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This story is a modified version of the old Civ threads, rather than making mostly Macro decisions, the players will take control of the leader of their chosen race and set off an adventure to guide their civilization. Will you lead your people to global domination or will you be forgotten, leaving little mark on your world?

1. The first choice with 3 or more votes wins, with the first vote winning in the event of a tie
If the thread is slow or just starting, the winning choice is the one with the most votes at the end of the timer.
2. All choices always include a write in option, this includes a custom choice (write your own) and the ability to modify an existing choice by adding more detail. Players are strongly encouraged to add detail to their choices and to discuss with their fellow players. The story is more fun when everyone participates!
3. Rolls are only needed when requested after making a choice. Rolls will generally allow for 4 outcomes, from Critical Success to Critical Failure. a d100 is always used for the roll
4. Have fun! (this is mandatory)

I will be around all night to run the thread, I hope we can gain some traction!

Our first vote is to determine race and starting location. As per rule 2, feel free to include any specifics with your choice!
Breeding: Exceptional
Melee: Average
Ranged: Exceptional
Magic: Average
Technology: Average
Diplomacy: Average
>River Valley
So far Humans in the Mountains is in the lead!
I will give the voting another hour before locking it in
Humans, reef.
Humans as the race are in the lead, but the decision is split between Mountains and Reef

When the time limit is up Mountains will be locked in
Human Mountains
Alright Humans in the Mountains are locked in!

Choose your starting perk

Relics of War : Start the game with additional weapons and armor.

The land provides : Start the game near an easily accessible and valuable resource

A gift from the Gods : A mighty boon has been bestowed upon your people, will it lead to your salvation or ruin?

>A gift from the Gods : A mighty boon has been bestowed upon your people, will it lead to your salvation or ruin?

i choose mystery box
>The land provides : Start the game near an easily accessible and valuable resource
>A gift form the gods
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The low, distant rumble of thunder roused you from sleep. Cold air nipping at your skin as you shifted beneath the heavy furs of the bed. Your eyes creaked open and you drew in a deep breath of the sharp air.

The inside of your tent was spartan, but secure. The dark brown hide moved gently in the wind outside, filling the space with its grumbling. Quickly, you tossed aside the covers and made yourself ready for the day. The white sunlight that pierced through the tents opening told you the morning was well underway.

A) Make your rounds
B) Seek the Shaman
C) Scout
D) Other (Write-in)

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows
Food Supply: Adequate
A.) Make Your Rounds
>A) Make your rounds
>Make your rounds
You decide to make your rounds about the game. Pushing aside the edge of the tent aside you emerge to the site of an icy blue sky broken by jagged snow-capped peaks of mountain and icy wisps of cloud. You drew your coat about you as the steady wind passed through your body and swept your eyes across the green grass and brown tents of your camp.

Your tribesmen milled about the settlement and greeted you with a respectful bow of the head as you passed. A pair of hunters came from the Northeast, their eyes downcast. You noticed they carried empty traps and by their sullen look, concluded they had not managed to catch anything to eat. To the west, a small group of 3 headed towards the fields before the gnarlwood, to forage the edible and medicinal plants that could be found there. The thunder in the distance rumbled ever closer, and you could see dark clouds coalescing above the mountains to the far east. The thickening darkness obscured their sharp peaks as flashes of pale blue cast fearsome silhouettes.

The hunters empty hands concerned you. The food stores were sufficient for now, but they would not last more than a week or two if rationed.

A) Approach the Hunters / Go Hunting
B) Forage in the field
C) Seek the Shaman
D) Explore the Abandoned Mine
E) Other

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows
Food Supply: Adequate

A) Make your rounds

Hmm, humble beginnings, here.

Oops, didn't refresh


B) Forage in the field

Bring our bow and arrow, maybe we can catch a hare or two as a bonus
A) Approach the Hunters / Go Hunting
Tie breaker in 8 minutes (10:40pm)
You had enough faith in the hunters abilities to know your own expedition would yield the same result. You cast your gaze westward, and decided the best use of your time was spent foraging, an extra basket of roots could feed the tribe for a full day or so and a lucky catch of a hare would help bolster morale. Quickly, you grabbed a basket, bow and 5 hours from the camp stockpile before departing towards the fields.

It was a moderate walk to the fields were your fellows had set their search. A pair of women stopped talking among themselves to give smiling bows as you approached. Your people respected that you led them from the front, even if that meant doing the mundane or menial labor alongside them.

Your efforts proved fruitful after a short while, the basket you had brought reaching half its capacity with edible pants and roots. Nearby, a woman asked another villager if she had seen her son, her voice clearly worried. Not ignoring the situation, you learn from her that she had last seen her son over an hour ago, playing in the low hills closer to the forest, it was not uncommon for children to splash in the shallow pools or the grass.

Quickly, you began directing the adults, beginning your search by calling the boys name. It was not long before you found a clear trail, a pair of footprints in the hard packed dirt, heading towards the Gnarlwood.

A) Follow the tracks (Requires a roll)
B) Summon Reinforcements (Requires a roll)
C) Leave the boy
D) Other (write in)

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows
Food Supply: Adequate
>A) Follow the tracks (Requires a roll)
Roll 1d100

90-100: Critical Success
50-89: Success
11-49: Failure
1-10: Critical Failure
Rolled 47 (1d100)

>A) Follow the tracks (Requires a roll)
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

A) Follow the tracks (Requires a roll)
Is this Bo3 :)
Thread will resume later tonight after I am off work!

Sadly no, there are some ways to acquire re-rolls in the story however! Fear not, I do not believe in killing your character off a single roll, and certainly not off the first roll of the game!

>killing your character

wha-what kind of rabbits are in the field, OP?
Starting the write up now, excited to see where you guys take this!
You decided to follow the tracks, if the child was in danger, it would take far too long to muster a search party from the camp. You bent low, eyes following the trail as it wound its way through the field, drawing you ever closer to the darkness of the Gnarlwood. As you came to the top of another small hill you made a worrying discovery. A piece of torn cloth, still wet with darkening blood lay trampled in the soft grass. You called out to the others and they hurried towards the scene.

There were obvious signs of a struggle and new set of heavy footprints had left deep tracks in the ground, they were hoofprints, yet you found only a single pair of the tracks. It was easy to follow them and your heart sank as you realized where they led. The boy had been taken, dead or alive, into the Gnarlwood.

You took stock of those with you; two women and a single male, all unarmed. Your grip tightened about the bow, you could follow alone, but would your weapons be enough?

As you pondered, a distant braying came from within the woods. A loathsome, feral call of savage triumph. It was returned by another. more distant call, carried through the tangle of trees by the flowing breeze. If the child still lived, his time was running out.

A) Pursue the child alone
B) Return to the village and assemble a search party
C) Forsake the child
D) Other (write-in)

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows
Food Supply: Adequate
I am concerned D:
>C) Forsake the child
Slap another into the oven.
omg 10 people civ
what a wild ride
>A) Pursue the child alone
every life counts, and it is not like we can mount a huge search party with 10 people anyway
Tie breaker in 10, so far Forsaking the child is the winner
While very life does indeed count, children do not contribute to your labor force (unless the players start using them!) So you can read your population as the number of able bodied people that you can leverage.

The tie breaker is in, and we are forsaking the child! Writing now
>D) Pursue the child with the other male, send the 2 women back to camp to gather and prepare the others, we may need assistance.

As we march through the woods, we need to make/grab some torches or start fires. Beasts fear flames, and we will banish the darkness if we need to search longer.
GODDAMNIT, rip little Jimmy. I was also going to say we need to have a chant to scare the beasts.
You had no way of knowing if the child was alive or dead. He was wounded to be sure, and you knew to respect the darkness under the towering boughs of the Gnarlwood. A bitter taste formed in your mouth, you knew what choice had to be made, but it still bothered you to make it.

"The child lost to us. Whatever creature this was has taken him beyond our reach." The mother began to wail and the man protested, but you silenced him with a sharp look. "Gather your things, we must return to the camp at once. If the creatures of the wood are willing to venture out under the light of a clear sky, they may grow more bold under cover of darkness." The man stifled a protest and you saw anger swirling behind his eyes as he ushered the women back towards home.

The camp was a flurry of commotion as you returned, the alarm having been raised by the grieving wail of the boys mother, which carried far across the plain by the wind. The tribe swarmed you, demanding answers. Your answers frightened them and raised calls for a search party, but, just as you had to the man before, you dismissed them. There was far too much to risk venturing into the Gnarlwood with a few spears and arrows and the calls you heard suggested more than one creature. A single pair of hoofprints suggested some sort of bestial humanoid, but you knew only of stories to frighten children that met such a description.

You stayed the crowd with a raised palm and drew yourself to full height. You knew your people needed to hear decisive action, for already you felt your position weakening in the face of their doubt. Your eyes scanned the eagerly waiting crowd, and you noticed the shaman was not present.

A) Fortify the camp (What fortifications?)
B) Breakdown the camp and move elsewhere (where do you go?)
C) Other (write-in)

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows
Food Supply: Adequate
>B) Breakdown the camp and move elsewhere (where do you go?)
Move close to valley and abandoned mine.
Going with this in 10 mins!
"We must move the camp!" Your voice was commanding and stern. "We shall find shelter in the shadow of the mountains and remove an angle from which we may be attacked." There were murmurs among the crowd, but none were bold enough to challenge your authority. Soon all the camp was in motion. Tents came down swiftly as support poles were removed, the central fire plumed white smoke as it was doused and your people gathered their meager belongings with great haste. It was fortunate that your tribe traveled so light, you could make good time to the new site, though you worried it would still be deep into the night by the time you arrived.

The Shamans' tent was the last to go down and you felt a touch of annoyance as a few tribe members stood idle and gawking. It was best not to chide them now, they were right to fear the shaman, and none but you or he were allowed entrance into the tent without a summons. You boldly strode towards the entrance, tasting the lingering scent of decayed flesh as you came near. The shaman has been quiet this day, an omen to be sure, but for good or ill you could not know.

Pushing aside the flap, you entered the large tent, head bowed low to avoid the swinging fetishes and charms above the entryway. Dessicated rodents and birds swung from crudely woven string, their stiff forms clicking as they knocked together. The Shamans' tent was densely decorated, in stark contrast to the others in your settlement, and far larger. A crude stone altar, adorned with the skulls of various unfortunate creatures dominated the far wall. The stone was stained with brown and red streaks of old blood and gore, remnants of the many sacrifices that had been performed upon it. It was there you saw the shaman, his bare tattooed head cast back, eyes rolled to show white as a stone blade traced a red line across his palm.

A pang of fear touched your heart. As chieftain, it was your duty to carry out the Gods will, but you felt out of place disturbing a ritual in this manner. The fire in the center of the tent flared and belched black smoke into the tent, casting the skulls on the altar in ominous shadow. You had been noticed, by one entity or another.

Suddenly, the shamans' eyes snapped to focus, and his intense gaze soon found yours as he twisted to face you.

"Chieftain," said the Shaman with a smile of yellowed teeth. "It is good that you have come, I have much to discuss with you." He held up his bleeding palm, to show a symbol of a crescent moon carved into the scar tissue. "The Mother awards her favor on this day, but Father does not hold you in such high regard." He moved towards the fire and sprinkled some mixture from a hidden pouch into the flame. It sparked and sputtered, before turning a hazy blue. The black smoke began to leave the room.

"And what of Grandfather?" You asked, half earnestly and half as formality, even in times of crisis, respect must be given where it was due. The shaman shrugged and gave a dry laugh.

"Grandfather is sleeping." Said the shaman, "But Sister tells me he is dreaming." His eyes sparked with glee as he said this.

"Sister tells you many things." You replied.

"It is because I am her favored." Grinned the shaman as he touched the mottled scars about his lips. "A pity we are not all so fortunate." He laughed. "Do you wish to know of Grandfathers' dream?"

A) Tell me of this dream
B) We are moving camp, prepare your things
C) What do you know of the Gnarlwood?
D) Other (write-in)

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows
Food Supply: Adequate
>A) Tell me of this dream
"In the abyss where shadows dwell and light dares not intrude, Grandfather stirs. His slumber is a tapestry of twisted visions, a world reshaped by wild forces where nightmares walk with form. Through the veil of his dreams, a beast of many faces emerges, each visage yearning for a distinct tribute, a unique offering. Eyes gleam with ancient hunger, breath tainted by decay and forgotten power. Echoes of his dreams carry the cries of the forest, the eerie braying of creatures neither man nor beast. At the heart of this darkness, a cocoon pulses with sinister life, awaiting the moment to unleash its monstrous gift. Tread carefully, for the path to power is fraught with peril, and the cost of awakening may demand more than you are willing to sacrifice." The shaman closed his eyes in satisfaction before regarding you again. "This is what Sister told me." His excitement was palpable.

"What do you make of this message?" You ask, it was your duty to carry out the pantheon's will, but you were ever a poor interpreter of it. The shaman frowned.

"It is clear there is a gift that has been given to us, a great boon, a reward of favor and recognition for we,the devoted and the pious." He gestured towards the West. "It is not often that any are given Grandfather's favor." His eyes narrowed and met yours. "It would be wise that we do not squander it."You held his gaze for a moment before replying. The Shaman was a worthy priest and a valued ally, but he played games with power and needed to be reminded of authority from time to time.

"A child was taken into the wood by some foul creature. I have ordered the encampment be moved nearer to the mine, we will be safer there." The shamans eyes softened a bit and he glanced at the floor.

"A pity about the child." He said at length. "We have so few to spare, each life is worth so much." His gaze moved to the stained altar. "I do not know how much time we have to find this gift, Sister took great glee in keeping these details secret from me. But I smell blood, a great deal of it. I believe we must make haste before we lose favor, but we will need more in the way of weapons to do so."

"Will your magics not avail us?" You asked, but the shaman shook his head.

"My craft is not so straightforward." He said with an almost insulted tone. "But I am not ignorant to the ways of war." He turned and began to rummage through the furs of his bedroll, before uncovering a spear, richly decorated with charms and carved with the symbols of the pantheon. He held the spear out to you. "Brother accepts my craftmanship, though I am far from a true smith."

You reach out, accepting the spear with palms up. It was time to make a decision

A) Write in your choice

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows, 1 Ornate Spear
Food Supply: Adequate
We'll head to the mines forge weapons.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

2nd, talk to the mother and father that lost their child, arm the father with spears. We must retaliate. If the beast view us as prey it will only get worse, arm ourselves and begin a hunt.

>Perhaps we find a wolf child- the boy raised by wolves.
Shaman is suffering from schizophrenia. Put him down.
"We must establish our new camp first.From there we can begin sourcing raw materials for weapons and strengthen our position." The shaman nodded his assent as you continued. "I will speak to the boys parents and begin a scouting expedition. Even if we cannot destroy these creatures, determining their location and numbers will help us make our next steps. Prepare your things shaman, we leave at once." You did not wait for his bow to complete before heading out of the tent. Your new plan would require your full attention and there was much to be done.

"Such resourcefulness in the face of adversity." The shaman called as you left."This is why you have earned Mothers' favor, use it well friend, while it lasts."

It took the all day and abetter part of the night to relocate the camp, but thanks to cloudless skies and a full moon, your new campsite was established safely within the shadow of the mountains. The new location allowed for easier defense, as it was unlikely for an attack to come from the craggy slopes behind. The abandoned mine was now more accessible, and you resolved to scout it further when you had time to spare. For now, you instructed the pair of hunters to make a small expedition in the morning, hoping they could find some usable materials in the area of the mine near the entrance. It would be too dangerous for them to go deeper, and so you forbade any foray that would leave the entrance to the mine out of sight.

The grieving parents were all too eager to arm themselves and head into the wood, but the long march back even to the forests edge would be too great a challenge after the events of the day. You would make your way towards the woods after the hunters returned from scouting the mine, it gave the other members of the tribe a moment to rest and ensured that more hands would be present for the camps defense.

Roll to see what the hunters find!

80-100: Critical Success
55-79: Success
6-54: Failure
1-5: Critical Failure

We also need names for our Tribe, The Player Character and the Shaman!

Population:10 People
Supplies: 3 Spears, 2 Bows, 20 Arrows, 1 Ornate Spear
Food Supply: Adequate
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 58 (1d100)


man, we need to secure food and make more people
our tribe is really small
Caught up.
I believe only the first roll is taken so I'll suggest names for the tribe and leaders instead.
>Tribe: Dedales/Dedali
>Leader: Asund
>Shaman: Pendor
anons pls evaluate
Bretty good

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