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/qst/ - Quests

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Magical girls are believed to spread light and fight evil but they're actually racist, bigoted and corrupt! And you're going to prove it to the world! You've evidence of
>Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant
>Usagi Tsukino driving around beating up homeless people
>Madoka Kaname accepting bribes from Boeing
>Nanoha Takamachi shooting heroin and drunk driving
>Ichigo Momomiya at Diddy's parties
>Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant
>>Madoka Kaname accepting bribes from Boeing
>Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant
>Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant
>Sakura is the most based one
"Fucking ******* coming to our country and taking our jobs!" You've video evidence of Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant. This will prove magical girls actually racist, bigoted and corrupt! But every whistleblower who tried to expose Big Mahou before you was killed. The magical girl industrial complex is a racket and they won't hesitate to kill to protect their bottom line! You
>are ready to give your life for the cause
>want to live and see a world free from magical girl tyranny
>are ready to give your life for the cause

Strap me to a rocket and launch me at their headquarters, by the shinto ancestors I am ready
>want to live and see a world free from magical girl tyranny
>join them, obviously :^
>are ready to give your life for the cause
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197 KB JPG
You're ready to give your life for the cause. "Japan must be freed from Mahouist influence!" Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tried to curb the power of the magical girl industrial complex and he was assassinated for that. You'll finish the job "By the shinto ancestors I am ready!" You upload the video evidence on
>X (Formerly Twitter)
under the username Xanoxa Heroimachi, you want to get her in trouble too
>Xanoxa Heroimachi
Only one of these isn't a crime
Nanoha Takamachi's street nickname
Might be if you're in the UK or Germany.
QM got got by Big Mahou
They blamed Shinzo Abe's assassination on a random neet but you know the truth! There was a whole crack platoon of magical girls on the grassy knoll that day! But the truth can't be shared because Big Mahou controls YouTube and Twitter, and censor all anti-Mahou posts! "There's only website free from Mahouist corruption - FarmersOnly.com!" You upload Sakura Kinomoto's racist anti-immigrant rant on FarmersOnly.com exposing magical girls as the racist, corrupt, bigots they are!
>Roll 20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Wait FarmersOnly.com is actually a Mahouist honeypot?!" You gasp in shock as the magical girls track your IP and teleport behind you. "Always has been desu" - the last words you hear before you're shot dead.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

c'mon bro
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Knew we should've joined them instead.
Tfr, QM.

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