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Rabbi Jabob Shmuley Boteach is a member of the Chosen People, which means he can do whatever he wants. And what he wants is to torture and murder goyim children in the secret tunnels under New York City. His tribe has been doing this for centuries - William of Norwich, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Simon of Trent are merely a few names that the goyim are aware of. The rabbi remembers his tribesman, Leo Frank, who had raped and murdered a 14-year-old white girl named Mary Phagan. The goyim lynched him for it so the tribe created the "Anti-Defamation League" with the sole purpose of defending the Chosen People from such prosecution. "Never again!" The tribe has made it illegal for the goyim to blame them in any way - dismissing all accusations as antisemitism. "No one can stop us for we are the Chosen People!" The rabbi's laughter echoes through the sewers but suddenly he hears his guards screaming death screams. A tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan man has broken into the secret tunnels! Who is mad enough to challenge the Chosen People? "No! It can't be!! You were killed in 1945!!!" The rabbi cowers in terror like a rat when recognizes the sacred symbol on the man's chest.

>> Your tribe tried, yid, but I lived!
>> And yet the white man marches on!
>> The night is the darkest before the dawn!
>> Write-in
"Like a rat when recognizes"

Nice English.
>>Your tribe tried, yid, but I lived!
>> And yet the white man marches on!

Jewish hands typed this
>As if the Order of Nature were something you could kill!
+1, based Qst premise with extra redpills on top
>>As if the Order of Nature were something you could kill!

Death to the bankers. Hail hydra.
+1, dangerously based
You misunderstand, Rabbi, I have come not as an enemy but to beg forgiveness for crimes and atrocities I have committed against countless innocents over my hypertrophied ego and boundless avarice. It is time to let go of my obsession, make amends and seek to build a saner future for all people in spirit of truth, love and brotherhood.
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"As if the Order of Nature were something you could kill!" You lift the cowering rabbi over your head and throw it to the floor. "Oy vey! Am Yisrael chai!" it squeaks like the rat it is in its foul Hebrew tongue. You stomp on its head, crushing the squealing yid under your boot like the rat it is. This is how all Jewish pedophiles should be treated. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Epstein, Jared Kushner should have all been lynched the first time they laid their filthy hands on a white maiden but instead they were protected for decades!

>> The noble northern spirit has been lulled into sleep by a century of Yiddish propaganda, but the white man will rise again!
>> There is no hope for America, its citizens too brainwashed by the Jewish pedophiles to be redeemed, but a new white nation will rise from its ashes like a phoenix!
>> Write-in
>>> The noble northern spirit has been lulled into sleep by a century of Yiddish propaganda, but the white man will rise again!

>Write in?
Take to the streets, and display the foul Hebrew body from the local government building (assuming we're in NYC). Those that we pass on our way to perform our duty are handed small pamphlets (shorthand copies of Mein Kampf, but only the 2nd half, detailing our Fuhrers vision.)
>Volume Two: The National Socialist Movement
>Chapter 1: Philosophy and Party
>Chapter 2: The State
>Chapter 3: Subjects and Citizens
>Chapter 4: Personality and the Conception of theVölkischState
>Chapter 5: Philosophy and Organization
>Chapter 6: The Struggle of the Early Period – the Significance of the Spoken Word
>Chapter 7: The Struggle with the Red Front
>Chapter 8: The Strong Man Is Mightiest Alone
>Chapter 9: Basic Ideas Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the Sturmabteilung
>Chapter 10: Federalism as a Mask
>Chapter 11: Propaganda and Organization
>Chapter 12: The Trade-Union Question
>Chapter 13: German Alliance Policy After the War
>Chapter 14: Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy
>Chapter 15: The Right of Emergency Defense

We call out to some Afrikans we pass, enlightening them on who owned the slave ships, and how they are used against themselves and the white/aryan race. We stand guard outside the government building, daring any of those pigdog police of this zionist occupied state to try and oppose us, or disturb our "modern art piece detailing the National Socialist struggle."
> There is no hope for America, its citizens too brainwashed by the Jewish pedophiles to be redeemed, but a new white nation will rise from its ashes like a phoenix!
>The Noble Northern Spirit has been lulled into sleep by a century of yiddish propaganda, but the White Man will rise again!
>The noble northern spirit has been lulled into sleep by a century of Yiddish propaganda, but the white man will rise again!

>There is no hope for America, its citizens too brainwashed by the Jewish pedophiles to be redeemed, but a new white nation will rise from its ashes like a phoenix!
The noble northern spirit has been lulled into sleep by a century of Yiddish propaganda, propaganda that spreads degeneracy and teaches white men to be ashamed of their heritage; propaganda that portrays white men as villains and the Jew as the eternal victim. Even when the Jew rapes and murders children, they avoid justice, and anyone who points out the crimes of the Jew is labeled anti-Semitic. It seems hopeless at times, the extent of Jewish corruption, rotting away at the cores of every nation, but you know the white man will rise again! There will be peace on earth and Total Kike Death! "Release the Golem!! Let it rip apart the goy!!" one of the few surviving rabbis squeaks as they unleash their foul creation against you. The Golem - a monster made of mud and filth, brought to life using the blood of innocent children, a testament to Jewish evil. But it's no match for your noble Aryan spirit!

>> Roll D88
Rolled 11 (1d88)

Rolled 39 (1d88)

Kalki truly blessed your roll, Der Fuhrer's spirit is with us!

Where did you find this golem image?
Rolled 51 (1d88)

Hail victory!
Hail to victory, for ever and ever!
Rolled 53 (1d88)

Forgot roll
"Kill the goy! Kill the goy!!!" the surviving rabbis cackle like vermin as their monster lumbers towards you. It's an ugly, monstrous thing, though the same can said about everything Jewish. It grabs you with its massive hands, aiming to squeeze the life out of you, as its Yiddish masters have tried to squeeze goodness and decency out of the world. But the Führer's spirit is with you! The noble Aryan spirit that can never be snuffed out by the Hebrews! "Hail to victory, for ever and ever!" You punch right through the Jewish Golem, drawing terrified screams out of its Yiddish masters. They try to escape and crawl to safety, but you hunt down each and every last rat.

>> This is justice for every child you raped and murdered, Kike!
>> This is justice for every lie you spoke, every white man you demoralized, every white maiden you spoiled!
>> This is justice for the noble Third Reich, the lies you wrote in history books!
>> Write-in
>> This is justice for every child you raped and murdered, Kike!
>> This is justice for every lie you spoke, every white man you demoralized, every white maiden you spoiled!
>> This is justice for the noble Third Reich, the lies you wrote in history books!
All three options, in order

Any Murdoch Murcoch inspirations here?
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>This is justice for every child you raped and murdered, Kike!
>This is for every live taken or ruined by your savage hoards!
It's spelled "hordes".
You can later pillage the "hoards" of the rabbis.
Mustabeen autocorrect. Meh.
Actually it's spelled "whores"
Go back to your basement, /pol/.
You are Jewish
"This is justice for every child you raped and murdered, Kike!" You recall the harrowing reports of the Jewish Child-Rape Assembly Line, where thousands of children were confirmed to have been raped by Yiddish pedophiles. Yet not a single child-raping Jew was arrested and most of them quietly fled to Israel after their crimes were discovered. "This is justice for every lie you spoke, every white man you demoralized, every white maiden you spoiled!!" You recall the century of propaganda designed to kill the noble Aryan spirit: propaganda films, books, and every other form of media. "This is justice for the noble Third Reich, the lies you wrote in history books!!!" The Jews made it illegal to mention the vile crimes they committed in the Weimar Republic and invented the disgusting lie of "six million". You would've laughed at how ridiculous that lie is, but they made it illegal to question that lie, making a joke of the legal system. You curb stomp a kike's head, behead another with your bare hands, and kill a third by ripping it in half. "Oy vey! It's anudda shoah!!" The rats run, beg, threaten, plead for mercy, and even offer you the shekels they stole from white men. But nothing can save them from justice today! After putting down the last rabbi like the vermin it was, you find the innocent children the chosen scum had kidnapped and planned to rape and murder.

>> You're safe now, child, the Jews are all dead!
>> No one shall ever hurt you again, not when I still draw breath!
>> Remember never to trust Yiddish lies ever again!
>> Write-in
Only inspiration here is the Jew's own behavior
>"You must embrace the Faustian Spirit & grow to be champions of your people, worthy of the pride of your ancestors, so that none may be harmed as you were ever again!"
>>You won't be made into matzos, young child. Not while the White race has me to protect it!
love these write ins.

also OP, I suggest we have this set in NYC or DC, gives us a lot of fun things to play with.
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"You won't be made into matzos, young child. Not while the White race has me to protect it!" You promise. "Thank you, Captain N." The children shed tears of joy knowing they're now safe from the child-raping rabbis. "You must embrace the Faustian Spirit & grow to be champions of your people, worthy of the pride of your ancestors, so that none may be harmed as you were ever again!" You speak to the children before leaving the Yiddish Catacombs. Today was a victory but this is just one battle in the great war against the Hebrews. "This time, the good guys will win!!" You vow to avenge the brothers you lost in 1945 and free the world from Jewish occupation.

>> [End of Captain N. in the Yiddish Catacombs]
>> [Captain N. will return in Captain N. and the Axis of Resistance]
Based, thanks for running brother, \o
It's a shame this quest was
so badly written. The content could've been good.
/pol/tards suck at writing
/pol/tards suck at everything
I look forward to it. Bro.
>It's a shame this quest was
so badly written. The content could've been good.
Agreed. Does anyone want to start over as QM?
I can do anti-jew, but not natsoc
Sounds fine. The concept of Yiddish Catacombs is so good that I'd play even if it's pro Jew.
Not like most jews know shit about ultra-orthodox catacombs anyway.

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