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Dear diary,

Today was not that good of a day. It all started with my mom and her botched breakfast. Or her drink of choice, to be precise, as the dates and the wheat pancakes were fine... it was the milk again. She always stores it 'for later use', without telling, and I had to spend my whole day at school with a tummy ache. How can you mess up milk, mom? Again!?!? ... Anyway, I got so mad at her I started calling her Lupa because she doesn't like it (hehehe take that mom :p). She says that was her maiden name before dad kidnapped her to introduce new blood to our settlement... not sure what that was all about but whatever...

Soooo, now school!

The history class went terrible! The teacher wanted everyone attending to give a brief summary of their family history and Etruria, this pompous bitch >:( !!!, started to berate me how I didn't have culture of my own and I stole a dress idea from her last week! While it was my turn to speak! Well sorry that I don't have rich parents like yours to fund my degenerate lifestyle and nightly drunken escapades, I can't afford to throw up my food yet (willingly at least... MOM!!!). I am so mad at her enabler too... Samnitia-chat or whatever, she is the new kid on the block but just because she is a sun-beaten tomboy with a fetish for horses she gets to play cool with the popular kids and I don't :(

Initially the P.E. class started great when I noticed that Grecia-kun was staring at my quads!!! It feels so good that my gymnasium gains are finally getting recognition... and from him at that! He is so cute, I want to get married to him asap!!! but then Samnitia-chat started flaunting her riding skills and he didn't look at me for the rest of the session :/ Maybe I need to get some tan too. Grrrrrrrr ... I try to get mad at him but I just can't... he is so cute, sigh... oh, Grecia-kun, one day you will be mine - I swear by Jupiter Capitoline! hihihihihi >:)

Anyway, that's pretty much it my dear diary, catch you on the flip-flop, muah-muah

680 BC, with love and many pilum, you trusted Rome-chan

PS. I'm so exited for the Saturnalia <3

>go spy on Etruria-chan for new dress ideas, you need to be stunning in front of Grecia-kun on the Saturnalian dances

>make sure that you study properly for your classes, you are disciplined after all... and you have a test tomorrow

>sunbathe after school, you can't afford horse riding lessons like Samnitia-chan but at least you can have her tan
>>make sure that you study properly for your classes, you are disciplined after all... and you have a test tomorrow
>make sure that you study properly for your classes, you are disciplined after all... and you have a test tomorrow
>make sure that you study properly for your classes, you are disciplined after all... and you have a test tomorrow
When you said you did comedy quests, I didn't think you meant this.

>go spy on Etruria-chan for new dress ideas, you need to be stunning in front of Grecia-kun on the Saturnalian dances
I need that Gaul pussy
I need that fucking Gaul pussy dude holy fuck
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>>6001372 | >>6001385 | >>6001405 | >>6001433

Dear diary,

My throwing arm totally aced the ballistics test as my spear devastated Celtica-chan from 30 feet, Etruria was so jealous! However the rest of the girls started bullying Celtica-chan for being the loser, saying that her red head is too pompous for the tastes of the neighborhood. Also she wasn't invited to the Latin party we had last month, I feel kind of bad for her... but I am sure that Grecia-kun saw me!~~

On other note, mom's cooking is getting better lately. During dinner she told me that some boys from school flipped the skirts of the Vestal virgins during the monthly sacrifice?! Can you believe the globulus on these plebeians???? Anyway, the Saturnalian dances are approaching, I am wondering who is going to invite me ... (Grecia-kun you better step up>:)

610 BC, signed with my throwing hand, your trusted Rome-chan, muah-muah

PS. Just found out how the men bathe, ugh

>warmup to the isolated Celtica-chan, you need an ally against Etruria-bitchi

>investigate the Vestal virgin skirt flipping situation

>give Grecia-kun signs that you want him to invite you

lol what did you expect
>>warmup to the isolated Celtica-chan, you need an ally against Etruria-bitchi
>investigate the Vestal virgin skirt flipping situation

There's an order to things!

I dunno.
>warmup to the isolated Celtica-chan, you need an ally against Etruria-bitchi
>warmup to the isolated Celtica-chan, you need an ally against Etruria-bitchi
>warmup to the isolated Celtica-chan, you need an ally against Etruria-bitchi
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>>6002257 | >>6002262 | >>6002455 | >>6002469 | >>6002473

Dear diary,

Terrible news, I think Grecia-kun is the type of boy that likes other boys.... he didn't invite me to the Saturnalia and now I am the only girl left without a partner. A cool partner that is. I got an invitation by some grease ball named Sardinio and I shot him down with you aren't even from our neighborhood, you have to row across the lake just to attend school, also you are still following the old matriarchal ways... get on with the times gramps . Mom doesn't let me date non-Latins, I don't know what all this spells out for me and Grecia-kun's future... I am heartbroken ;(

The good part is that I became friends with Celtica-chan. Again, no one picked her as a partner in sparring class and I volunteered benevolently (I'm such an angel! praises, my diary, I need praises!!!) and we had a good tumble on the grass. Showing her my superior ways in combat even brought her to tears of admiration (can you believe that!?!). I think our friendship has a very bright future! (she smells nice too, a pleasant surprise to be honest)

My mom told me that someone forced himself on one of the Vestal virgins and they had to bury her alive in front of the temple!? Could I have done something to prevent this? It is lingering on my conscience for the past few days... I'm scared, I don't know if I want to date again (。•́︿•̀。)

540 BC, the summer heat is killing me, so signing with many sweaty huggs - your trusted Rome-chan

PS. Even Celtica-chan got invited to Saturnalia by a cool tanned guy that likes to ride around on elephants... what is life??

>go to the Saturnalia with Sardinio

>go to the Saturnalia alone

>make Celtica-chan drop her partner and come to Saturnalia with you, you want to break taboos

>don't go to Saturnalia and ponder 'what is life'. Rome-chan starts becoming a philosopher?
>don't go to Saturnalia and ponder 'what is life'. Rome-chan starts becoming a philosopher?
Rome-chan will become very popular with the boys on Reddit in 2500 years. We’re playing the long game.
This is probably the most embarrassing quest on /qst/ at current, well done QM
>don't go to Saturnalia and ponder 'what is life'. Rome-chan starts becoming a philosopher?
I embrace cringe
>go to the Saturnalia alone

The start of darkness. One day, everyone will want to be us!
>>don't go to Saturnalia and ponder 'what is life'. Rome-chan starts becoming a philosopher?
Long game boy
>go to the Saturnalia alone
We're so cool, Grecia-kun is going to totally get jealous and come apologize for not asking us out, and dance with us!
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>>6002596 | >>6002665 | >>6002715 | >>6002962 | >>6002965

Dear diary,

I spent the Saturnalia evening lying on the tile rooftops of my villa, watching over the crowds of cheerful people running around the neighborhood... everyone was so predictable in their garment of choice... the boys were again the ancestral spirits of Hector and Aeneas, the girls - Helen or Andromache. How much more basic can you get?! Even the pompous doofus Sardinio came banging on my door looking for me while his trojan toga was all over the place...ugh, good job letting him in the house, mom!

In school I heard that Grecia-kun went to Saturnalia with some exchange student chick Macedonia, his second cousin!! Ah, Grecia-kun can this thing between us even be possible... Also Etruria made fun of me for not coming and we had a fight, Celtica-chan had my back against her minions. Let's say patches of hair and bloody noses were the trophies of the day heheheh xd ;;)

But it doesn't matter, I didn't let any of this to disturb my peace, nowadays everything seems to be so fleeting and superfluous, I get to realize that I don't have control over external situations but everything that happens within me is my responsibility... or maybe I am depressed, I might have to go to the temple and do one of those tests.

509 BC, signed with victorious yet possibly depressed heart, your trusted Rome-chan

PS. The other day mom got divorced with dad (the rex of the household!?! mom what are you doing, we will become like Sardinio's relatives!?) saying that she feels senatorial and now I need to be more populusque in my behavior, whatever that means, and we fought the whole day... thanks for the additional responsibilities, MOM, as if I don't have enough problems ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨

>go to the temple and do one of 'those' tests, you have to check if you really are depressed

>go to Grecia-kun's villa and ask him to help you becoming more populusque like him, covertly sabotaging his relationship with Macedonia

>visit Sardinio and let him explain his matriarchal ways, lets get a different kind of populusque

>you hear Grecia-kun's uncle is sleeping in a barrel and likes throwing stones at people, which naturally makes him philosophical, let's do that!
>go to Grecia-kun's villa and ask him to help you becoming more populusque like him, covertly sabotaging his relationship with Macedonia
>>go to Grecia-kun's villa and ask him to help you becoming more populusque like him, covertly sabotaging his relationship with Macedonia
Lets do the roman way of getting to a mans heart. Through the back
>you hear Grecia-kun's uncle is sleeping in a barrel and likes throwing stones at people, which naturally makes him philosophical, let's do that!
>go to Grecia-kun's villa and ask him to help you becoming more populusque like him, covertly sabotaging his relationship with Macedonia
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>>6003471 | >>6003475 | >>6003477 | >>6003556

Dear diary,

I have good and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first? I know your tastes, here's the good news first - Macedon-chan went back to her school !!! More Grecia-kun for me, right? Wrong... the bad news is that Macedon-chan became Macedon-san, if not Macedon-sama by now. Everything east from our school district has fallen under her rule and she is currently riding around on elephants in the Deep Orient ;( Macedon and I are the same age and now she has the world, what do I have... I wish I was her. When I asked Grecia-kun why didn't she go after our school and everything west from here he said that his second cousin didn't think we were wealthy or culturally significant enough!!

... can you believe the ωοθήκες on this σκύλα •`_´•

I forgot that there are other bad news - Grecia-kun seems totally enamored by her and during my whole stay in his house he barely looked at me. He was either praising Macedon-whatever's achievements or was explaining how I should be more populusque, like her.... so the covert sabotage mission failed. Ugh, I want to be mad at him but he has such a classical look.... Anyway, I came up with 12 bronze tablets so now mom is proud of me becoming more populus friendly, which is the only really good thing in this entry.

336 BC, signed with hand that threats rich and poor (almost) the same, your trusted Rome-chan

PS1. Celtica-chan's boyfriend, the one that plays around with elephants, has been giving me the stink eye lately (what's up with all these elephant riders?)

PS2. Etruria has called some distant relative of Celtica-chan as muscle against me, Umbrio, the noose is tightening (/ω\) kowaiii

PS3. Some wannabe-Macedon-san, Epyrus, is said to be looking around for new housing blocks. Oh, and take a guess, he is an elephant rider too >:(

>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all

>tell Celtica-chan's swarthy greasy baby-sacrificing phoenician bf to back off with the staring

>throw a brick at Epyrus's plans
>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all


Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep.

We'll take your columns now, thank you very much.
>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all
>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all
>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all
>>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all
>take care of the Etruria problem once and for all
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>>6003736 | >>6003742 | >>6003770 | >>6003898 | >>6003946 | >>6004741

Dear diary,

I fear that I might be too powerful. My enemies are defeated left and right, I feel an ascendance happening in my soul... Etruria the slut is now crying in the embrace of her protégé Samnita-chan behind our school, after engaging in valiant catfight with me and Celtica-chan. She said that Umbrio turned out to be a paper tiger since he didn't show up to our showdown ( she really likes the army lingo ), I just call him a giant pussy. Epirus took a literal brick to the head so he won't be a problem anymore and the whole latin neighborhood now swears fealty and undying love towards me (witness me, diary, witnesssssss true greatness). It can't get better that this, right?

Well, the issue with Celtica-chan's boyfriend still stands but she resolutely is taking his side in the matter, I don't know for how long I can trust her. Also, we have 2 new twins in our school - Teutonia and Kimbria-chan, and live in the houses north of Celtica-chan. And oh Jupiter, are they pretty!!!! They have silver hairs just like a noble elder, skin - white as snow and eyes more blue than afternoon tuscan sky! Mom says that I have to marry a man to continue our lineage but by Mars, I am tempted to steal one of them for myself :3 Grecia-kun, you might have competition... Now mentioning Mars, I remember hearing Celtica-chan saying that she doesn't like them in our neighborhood, they have been giving her existential dread... Because they are different looking than you, Celtica-chan??? Talk about being prejudiced...

She also mentioned something about them being extremely violent and berserk-like whenever the hairstylist doesn't do their braids right, but but but they are so gorgeous! Something so pretty can't be evil, Celtica-chan is just jealous that her freckles aren't good enough next to their moisturized porcelain skin.

160 BC, signed with the hand that united the neighborhood

PS. I had a weird dream about the twins not arriving for like another 80 years or something, kinda weird that they are here now huh, well, hopefully the Norns that spun the fate of all cute girls won't sperg out... Anyways, kisses from your trusted Roma Victor, mwah mwah

>unite with Celtica-chan against the twins, you value the feelings of your freckled companion

>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her

>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all
>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her
But feign ignorance.
>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all
>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her
>>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all

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