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Previous thread here:

All threads:

In the last thread we convinced Tim to not report our extrajudicial killings, and enthusiastically participated in Pahan-Hys' maturation ceremony. After undergoing uncertified 'medical' procedures, we are now healthy again, if slightly stranger from the experience.
Ship: Heavy cruiser LDS Vanilla Skyline, Courageous-class
Captain: Commander Sylvia Thorton (yourself)
Crew: mostly undisciplined, enthusiastic
Engine: 95% efficiency (damaged nacelles, undergoing partial repairs, ETA 2 days)
Railgun Turret A-1: 92% efficiency (broken shell elevator, undergoing partial repairs, ETA 1 day)
All other systems operating at 100% efficiency. (undergoing partial maintenance, ETA 2 days)
Current Position: Hys base ‘Granite-Vigil’, Citar Quadrant outskirts

Ship: Patrol destroyer LDS Chocolate Rain, Jaguar-class
Captain: Lieutenant Commander Maxine Hopkins (Directorate Navy)
Heavily damaged in Stiefenholm battle, currently under repairs (ETA 56 days)
Current position: O'Kukui Fort (on lease to Directorate Navy, 11 months left)

Financial Report
Fabfeed/Scraps: 158 units
Balance: 236,600 Directorate credits
Recent transactions:
Laying-low funds for Salzar's parents: -1,400 credits
Silas' modernisation plans for the Vanilla skyline: -272,000 credits (12,000 credits over budget)
Bounty collected, 2 Ter-clan military light cruisers: 20,000 credits

Genetically pure: +5 bonus to charisma
Former freelance journalist: +2 bonus to charisma, bonus to Political Economy
Hys ‘hospitality’: -1 bonus to physical, basic command of Mir language

Personal abilities
Format: current status, growth rate (bonus to rolls)
Logistics: Basic, capable (+0)
Human Resources: Average, capable (+3)
Political Economy: Basic, gifted (+0)
Combat Tactics: Greenhorn, average (+2)
Current tasks
Directorate Navy Bounty on all Qyngur vessels (50% for civilian, 80% for militarised auxiliary):
>1,000 for all sub-frigates
>2,000 for frigates
>5,000 for destroyers
>10,000 for light cruisers
>20,000 for heavy cruisers
>100,000 for capital ships (triple for clan flagships) (don't even think about it)
>Sabotage intersystem communications infrastructure (Easy, 50 scraps. You will do this automatically as you move through the sector.)
>Scout the military build up around Melasthemae. (Easy, 50 scraps. May be useful for base bounty later.)
>Destroy a convoy carrying military goods. (Medium, 75 scraps + 25 scraps for each destroyed freighter.)

War Report
Current Liteian Navy readiness status: red
Domestic news:
Battle over the skies of Stiefenholm! Two cruisers disabled, four damaged so far on our side.
>'Major' Saret incursion repulsed at Nge-tae, reports Shanghaian military attache.
>Limited conscription rejected by New Canton Diet, “No more of our young men shall die for Lighton ambitions.”
>Additional aid package from Saudite prince earmarked for prompt delivery.
International news:
>Mounting tensions between Shanghaian and Tsinhdaonese following recent unrest in Hiep-hoa, Central Government issues official warning.
>'Calming hungry spirits': New vigil-temples to be constructed in orbit of Precious Fragrance.
>25 years after Mercurial Alexandria, European Council greenlights repatriation of last remaining Japanese POWs in historic settlement.
Tim vexedly glares at you, water dripping down his moustache, “I told you. Read the report first, then drink. Thankfully it was only water.” He wipes down his face with a handkerchief while you write out Sorry in big bold letters on your tablet.

You glance at his tablet again in disbelief. What has gotten into the Third Fleet's staff, choosing this very moment to stoke the fires of war? The new ships have just arrived, no way their crew and officers have been properly trained and integrated into the larger command structure yet. Not to mention the unfavourable public climate. Your suspicions that the Kanton Orbital scandal was a setup must be true, seeing how unruly their Diet is getting.

Tim leans in to show you the palm of his hand: XO standing down for now, but keep guns ready until yr return. He claps his hands to shake loose the chalk before writing something else: If order come, will have to abort sortie. You nod, your teeth unconsciously grinding in frustration. Your commission contract normally gives you near-absolute freedom of discretion, but as Jean-Pierre's ‘friend’ has shown, national security is one hell of an excuse.

If only you have stuck to Silas' timeline, you would be far behind enemy lines by now. Then, High Command would deem your ship more useful where it currently is and allow you to go on as usual. Hell, they might even increase your bounty as extra incentive to tie down Ter reinforcements. It might not be too late yet...
What's that thing on yr neck? You may have panicked for a second there, thankfully Tim didn't seem to catch it. A souvenir from Yamir, translator for Shanghaian. You demonstrate the device to him, plucking your throat as softly as possible. “Xin cao?” Robotic, coarse, like chanting prayers. Not Shanghaian, not really.

“Just what I expect from something so small. What hole did he dig it out of? Self-contained translators died out centuries ago, especially for common languages like Common English and Popular Saigonnese.” How many tongues does your second officer speak? “Don't give me that look. Languages in that family are close enough to one another. Surprising, seeing how their speakers want nothing more than to rip one another's guts out.”

Before Tim can ask you to speak normally, you are already astride the doorway, beckoning him to follow. You deliberately fall back, allowing Yamir's soldiers to take the lead. Tim briefly sizes up the looming guard behind him before giving up any further thoughts of fighting. Pahan-Hysin is waiting for you in front of the airlock.

He excitedly shows off his new set of razor-sharp claws, “Sivi-Totonret, greetings and great gratitude. Yamir permission gives. As apprentice under you serve." He presses his body low, "Keeper, me command agree?” That last sentence is a ringing match to Kosyt's chants during the ceremony. There certainly is much ceremonial significance to your decision here.
>"Brave warrior, rise. Flesh-under-shell you protect shall." Lock your thumbnail with his claws. (Tim will have questions after this)
>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.
>Whisper to Tim, “If he doesn't fit in a cryopod, make it so.” (angers Yamir if he finds out.)
>"Brave warrior, where worm is? To me bring. Air-under-shell you protect shall." Lock your thumbnail with his claw. (Pahan's tramp corvette will join your company)
>>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.
Welcome back QM
Almost forgot but for this quest the rules are as follows:
>Writeins are encouraged, even if it doesn't win I might work it into the final decision.
>Votes should be in greentext and linked to my post, otherwise I might miss it. Also I appreciate including your reasoning for choosing your option, just a sentence or two will do.
>When changing your votes, link both your original post and my own to help me keep track of things
I will post updates every other day around 11pm JST (I got tired of tracking time and dates, should be 10am EST), if I don't post it at that time for whatever reason I will get the post in around 11am the next day instead.
>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.

Glad you haven't gotten cursed this time
>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.
Thank you for the support, but if last thread is any indication I think the curse is just slacking off by the roadside somewhere. But don't worry, I always wear a hardhat and kevlar vest whenever I go out now in anticipation.
>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.
>Act normal
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Seizing on a particularly violent jolt on the shuttle ride back, you swiftly lock your thumbnail with Pahan's massive claws. The young warrior slightly bends his thorax in recognition. Tim has given up trying to keep balance on his two feet and is now squatting in a corner. “I would have taken our own shuttle instead, but Silas already loaded it full of breaching charges, I mean, mining equipment." Switching to Shanghaian, he raises a fist at the imaginary camera. “At least put in a few chairs or something, you hear me?”

The whole flimsy vessel shudders one last time as it lands in Sculpting Bay 06. “Hey, where ya goin buddy?” Pahan slowly skitters backwards, making sure to place himself between you and the overvolted rivet-gun emplacement. “Easy, easy, Frank. He's coming with us.” Taking advantage of your momentary lapse of concentration, Tsu and a couple orderlies ambushed the party with a sterilising shower. Still wheezing from the talc powder, your eyes are nearly blinded by a flash from his instruments, “What do you mean they're...”

Only slightly fazed by your dagger stare, he continues the battery of tests, “he's coming with us? Can we even fulfill his needs? All the differences in biology...” Suddenly, the handheld bio-assessor angrily barks at your chest, “Warning! Xenocontamination critical! Xenocontamination critical!” After nonchalantly turning a few knobs and dials to make it shut up, Tsu raises an eyebrow at you, “May I?” Well, there goes any hope of hiding your condition.

It takes several attempts before your shaking finger manages to undo the top buttons. Thankfully, everyone else is purposely looking away out of decency. Your heart flinches and skips a beat at a touch from Tsu's calloused finger, “Does it hurt?” No, not really. “No matter, I cannot let you roam the ship in this state, not with those vitals. I'm ordering a blood test, nose swab, urine test, nanolayer scan, and DNA analysis right this instant.”

Before he can drag you off to medbay, the overzealous doctor was derailed by an insistent cough.“Dr. Tsu, why don't you go check up on the others for now? Let her rest.” Silas emerges from behind a corner. Your lips part, but his name chokes and dies even before reaching the leaden tongue. Damn it, why must all this happen?

“Stunned by my mug, eh? Don't worry, happens to every girl I meet.” You smile painfully at his terrible joke. Barely outside the corner of your eyes, the orderlies are pinning down Pahan for Tsu's checks. “If you don't want to tell me what happened, no use asking. Head back to your room for now and take a shower or something.” You sniff your cuffs out of instinct. Oh God, why didn't you notice it before?
Silas is signing off a report as you come in. “Make sure everything is ready. We'll leave at 0600 sharp tomorrow.” The engi raises his hand in salute but Silas waves him off, “No need. Just go.”

Silas spins around in his chair, gesturing at the deserted operation centre, “If you're looking for someone, the bridge is that way. Except for Moynihan, I give his section today off. Better luck popping into the mess that case.” You move a chair opposite him. “No escaping, huh?” You nod with a thin smile.

“I don't know what happened with you in that awful place. And as I said, I won't ask. So how about some shop talk instead?” He dims the room's light to give the array of Ter ships on the massive monitor centre stage. The Molosses garrison, as Yamir informed you: 2 Snapdragon heavy cruisers, 2 Marlin light cruisers, rounded out by 3 destroyer squadrons made up of Sparrows, Herons, and outdated Albatrosses. Your potential allies appear as blue silhouettes, staring down the red force.

"I assume you have no interest fighting in this new Kaskandir clusterfuck." You nod enthusiastically. “In that case, we have to make it past Molosses, and fast. All the captains I pinged earlier have agreed, but we still have one last chance of altering the formation.” You can bring as many as you want, but it's better to carefully consider their abilities and handicaps. While contemplating, your hands reach out to try the digital dice simulation, tossing the 1d100 up and down three times.
>Ienaga Takehara, commanding the missile-converted light cruisers Yushi and Shishi (guaranteed pass)
“Reliable as ever, as long as you don't put them up against too many destroyers. Not much else to say really.”
>Pyotr Kholodovski, commanding the artillery armed merchant cruiser Lathe of Heaven (guaranteed pass)
“Slow as a brick, sadly can't take anywhere the same amount of punishment. His first officer is quite lucky, I've heard.”
>Ma 'Dame' Liu, commanding the patrol destroyers Razoredge and Scarface (guaranteed pass)
“After the smuggling incident, should put as many stars between that damn cunt and ourselves as possible.”
>Okwonko, commanding the carrier-converted armed merchant cruiser Invincible (DC 60+10 for late call)
“I still don't know what could compel a man to stuff so many torpedo and momentum bombers inside that tinfoil hangar, but his life not ours.”
>Thomas Loetchai Thanaret, commanding the escort light cruiser Ayutthaya (DC 70+5 for late call)
"Be careful, this newcomer's reputation precedes him. There's still a live bounty on his head from the Caodaiists for what he did during the Tayminh Emergency.
>Jean-Pierre de Tassigny, commanding the destroyer-leader light cruiser Armitage (for some reason, guaranteed pass)
“If that snake is still with him, couldn't be up to any good. Even so, under his command that ship could easily take on a destroyer squadron by itself.”
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>Bring all
Rolled 81 (1d100)

I'm kinda seeing a pattern developing here, each thread would start with us ignoring Silas' warning and end with us promising not to do that anymore. We still haven't told him about what happened last time we visited the Hys station yet.
Also a large fleet congregating in front of a vital defensive point is bound to trigger Ter reaction.
Is he getting second thoughts about his promise?
On the one hand, Silas definitely appreciates how helpful you have been over the past few months. On the other hand, if you keep on ignoring his advice and put yourself as well as the ship in danger I might have to change the title to Void Raider's Clerk Quest.
It is definitely a seniority thing as well, Silas just doesn't like a landlubber messing with his well-oiled machine.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

>Ienaga Takehara, commanding the missile-converted light cruisers Yushi and Shishi (guaranteed pass)
>Okwonko, commanding the carrier-converted armed merchant cruiser Invincible (DC 60+10 for late call)
>Jean-Pierre de Tassigny, commanding the destroyer-leader light cruiser Armitage (for some reason, guaranteed pass)
Feeling a bit under the weather today, I won't be able to post an update.
Sorry for tying things but taking everyone is dumb

Since we have a tie the vote will continue to run until my next update.
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It's like a buffet at a luxury hotel restaurant. So many options, picking out the perfect combination of dishes is near-impossible. For a country bumpkin who doesn't even know dining and fine can go together, at least. You scrawl on a connected scratchboard, giant words dominating all over the little red and blue dots. “What would you recommend?”

“Lost your voice or something?” Coyly you nod. Silas near jumps out from his seat, “That fucking in-sect! I will stomp him.” You frantically hold him down with pleading eyes. “Fine, fine. But go see Tsu after this, ok? Good, now where were we? Ah yes, fleet tactics."

Silas falls deep in thought, perhaps retracing his palm's lifeline back to bright hallways and well-aired lecture halls. “To be honest with you, I'm no expert either. Only the best cadets get chosen for Staff College...” Silas didn't say it, but Jean-Pierre already told you so long ago, when you were still a wide-eyed girl fresh off dirt for the first time. Something about almost flunking the final exam and getting tucked away in a forgotten outpost for it. God, why did you sound so old, like Mrs Plauf giggling at gossip?

“Don't worry. I still remember the fundamentals. For example,” he wipes off your chicken scratches and picks two blue icons out of the pack. “A fleet is only as fast as its slowest member. So if we include either Khodovskii or Onko, we will have to cover their lumbering ass the whole fiery mile. Or be willing to use them as bait. Wouldn't feel too bad if it's Konwo to be honest.” You would correct Silas' horrible memory of non-Western names, but who knows, maybe he deserves it.

“Another one. Lanky's law.” This time Ienaga is subbed in for Kholodovski, “No such thing as overkill when it comes to missiles and drones. A PD net can only intercept so many threats at once, anything above that number might as well be a free hit."

Silas pulls closer to the present, passing through blood-drenched days, "Same is true for gunships, but not as dramatic. The more barrels pointing at a target, the less room for manoeuvring it has, until there is no choice but to accept a hit. Sadly this limit increases exponentially with effective range. You do know how to calculate effective range, right?" Yes, it's elementary space combat.

Conceptually, the probability of hitting a ship as simple as dividing 1 by all the different ways a given line segment (the slug) starting from the same end-point (your ship) can terminate in a sphere (potential positions of the target in the near-future). Effective range is when your chances are better than a mere 5%, heaven for gamblers. The actual calculation is significantly more complex, of course, but thankfully, your gunnery officers will handle all the other nasty variables like light-lag, inertia, turret precision, presented cross-sections, et cetera, et cetera.
Pleased with his student's performance in the pop quiz, your first officer continues, “Next lesson, intelligence is king. I know some who would kill to get their hands on what this bug gives out so freely.” With a wave of the hand, all the red dots are scattered across a map of Molosses, “From their battle order, my guess is that they would be organised into three groups.”

The two largest dots remain together, near the edge of the star's gravity well. “Snapdragons have decent acceleration, still it's common sense to cover as many potential entry spots as possible right off the bat. Most likely, all the obsolete and lighter destroyers will make up their escort.”

Ahead and behind the heavy cruisers, two other clusters blink impatiently, “Each of the Marlin will lead its own destroyer squadrons. No mixing, Herons are slower than Sparrows. Do you know which should be placed in front?” You draw a malformed heron in the front, along with the caption, “More torpedoes. Need time to reload.” Silas nods, “Good. You're getting the hang of it.”

A few dots remain unpinned to the board, “This is the HK squadron meant to block our retreat. It would take a few hours at least for them to reinforce the Molosses garrison, however, so only a threat if we lose.”

"And now for the final lesson, choose the fleet for the goal you want to achieve. No sense banging in nails with wrenches. What is your objective?"
>Get in, get out. No point stretching out the climb when greener grass is just over the peak. (favours faster ships)
>Mission-kill the Snapdragons. You need to make sure nothing's on your tail first before you can hunt. (torpedoes are most efficient)
>Wipe out everything. Any ship still moving is another ship you have to destroy later. (larger is better)
>Knock out the fortress Siratone. A total victory will certainly make the Ter think twice about joining Kaskandir. (largest force possible)

>Finalise your fleet (continue vote from earlier)
>>Wipe out everything. Any ship still moving is another ship you have to destroy later. (larger is better)
>Mission-kill the Snapdragons. You need to make sure nothing's on your tail first before you can hunt. (torpedoes are most efficient)

>Ienaga Takehara, commanding the missile-converted light cruisers Yushi and Shishi (guaranteed pass)
>Okwonko, commanding the carrier-converted armed merchant cruiser Invincible (DC 60+10 for late call)
>Jean-Pierre de Tassigny, commanding the destroyer-leader light cruiser Armitage (for some reason, guaranteed pass)
>de Tassigny


>Mission-kill the CAs

>Destroy them all
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It's that dream again. You cast a furtive glance behind your back. The hooded figures have kept their pace, precisely thirty feet behind, not an inch off. Around a corner, you lean on a wall for a short rest. The rumble of steps perishes in a sudden halt, leaving your panting marooned, stranded in the soundscape. Without even consciously thinking, you clamber in and out of hatches, feeling your way forward through cobweb-infested maintenance tunnels.

What are you even trying to accomplish? This is the part where you recognise you can't escape. You speed up, they speed up. You turn, they turn. You reverse towards them, they back away. You cower in a locker, they respectfully wait just beyond your grated vision. Like restless humans, they march until their prey drops dead from exhaustion. But you're no common prey. In this world, there's no thirst, no hunger, no tiredness. Only boredom, lightly peppered with dread.

What was your personal endurance record, anyway? Not this time, that's for sure. As usual, the lead cultist slides back just a little when confronted by your gaze. “What's the matter with you?” Chernov answers, the hood of his robe just barely covering the still-smoldering temple. “What's the matter with you? I thought you are not my enemy. Why are you running away from us? From the void that embraces all?” He bares a grin, teeth charred brown by radiation.

Close your eyes. You are on Venus. The air presses heavily on your skin, despite the climate adjusters running on full blast. Sulfuric rain thumps against the roof, sending just the faintest hint of rotten egg up your nostrils. The environment is hostile, but it is alive in its own way. Indeed, the very atmosphere oppresses, pulls you down, anchors you in life. This is as far away from the void as it gets.

Another jeer from the mutineers, Dick this time. “Touching dirt again, ain't ya? Not gonna work, yer a spacer now. Ya can hunker deep underground, and still hear her call. The Mistress awaits.” The rest murmurs after his lead, “The Mistress awaits.” If only you have some malicitite on you right now, you will show these fools who the real mistress is. Unfortunately, you don't. Instead, sensing a rare moment of distraction in your pursuers, you break into a mad dash.

Tough luck, they are not as negligent as you have hoped. Your hands grope around in the darkness for a while before finding purchase. Smooth, like a gemstone. Oh God, no. Your shoulder blade itches. Rainbow light shines from behind you, revealing a wall of skulls, their eyes studded with black diamonds.

Something is stirring under the skin of your back. You fall on all fours, groaning from the splitting pain. Air flows down your throat in ragged bursts. Up out of it comes inhuman crows, as the wings tear lose of its fleshy prison. The cultists kneel wordlessly, light filtered through your figure dancing on their hoods.
Your hands slide up and down the sweat-slick surface of your back. Nope, nothing weird is growing. You nuzzle and squeeze your shoulder blades a couple more times, just to be sure. Everything's fine Sylvie. Calm down. Think. Remember. What happened yesterday? Below your bed, manouvring thrusters rumble softly.

Yes, you can see him now, Silas glumly examining the four ships you had chosen to pit against the Snapdragons. They are the only threats you can't simply outshoot or outrun, and for that they must be taken out. “Well, as long as the big-mouthed braggart gets to die first, I'm okay with this. Though I might miss him later. Alright then, I'll have Moynihan bounce the invitations through our home office tomorrow, before we leave. Can't have Fleet suspect we're not planning on returning.”

He looked at you sternly, “Go see Tsu, will you? Need to make sure those bugs didn't put any nasty shit in you.” Well, we're already well past that, aren't we? You smile imagining how ridiculous you must have looked snaking your way back to you room while making sure at least three ways separate you from the medbay clairvoyant.

Now sufficiently calmed down, you sit down at your desk and start filling out empty spots in your schedule. There's enough space to fit in three or four tasks, but it's probably better to do just one or two well.
>Help Pahan-Hysin settle into life on a human ship. Teach him, and yourself, some English while you're at it.
>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
>Start writing a proper journal. If you die, you don't want to stonewall your successor like your father did to you.
>Chat with Tim when he's off duty. He doesn't seem to have forgiven you for your actions yet, but you're making progress.
>Talk with Goldsmith. The regularity and intensity of these dreams all point in one uncomfortable direction, the psychic-retardant lining.
>Help Pahan-Hysin settle into life on a human ship. Teach him, and yourself, some English while you're at it.
>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
>Talk with Goldsmith. The regularity and intensity of these dreams all point in one uncomfortable direction, the psychic-retardant lining.
>>Help Pahan-Hysin settle into life on a human ship. Teach him, and yourself, some English while you're at it.
>>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
Try to recover and relax
>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
>Start writing a proper journal. If you die, you don't want to stonewall your successor like your father did to you.
Reminder to everyone to link to my post as well as the post you're supporting, helps me keep track of the votes.
>Help Pahan-Hysin settle into life on a human ship. Teach him, and yourself, some English while you're at it.
>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
>Talk with Goldsmith. The regularity and intensity of these dreams all point in one uncomfortable direction, the psychic-retardant lining.

>>Help Pahan-Hysin settle into life on a human ship. Teach him, and yourself, some English while you're at it.
>>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
>Try to recover and relax

>Check in with Dr. Tsu, let him scan you like a lab rat. If anything like your case has happened before, a Kaskandir native will surely know.
>Start writing a proper journal. If you die, you don't want to stonewall your successor like your father did to you.
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“Extrasensory-keep-out armor... Oh, the anti-psychic lining? Yea, some of it got ripped out during the 'roid fight, never got ta replacing it." Goldsmith awkwardly scratches the back of his head, “figured we ain't gonna need the thing anyway. As long as it's not that, who cares?” At Goldsmith's emphatic that, one of his subordinates sneaks a nervous peek your way, but quickly loses heart when you return the favour.

“Referent of ‘there'? Speak straight. Long tails are dead for centuries.” Every engi within earshot, probably half the department by now, hastily draws cross-in-circles with their thumbs. Interesting, so they do know all the different names for Lamians. Goldsmith follows suit, “Shush, don't go around screaming their name like that. What if she's hearing?”

These scaredy spacers and their superstitions... You single out the lazy-eyed deckhand, “Impolite-you, Impolite-you. Copulate with its mother." First, the hell is wrong with the shipboard Shanghaian-to-English translator? Second, who coded the Shanghaian equivalent of Mir curses into your choker? "I saw comrade winking this direction earlier. Add anything, no? Comments on the long tails, possible?” Another round of cross-in-circles.

The soon-to-be janitor's body may be frozen stiff, but his mouth is still very much capable of movement. Excessive movement, even. “Mamama'amm, no no c-comments. Thank queue for as-s-s-sking.” Normally, you would press the issue, but too much's on your mind already. “Go rest then.” Released from your Gorgon gaze, his flash-thawed legs hastily beat retreat.

“So I assume ya going to Tzu after this?” You give the breeziest of nods. “Permission to tag along then. Don't know enough about psych shit to judge how well, or uh badly, everything's going.” You beckon him to follow with half-smiling eyes.

Goldsmith's stumpy legs could barely keep up with your arrogant stride. His grasping pants gnaw at your heartstrings, no, if you slow down you will never work up the courage to see Tsu again. You pass by Tim on the way, who curiously observes your determined march in utter silence.
While encased in the nanolayer scanner, your ears can barely make out a rise in Tsu's tone when answering Goldsmith's questions. “Understood, will tomorrow, let see, 1500 do?” Goldsmith, evidently discomforted by the dirt he's tracking into the sterile room, quickly assents and excuses himself.

The stretcher you're lying on starts moving at a blistering rate of a few inches per second. You see Tsu's frowning lips first, then the drooping curves of his chin, finally the disappointment in his eyes. “What the hell were you up to in that chicken coop?” He sticks a piece of paper full of incomprehensible numbers and graphs into your face, “Do you know what this means?” You stick your face, equally full of innocence, into his, “No. Please enlighten.”

“Sick to the bone, Commander Thornton, literally. Nothing's for sure, but I'm willing to bet my license that something has been infused into your bone marrow. Most of your vitals are dangerously off. Low core temperature, arrhythmic heart rate, abnormal urine composition, erratic brain waves. You should be deliriously bed-ridden right now.” It's impressive how many synonyms for ‘bad’ Tsu knows. Certainly makes for better conversations than Goldsmith.

He pauses for dramatic effect. “If your DNA still resembles a baseline human, that is. Most of the cells in your body have already been permanently altered, no, outright replaced by something quite different. Now, I'm not an expert in bug, eh, Qyngur physiology, but...” You silence him with a hush. “Listened quite enough, doctor. The cure is what?”

Eyes sealed shut, Tsu considers the question for a moment before shaking his head, “Stem cell therapy might work... No, NO! I can't allow that. Most likely, your new body will violently reject the transplant in a self-destructive cytokine storm. It's effectively suicide.” He strokes his thin beard, “I'm just a general practitioner, Commander. A gene specialist might know more, but equally they might not. Your case is the first, as far as I know.”

"I will put you under observation for now. Come see me twice a week. Before I put all this into record, do you have any other questions?" Wait, irreparable DNA damage might as well be an euphemism for biomutant. You can't have that on your record!
Add trait ‘Accelerated Regeneration’ - can take three physical wounds before incapacitation instead of two
>Orders Tsu to burn the results and never talk about this again. Purity is as purity says.
>Convince him to delay any substantial changes to your medical records until he has more information.
>Obey his orders. You trust his call, he's the expert here. (lose trait Genetic Purity - +5 charisma)
>Take your risks with stem cell therapy. The medbay should be well-equipped enough to keep you from dying. (flips a 1d2 coin if you choose this)
>>Convince him to delay any substantial changes to your medical records until he has more information.
We are half bug now cool cool. When do we grow a second pair of breasts?
>Orders Tsu to burn the results and never talk about this again. Purity is as purity says.
>Convince him to delay any substantial changes to your medical records until he has more information.
As long as it's not dangerous
>Convince him to delay any substantial changes to your medical records until he has more information.
>Orders Tsu to burn the results and never talk about this again. Purity is as purity says.
Sorry everyone just arrived home from an urgent meeting. Probably will just go to bed early, too exhausted to even think.
Hopefully the curse will spare me from seeing that day.
Whatever helps us sleep at night

“Don't look so down, Commander. I wouldn't call the cells in your skin sample hu-, umh, hominid, but what they are, is extremely resilient. Their regenerative capabilities are near-miraculous, even.” He turns towards his computer, “Nonetheless, procedure is procedure. You know better than I the costs of rampant gene-editing, especially when done to people.”

Delicate as Tsu was in glissading over the subject, the spectre of old, hearing the sower's summon, grew heavy over the room, its bough sunken floor-deep, its branches laden with stinging fruits. You could almost reach out and crush one of them in your hand, feel the juice mingle with your blood before it stained through the picture-perfect shirt to wet the scar below. From this mixture distilled, red brilliant, unfading, an ink that never quite dried on the Titanean Covenant Governing the Use of Psycho-, Bio-, and Geno-Technology.

No, you shake your head. This time, past ghosts must play Cassandra to the living present. “Write down nothing yet. As you said, no what is certain. You want to ruin an innocent young sister because of a guess? Guess with basis, correct, still, just a guess.” Staring blankly ahead, Tsu sits motionless, saves for a twitching index finger.

Eventually, he sighs longingly at the whitewashed roof as the light drives back the rotten tree, “I know you would ask that. Trust me, I'm a sucker for slow-motion trainwrecks myself. Yet, this time, why do I feel like the train is heading straight for me?" The corners of your lips don't quite reach your eyes as the choker murmurs a soft ‘Thank you.’

“Before you leave, Commander, just one last question. How is Silas' investigation going? He haven't been in touch with me.” Heart skipping only one beat, you careless toss the answer behind like a crumbled piece of paper, "Oh, can't tell you too much. The murderer still is not caught, remember? But... Request from Goldsmith might be related.”

Turning right from the nanolayer room, you head for the recovery room you were placed in earlier after putting down Chernov's little rebellion. As expected, the room has been turned into a temporary holding cell for Pahan-Hysin. A badly bruised orderly snaps to attention to your approach, though his eyes betray doubts as to the wisdom of your decision. “The subject has been sedated, Ma'am. It, uh, he is ready for interrogation.”
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The room was as stark white as you remember, sans the bed. The faux-window normally playing pastoral scenes on loop has been turned off. In the middle, surprisingly not restrained, Pahan's torso presses against the floor, slowly rising and falling in lock step with his breath. You make sure to close the door and flip the switch on the privacy field first before removing the collar.

“Pahan-Hysin, fighting ready? To you, what they did?” Slowly, mournfully, like a cow chewing on his last moo, Pahan croons, “Sleep-potion me poisoned. Also, not protecting you, great shame!” Gently squatting down beside his massive frame, your hand deftly slips in between the exoskeleton's gaps to stroke the silky membrane of his abdomen. From numerous breathing-holes air is periodically sucked in and shot out, creating a sensation not too different from a spiky massage ball.

Gradually, your hand moves forward and upward, climbing the slick and thick prothorax. As you reach a particular spot just behind his head, Pahan hums in a low voice, apparently enraptured. “Sivi-totonret, something dimly hears. As softshell hears not. This the you-once-mentioned ‘behind look’?” To memory he must be referring. “Here, more easy show.”

Instinctively, just in time, your other hand snuffs out the coalescing moan. “Totonret, warm-feeling not? Humble prostration.” You let go of your mouth, “No, no, to prostrate no need. Warm-feeling me surprises.” Yes, surprised, but also nostalgic. What you felt first waking up to Mother's embrace, the strands of her hanging cradle brushing against your soft skin. Here, far from the Rock, surrounded on all sides by vengeful-hands, you can only share these memories with your brother.

No, no, wake up. What are you thinking? You are human, you have always been human. Yet, this feeling, these behind-looks, are they not part of you too? Is She not your Mother? Has She not loved you from the moment you refuse to kowtow like a pathetic outsider?
>Stand up. Leave. Immediately. You need fresh air, time to think. But the decision has already been made: never bring this up again.
>Forbid Pahan-Hysin from ever touching the back of your neck again. This simply isn't right. Did your mother not give you her breast?
>Maybe just one more time. Let Her image crystallise, something you can treasure always. You owe the Queen that much at least.
>Write-in (no, I won't write it, my internet history is weird enough as is.)
>>Stand up. Leave. Immediately. You need fresh air, time to think. But the decision has already been made: never bring this up again.
>Forbid Pahan-Hysin from ever touching the back of your neck again. This simply isn't right. Did your mother not give you her breast?
>Forbid Pahan-Hysin from ever touching the back of your neck again. This simply isn't right. Did your mother not give you her breast?

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