t threatening to kill him, “First, what exactly are you? Am I to assume you’re ‘sci-fi shit’ as some may say?” From behind you, the inquisitor fails to cover his laugh.


“Hmpm, and what titles do you claim to own?” Him, nobility, a laughable concept.


“This ‘king’ is he from this ‘Japan’ and what’s his name?”


“And is kidnapping a common practice where he’s from?”

“N-no!” Marie yells in surprise.


“Hey!” She yells again.

“Then what did you intend to do with us if we came with you? And how did you figure out who we are so fast?”


“Answer the question.”


“I don’t know how I should take that,” The inquisitor says.

“That doesn’t say much of anything,” You say, “What exactly happens to everyone you’ve taken?” You ask.


>Follow the “robot” to the Metal Castle, with him at a disadvantage

>Refuse like any sane person

>Refuse like any sane person
We go there on our own conditions, possibly wearing the bot's shell as a disguise.
I’m G4wG41jg, currently posting from work
>”We will discuss the matter momentarily, sir.”
>Huddle together for a few seconds
>(whisper)”Roll him in?”
>Refuse like any sane person
>Roll him into the bay with our teammates as soon as we say the word no
Oh… union of flesh and metal… oh damnit.
>”Asher, Marie? In your world’s Sci-fi shit, is there anything that fits with what he described as a “union of flesh and metal”?”
>”And could what we have speaking to us be one of them?”
I’m guessing he’s making cyborgs from the people he kidnapped…
>>Refuse like any sane person
I'm guessing he's using pretty girl as harem and the less-pretty girl as bellies to churn up magical bullshit robot babies, severely hurting them psychologically and physically but it might be because I'm a degenerate.

>Refuse like any sane person
>Refuse like any sane person

We'll need to do more prep and information gathering first, honestly.
>Follow the “robot” to the Metal Castle, with him at a disadvantage

>Refuse like any sane person
6 to refuse

1 who agrees that nothing ventured nothing gained.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Forgot the night roll.
>Refuse like any sane person
Ask why he talks so weird and why he serves a Stranger - they only get one cheat skill, and all this sci fi shit doesn't look like the mind control we've already seen. What could compel him to dedicate his life and service to an invader from another world?

Also Asher is literally Subaru. Except he can choose his time of return so he actually has it quite a bit better.
>Also Asher is literally Subaru. Except he can choose his time of return so he actually has it quite a bit better.
A good deal, if not most, Cheat Skills are going to be shamelessly stolen or at least inspired by ones I've seen in anime. I will not apologize.
Kinda makes me wonder if there's any Strangers who's Cheat Skill is just straight up not having a Cheat Skill, whether because PLOT, getting transported due to a Cheat Skill using Stranger, or them just falling between the sofa cushions of the universes when they arrived?
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“No-” You are cut off immediately by the tangled man.


There is a very distinct whirring noise that emanates from him, “H-hey! I wasn’t-”


“Hey, listen to me! Wait demise?” The whirring gets louder.


“Oh, shit!” The inquisitor curses before roughly, and in a most ignoble manner, tacking you and Marie off the docks. The last thing you hear is [INITIATING SELF-DESTRUCT SEQUENCE] before you’re taken under the waves. Then a bright light, and a muffled explosion. For the next few moments, there’s water-filled screaming, confusion, and struggling swimming. All before the inquisitor wrestles you to the water's surface and drops you on the ruined dock’s driftwood before diving down for Marie.

You cling to the wood for dear life as you slowly kick your way to a broken support of the dock. Soon enough the inquisitor resurfaces with a panicked Marie and focuses on calming her as you carry yourself out of the water. Once the Strange woman is calmed enough you help bring the other two out of the water before you all exchange glances and look at the hole where a part of the dock used to be. Only scraps remain of the kidnapper, a bit of flaming cloth here, metal over there, and a mangled top hat that floats atop the water. You have a feeling that any attempt at diplomacy with this “king Watanabe” just went up smoke just as his servant did. Good riddance.

After extinguishing some small flames with your magic you manage to dodge the few onlookers who arrive to check out the loud sound from their dispersed positions around the deserted district and make it back to Asher’s house. Soaked, miserable, and tired. Not much is said other than the agreement that any major decisions about what to do can wait until morning when you’ve all had enough time to think about what to do. Personally, once you dry yourself off you fall on your bed and into a deep sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, your brain far too tired to carry a coherent thought.

Which might not have been for the best seeing as you’re now sitting with Asher and Marie in the living quarters and need to decide what to do about what happened the night before.
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“I’m open to suggestions here,” The inquisitor says after giving a clinic recap of the stake-out to refresh your and Marie’s memories.

“We still haven’t gone to that Clan thingy, right?”

“We haven’t but once we got there the next step is going to the Metal Castle, or Utopia, or whatever. Probably not a wise idea to keep the ‘king’ waiting too much longer and I don’t want to backtrack,” The inquisitor says, you find yourself thankful for the inclusion of air quotes in his speech.

“You’re saying if we want to do anything else in Ivern we should do them before we depart,” You don’t exactly ask more so you state.

The inquisitor nods regardless, “Or after if it’s not important to our mission.”

“After? How long we will be staying here?” You do ask this time.

“As long as we want, we’re completing in days what was planned to take us weeks. Personally, I’m planning on sightseeing when this is all over.”

“There’s not much to see all the way out at the frontier is there?”

He shrugs, “There are a few temperate rainforests around and the loch itself makes for good enough sights.”

“So you’re an outdoors person?” Marie asks.

“I guess, I used to be an envi- uh, I mean- yeah I am,” The inquisitor swallows. He is very bad at lying, but about what?

“I wonder what bookstores are like around here, hey Lorina do they have manga in this world?”

“Mang-what?” You ask. She’s said the word before but all you can infer is it’s a type of reading material.

Marie begins to rant and rave about some type of black-and-white picture book but after a good couple of minutes, the inquisitor reigns her back in. She looks happier after getting to talk about what she enjoys, practically bouncing in her seat. Something you would never do, of course.

In the end, you decide to

>Go investigate the Highland Clan

>Stay in Ivern for a little while [To do what?]

>Kick down the door of the Stranger already

>>Go investigate the Highland Clan
Do this and then off Dystopia to kick that murderous Stranger's ass.
Clearly killed the folks he kidnapped and converted them. That poor mum who lost her twins is going to just break if it turns out they're dead.
>Stay in Ivern for a little while [To do what?]
>Inform the Marquess and Inquisition that the kidnapper and the island are related, and to keep an eye on it in case of suspicious activity.
Don’t want them to be caught unprepared if the island attacks.
>Go investigate the Highland Clan
>>Kick down the door of the Stranger already
This, then go to the clans
>>Inform the Marquess and Inquisition that the kidnapper and the island are related, and to keep an eye on it in case of suspicious activity.

>Go investigate the Highland Clan
>Inform the Marquess and Inquisition that the kidnapper and the island are related, and to keep an eye on it in case of suspicious activity.
>Go investigate the Highland Clan
>Go investigate the Highland Clan

No dallying, then. And maybe inform the captain of the guard of what's going down, just in case.
3 to head straight to the Clan

5 to go to the Marquess first.
Oh, and 1 to speedrun. writing
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“Tell me again the exact identity of this kidnapper, I am not quite sure I understand,” The Marquess says as he places his teacup back onto his plate. You’ve managed to secure an audience with the Marquess on short notice, no one would dare defy Royalty, but his wife seems to be away on other business.

“From the information provided by the Inquisition itself,” More like what Asher just told you earlier, “The kidnapper was a construct made by the Stranger for reasons currently unknown.”

“Ah, like a golem?”

You nod. From all the complicated and scientific-sounding words that Marie and Asher supplied you with to explain what a “robot” is you have a feeling it is very unlike that of a magical golem. But it seems similar enough that you don’t need to make a fool out of yourself explaining the specifics of the man you felled. “Very much so.”

“Then you have my deep thanks, Your Highness, for removing such a villain from our shores. But I fear I must ask, with the knowledge my lands have come under attack from a foreign entity, are there any other actions we should be taking at the present moment?”

“It is the Inquisitions belief that this matter is far from over due to the Stranger’s continued existence. You should be positioning scouts to monitor the loch and vet new arrivals into the city as well as preparing some levies in case of a future attack,” From what the other two have said about “sci-fi shit” you’re not certain how much good a levy will do against another “robot” but it’s better than nothing.

“Of course, though it would not be prudent to transition to martial law, would it? Such a state is horrible for trade, especially when we’re so reliant on the summer months for so.”

“As I am acting on behalf of the Inquisition and not the Crown at present all I can currently give is advice. This situation may prove more perilous in the future, or it may not, the true threat of the Stranger has yet to be assessed but it does look to be rather high. However, your vassalage contract should stipulate the current rights and privileges you have at your disposal should this matter devolve into crisis.”

“So it is at my discretion.”

“We,” You leave where that is the Inquisition or Crown vague, “Would never hope to imply otherwise.”

“My thanks, Your Highness, now with this new information I believe there is much to be done?” A polite ask of dismissal.

“Quite, we shall be departing the City momentarily.”
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The nobleman hands his tea plate off to a maid as a few come to collect the ones from your party. Marie quickly stuffs a few more pastries into her mouth before handing hers over and the Inquisitor never looks to have even touched his own. As you all stand Catherine enters the sunroom you were discussing in, “You Highness, the carriage is prepared for you,” She then looks between you and her father, “Might I have the honor of accompanying you for the ride?”

You look to the inquisitor, who shrugs, “I see no reason why you should not,” You say.

“Of course, Catherine. Never let an opportunity slip by you,” Is her father's words.

Not much is said, other than directions, before the four of you enter into the luxurious stagecoach. As the driver closes the door Catherine gives you an excited look, “I must say this is rather exhilarating! Never would I think to share company with the Inquisition, much less at the same time as you Lorina!”

“People rarely think they’re going to be spending time with an inquisitor before it happens,” Is Asher’s attempt at humor. It actually causes Cathy to make a “thinking” face before nodding in agreement.

“I do suppose that makes sense, though Lorina you simply must tell me all about it!”

“I suppose I can?” A nod from the inquisitor, “Yes, I can.”

Catherine listens with rapt attention as you talk a bit about the fights you’ve recently had. As naturally the weaponplay of adventurers, bandits, and Strangers, is the most important part of your journey so far. You also pay careful attention to not give away anything that might compromise your mission to become a full-fledged inquisitor. That includes any secrets you now may be privy to, it’s almost like you’re back in high society politics after your Academic blunder and subsequent exile from high-class life. You may be back regardless one day but it is best to lie low in times of trouble.

In turn, Catherine talks about her garden, the money she’s currently making, a few more investments she’s made, and the local gossip between her servants. Marie takes a special interest in the gossip and remarks that it reminds her of her time in school. You idly wonder what Earth schools are like, probably some barbaric affair where the Student Council isn’t all-powerful in Academic life.

After a rather bumpy ride, you arrive at a now bustling dock. With an added confused crowd looking at the ruins of a part of a dock and the wrecks of a few nearby boats. A local construction or shipping guild’s crew should be here sometime today or the next to fix that. Strangely, the damage doesn’t seem to be the only thing drawing a crowd here as a few people point toward the horizon and chatter. The day is currently rather cloudy but in a clear section past a few large hills and mountains and in the direction of the loch’s left side you see quite a lot of smoke rising towards the Heavens.
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You bid Catherine and her ride adieu before following the inquisitor towards his contact, after telling them of the occurrence as is only right. You find two others discussing the old man you saw fishing by the strange boat the other day, at your approach they all turn to regard the three of you with a mixed expression. The old sailor seems rather relaxed, a younger blond man with looks to Inquisitor Asher snidly before you catch his eye and he changes to look respectful, and the last- wait a moment you know that man! You met him on the train just a few days ago! Sir Bartholomew Abram, how you could forget a name that obnoxiously long?

“Inquisitor Batholomew, Inquisitor Silas, what brings you here?” Inquisitor Asher asks.

Inquisitor Silas huffs before again remembering you’re here, “Inquisitor Asher, are you to tell me that you haven’t already figured out? I’d think that someone as ‘excetional’ as you should already know, am I wrong?”

“That’s enough Silas,” Bartholomew remarks, “See the fire over yonder, Asher. Started about an hour ago and we got a few scribes on top of the Abbey to confirm it was the Clan. We’re supposed to be your back up but we didn’t know where you are so we went to ask Simon here but he hasn’t seen hide nor tail of you yet.”

Said sailor just shrugs in response.

“To think you’ve been supplied a high-value asset and have yet to make use of it, inquisitor. This mission should have been assigned to someone more competent” Inquisitor Silas comments.

“Was actually the princess’ choice on what we’ve been doing for the past few days,” Asher responds to a reaction you’ve seen a few times before in noble society. He doesn’t seem to want to take back his rebuke but also doesn’t want to be seen as shaming a Royal leading to quite a few stammers.

“Regardless, Asher, we should still depart soon.”

“On that, I agree Abram, but you’ll be coming?”

“That’s up to you.”

You decide to pipe in

>In support of bringing alone back up

>In support of not bringing the two tag-a-longs

>Actually, you want to ask something [What?]

>In support of bringing alone back up
Silas will be facechecking the fog of war.
>In support of bringing alone back up
>"Inquisitor Silus, I believe Inquisitor Asher has done an excellent job in showing us what is required of an agent of the Inquisition, as well as keeping us safe during our investigations. I appreciate your concern and will inform his superiors should doubts arise, but as of now I have no complaints regarding his competence and willingness to do his duty."

Sorry for doing write-ins so often, but this quest just has been scratching an itch I didn't know I wanted scratched.
>>In support of bringing alone back up
No need to apologize, I love getting write-ins and discussion more than anything. It makes me want to write more than anything else.

>Minor spelling mistake on choices I didn't catch.
It's over.
I thought it was over when you accidentally called Lorina Lorinda de Linda last thread?
>You idly wonder what Earth schools are like, probably some barbaric affair where the Student Council isn’t all-powerful in Academic life

>In support of bringing along back up
Feels like we need all the help we can get for this one.
Plus I wanna ask Silas what he has against Asher, and see what other Inquisitors are like.
>In support of not bringing the two tag-a-longs
Oh yeah, we forgot to name the mace we got...

I've been getting a sort of Gaelic feel with the names of the ruling family, House Hyland and the Marchioness Fionn (technically Fiona is the feminine version), so maybe Nessa, for Rough, since we used it to beat the robot into submission? Or perhaps Cara, for Friend, since it was given to us by Asher?

Orlaith is Golden Princess, which would fit Alice better...
I don't know which Gaelic you want to use. Since there's Scottish, Irish, and "old" for the flavors. But maybe something about persistence? Seeing as we had to really whack the metal man for him to stop moving and Asher's whole shtick is nothing but persistence kek and he's the one who gave it to us. A nice little hidden joke.
Was going for Irish Gaelic. I think a close one for "strength" or "exalted one" in Irish Gaelic would be Brighid or Brigitte, also Bedelia, shortened form Biddy. There's also Aila, "from the strong place" in Scottish Gaelic, which also means "Holy, Blessed" in Finnish.
>Lorina names her mace Bedelia, knowing it means "Exalted One" to the Highland Clans
>Marie and Asher try and fail not to bust a gut laughing as they try to explain a certain series of children's books to Lorina
Supporting that face-check write in.
If he doesn't behave, we might even use said face to punch doors open
>In support of bringing alone back up

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