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You are a weirdo, an absolute strange one. After a lightning strike against some magic clay, you were born. You have no name, no goals, and an entire world of poorly illustrated weirdos who each likely have their own schizophrenic wants and needs!

Our story begins on the road where you finally have your ego slip into your new form. No deity claims you, and you don’t know what to do with your hands. In the distance, you see a quaint village bustling with activity. Its inhabitants are just as bizarrely drawn as you, moving in peculiar, jerky motions as if they're part of a child's flip book animation.

Nearby, a crooked sign swings slightly in the wind. It reads 'Welcome to Twisty Hollow.' Just past the sign, a group of creatures, looking like a mix of turnip and human, argue loudly about the best way to grow magical carrots.

As you stand there, trying to make sense of this odd world, a small, scribbly cat with two heads, one smiling and one frowning, approaches you. The smiling head purrs and says cheerfully, 'Hello there! New to these parts? You look like you could use a purpose! The folks around here always need help with something. Maybe helping them will help you find your own path!' The frowning head adds grumpily, 'Or just create more confusion. They're a weird bunch, after all.'

Your hands still feel weird and awkward, but you decide it's time to interact with this strange world. The cat continues, 'If you're looking for something to do, I know a few troubled souls who could use a hand:

>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
>Assist the local baker, a floating loaf of bread, who seems to be missing some crucial baking ingredients.
>Investigate the mysterious singing coming from the old well on the edge of the village.
>Simply explore the village and see what other odd jobs you might stumble upon.
What will you do?
>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
"Have you tried burying them leafside down? They're magic carrots, they might not grow like regular carrots."
We will find ourselves a purpose or we will die trying.
"You approach the turnip-humans, their round, root-like bodies bobbing in frustration as they continue their loud debate. As you draw closer, one of them turns to you, his leafy top rustling with irritation.

'Ah, a newcomer! Maybe you've got fresh ideas. What do you think, eh?' he asks, gesturing toward the poorly tilled soil, dotted with small, sad sprouts of magical carrots.

Taking a moment to observe their problem, you suggest, 'Have you tried burying them leafside down? They're magic carrots, they might not grow like regular carrots.'

The turnip-humans pause, exchanging confused glances. Finally, one of them, a particularly bulbous fellow with pinkish hues, chuckles. 'Leafside down, you say? Now, that's something we haven't tried yet! Might as well—nothing else seems to work!'

With a mixture of skepticism and hope, they begin uprooting the tiny carrots. 'Would you help us replant them your way?' asks the pink turnip-human. 'If this works, it could change everything for us!'
After several hours of meticulous work in the company of the turnip-humans, the field now bizarrely resembles a coral reef, with carrot roots waving in the breeze. As the sun dips behind the rolling hills, casting elongated shadows over Twisty Hollow, you and the turnip-humans decide to wait and see what comes of this unconventional planting.

With the day transitioning into a cool evening, your curiosity about the village and its eccentric inhabitants grows. Now might be a good time to explore further or address another peculiar situation:
>Visit the bakery, the local baker a floating loaf of bread with a cheery disposition is low on some of his ingredients
>Investigate the singing well, Somrthing in the well at the edge of town has been letting out a song filled with sadness
>Stir up some trouble at the local tavern, Taverns are a great place to make friends and meet locals and this one sure seems fun
>Peruse the evening market—The market is a hub of activity where villagers trade goods and gossip
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Forgot pic
>Visit the bakery, the local baker a floating loaf of bread with a cheery disposition is low on some of his ingredients
>Visit the bakery, the local baker a floating loaf of bread with a cheery disposition is low on some of his ingredients
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Stepping into the Twisty Hollow Bakery, you're immediately enveloped by the comforting aroma of freshly baked goods. The shop, filled with levitating pastries and enchanted pies, is a sight to behold. At the center of this culinary wonder floats the baker himself, a jolly loaf of bread with a surprisingly expressive face.

"Welcome, welcome!" the baker greets you, his voice warm but his eyes darting around to ensure privacy. Lowering his tone, he leans in slightly, the air around him tinged with seriousness. "I'm in a bit of a bind, my friend. Some very special ingredients of mine have disappeared—ingredients that are... let's say, not exactly on the list of approved baking supplies in Twisty Hollow."

He pauses, his doughy brow furrowing with worry before his usual cheerful demeanor snaps back. "But the delights they can create! Oh, you've never tasted such wonders!" he exclaims, his voice bubbling with excitement before quickly dropping to a whisper again. "We must be discreet, though. It’s imperative this matter stays hushed, understood?"

The baker surveys the room one last time, ensuring the confidentiality of your conversation, then continues with a hopeful look. "Would you help me recover them? It would be our little secret, and I assure you, the rewards will be deliciously worth it."

You consider your options in this mix of secrecy and sweetness:
>Agree to help the baker
>Ask for more information in hushed tones (Requires Roll, can be seduction/intimidation/divination etc. just specify and MC will begin learning that skill)
>Recommend safer alternatives (write in)
>Decline and leave the bakery
>Ask for more information in hushed tones (Requires Roll, can be seduction/intimidation/divination etc. just specify and MC will begin learning that skill)
Gotta specify a skill anon, just as long as it can be used to get the info, I know theres no skills given but at this point you are a fresh baby manthing, any and all skills you shall name yourself
>Ask for more information in hushed tones (Requires Roll, can be seduction/intimidation/divination etc. just specify and MC will begin learning that skill)
Divination, obv
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Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

You look deep within your minds eye and try to divine what he speaks of....
(+5 for first roll of quest and thread!!)
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The ingredients he speaks of, they can be none other than...
"Ill make you a list kid, I have regular baking ingredients, dont work that noodle too hard...
The baker's eyes flicker with a mix of amusement and concern as he sizes you up, perhaps reconsidering how much to disclose. After a brief pause, he nods, deciding to trust your intentions, albeit questioning your grasp of the situation.

"Well," he begins, his voice barely a murmur, "these ingredients aren't what you'd typically find in a market. They’re... let's just say they have certain effects that make the confections truly magical, enchanting even. They come from various, often shady, sources."

He quickly scribbles a list on a piece of parchment and hands it to you, his expression serious. The list reads: Stardust Pepper, Moonlight Vanilla, and Shadow Essence. "These are not your everyday sugar and spice," he quips with a wry smile, seemingly assuming you might not fully comprehend their nature or origin.

"You might think these sound like fairy tales, but I assure you, they're quite real and quite potent. They must be handled with care—and discretion. I need them back desperately," he continues, his gaze intense.

Noticing your puzzled expression as you glance at the list, the baker chuckles softly, mistaking your intrigue for confusion. "No worries, my friend. I know these might seem a bit... over your head. Just find them for me, and all will be well. I'll guide you on how to handle them properly."

You have gained 1 Divination die btw also for future Divination rolls
>Start your search for the illicit ingredients
>Seek help from another village expert
>Consider backing out discreetly
>Play along but plan cautiously
Updates will begin bright and early and will carry through much of the day, may update tonight on a different IP but Ill have a pic to post as evidence idk how to trip yet teehee
>Seek help from another village expert
>Seek help from another village expert
We need guidance!
>Seek help from another village expert
We need to figure things out
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As you consider your need for expert help, you turn back to the floating loaf of bread, the baker, who seems to understand the world far better than you do right now.

"I realize I may need some guidance to find these ingredients," you confess to the baker. "Do you know anyone in the village who might be familiar with them?"

The baker's crusty exterior seems to soften a bit as he contemplates your request. "Ah, yes, of course! For the Stardust Pepper, you might want to consult the Alchemist. She’s quite adept with celestial concoctions and might know where to find it. The Herbalist, a wise old gnome who lives by the eastern woods, is your best bet for finding Moonlight Vanilla. As for the Shadow Essence, well, that's trickier. The Shadowbinder, cloaked in mystery as always, would know about that—but be cautious around him."

Seeing your determination but also your unpreparedness, the baker floats to a small cupboard and pulls out a curious item—a Wooden Spoon of Stirring. It looks ordinary but feels warm and slightly vibrating in your hand. "Take this," he says with a wink. "It’s not just for baking. This spoon can stir more than just ingredients in a bowl. It might come in handy if you find yourself in a... sticky situation."

Armed with this new "magical" item and the knowledge of whom to seek out, you feel a bit more confident about your next steps.

"Now, off you go!" the baker cheers, "And remember, discretion is the key!"
With the baker’s advice in mind and the Wooden Spoon of Stirring in hand, you stand ready to seek out the experts who can help you find the missing ingredients. Which path will you take first?
>Visit the Alchemist
>Consult the Herbalist
>Approach the Shadowbinder
>Gather more information from around the village first
She's into astrology
Please pick one, not sure what you mean by gossip
>Consult the Herbalist
So is the baker a cannibal or did he become bread?
Wanna ask him?
>>Visit the Alchemist
Maybe it's a cutie and we can stir her up good with our magical spoon?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Let fate decide
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As you approach the edge of Twisty Hollow, you find yourself in a sparse, dirt lot. The landscape here is stark, marked by the occasional dry bush and patches of cracked earth. In the midst of this desolation sits what seems at first to be just another mound of compost and fallen leaves.

However, as you draw nearer, two bright, glowing eyes appear within a dark hollow in the mound, bringing the seemingly inert pile to life. This is Moldleaf, not a gnome in any traditional sense, but an embodiment of the forest’s cycle of decay and growth. His body is an amalgam of composting organic material—leaves, wood, and earth—all coming together to form a sentient, if not slightly eerie, presence.

"Mmm, a visitor?" The voice that emanates from him is deep and resonant, sounding as if it’s coming from deep within the earth itself. The eyes blink slowly, casting a gentle, phosphorescent light that illuminates his immediate surroundings.

You explain your quest for the elusive Moonlight Vanilla, and Moldleaf's eyes brighten with interest. He shifts slightly, causing a rustle among the leaves that make up his form. Reaching deep within himself, he produces a small device. With a gentle touch, he activates it, and a hologram of the Moonlight Vanilla appears, floating in the air between you, its petals glowing softly in the holographic moonlight.

"This beauty," Moldleaf murmurs, "is what you seek. The Moonlit Glade is her home. A quiet place, seldom disturbed by footfalls. You will find her there, under the moon's gentle watch."

As the image flickers in the twilight, Moldleaf offers advice on how to approach the glade and what to watch for, his tone suggesting a deep respect for the natural sanctity of the place.
>Prepare for the journey at nightfall
>Explore the surrounding area
>Learn more from Moldleaf and the way of the Herb
>Learn more from Moldleaf and the way of the Herb
>>Learn more from Moldleaf and the way of the Herb
A million apologies updates will continue in the morning, life calls
>Learn more from Moldleaf and the way of the Herb
How dare you not providing us a burnout amount of free entertainment?
Take your time, there are priorities in life. One or two updates per day are plenty enough, especially with art like you're doing.
I'm dropping this quest because QM supports cannibalism of human creatures
You dont have to eat the food people, I guess its an option though
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As dusk settles over Twisty Hollow, you decide to spend more time with Moldleaf, eager to uncover the secrets of Herbomancy under his guidance. The compost heap that forms his body rustles softly as he shifts to make himself more comfortable in the dirt lot, his glowing eyes brightening with enthusiasm at your decision.

"Ah, a keen interest in the green arts, is it?" Moldleaf murmurs, his voice echoing like the whisper of wind through leaves. "Well, you've chosen a fine path. The power of plants is not just in their beauty and utility, but in their ancient magic."

He extends what could be considered an arm, and with a gentle touch, a sprout near your feet begins to wiggle and grow. Within moments, it sprouts into a small, flowering plant, blooming with vibrant blue petals. "Herbomancy is about understanding the language of plants—listening and responding to them."

Moldleaf teaches you the basics of this green magic. You learn how to sense the life force within plants, how to encourage them to grow, and even how to ask them to move or bend according to your will. Each lesson is punctuated by practical demonstrations, making the learning process both fascinating and vividly tangible.

"As you see, plants can be more than food and shelter; they can be allies, protectors, and healers," Moldleaf explains as he shows you a vine that can tighten on command, potentially useful for building or even defense.

Throughout the evening, your connection to the natural world deepens. Moldleaf shares tales of Herbomancers of old, their achievements, and how they respected and preserved the balance of nature.
>+1 Herbomancy die
>Gained Basic Plant Communication, Initially, this will allow you to understand the basic needs and health of plants. Over time, you could develop this skill to hear plants' responses, gaining insights from them or learning secrets they've absorbed from their surroundings.
>Gained Basic Growth Influence, you can persuade plants to grow in specific ways, be it for cover, food etc.
>Gained a damp musk and a literal green thumb.
Moldleaf assures you that while these initial skills might seem modest, they lay the groundwork for more advanced practices. "With patience and practice, you'll find that plants can do much more than just grow—they can protect, heal, and even assist in magical endeavors. But remember, respect for nature is always paramount in Herbomancy."
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As the first light of dawn creeps over the horizon, you awaken to find the dirt lot strangely quiet. The vibrant energy of the evening before, filled with the rustling whispers of plants and Moldleaf’s soft, leafy murmurs, has settled into a serene stillness. You sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and realize that Moldleaf, the compost-like mound of leaves and earth, is no longer beside you. The only trace of him is a small cluster of mushrooms in the shape of a smiling face, left where he had been sitting.

Puzzled but not alarmed—Moldleaf had mentioned something about the nocturnal nature of some plants and their caretakers—you pack up your belongings and prepare for the day ahead. The knowledge of Herbomancy you gained last night feels like a seed planted in your mind, ready to grow.

As you stand in the quiet of the early morning, considering your next steps, several options come to mind:
>Search for moldleaf
>Head to the Moonlit Glade
>Return to the village
>Practice Herbomancy
>Write in
Verification not required B)
>Return to the village
>Use Herbomancy to aid the development of those carrots
>Return to the village
>Use Herbomancy to aid the development of those carrots
Ask 'em if they like our new planting strategy
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As you make your way back to the village, the morning sun casts long shadows on the path, and you feel a new connection to the plants rustling softly in the gentle breeze. Armed with your newfound Herbomancy skills, you're eager to see if you can make a difference in the growth of the magical carrots you helped replant with the turnipmen.

Upon reaching the village, you head straight for the field where the carrots were planted upside down—a quirky attempt that now seems unwise as you notice the condition of the crop. The turnipmen are gathered around the field, their expressions a mix of frustration and despair. The leaves of the carrots that should be flourishing are instead wilted and drooping, the plants clearly struggling to survive.

"What did you do?!" one of the turnipmen exclaims as he spots you approaching. "Look at them! They're dying! All dying!" His voice is thick with accusation, and the others murmur in agreement, their leafy heads shaking in dismay.

You quickly survey the scene, realizing the gravity of the situation. Despite the unusual planting advice, it’s clear that something else might be affecting the plants’ health. You step forward, ready to put your Herbomancy skills to the test.
>Use Herbomancy to diagnose the problem
>Attempt to rejuvenate the carrots
>Analyze the surrounding environment
>Consult with the turnipmen
>Search for moldleaf
>Use Herbomancy to aid the development of those carrots
Alas, could I perchance get your vote here instead anon?
>>Use Herbomancy to diagnose the problem
>Use Herbomancy to diagnose the problem

Thank you for the reminder. Let's adjust the scene to reflect your character's inexperience with Herbomancy and the turnipmen's existing distrust:

Kneeling beside the withered carrots, you tentatively place your hands on the damp soil, feeling the pulse of the earth beneath your fingertips. As you try to tap into the plants' life force, you realize just how unfamiliar and overwhelming this new skill is. Images and sensations flood your mind, but they're chaotic and difficult to decipher.

Struggling to make sense of the jumble of sensations, you concentrate harder, trying to push past the confusion. Gradually, a faint understanding begins to form—a sense of the plants' distress, a whisper of their struggle against unseen forces.

"The... the carrots..." you stammer, struggling to put your fragmented insights into words. "There's something... wrong. They're... they're suffering, but I... I don't know why..."

The turnipmen exchange skeptical glances, their distrust of your abilities evident in their expressions. "Useless," the green one mutters under its breath, turning away in frustration.

Feeling disheartened by your inability to provide a clear answer, you look around the field, searching for any clues that might shed light on the situation. The soil seems healthy enough, and there are no obvious signs of pests or disease. But something—something unseen and insidious—is clearly affecting the carrots, and you're at a loss as to how to address it.
>Attempt to purify the soil (requires 3 d20 rolls 2 must pass)
>Educate the turnipmen on Herbomancy
>Continue to observe and learn
>Write in
Couldnt get into it today, currently dealing with a divorce, ignore me forgetting to remove ai text because I couldnt be bothered today, lmk if this thing fucked up anything i failed to mention to it
>Write in
Use divination to identify the unseen blight
I agree with this.

>attempt to use divination to diagnose the problem
We aren't a druid, we have a diverse skillset and the willingness to use it.
Rolled 2, 11, 2 = 15 (3d20)

First 2 are for how clear of a vision, 3rd is what is causing it
OP here, plans have changed unfortunately, I may get around to updating later but no promises, quest is not flaked on I promise just busy
You got this OP.
Hello everyone, I'm not dead. However because I am a superstitious man and due to recent events in my life I will be getting my assets and such premade and I will begin qming again at a later date. I do appreciate the attention this was given in the short time it was up and please expect me another day, however im not tryna get cursed atm, I was recently arrested, and I almost killed my father over the weekend :), the arrest and this are 2 seperate events and I wont go into it further, but another day my friends!!!!
i hope everything will be ok QM
It wont :,)
become fugitive to tell strangers of turnip carrot farms
Jesus OP. TY for the heads up and best of luck with everything.

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