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>First Thread: >>5976517
You suspect that the pilot, John Blackthorne, isn't being entirely truthful about the Erasmus—it seems unlikely that this is merely a trading vessel. You hold your silence as the group of Japanese warriors, clad in traditional Samurai armor, storms onto the ship. Their shouts and curses ring out, denouncing you and your newfound companions as "Barbarians!" To your astonishment, you understand every word in Japanese—an inexplicable ability, considering your minimal knowledge of Japan from your original world. John Blackthorne, the English pilot of your accidental refuge, attempts to communicate in halting Portuguese. "We are merchants of the Erasmus, a Dutch merchant ship. We were blown off course two months ago. We mean no harm. Please, wait—" His plea is cut short as a sharp slap from the leader of the Japanese, a young Samurai who you gather is named Omi, silences him. Watching the confusion and escalating tension, you realize Omi doesn't understand Portuguese. You debate internally whether to intervene and try to bridge the language gap.
>Take the initiative to speak to Omi in Japanese, hoping to ease the tension and clarify the situation.
>Act as if you are confused and do not understand the language, maintaining a low profile.
It’s back
>>Take the initiative to speak to Omi in Japanese, hoping to ease the tension and clarify the situation.
sorry-masen. Ohio gojai meet you.
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You step forward, clearing your throat nervously as you address Omi in deliberately fragmented Japanese. "Sumimasen. Ohio gozaimasu," you say, bowing slightly. You choose to speak imperfectly, hoping to present yourself as just a foreigner who has picked up bits of the language, not as someone mysteriously fluent. Omi's eyes narrow as he scrutinizes you. "You can speak... Who are you, barbarian?" he demands, his tone tinged with both curiosity and distrust. Beside you, John Blackthorne's gaze sharpens, his surprise evident. The English pilot obviously hadn't anticipated your ability to understand, much less speak, Japanese. His suspicion adds another potential threat to your life.
>I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage.
>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
>My name is David. I am a student from America.
Call me Yasuke (David is African American)
I am Obama. (Unrelated to the Obama in Japan)
>I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage.
>tell them about Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Let’s blow their fucking minds
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Taking a deep breath, you decide to introduce yourself with a name you recall from a video game—a foreigner who had once risen to the rank of Samurai. "Call me Yasuke," you say, hoping the familiarity might lend you some credibility or at least a neutral ground. However, your choice backfires spectacularly. "Yasuke? That's the name of the sword carrier for Oda Nobunaga, the tyrant who ruled before the Taisho!" Omi exclaims, his face contorting with anger. "He's too dangerous to be kept alive." "Wait—" you start, but your plea is cut short as Omi draws his sword in one swift, fluid motion. The world tilts as pain flashes sharply across your neck, your vision blurring into darkness.
"Save loading....."
"You can speak... Who are you, barbarian?" You're back to the moment Omi is questioning your identity, his face etched with suspicion. Realizing the grave mistake of your previous choice, you swallow hard and opt for a simpler truth this time. "I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage." Omi's eyes narrow as he assesses you, the mistrust palpable. "We shall see who you really are," he declares coldly. He then turns to his men, commanding, "Let's take the barbarians back to Ajiro!" As you're escorted away, John Blackthorne leans closer, his voice a hushed whisper tinged with suspicion. "How do you know the language of the Japans?"
>I picked up a few phrases here and there, nothing more.
>It's a long story, one best saved for a safer time.
>That's none of your business, Blackthorne.
>Japanese oiran pussy go crazy
>It's a long story, one best saved for a safer time.

Write in: my apologies my good lord- but I have a pention for story telling, something not appropriate here.
>>It's a long story, one best saved for a safer time.
>It's a long story, one best saved for a safer time.
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"It's a long story, one best saved for a safer time," you say, deflecting John Blackthorne's probing with a nonchalant shrug. Soon, you and Blackthorne are ushered through the narrow streets of a Japanese village, paraded like exotic animals. Curious villagers peer at you, their whispers of "Barbarian" and "Christian" floating through the air. You are eventually brought before a man with cruel eyes, who you gather is the ruling lord of this area. His eyes are sharp and calculating as he surveys you from his elevated seat, a mocking smirk playing across his lips. A Portuguese priest steps forward to translate, breaking the silence. "Papist prick," Blackthorne mutters under his breath, his disdain for Catholics barely contained as he glares at the priest. The priest, oblivious to Blackthorne's contempt, begins to translate. "Our busho, Lord of Izu, Kashigi Yabushige, he wishes to know who you are and how you came to be in this land. Who are you?" he asks in Portuguese.
>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
>We, too, are servants of god, seeking peaceful passage through a foreign land.
>I am called David, a scholar from the far-off lands of the Americas.
>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
>>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
>>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
"We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel," you echo Blackthorne's earlier words in Portuguese. The Portuguese priest eyes you with suspicion. "Are you Catholic or a heretic?" he asks sharply. Before you can respond, Blackthorne cuts in, his voice sharp and defiant. "My name is John Blackthorne. I’m English. I will not be spoken for by Catholics! Not in Europe, and certainly not in this dark land. Go back to your sty, you papist prick! We’ll be all over this continent soon." The priest is visibly shaken by Blackthorne's fierce retort but quickly regroups and yells, "Lies! You’re a pirate, come to war on a peaceful Portuguese settlement!" He then turns to Yabushige and declares in broken Japanese, "Pirate! Evil! Make death!"
>You address Yabushige in Japanese, reassuring him that you are simple merchants, swept off course by the sea.
>You communicate directly with Yabushige in Japanese, exposing the Portuguese priest’s mistranslations and accusing him of trying to deceive Yabushige and his people.
>You speak in Portuguese, asserting your Catholic faith and explaining that you were a shipwreck victim who ended up on the Erasmus by chance, separate from Blackthorne’s intentions.
>You remain silent, letting the tension between Blackthorne and the priest escalate, observing Yabushige's reactions to gauge the best course of action.
>You communicate directly with Yabushige in Japanese, exposing the Portuguese priest’s mistranslations and accusing him of trying to deceive Yabushige and his people.
>You communicate directly with Yabushige in Japanese, exposing the Portuguese priest’s mistranslations and accusing him of trying to deceive Yabushige and his people.
>You speak in Portuguese, asserting your Catholic faith and explaining that you were a shipwreck victim who ended up on the Erasmus by chance, separate from Blackthorne’s intentions.
Why not both of these?
>>You communicate directly with Yabushige in Japanese, exposing the Portuguese priest’s mistranslations and accusing him of trying to deceive Yabushige and his people.
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"Tell them their ship is confiscated," Yabushige commands with a dismissive shrug, swayed by the Portuguese priest's accusations that you are pirates. The priest smirks confidently, "Yabushige-sama declares your heretic ship is now his. You and your men will soon be executed." Before Blackthorne can retort, you step forward, addressing Yabushige directly in fluent Japanese, challenging the priest's narrative, "Yabushige-sama, the words of the priest do not reflect our truth," you begin, meeting the Japanese lord's gaze firmly, "He seeks to deceive you and your people." Yabushige's expression shifts to one of intrigue, his eyes narrowing as he absorbs your unexpected proficiency in his language. "Who the hell are you?" he demands, his tone a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.
>I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage.
>We are just merchants. Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel.
>My name is David. I am a student from America.
>I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage.
>>I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage.
Mention religious conflict between the sailors and the priest
You respond, keeping your voice calm and even. "I am lost, just a traveler caught in a storm. We mean no harm to your lands. We seek only safety and passage." Yabushige snorts dismissively, clearly skeptical. "I'm told there are five hundred muskets, twenty cannons, and several crates of silver and gold on board that ship. You expect me to believe you're just travelers?" His question catches you off guard, stirring doubts about the true nature of the Erasmus. Could the Portuguese priest be correct? Are you unwittingly in the company of privateers? John Blackthorne, impatient and anxious, quickly asks, "What is he saying?" You translate into Portuguese, "He wants to know why there are muskets and cannons on the Erasmus." Blackthorne's reply comes fast and forceful, "Tell him we carry these to defend ourselves against the Portuguese papists who do not obey the law!" The priest counters loudly, his voice brimming with accusation, "You are a privateer! Here to slay innocent Catholics, you damned heretic!" As the heated exchange escalates, Yabushige watches closely, his gaze sharp. He then turns to you, his eyes cold yet calculating, "What are those fools fighting over?" You answer truthfully, "The priest is a Catholic and the pilot is a Protestant. They are different sects of Christianity. Their countries are at war back in Europe, as far as I know. They're arguing over their religious beliefs." Yabushige nods slowly, seemingly considering how he might exploit the conflict between Catholics and Protestants. He then stares at you with cruel but clever eyes, "And you? Which kind of barbarian are you? Catholic or Protestant?"
>I am Catholic. I was shipwrecked and merely found refuge among these Protestant sailors.
>I am Protestant, aligned with the beliefs of the other sailors aboard the Erasmus.
>I am just a Christian without specific allegiance to any church or creed.
>I am agnostic, unconcerned with heaven or hell, only with the here and now.
>>I am agnostic, unconcerned with heaven or hell, only with the here and now.
I respect only one god. Money
I am a Christian with no ailment or creed.

‘’I believe believing that he died on the cross for us and doing good deeds, being ‘honorable’, is more important than that’’ and point at the arguing catholic and prosident
Write in:
"I am disillusioned to much faith, God or whoever watches above cares for action, for ambition and little else. If you must call me barbarian then I'm the kind that's tired of men tearing themselves part and making poor representations of our homelands. The ship was armed to defend itself as these two have been at war since their division. Though the image the Priest paints is funny, if Blackthorn were a privateer I would be long dead abandoned in the sea or slain and roobbed, I come ashore and the first man to demand my head if on of peace."
>>I am agnostic, unconcerned with heaven or hell, only with the here and now.
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You respond with measured honesty, "I am agnostic, unconcerned with heaven or hell, only with the here and now." Yabushige chuckles, visibly both amused and impressed by your forthrightness. "A clever man," he remarks appreciatively. He gestures to his attendants, instructing briskly, "This one is interesting! Take him to a house, have him bathed, fed, and dressed in proper attire!" The Portuguese priest, displeased by this turn of events, protests vehemently, "Pirate must die, Yabushige-sama!" Yabushige rolls his eyes and snorts dismissively, "Do you have proof he's actually a pirate?" The priest flails his arms, insisting, "Lord! Danger! Pirate must die!" Yabushige exhales sharply, a clear sign of his impatience. "I don't have time for this Christian nonsense. Fine. You can have the pilot. We'll do it in my special way. But the interesting one lives. For now." John Blackthorne's complexion turns ashen with uncertainty as he's dragged away by Yabushige's men. "What did he say? Where are they taking me?" he calls out to you in desperation. Your heart sinks; you can't bring yourself to reveal the grim truth. You are then led to a traditional Japanese house, where you undergo a thorough bathing, are served a hearty meal, and dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. However, the tranquility is abruptly broken by distant screams that send chills down your spine. "What are they doing to Blackthorne?" you ask anxiously, turning to a servant who simply shakes her head and responds, "The Anjin is being boiled alive. This is Yabushige-sama’s preferred method for executing prisoners." The horror of her words hits you hard. Even though Blackthorne might not be the peaceful merchant he claimed to be, and could indeed be a pirate responsible for the deaths of many innocent Catholics, the savagery of such an execution deeply troubles your conscience. As you ponder these thoughts, the door to your room swings open. A stunningly beautiful young Japanese woman in a vibrant red kimono enters and bows gracefully. "This is Kiku, the most celebrated courtesan in Izu. Be grateful that my uncle, Yabushige-sama, has chosen her to spend the night with you," Omi, the young samurai you previously met, announces coldly, his face showing clear displeasure before he leaves. Kiku, the seductive courtesan, meets your eyes with a respectful yet enticing gaze. "It is my honor to serve and my duty to please," she says softly. Caught between the allure of the beautiful woman before you and the haunting screams of the dying Englishman, you are unsure of how to proceed.
>You politely refuse Kiku's offer.
>You decide to lose your virginity to the beautiful Japanese courtesan.
>You consider taking your own life, hoping to reset to a moment where you might alter your choices and rescue Blackthorne.
>Uncertain of how many chances you have left, you decide against risking your life for Blackthorne, a man you hardly know.
>>You consider taking your own life, hoping to reset to a moment where you might alter your choices and rescue Blackthorne
Make an appeal to preserve blackthorn. Too hard to fuck as Englishmanscreams2.mp4 is blasting
>>You politely refuse Kiku's offer.
>>Uncertain of how many chances you have left, you decide against risking your life for Blackthorne, a man you hardly know.

Unless you're French. Then it's sexmusic.mp4
I don't know which to choose
>You consider taking your own life, hoping to reset to a moment where you might alter your choices and rescue Blackthorne.
We need to help him guys!
Make an appeal to preserve Blackthorn explaining he pulled us from the sea, it wouldn't be right for us to not atleast appeal for his life... we owe him. In exchange we'll try to pry information from him and the priest after all the clergyman will likely offer tainted council exploiting his understanding of the language...stupid faith driven nuts that they are
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Another person might have ignored John Blackthorne's death screams to spend the night with the stunning Japanese courtesan, Kiku. But that's not you. With a polite, yet firm voice, you decline Kiku's offer, stepping out of the room. Your mind is set on a drastic plan—taking your own life in hopes of resetting to a moment where you could make different choices and save Blackthorne, despite his possible past as a religious fanatic and privateer. Outside, you find Omi. He's glaring at you, his expression filled with anger, possibly fueled by jealousy, under the mistaken belief that you had sex with Kiku. Driven by a mix of desperation and a need to change Blackthorne's fate, you challenge him, "I challenge you to a duel... for honor!" Omi looks at you, utterly confused. "What are you talking about, barbarian?" he demands. Frustration and urgency boiling over, you shout back, "Don't be a coward, come at me, you bastard!" The 'duel' unfolds exactly as you expect. Omi's reaction is swift and lethal. His sword draws a quick, fluid arc through the air. Pain sears across your neck, and your world quickly fades to black.
"Save loading....."
You're back to the moment you and Blackthorne are standing before Yabushige, the Lord of Izu. The Portuguese priest stands ready, translating Yabushige's query in his broken Japanese. "Our busho, Lord of Izu, Kashigi Yabushige, he wishes to know who you are and how you came to be in this land. Who are you?"

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